by Diane Scherff

Can you name the four American Presidents awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

In 2009, just nine months after he took office, Barack Obama was awarded the Peace Prize by the Norwegian Nobel Peace Committee because “(h)is diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority.”  According to the Nobel citation, the Norwegians wanted a U.S. president who would “strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” They wanted a leader whose decisions would track the “attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world’s population.”

Ironically, Obama is now known as the “longest-serving wartime President,” continuously being at war longer than any other American president in U.S. history and many want his award revoked.

Yet, President Trump, who is against war and has successfully negotiated peace deals, has been nominated for a second time by Christian Tybring-Gjedde, a member of the Norwegian Parliament, who lauded Trump for his efforts to resolve drawn out conflicts in the world. In 2018, he was nominated (but did not win) for his efforts to bring reconciliation to North and South Korea and in 2020 for his work brokering a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).  Israel and the UAE reached a deal to stabilize relations, and Israel agrees to suspend its plans to annex part of the occupied West Bank.

“For his merit, I think he has done more trying to create peace between nations than most other Peace Prize nominees,” Tybring-Gjedde, who also serves as chairman of the Norwegian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, told Fox News in an exclusive interview.

According to Fox News, Tybring-Gjedde wrote in his nomination letter that the Trump administration has played a key role in the establishment of relations between Israel and the UAE. “As it is expected other Middle Eastern countries will follow in the footsteps of the UAE, this agreement could be a game changer that will turn the Middle East into a region of cooperation and prosperity,” he said.

According to an article in BBC News, “it is just the third Israel-Arab peace deal since Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948, and marks the first official diplomatic relationship between Israel and a Gulf Arab country.” Israel opens a new chapter with the Gulf Arabs.

The nomination letter also mentions the president’s “key role in facilitating contact between conflicting parties and … creating new dynamics in other protracted conflicts, such as the Kashmir border dispute between India and Pakistan, and the conflict between North and South Korea, as well as dealing with the nuclear capabilities of North Korea.”

President Trump should also be praised for withdrawing a large number of troops from the Middle East, ending a four decades-long streak of American Presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict.

“This is a hard earned and well-deserved honour for this president,” White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said on Wednesday. “Career politicians merely talk about the kind of results that this president has achieved on the world stage.”

Besides Obama, who didn’t deserve the honor, the other three presidents who won the Nobel Peace Prize were; President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 for “having negotiated peace in the Russo-Japanese war”; President Woodrow Wilson in 1920 for being the “leading architect of the League of Nations”; and President Jimmy Carter in 2002 for “his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts.”

President Trump has used his exceptional negotiation skills to create peace between nations with a win for all sides, yet the Left, Media, Hollywood and Academia (the branches of the deep state), will forever see his actions as falling short for a great American president…but we know better.


by Robert Blau

Two stories from this week made it patently obvious that we are wasting taxpayer dollars big  time on public broadcasting:

  • Yamiche Alcindor, a reporter from PBS,  has criticized people for standing to salute the flag during our national anthem and made many comments critical of the president, often taking his words out of context.
  • NPR helped publicize the view that looting can be justified depending upon the economic standing of the looters.

This is the kind of leftist drivel we have come to expect from the likes of CNN or MSNBC, who have long ago lost their claim to be objective news outlets.  But as bad as the mainstream media are, there is no question that their awful journalism and even fake news is protected by the First Amendment.  Free speech does not come with a quality-control function.  Additionally, we have a largely free media market, allowing us to change the channel or web-browser away from the mainstream outlets and go instead to Fox News, Breitbart, the Bongino Report or the Rush Limbaugh show.  It seems like ages ago that our only options for TV or radio news were ABC, CBS or NBC.

Overall there are more than 15,000 commercial radio broadcasters in the USA, and over 1,700 TV stations.  Every possible point of view is out there, and the media companies are able to stay in business by clever mixing and matching of news content with advertising.  In such a context, it makes no sense for taxpayers to subsidize NPR or PBS, and certainly not to support a government medium that takes pot shots at our own president and allies itself with subversive elements in the country.

