Dear Patriots,

The Great Divide: Trump’s words ring true now more than ever…”We have waged a fierce battle against the invisible enemy.” The invisible enemy, it appears, is everywhere…including on the state and local level.

We are all disheartened about the 2020 Election and the mess Biden has made in his first 14 months in the White House, but fear not as good things are happening. Florida is booming, the deep state is losing and America will come back stronger than ever. There is a bigger power at work. Yet, as true conservative leaders continue to fight on the local, state and national level for our Constitutional rights, freedoms and Sovereignty, we have to contend with the deep state and liberal democrats who have made it their mission to conquer and divide. This only counteracts our mission for a free America and to continue President Trump’s America First agenda. We must stop the divide and come together for the greater cause. Republicans should not be at war with each other and true leftists shouldn’t be changing their political party to be faux Republicans just to run for office.

There are several groups out there passionate about taking back our country and we must stick together for our principles; decentralized government with limited powers, secure borders, the First and Second Amendments, strong national defense, reduced taxes as a means of stimulating the economy and advancing individual economic freedom, and preserving American values and traditions.

Let’s please find a way to make America First again together!!! Let the Leftists be nasty, not us. Remember, a substantial portion of liberal activism is devoted to trying to get people whom they disagree with silenced, de-platformed, banned, censored, or otherwise excluded from the ability to be heard.

Governor DeSantis: Meanwhile, our great governor is trying to “Make Florida Great” every day! Even though the deep state globalists are trying to “dumb down America,” Florida is trying to make students better prepared for the real world. On Tuesday, Gov DeSantis signed a bill that will require all Florida high school students to pass a FINANCIAL literacy class before graduating.

This bill, SB 1054, created by State Senator Travis Hutson, requires students to take a half-credit course in personal financial literacy and money management.

The bill is being called the Dorothy L. Hukill Financial Literacy Act after a former GOP member in the FL Senate who died in 2018. “Senator Hukill was a personal friend and it is my honor to fulfill her legacy, said Sen. Hutson. Every student should learn financial literacy before they graduate and start making real-life financial decisions.”

Great job Sen. Hutson, Gov DeSantis and the FL Legislature.

Election Bill SB 524: A big “thank you” shout out for the election bill 524 from Defend Florida CEO: Thanks to your efforts, Defend Florida was instrumental in the Florida Legislature passing the stricter voting laws embodied in SB524!

County Commission: U.S. District Judge Timothy Corrigan dismissed a lawsuit filed against St. Johns County government officials over a Pride Month proclamation not being heard by the Commission, specifically aimed at then Chair County Commissioner Jeremiah Blocker. The suit, filed in U.S. District Court in Jacksonville on June 3, 2021, on behalf of Sara Bloomberg, who moved to St Augustine from NYC with her wife in 2016, alleged violations of freedom of speech and other violations of U.S. and state constitutions.

In the court’s order, Corrigan wrote that proclamations are government speech, and the government has the right to choose which proclamations to accept or reject. The judge also rejected allegations of other violations of law. Bloomberg and others sought to have Pride Month proclamations adopted by the cities of St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach and St. Johns County government. St. Augustine and St. Augustine Beach officials adopted the proclamations, but the item was not placed on an agenda for the St. Johns County Commission to consider.

Thank you County Commissioner Blocker and all of the commissioners for standing up! Read More

Ukraine: As his country is in peril, Ukraine President Zelensky has declared martial law, banned 11 opposition political parties and has seized control of the media. He has literally made it impossible for ANYONE to run against him for president. Zelensky has in effect, seized the opportunity to make Ukraine a one-party state. Then he signed a decree that combines ALL national television outlets into a unified information system.

Zelensky has been solidifying control over Ukraine citizens for years taking away their freedoms one microphone at a time. What’s worse, is our own Congress has agreed to fund Zelensky’s growing dictatorship. Regardless of what you think about Russia, do you think the Ukrainian citizens are thrilled to have lost their democracy from their own country? Ukraine is not a model democracy with Zelensky, Obama’s puppet.

