The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, and continue to push the “President Trump America First” agenda. We support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.We must get Governor DeSantis re-elected and take over the House and Senate in Washington!!!

Unfortunately, due to an increase in harassment and threats to the Trump Club and our mission by a local group, we will not be accepting any new members at this time. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience.

Dear Patriots,

Gov. DeSantis Takes on Disney: Gov. DeSantis is taking back the rights of the parents in the State of Florida! He signed the Parental Rights in Education bill Monday, March 28, 2022, which calls for a ban on discussions of gender identity and sexual orientation in the K-3 grade levels or “in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”

“We will make sure that parents can send their kids to school to get an education, not an indoctrination,” said Gov. DeSantis. The liberal LGBTQ group calls it the “don’t say gay” bill yet the word gay isn’t anywhere n the text! Even the Academy Awards ceremony alluded to it on March 27, when co-host and comedian Wanda Sykes said, “We’re going to have a great night tonight,” then added, “and for you people in Florida, we’re going to have a gay night.” These people are just pissed they can’t continue to indoctrinate our young children…actually this bill should go through high school and not stop at third grade.

Disney, you know the one who has provided entertainment for us and our children over the years, has decided to fight back against this bill claiming, “no mention of ‘Boys’ and ‘Girls’ allowed in Disney Parks from now on. The Disney corporation publicly says they will “work as a company” to advance gender sexualization for young children in Florida elementary schools. Disney entertainment president Karey Burke says, ”she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories” and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.

We must fight this indoctrination and stand behind Gov. DeSantis who is fighting back. Walt Disney is not owned by one single person as it is a publicly-traded company. The largest shareholder in the company is Vanguard Group Inc. which owns 137.8 million shares. Other large company shareholders are BlackRock Inc. and State Street Corp.

Local LGBTQ Trying to NY our FL: A NY resident who moved to St Augustine, Sara Bloomberg, filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Board of County Commissioners and County Commission Board Chairman Jeremiah Blocker after they rejected Bloomberg’s request to have a Pride Month proclamation heard at a County Commission meeting. A judge later ruled that he won’t force St. Johns County commissioners to consider a Pride Month proclamation.

Commissioner Blocker responded, “We are not going to be bullied and intimidated in St. John’s County by the radical left for following the rule of law and the Constitution. The role of local government is to uphold the constitution, serve the needs of our citizens and promote the principles of responsible government. It it is not the job of local government to promote and endorse a radical, left wing agenda that is inconsistent with the values of our community.

Myself and my family were attacked in the press and I was sued personally in federal court for refusing to allow our County to be a mouth piece for a radical, left wing agenda. My faith as a Roman Catholic was directly attacked and my affiliation with the Knights of Columbus was described as an extremist organization by this radical group in their lawsuit.

I appreciate the Court upholding the rule of law and the Court’s ruling speaks for itself.”

St Johns County Election Evidence: FL Senator Hutson said at our last meeting that he was working with the state elections division regarding potential fraudulent voting in SJC for the 2020 election and that there were approximately 200 questionable votes being researched. Secretary of State Laurel Lee responded to Sen. Hutson in a letter. Read here

“As for the substantive review of the voter records we are well into our review with the Supervisors of Elections when Defend Florida presented these records. It is important to understand that these 396 records pertains to 198 voter IDs. We have completed review of 318 out of the 396 records submitted to you. The large majority of these anomalies are the result of administrative errors, such as data entry and typographical errors in voter records. A review of the relevant voter history for these types of entries makes clear that there was not double voting or fraud associated with these records, and the Supervisors of Elections have been taking action to correct any administrative or typographical errors.

At this point, we have approximately 78 anomalous records left to review, and we are working collaboratively with the affected Supervisors of Elections to complete this process. Should we identify any voter activity that appears to be fraudulent or criminal within those records, we will immediately forward the information to law enforcement.”
Secretary of State Laurel Lee.

DC Swamp Rats: “Former CIA Senior Operations Officer John Sipher Openly Brags About Swinging Election for Biden with Disinformation Campaign on Hunter Biden’s Laptop”
Embedded DC scumbags always brag and pat each other on the back for all the corruption and lying they do to gain and keep power. A traitor to America who’s proud of helping this admin destroy our nation’s culture. This country is lost. Every 3 letter agency in this country is full of anti-American beliefs. Those who signed the letter lied so they could help the Biden crime family move Trump out of the White House. Trump was pro-American. Every American should be!

Progressive Repudiation: Florida Rep. Val Demings distances herself from progressive anti-drilling policies she once championed by co-sponsoring a $10 trillion THRIVE Agenda, which would curtail U.S. oil production. Now that soaring gas prices are being blamed on Biden’s “Clean Energy” policies, Demings is walking back her support for the Green New Deal. Isn’t that interesting how these progressives scream liberal policies then reverse their position when it doesn’t suit them? Go Marco Rubio for calling her out!

George Soros Criminals: A gunman suspected of killing two homeless men and wounding others in two East Coast cities in March would have been in prison at the time of the shootings if not for the work of one progressive Virginia prosecutor. A gunman suspected of killing two homeless men and wounding others in two East Coast cities in March would have been in prison at the time of the shootings if not for the work of one progressive Virginia prosecutor.

