Dear Trump Supporters,

Iowa Caucuses; Trump romped to a historic victory in the first contest in the 2024 presidential cycle, winning by 51% while DeSantis just barely edged out Haley with 21% for a distant second place (Hailey at 19%). Iowa has 40 of the 2,284 pledged delegates up for grabs in 2024 to Republican candidates. In raw delegates, Iowa has the 24th highest count followed by Arkansas (40) and Minnesota (39). Iowa awards its 40 delegates proportionally according to the caucus results. By earning a narrow majority of the vote, President Trump will receive 20 of them.

To me, this was not only a huge win for President Trump in Iowa, a state he lost in 2016, but sets the tone for New Hampshire and beyond.

As a last ditch effort, one of DeSantis’ biggest influencers, Bill Mitchell, tried his hand at voter suppression when he implied that ‘elderly Trump supporters should skip the event because it’s cold.’ Remember, Douglass Mackey, the guy who is doing seven months in prison for a joke tweet about texting your vote (against Clinton), was much less than what Mitchell just pulled. Mitchell has since deleted the tweet.

Even though DeSantis took a slight lead in the number two slot, Hailey will probably kick his butt in New Hampshire as she is highly funded by Democrats and many are switching to Republican to vote for her…guided by uber liberal New Hampshire Governor, Chris Sinunu. I can’t think of another Republican officeholder in the country who hates Republicans more than Chris Sununu does. At one point a few years ago, he complained that there were just too many whites in New Hampshire.And he is backing Nikki…

WATCH VIDEOTucker Carlson exposes Nikki Haley’s donor Reid Hoffman. “He’s a friend of Jefferey Epstein. He was a visitor to Pedo Island, in fact. Hi’s also the guy who funded E. Jean Carrol’s sexual assault case against Donal Trump.

Tucker Carlson did a segment on Nikki exposing her Dem supporters…”liberal donors swing as a block behind Nikki Haley, giving her bottomless resources. That’s already happening right now.”

If you don’t understand by now, the Democrats are working with the GOP establishment. I’ve been stating this for the last year or so. That’s why they are working so hard to get Hailey elected in the GOP Primary. Carlson even admits Biden is gonna have a hard time getting reelected, much less serving another term yet the party cannot replace him, because that would leave Kamala Harris.

Stuck with two fatally unpopular candidates, the Democrat party/GOP Uni-party must run a Republican who has the same views as Biden and Harris, which is Nikki Hailey. DeSantis will probably drop out after either NH or SC.

Conservative Hailey followers should ask themselves, why so many Democrats want Haley on the ticket and why so many Democrats are funding her campaign. Because she has the same platform and they say she will be the easier candidate to beat. As stated before, Democras switching to Republican to vote for Hailey will boomerange. Even thought they believe a vote for Hailey is a vote for Biden, and for them it is, President Trump will pounce Biden (or the second Obama) in the general election. Just wait.

There is much more to divulge on the Nikki Hailey front but please note the importance of what’s really happening here. The Democrat party is working directly with the GOP establishment to stop President Trump. And stop watching Fox for crying out loud! They are part of the scheme! They were first behind DeSantis and now I think they have realized that he may be a plant for the Trump campaign to expose Hailey.

The people want their President back and the good people of Iowa were the first to prove MAGA is stronger than ever. Make caucuses great again around the entire nation. When the people control the process, the outcome reflects their will.

Follow the next primaries/caucuses. Missouri, Nevada, North Dakota and Wyoming hold caucuses such as Iowa.








President Trump’s superb victory speech in Iowa wasn’t carried on MSM;

Although that is not surprising, the fact that Senator Rubio screamed this injustice of the networks’ lack of coverage for President Trump was. Rubio appeared on ‘Maddow’ and rightly excoriated this decision:

“What’s really changed is not just the partisan tone of the coverage. But now this effort to say we’re not going to carry his speech, we’re not going to let you hear what he has to say. We will interpret it and we will put out the snippets that we want you to hear but we’ve made the decision to no longer carry it. This is exactly how state-run media is used by authoritarian governments. To delegitimize, to discredit, to basically make people believe there is no alternative but to regime and to their rule. And that’s destroying the media in this country. It’s why at this point no one believes anything they see or hear anymore.”

You go boy!

