The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Dear Patriots,

Twitter and Elon Musk: Elon Musk closed on his purchase of Twitter on April 25th which was a good day for free speech and maybe more…

Besides the technological implications of the acquisition; having Twitter under the same umbrella as Elon’s other high-tech assets in satellites, autonomous vehicles, etc, there is the legal aspect. Musk buying the entire database of the main platform that was used to throw the 2020 election; that de-platformed the President and anyone talking about Hunter Biden’s laptop, including America’s oldest newspaper, The New York Post, may just help save the world.

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter represents a seismic shift in American political discourse.

Democrats and the media have benefited for years from seeing their voices artificially amplified through a cozy relationship with the multitude of tech companies. The goal has been to make their policies and ideas appear as though they are far more accepted than they really are.

Hollywood on Twitter’s New Daddy: “Comedian” Kathy Griffin called Elon Musk a “white supremacist” in a tweet on Monday. “Think of the damage Zuckerberg has done. Musk is a Piers Morgan level media thirsty, vindictive, white supremacist who is looking to convince you he is an innovative disruptor,” Griffin declared. this from a Hollywood burn-out who posed with an object that looked like the bloodied head of then-President Donald Trump? These people are sick….

Deep State Response to Twitter Announcement? The Department of Homeland Security establishes a disinformation Board with obvious agenda. The Fourth Branch of Government, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is planning to keep control over information, specifically public discussion on Big Tech platforms, even as Elon Musk moves to open the valves of information from the social media platform Twitter. CISA announced a new Dept of Homeland Security priority to combat disinformation on technology platforms including social media.

This CISA announcement was quickly followed by various government officials and agencies claiming it was critical to combat Russian disinformation as the events in Ukraine unfolded. In essence, Ukraine was the justification for search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, and social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube to begin targeting information and content that did not align with the official U.S. government narrative. You must regurgitate Russia is bad, Ukraine is good or else…

Previously those same methods were deployed by the U.S. government, specifically the CDC and FDA, toward COVID-19 and the vaccination program. All of this background aligns with the previous visibility of a public-private partnership between the bureaucracy of government, the U.S. intelligence agencies and U.S. social media. That partnership now forms the very cornerstone of the DHS/CISA effort to control what information exists in the public space. It is highly important that people understand what is happening.

Florida Takes Down CRT: Governor DeSantis signed HB 7 into law, the first bill in the country banning deranged “corporate wokeness” and racist Critical Race Theory from being used or taught in the workplace and public classrooms.

“We are not going to use your tax dollars to teach kids to hate this country or to hate each other. We believe that every single student matters, every single student counts. We are not going to categorize you based on your race. We are not going to tell some kindergartener that they are an oppressor based on their race and what may have happened 100 or 200 years ago. And we’re not going to tell other kids that they are oppressed based on their race. Don’t let anybody that you can’t succeed in this state. Everybody can succeed,” said DeSantis.

No More VAX Mandates in Mississippi: Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves signed a bill into law last Friday that, among other things, forbids state and local government agencies from withholding services or refusing jobs to unjabbed people. “Government shouldn’t be in the business of forcing Americans to choose between the COVID-19 vaccine & putting food on their tables, sending their kids to school, or visiting a small business,” Reeves announced on Twitter.

Another Federal Judge Goes Against Biden: A Louisiana federal judge has temporarily stayed Joe Biden from lifting Title 42, which was passed during the pandemic to help the government quickly deport illegal aliens. On April 1st, the CDC announced it was ending Title 42 as of May 23rd, explaining that the order “suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary” since there is “an increased availability of tools to fight COVID-19.”

Is Rep McCarthyin Trouble?: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is facing widespread criticism within the Republican Party and conservative media over recently revealed comments in which he said he believed President Donald Trump should resign and wished that tech companies would suspend GOP representatives from their platforms.

McCarthy initially denied making the comments, reported on by Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns of The New York Times. In response, the two reporters released several recordings of a Jan. 10, 2021 phone call between McCarthy, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, then-Conference Chairwoman Liz Cheney, and National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Emmer showing McCarthy’s remarks.

Yet ironically he received a standing ovation Wednesday from the members of the House GOP. What gives???