The only place public broadcasting is justified is when it is in the service of foreign policy, such as Radio Free Europe, the Voice of America, or Radio/TV Marti, all of which fall under the auspices of the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG).  Public diplomacy, which now includes a robust presence on social media, is a necessary means of getting our message out to audiences around the world, who otherwise might be hearing only anti-American reporting, either from their own country’s media, from CNN at airports and hotels, or from international propaganda services coming from Russia, China, Venezuela, or Cuba.  I had personal experience with this during a diplomatic tour of duty in Communist Cuba: on the one hand as the object of nasty ad hominem attacks in Cuban official media; and on the other hand, providing portable radios pre-set to Radio Marti to Cuban citizens willing to take risks to hear the other side of the story.

So, the bottom line is: Radio Marti and BBG, sí; NPR and PBS, no.


President Trump wants to protect the environment. The left wants to punish America.

President Trump visited Florida yesterday, where he signed a presidential order to extend the moratorium on offshore drilling for Florida’s Gulf Coast. He also expanded the moratorium to include the Atlantic coasts of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

“Thanks to my administration’s pro-American energy policies, we can take this step and the next step while remaining the number-one producer of oil and natural gas anywhere in the world,” the President said in Jupiter, Florida.

? President Trump: We can protect our environment AND create jobs!

With fracking, the shale revolution, and the tremendous surge in American energy production, we’re showing that we can create jobs, safeguard the environment, and keep energy prices low for America and low for our citizens.

While America has become the world’s top producer of oil and natural gas, our country has also successfully cut greenhouse gas emissions and improved air quality.

The left’s agenda isn’t about protecting the environment—it’s about punishing America,” President Trump said. “Instead of focusing on radical ideology, my administration is focused on delivering real results.”

Here are just a few of those results when it comes to the environment:

  • President Trump recently signed the Great American Outdoors Act, securing the single largest investment in our National Parks in history.
  • He ended NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA, which has the strongest environmental protections of any trade agreement in history.
  • He signed the Save Our Seas Act to protect our environment from foreign nations that litter our oceans with garbage.
  • He signed the largest public lands legislation in a decade, designating 1.3 million new acres of wilderness last year.
  • His Administration has invested over $38 billion in clean water infrastructure and delivered upgrades for numerous projects, including Everglades restoration to preserve ecosystems and protect millions of Floridians from flooding.

We’ll preserve this glorious land for our children, for our grandchildren, and for every generation of American to come,” President Trump said.

? President Trump Is Committed to Conserving America’s Environment!

? WATCH: The last administration pursued a globalist agenda


by Diane Scherff

In an opinion piece in the New York Post this week, Jonathan Tobin discusses the reality of the Left using riots and violence in America if President Trump is re-elected. Yes, that’s right, the same horrific demonstrations against nothing that’s currently upending our cities will take a dramatic boost on Nov. 3 if the Progressive babies don’t get their way.

Jonathan writes, “The same forces that have wreaked havoc in the name of a false charge that America is an irredeemably racist nation may well inflict even worse damage in order to ensure that Trump’s re-election is thwarted.” He continues, “that’s the subtext of the talk from Biden supporters about democracy. Their ace in the hole isn’t an accurate count of the votes but the certainty that America’s cities will burn ­unless the electorate bows to their demands.”

We must be prepared…

WE HAVE RAISED $38,000 and the Trump Campaign raised over $210 million in August!!

Visit our HOME PAGE to donate directly to the TRUMP VICTORY CAMPAIGN. When you do, Trump Club of St Johns County will receive credit for your donation!!!

Trump Grassroots Team Florida Cultivates 2016 Trump Campaign Leaders

As the 2016 SJC Trump Campaign Chair, I was asked to participate in a new grassroots group added to help President Trump win in Florida. Our team of 2016 leaders and volunteers will help the local RPOF/REC teams get the job accomplished. Here are a couple of points:

  • National Polls now have Trump and Biden tied in FL!
  • Due to COVID, President Trump will be holding smaller group events in the state
  • We have launched the largest Poll Watching Operation in Campaign history. We will need to train over 10,000 poll watchers in FL for Early Voting and Election Day.
  • We also need a team of volunteers to call absentee voters who have unmatched signatures, wrong information, etc so they can be corrected and counted.
  • We will be getting materials directly from this group ie; Palm cards, signs, etc

In order to make sure everyone that wants to volunteer to be a poll watcher is correctly trained, certified, and scheduled, the campaign has created a sign up site at and this site will make sure all of the legal entities have the information. For more information, visit the Upcoming Events section of our Home Page. Click on the link Volunteer Poll Watchers Needed. Become part of the ELECTION DAY TEAM.