Watch President Trump’s very presidential speech: (it’s the only ‘full’ speech I could find on YouTube, otherwise I would never use Fox)


Speaking of President Trump; The National Pulse is reporting that bizarro advice columnist and rape fantasist E Jean Carrol, who claimed President Trump raped her in Bergdorfs in the 90’s, has admitted that former husband to Kelly Anne Conway, George Conway, convinced her to sue President Trump following a meeting at a party hosted by far-left columnist Molly Jong-Fast. The claim, now confirmed by Carroll, was initially reported in April 2023. In addition to Carroll’s admission over the far-left plot against Trump, she also disclosed under questioning by her own counsel that she told friends and colleagues she was okay, despite the President’s denials over sexually abusing her in a Bergdorf Goodman changing room in the mid-90s. When questioned about her upbeat demeanor, she responded in court on Wednesday: “That’s the public E. Jean.” She’s nuts, folks!

During the questioning, Carroll also let slip that she embarked upon a media tour about her story about the 45th President because “journalists wanted to hear about President Trump.” She added: “I saw that the book was not selling, so I tried to talk about it.” 

This civil case, and many others, raise important questions about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which are governed by Congress and have been weaponized by uni-party leftists to persecute their political opposition. It’s a matter of public record that leftists have been packing key judicial roles, Judges, AGs, DAs, with activists and have relaxed standards and lowered thresholds within the rules. The fact that Carroll could obtain her decision from Kaplan, who presided over the case, without so much as a date of the alleged act, is a red flag about the current legal landscape.



Maine judge delays decision on removing Trump from the ballot until the Supreme Court rules in Colorado case; A Maine judge on Wednesday put a decision on hold for President Trump’s ballot status to allow time for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a similar case in Colorado. President Trump remains on the primary ballot in Maine, which will take place on Super Tuesday.

Put simply, the United States Supreme Court’s acceptance of the Colorado case changes everything,’ Superior Court Judge Michaela Murphy wrote on Wednesday.

Maine is up against its ballot printing deadline, which is a critical path for ensuring uniformed and overseas voters can cast their ballots to be counted on March 5. SCOTUS has scheduled arguments for February 8, meaning, like Colorado, President Trump will appear on the primary ballot in Maine.

So please have faith…we are winning.



JetBlue’s buyout of Spirit Airlines blocked by judge citing competition threat;

The absurd ruling this week by a federal judge blocking a proposed merger between JetBlue and Spirit Airlines is a classic example of how dangerously antiquated and anti-consumer our antitrust laws have become…and how much control our government now has.

Yes, the proposed merger truly is a “competition threat.” But a threat to the major airlines, not to air travelers. The marriage would help create a fifth major airline, reduce costs, and expand Jet Blue’s fleets and routes to compete head-to-head against the “big four”: United, Delta, Southwest, and American. Ironically, the dominant airlines are breathing a sigh of relief.

The claim by the Biden trust busters and the federal judge that the merger would restrain trade, is solidly refuted by the chart below, provided by our friends at Unleash Prosperity:

The big four control two-thirds of the airline market but a merger of JetBlue and Spirit might allow these two combined airlines to grab 10%. Let the market reflect, the government’s stronghold is seriously delusional and dangerous.



Border deal is not good enough; The Hill reported, “In a House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) claimed Republicans are blocking a potential border bill from the Senate on “orders from” former President Trump. Crazy uber-lib Raskin claims Trump is guiding the Republicans on ‘the Hill.’ Actually, if we are to believe in Devolution, he is probably correct but not in the way he thinks.

To date, the draft reportedly included allowing 5,000 immigrants per day to enter the U.S. and issuing work permits to immigrants who American authorities release into the U.S. from the border, according to Immigration Accountability Project. The IAP first posted about the details on social media. That’s 1.8 million per year!

Why would any sane non-establishment, non-bribed elected official vote to allow 5,000 illegals to enter our country PER DAY? When will our elected officials in DC understand that closing the border NOW is the only option, then figure out a fair and EQUITABLE immigration process going forward?

The jury is still out on Republican Speaker Johnson, whether he swings establishment or not, but at least he reportedly said over the weekend he would “absolutely not” accept the package.



Team Trump New Hampshire Campaign Event featuring Representative Elise Stefanik in Manchester, New Hampshire

Representative Elise Stefanik will deliver remarks at a Team Trump New Hampshire Event in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Saturday, January 20, 2024, at 10:00AM EST.

Team Trump New Hampshire Headquarters
326 Lincoln Street
Manchester, NH 03103

On a local note, the St Johns County fake-conservative natives are restless and continue to call liberal democrats begging them to change their political party to Republican to run against our conservative candidates this Fall.

So once again we will have to fight to keep the Democrats off the Republican ticket. Please speak out against these liberals posing as us on social media. If not, we will lose our county!

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern between truth and deep-state propaganda.

And stop watching Fox!!!!

List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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