A News Anchor Might Throw his Hat into the Presidential Race: Tucker Carlson, the most popular Cable TV News Host will headline the 2022 FAMiLY Leadership Summit this summer in Des Moines, Iowa, reigniting speculation about the popular Fox News show host making a presidential run. The conference is hosted by socially conservative Christian political organization FAMiLY Leader, whose annual gathering is a regular stop for GOP politicians looking to toss their hat into the presidential primary ring.

Once again, our wonderful Governor continues to right the wrongs in our great state…(see below)!!! thank you Gov. DeSantis!

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

The Rising Storm Disney Can’t Wish Away

Corporate activism exposes companies to costly legal action, as shareholders and employees surely notice. 

Efforts by Disney executives to re-brand a company known for family entertainment into a political advocate for sex education in elementary schools and producer of sexualized content for children are taking the company into turbulent waters that may now go beyond irate parents to include shareholder actions, employee lawsuits, and civil rights violations.

On March 11, Disney CEO Bob Chapek steered the entertainment company into the political arena, proclaiming that a Florida law, which bans sex-ed in kindergarten through third grade and requires schools to notify parents about sexual issues related to their children, is “yet another challenge to basic human rights.” Disney will henceforth work to “combat similar legislation in other states,” Chapek stated. READ MORE


1) Biden Admin Says It Will Comply With Expected Court Order Revoking End of Title 42 Border Policy
On Tuesday, the Biden administration reluctantly acknowledged it would comply with a federal court order and not eliminate the border control health order, Title 42, put in place by former President Donald Trump.

Title 42 allows for detaining or refusing immigrants permission to enter the country due to COVID-related concerns. The Biden administration continues to support mask and vaccine mandates but at the same time has pushed for Title 42 to be repealed.

2) Exclusive: 6,000 Migrants in Tijuana Waiting to Rush U.S.-Mexico Border When Joe Biden Ends Title 42
President Joe Biden’s top Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials are privately admitting that up to 6,000 foreign nationals are in Tijuana, Mexico, waiting to rush the United States-Mexico border when the president ends the Title 42 public health authority on May 23. READ MORE

3) Georgia elections chief hints at organized effort behind ballot harvesting, registering noncitizens
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said his office is investigating ballot harvesting and the registration of noncitizens to vote, both of which he suggests may have been orchestrated by third-party organizations. His office did a citizenship audit of Georgia’s voter rolls and found more than 1,600 noncitizens who tried registering to vote, Raffensperger told the John Solomon Reports podcast Tuesday.

4) Trade Shock: U.S. Trade Deficit in Goods Jumps 17.8% to Record $125.3 billion
Economists had expected the U.S. trade deficit in goods to narrow to $105.0 billion in March after growing to a record-high $106.3 in February. That turned out to be very far off-base.

The Census Bureau said Wednesday that the deficit in goods jumped 17.8 percent to a record $125.3 billion in March. That broke February’s record. READ MORE

5) US, Russia agree to prisoner swap amid high tensions between rival nations
The U.S. and Russia on Wednesday exchanged prisoners – trading a Marine veteran jailed in Moscow for a convicted Russian drug trafficker serving a long prison in America. The swap is being reported by the Associated Press, based on information from what the wire service says is a senior U.S. official. READ MORE

6) Ukraine: The Second World War Continues
Nato propaganda tries to minimize the presence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine by comparing it with that of equivalent groups in the rest of the West. The truth is very different. Bandéristes have gradually taken over the country over the last 30 years, rewriting history, training the youth and changing all the symbols of the state one by one. They have indoctrinated a third of the population and represent a good third of the armed forces. Their goal is to destroy Russia, which they are trying to do with the help of the Straussians.