Hollywood: Another cry for ratings? Chris Rock, host of the Academy Awards, was speaking prior to presenting Best Documentary and made a joke about Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, claiming, “Jada I love you, ‘G.I. Jane 2,’ can’t wait to see it,” Rock was referring to her shaved head. Shortly following the comment, Smith walked onto the stage and appeared to slap the comedian before he returned to his seat and yelled, “Keep my wife’s name out your [expletive] mouth.”

Pinkett Smith in 2018 said that she was diagnosed with alopecia, an autoimmune skin condition that can result in hair loss.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt Reportedly Picked The White House Science/Tech Team:
Wait, what? Reports have tagged ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt as the source of funding that allowed the White House Office of Science and Technology to add staff above what Congress allowed. Several may have still been on Schmidt’s payroll, Politico reported, while also working inside the White House. That’s at least questionable. It may be illegal.

So, as we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilante and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County



1) Disney President of Entertainment Shares Corporate Objective to Promote LGBTQIA Issues Targeting Children
Put this in the things that make other things make sense file. As the Disney corporation publicly says they will “work as a company” to advance gender sexualization for young children in Florida elementary schools, one of the top Disney executives explains why. (Direct Rumble Link)

During a conference call to explain the corporate intents of the company, Disney entertainment president Karey Burke says, “As the mother [of] one transgender child and one pansexual child,” she supports having “many, many, many LGBTQIA characters in our stories” and wants a minimum of 50 percent of characters to be LGBTQIA and racial minorities.
Click on HERE to watch the video.

2) Inflation Top Economic Concern for Americans: Gallup Poll
Americans are increasingly concerned about rising inflation, which is at its highest point in almost 40 years, according to a new Gallup poll released March 29. The survey found that 17 percent of respondents named inflation as their top economic issue in March 2022, rising from 8 percent in January and 10 percent in February.

Inflation was a nonissue for Americans throughout 2020 and hovered at 2 percent throughout 2021 until October of that year, when 5 percent cited it as their top economic concern. Read More

3) Zelenskyy Worried About Western Financial Support After Video Surfaces Showing Ukraine Military Torturing Russian POW’s
Two weeks ago, the United States government, State Dept., CIA and their allies in Big Tech, made a public announcement {Go Deep} that stated violence against Russians would be officially sanctioned by Facebook, Instagram and Google. In essence, Big Tech said it was now okay for Russians to be targeted on social media. Today, video footage is leaked showing graphic torture of Russian POW’s by Ukraine military units. Read More

4) Val Demings Distances Herself From Anti-Drilling Policies She Once Championed
After Florida gas prices topped record highs, Sunshine State congresswoman Val Demings distanced herself from liberal environmental policies she supported just a year and a half ago that would curtail oil drilling in the United States.

Asked Sunday about her support for the Green New Deal and whether the Biden administration’s “clean energy” policies are “to blame for these soaring gas prices,” Demings said she does “not support the Green New Deal” and accused her opponent, Republican senator Marco Rubio, of “playing politics.” In September 2020, however, Demings cosponsored the THRIVE Agenda, a $10 trillion liberal environmental bill pushed by the Green New Deal Network. The legislation calls for a carbon-free electric grid by 2035 and ensures federal funds allocated through the bill “do not expand fossil fuel infrastructure.” Read More

5) House Legislation Targets Social Media Platforms That Allow Terrorist Accounts
A new piece of House legislation would mandate that social media platforms remove terrorist organizations and their supporters or face a $50,000 fine for every infraction.

The No Publicity for Terrorists Act, spearheaded by Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R., N.C.), is a bid by Republican lawmakers to crack down on the use of social media by terrorist sympathizers, groups, and countries known to promote extremist organizations. Read More

6) Fauci: Americans should prepare for possibility of fresh COVID-19 restrictions
White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci is again floating the possibility of COVID-19 restrictions. On Sunday, during an interview on the BBC, Fauci said that Americans “need to be prepared for the possibility” of restrictions going back into effect amid the emergence of the Omnicron sub-variant BA.2. Read More

7) Oil Rebounds on Tight Supply, Prospects of New Russia Sanctions
LONDON—Oil prices clawed back heavy losses to rise more than 2 percent on Wednesday on supply tightness and the growing prospect of new Western sanctions against Russia even as Moscow and Kyiv held peace talks. Brent crude futures were up $2.44, or 2.2 percent, at $112.67 by 1054 GMT, reversing a 2 percent loss in the previous session.

U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude futures rose $2.51, or 2.4 percent, to $106.75 a barrel, erasing a 1.6 percent drop on Tuesday. Read More

8) CIA Officer Who Signed Hunter Biden Laptop Letter Claims Credit for Trump Loss
One of the former CIA officers who signed a letter claiming stories about a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden were disinformation says he helped swing the 2020 election away from former President Donald Trump.