St Johns County Voter Registration Totals
DEMOCRAT: 51,012  
REPUBLICAN: 108,791  
OTHERS: 45,271  
TOTAL: 205,074


According to a new NBC News-Marist Poll out this week, President Trump and Joe Biden are tied in Florida, with the president holding a narrow edge among Latino voters.

The survey has Trump and Biden tied at 48 percent among likely voters yet when the polling data is expanded to include all registered voters, Trump leads 48 to 47 percent.

Trump carried Florida by just over 1 point in 2016 and the Sunshine State is a key piece to his reelection strategy. Biden’s lead in Florida in the RealClearPolitics average is now at 1.4 points, down from his high of 8.4 points in late July.

Among Latino voters, Trump leads 50 percent to 46 percent, a marked shift from 2016, when Hillary Clinton outpaced Trump by more than 25 points among Florida Latinos.


We must show our support for REPUBLICANS running for Congress in Florida !

Click on the link below to see all the congressional races in Florida!

FL Congressional Races

The Trump Club of St Johns County Supports Veterans and Law Enforcement charities just by shopping online!

St. Johns County, FL: The Trump Club of St. Johns County, the nations first and one of the largest Trump Clubs, has partnered with Patriot Publishing USA to help veterans and law enforcement charities by naming and as the clubs official shopping sites.  By shopping on these sites’ shoppers can save money and support either veterans or law enforcement charities just by purchasing items from hundreds of national retailers and save with 1000’s of coupons.

The sites are free to use, open to ALL and give a vast majority of their profits back to support great charities that support veterans, military families and law enforcement charities. includes a special Military Discount section so veterans and military families can take advantage of veteran only discounts.  The sites are paid a small commission when you shop through the sites.  You can either use a coupon or go to your favorite store page and click “Shop Now” which takes you to the retailer’s website.  Both ways help when you make a purchase.  You need to do nothing else. dedicates 90% of their profits to charity and donates 100% during this crazy time for law enforcement. 

Trump Club of St. Johns County’s President, Diane Scherff said “the club had just launched the new website and we wanted to offer our followers a way to help veterans and law enforcement.  Most people are not going to go to a rally, put on a bumper sticker or put up a yard sign.  They will shop online!  Now they can just click on the links from our website, shop and help!  It is a crazy time when radicals are calling for the defunding of the Police and our military.  We support our President and he supports our veterans, military and law enforcement, so this was just a natural fit for the club!”

Patriot Publishing USA’s Publisher, Eric West, said “during this economic downturn due to the China virus, charitable organizations are being hurt because donations are down.  Never has there been a better time to shop on either or!  We give back 90% and 100% of our profits to charity.  This works out to be much more as a percentage than Amazon Smile.  Besides, no self-respecting conservative should support Amazon.  Amazon has donated to Black Lives Matter, funded college scholarships for the children of illegal aliens, supports open borders, global warming and many other left-wing organizations and causes.  We are blessed to be able to help and we are incredibly grateful to the Trump Club of St. Johns County for their support and partnership.”

Patriot Publishing USA is a company of veterans and military family members based in St. Augustine Fl.  Founded in 2016. Patriot Publishing USA publishes, Military Deals USA magazine, and



One Response

  1. We need to change the law, all police deparment have to be IDEPENDE OF MAYORS AND GOVERNOR, THE POLICE IS TO NFORCE THE LAW NOT TO MAKE, THE MAYORS TO WRITE RULES AND GOVERNOR/CONCRESS TO WRITE LAW, Now is @ crime to order the Police deparment no to nforce the law and how to do it, the POLICE KNOW HOW TO DO IT and they need ALL THE FORCE THEY KNOW HOW TO USE TO DEFENSE THEY SELF AND TO STOP ANY CRIME, MAYORS AND GOVERNOR they don’t have any idea how stop a violent criminal, the police know is POLICE JOB NO POLITICIAN JOB.

On Key

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