7) TN Governor signs bill to penalize public schools allowing biological males to compete on girls’ sports teams
Tennessee’s Republican Governor Bill Lee “quietly” signed a proposal that will protect girls’ sports. The legislation signed in to law will soon implement penalties against public schools that allow males to compete on girls’ athletics teams. Last year Governor Lee signed a measure “mandating that student athletes must prove their sex matches that listed on the student’s ‘original’ birth certificate” reports the Associated Press. READ MORE

8) Covid Vaccines Increase Risk of Severe Heart Inflammation Up to 120-Fold, Major Study Finds
Covid vaccination increases the risk of severe heart inflammation up to 120-fold, a major study from Scandinavia published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has found. The study looked at over 23 million patient records covering the over-12s populations of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden from the start of the vaccine rollout in December 2020 to October 5th 2021. READ MORE

9) Florida Sheriff Urges Homeowners to Shoot Invaders to ‘Save the Taxpayers Money’
A Florida sheriff said that he’s urging homeowners to get gun safety training while encouraging them to shoot home invaders to “save the taxpayers money.”

“If somebody’s breaking into your house, you’re more than welcome to shoot them in Santa Rosa County. We prefer that you do actually,” Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson told a news conference several days ago. READ MORE

10) REPORT, U.S. Gas Exports are Triple U.S. Gas Production, Low Gas Reserves Now Sends Prices Soaring
Another item in the long list of ‘thanks Joe Biden‘ stuff. Shortages in natural gas in windmill chasing Europe have driven up the prices significantly. The conflict between NATO and their targeted villain in Russia is only making matters worse. As the EU prices jump to $33/$34 per million British thermal units (BTU’s), the U.S. natural gas selling at $6 per million BTU’s is an absolute bargain. READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

Florida Governor DeSantis Review

· Gov. DeSantis signs bill creating election police force, hiking penalty for voter fraud

‘We need to do more to ensure our elections remain secure.’
Florida will soon have a new election sheriff in town.

Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed SB 524, which contains numerous changes to state election laws, including setting up a police force dedicated to voter fraud and increasing the penalty for ballot harvesting to a third-degree felony.

“We just want to make sure whatever laws are on the books, that those laws are enforced,” DeSantis said shortly before signing the measure at a sports bar and restaurant in Spring Hill.

The new law sets up the Office of Election Crimes and Security within the Department of State, the agency overseeing elections. In the budget for the next fiscal year, which DeSantis has yet to sign, lawmakers provided 15 positions and $1.1 million for the office, which will investigate reports of election irregularities. FLORIDA POLITICS

· Gov. DeSantis Signs Anti-woke Bill HB 7

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 7 into law, the first bill in the country banning deranged “corporate wokeness” and racist Critical Race Theory from being used or taught in the workplace and public classrooms.

The law also bans manipulative lessons making students “feel guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress” because of past actions “in which the person played no part” committed by members of the same race or sex. Sadly, this week five plaintiffs had filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of Florida using the Jacksonville firm of Sheppard, White, Kachergus, DeMaggio & Wilkison (904-356-9661), and arguing that the new law violates their First Amendment Right to indoctrinate children using insane racist woke ideology.

· DeSantis Fears Blue State Voters Could Begin Fleeing to Florida

Gov. Ron DeSantis said he’s worried that residents and companies from California are moving to Florida, which may impact the local politics of his state.

“There is cause for concern,” DeSantis said at an event on Monday about the phenomenon. “Texas would have all these companies moved from California over the years. So you’d have companies move from San Francisco to Austin, and they’d bring hundreds of employees with them. And those employees would vote the exact same way they voted that turned San Francisco into the dumpster fire that it is.”

Should California voters move to Florida en masse, DeSantis said he is worried that they would not make a connection between “leftist” policies and some of the issues that, according to him, have been plaguing California. “They will not draw the connection between their leftist ideology and the destruction that’s all around them,” the Florida Republican said. “It is a problem because I do think there’s a class of voters who would come to Florida, and they would continue to vote the same way.” READ MORE

· DeSantis’ Office Releases Examples Of Rejected CRT-Inspired Math Textbooks

Florida’s Department of Education released examples of critical race theory in mathematics textbooks, including one book that claimed conservatives are more racially prejudiced than liberals, according to a press release.

Florida Gov.DeSantis’ office announced Monday that the state’s education department rejected 41% of the math textbooks for reportedly including “indoctrinating concepts” and Common Core standards, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation. Florida’s education department released examples of CRT material Thursday after they received multiple requests from the public to view the alleged controversial books, according to a press release. READ MORE


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