“I take special pride in personally swinging the election away from Trump,” John Sipher, who served for decades as a senior operations officer at the CIA, wrote in a recent post on Twitter. “I lost the election for Trump? Well then I [feel] pretty good about my influence.” Read More

9) How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree
A gunman suspected of killing two homeless men and wounding others in two East Coast cities in March would have been in prison at the time of the shootings if not for the work of one progressive Virginia prosecutor.

The office of Fairfax County commonwealth’s attorney Steve Descano (D.) in December 2020 charged the shooter, Gerald Brevard III, with three felonies related to his attempt to abduct a hotel housekeeper and later break into a nearby apartment. The felonies—abduction with attempt to defile, burglary, and possession of burglarious tools—together would carry a minimum of 26 years in prison and up to a life sentence. Read More

10) CDC Cannot Provide an Instance of a Single Confirmed COVID-19 Death in a Child Younger Than 16
On February 1, 2022, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted two Freedom of Information Act requests to the CDC for any documentation concerning confirmed COVID-19 deaths in children 11 years old or younger, and in 12- to 15-year-old children. On March 10, 2022, the CDC sent this astonishing response to both of these requests:

NCHS [National Center for Health Statistics] has not conducted the analyses requested for this age group and therefore cannot provide you with a data product. Read More

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

Col Douglas Macgregor Gives His Updated Opinion on Current Status of Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Col Douglas Macgregor appears for an interview with Dave Smith on his “Part Of The Problem” podcast. Col Macgregor gives his status update on the Ukraine and Russian military along with some excellent background information on the U.S. cultural issues which are driving the U.S. position.

Additionally, Macgregor overlays the economic battle both domestically and geopolitically with the currency war and talks about economic repercussions for the U.S., NATO countries, Ukraine and Russia. As noted by Macgregor when the Biden administration turned favorably toward Iran the Saudis immediately realized it was in their best interest to withdraw strategic support for the U.S. Read More

Governor DeSantis Review:

DeSantis Signs Florida Parental Rights in Education Bill

Finally, a governor who cares about education, parents and their children!
“We will make sure that parents can send their kids to school to get an education, not an indoctrination,” said Gov. DeSantis. The liberal LGBTQ group calls it the “don’t say gay” bill yet the word gay isn’t anywhere n the text! Even the Academy Awards ceremony alluded to it on March 27, when co-host and comedian Wanda Sykes said, “We’re going to have a great night tonight,” then added, “and for you people in Florida, we’re going to have a gay night.” These people are just pissed they can’t continue to indoctrinate our young children…actually this bill should go through high school and not stop at third grade. Thank you, Gov. DeSantis.

Epoch Times Article:

Gov. Ron DeSantis on March 28 signed legislation that reinforces the fundamental rights of parents to make decisions about the education and well-being of their children. The Parental Rights in Education measure, seen as controversial by some, prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation in kindergarten through third grade, as well as instruction that isn’t age-appropriate.

– March 29, 2022 –

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Great news! We have broken the supply chain problem and have just received over 100,000 brand new, sparkling copies of OUR JOURNEY TOGETHER. Get your book now in local stores or at 

The Washington Post spins a story off of a New York Post article from October 2020 (Read Here), exposing Hunter Biden’s connection to China and Ukraine selling access to his father for cash.

The Washington Post has joined the New York Times in authenticating 22,000 emails from the Hunter Biden laptop. Remember: before the 2020 election when the laptop was recovered, these were ignored by the media and the intelligence community as a “Russia disinformation conspiracy.” Twitter and Facebook censored the reports altogether.

These emails detail Hunter’s pay-to-play business “arrangements” with China and Ukraine. He was effectively selling access to his father – then the vice president.

In the first of what will likely be several stories, the Post details how a government-linked Chinese energy company paid $4.8 million to Hunter Biden and his uncle.

While there is no evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from the payments, the Post says the deal does “illustrate the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over Joe Biden’s decades in public service.”

Inside Hunter Biden’s multimillion-dollar deals with a Chinese energy company

A Washington Post review confirms key details and offers new documentation of Biden family interactions with Chinese executives.

The deal was years in the making, the culmination of forging contacts, hosting dinners, of flights to and from China. But on Aug. 2, 2017, signatures were quickly affixed, one from Hunter Biden, the other from a Chinese executive named Gongwen Dong. Within days, a new Cathay Bank account was created. Within a week, millions of dollars started to change hands. Within a year, it would all begin to collapse.

While many aspects of Hunter Biden’s financial arrangement with CEFC China Energy have been previously reported and were included in a Republican-led Senate report from 2020, a Washington Post review confirmed many of the key details and found additional documents showing Biden family interactions with Chinese executives.

Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate and its executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden. Read More


President Donald Trump is preparing for his return to social media — posting his first message on a beta version of his eagerly awaited new platform, TRUTH Social.

“Get ready! Your favorite president will see you soon,” Trump wrote in a message that was shared by his son Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter, the site that TRUTH Social aims to displace.

The site is expected to officially launch as early as Monday, February 21 — Presidents’ Day — according to its listing on Apple’s App Store.

To sign-up early, go to Truth Social


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