Dear Trump Supporters,

WEEKLY SUMMARY; The World Economic Forum is doing whatever it can to show that we earthly creatures are wasting precious resources, yet people are waking up…they see the ruse. Look at the farmer protests happening around Europe. Layoffs are now accelerating, up 98% from 2022 to 2023 (more moving into 2024). European Central Bank asks some lenders to monitor social media for early signs of bank runs. President Trump has won Iowa and New Hampshire despite the Democrat switching to GOP to vote for Haley phenomenon making Trump the inevitable nominee. But the establishment will not give in. They want Haley to stay in until Trump is ‘convicted’ of something, anything, hoping he will give up. This will fail because we know their game and that the convictions are premeditated and false. Actually, this has helped President Trump gain more voters.

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust said the Democrats “repeatedly” used official resources for political gain, according to a news release on its website, naming Democratic Reps. Nancy Pelosi of California, Cori Bush of Missouri, Jamaal Bowman of New York, Sean Casten of Illinois, Greg Casar of Texas, Maxwell Alejandro Frost of Florida, Ted Lieu of California, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Ritchie Torres of New York.

NEW HAMPSHIRE PRIMARY; In our last meeting, I mentioned my theory that DeSantis would be dropping out of the race after the New Hampshire Primary…and he did. DeSantis also turned around and endorsed President Trump. My theory still stands in the wings…were DeSantis and President Trump secretly working together against the deep state establishment all along?

And what’s up with Nikki acting as if she had won the NH Primary? She came in second by 11 points even though 70% of her voters were non-Republicans!

Approximately 40,000 more people voted in the New Hampshire GOP Primary in 2024 than in 2016, with a 15% increase in voter turnout…largest turnout for a New Hampshire Primary. But it was all smoke and mirrors, as Democrats openly voted for Haley in an attempt to cheat the Primary in a state that has voted blue in the last two elections. Even with the Democrats’ help, Haley couldn’t keep her faux surge within single digits.

“Could somebody please explain to Nikki Haley that she lost – and lost really badly. She also lost Iowa, BIG, last week. They were, as certain Non-Fake Media says, “CRUSHING DEFEATS.” President Trump

After Trump won the New Hampshire Primary three times in double digits, he questioned Haley’s judgment when she declared a win in her post-Iowa speech. “Let’s not have someone take a victory when she had a very bad night,” said Trump about Nikki in Iowa. “And now in New Hampshire, she does the same thing? She is acting like she’s winning… and she is losing badly.”

The deep state must use these Primaries as a gauge of how much to cheat to prevent Trump from winning.

Trump is going to win in a landslide.

Nikki is working with Obama; To add fuel to the fire, it’s now being reported that Haley is working directly with Obama and his staff to stop President Trump. For all those Haley fans, you might want to reconsider.

We knew the Haley campaign was working with the GOP establishment and Democrat donors, but it is clear that she is an Obama puppet just like Biden. Oh, how the plot thickens…Obama never left DC…DC is one party…the Uniparty.

Watch President Trump’s speech below:

Next stop is Nevada, where President Trump is polling at 95%.

SCOTUS re-opens the border for business; TexasGovernor Abbott deployed approximately 30 miles of razor wire near Eagle Pass, Texas, as a barrier against illegal immigration which was challenged in court, leading to a complex legal battle. Despite setbacks in lower courts, the state’s efforts were momentarily buoyed by a decision from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, which was overturned by the Supreme Court’s 5-4 vote.

Conservative justices Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett (Trump appointee) sided with the liberals and granted the Biden Regime’s emergency request. This is the 9th time that the Supreme Court has sided with the Biden regime out of 14 emergency applications.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America,” Attorney General Paxton said.

Gov Abbott’s statement:

The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary. The Texas National Guard, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and other Texas personnel are acting on that authority, as well as state law, to secure the Texas border.

The Texas response has drawn backing from several other Republican-led states, fueling a growing standoff between state and federal authorities. Governors from Virginia, Florida, South Dakota, Georgia, Montana, and Oklahoma have publicly declared their support for Texas’s right to self-defense against the lawless Biden regime.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis expressed his stance, emphasizing constitutional principles and pledging ongoing assistance to Texas.

AZ GOP Chair attempts to silence Kari Lake; A leaked audio recording that surfaced earlier this week proves that RINO Arizona GOP Chairman Jeff DeWit, an agent of the Uniparty, asked Kari Lake to “take a pause” and step aside from politics for two years while offering her a job on behalf of people “from back East.”

However, Kari Lake retorted, “They’re going to have to f*cking kill me to stop me.”

Arizona GOP Chairman RINO Jeff DeWitt announced on Wednesday that he will resign from his position over the leaked audio recording of him attempting to bribe Kari Lake out of fighting against Arizona’s rigged elections and running for office in 2024.

He used the opportunity to attack Lake and play the victim card, claiming she “cannot be trusted to engage in private and confidential conversations.” He then represented himself as an innocent person in an “unpaid role that demands the amount of time of roughly two full-time jobs.”

Oh, how the tables are turning… READ MORE

The World Economic Forum;

“It’s laughable that you or anyone would describe Davos as protecting liberal democracy,” said Dr. Kevin Roberts, Heritage Foundation President.

Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action for America President Dr. Kevin Roberts was invited to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual conference in Davos, Switzerland, to appear on a panel about “What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration.” Watch his excellent response.

Obama is frustrated with his puppet in the White House; Earlier this month, we learned that Barack Obama advised Joe Biden on how to beef up his reelection campaign. Now, he ‘appears’ to have given up all hope for Biden’s struggling campaign and has advised him “to quit the 2024 race,” according to a report from RadarOnline. What Obama is really saying is, “Move over…Michelle (Michael) is coming in.”

A Rasmussen Poll shows that the majority of Americans believe that Biden IS NOT running the show… it’s Obama 🤣😂

Dems agree 28% 👈 WOW

Independents 53%

GOP 78%

JPMorgan CEO, one of the most powerful men in the world said that Trump was right; JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, says he may not like how Trump said some things, but that he was right about most things and tells Democrats to grow up!

“He wasn’t wrong about these critical issues.. that’s why they’re voting for him,”  said Dimon.

• He was right about immigration
• He was right about China
• His tax reforms worked
• He grew the economy quite well

He also begged Dems to stop attacking MAGA…very interesting!

Brainwashed COVID jab gatekeepers continue to push disinformation right until their last breath; The sports/big pharma journalist who tried to cancel Tennis star Novak Djokovic over not taking the COVID jab collapses and dies while covering the Australian Open. While generally respected in his field, Mike Dickson, an uber jab fanatic, heckled Djokovic and tried to railroad his career for his refusal to take the Covid jab.

– January 24, 2024 –

Statement: Maine’s Supreme Court Deals Devastating Blow To Crooked Joe’s Ballot Hoax

“This evening, in Maine, Crooked Joe Biden was dealt a devastating in blow in his desperate attempt to remove President Trump’s name from the ballot and to deprive tens of millions of Americans of the right to vote for the candidate of their choice. This disenfranchisement effort, lead by Crooked Joe’s Democrat acolyte and desperate partisan Secretary of State, was soundly rejected by Maine’s Supreme Court in a dismissal of the Secretary’s appeal of a prior order, which kept President Trump on the ballot. President Trump is confident that the the United States Supreme Court will ultimately be fair and eliminate these meritless, sham ‘14th Amendment’ cases once and for all. Until then, President Trump will continue to fight them off at every turn. Make America Great Again!” — Steven Cheung, Trump Spokesman

Pro-Trump super PAC raises $46 million in six months; MAGA Inc., a super PAC that supports former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign, raised more than $46 million in the second half of 2023 and finished the year with more than $23 million in cash on hand as it prepares for the general election.

More than a dozen contributions came from single donors who gave $1 million or more to the super PAC, with transportation executive Timothy Melon, heir to the Mellon banking fortune, making the largest donation of $10 million, Politico reported Thursday.

Another major donation came from WWE founder and Trump-era Small Business Administration head Linda McMahon, who gave $5.25 million. Additionally, Diane Hendrix, the billionaire co-founder of ABC Supply, gave $5 million. Oil and gas billionaire Timothy Dunn also gave $5 million, which is the largest single contribution that he has made to a political committee.

Just as the Democrat-deep state-uni party establishment is persuading non-Republicans to switch their party affiliation to GOP during the caucuses and primaries, our own St Johns County deep state fake-conservative groups are doing the same thing. These fake groups have rallied with Democrats to stop true conservatives from staying in office by calling upon liberal democrats to change their political party to Republican to run against our conservative candidates this Fall.

So once again we will have to fight to keep the Democrats off the Republican ticket. Please speak out against these liberals posing as us on social media. If not, we will lose our county!

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern between truth and deep-state propaganda.

And stop watching Fox!!!!

List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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