What if America became a “Ukrainian democracy?” You can bet Pelosi and Adam Schiff are salivating at that idea…to get rid of the Republican party and Libertarians once and for all.

Watch Video from Journalist Lara Logan about Ukraine and Zelensky.

(excerpt from the summary article)

If you think (this is a) CONSPIRACY THEORY, then I have NO TIME for you!”, blasted Lara, who went on to call out Zelenskyy, the “moron”, claiming he was “selected” while prancing in stilettos and black leather pants on “Dancing with the Stars”.

The Laptop from Hell:
Lifesite is reporting that Jack Maxey, former host of Steve Bannon’s War Room, has found a large number of emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop that have been deleted but were retrievable. Among the emails, Maxey and his team discovered “numerous national security violations that we found today, which are horrifying,” In addition, the Maxey team found numerous e-mails that show the Biden family’s connection with Metabiota, the bioresearch company that is involved in the Ukrainian bio laboratories.

“I have 100 percent, clear 100 percent, in writing evidence that Metabiota – you have heard me speak about this – that Metabiota [which] is inside Ukraine, working in those labs, is a DoD [Department of Defense] contractor, in writing,” Maxey said. “And just 15 minutes ago, we found documents that make it appear as if [Mykola] Zlochevsky, the crooked criminal chairman of Burisma, is actually one of the largest shareholders of Metabiota. And now America and the world can understand exactly why Joe Biden had to go over there and make sure that Zlochevsky was never prosecuted.”

Maxey also pointed out that he believes this background story is the reason for Biden’s election because they knew that they had, by their involvement in the Ukrainian biolabs, violated the rules for bio- and chemical weapons. This is a HUGE story and is exactly what we’ve been talking about. The truth is coming out!

Joe Biden and the Corrupt Biden Family:
Could Joe Biden and “family” be going to jail finally? In addition to the laptop from hell, new details have emerged in a high-profile case concerning the bribe made by the representatives of the former Minister of Ecology Zlochevsky and his gas production company Burisma, as well as the Biden family. The case of Zlochevsky and Biden, who were united by illegal enrichment on Ukrainian gas, has already become a symbol of international corruption. Now we learn that billions of Ukrainian taxpayers’ dollars were used in these bribes.

Iran Nuclear Deal: The Biden administration is considering lifting the terrorist designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in order to close a new nuclear deal with Iran in which Iran would commit to de-escalate its aggression across the Middle East and not target Americans. Obviously, experts warn such a move ‘would empower the Iranian regime and have devastating effects on the U.S. and its allies.’

From an article in Just News, “The State Department and U.S. intelligence community have for years labeled Iran the world’s ‘foremost state sponsor of terrorism.’ In 2019, the Trump administration designated the IRGC as a foreign terrorist organization, saying it ‘actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft.'”

The issue of whether to delist the IRGC is a final obstacle in striking a deal to place temporary curbs on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for removing billions of dollars worth of sanctions on Iran. This should scare us all.

Thank you to Jeff Childers, Gainesville Attorney instrumental in organizing a legal network to help families with hospitalized patients fighting CDC protocols. Lawyers around the country are volunteering their time to help connect people who are experiencing “dire circumstances” involving COVID-19 to attorneys with experience who are ready to help.

So, as we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Donald J Trump DID win and he DID make ‘America First!’ With the pages authored by each one of us!


Breaking: New details in the case of Burisma bribe, as well as new records of conversations testifying to international corruption and the external governance of Ukraine.
First, we will make public the documents revealing new details in a high-profile case concerning the bribe made by the representatives of the former Minister of Ecology Zlochevsky and his gas production company Burisma, as well as the Biden family.

Second. We will disclose records of telephone conversations between voices which appear to be Petro Poroshenko and Joseph Biden, testifying to the facts of international corruption and treason at the highest state level.

The third part of the conference will be devoted to the presentation of the colossal DemoCorruption network operating both in Ukraine and abroad. This network includes top officials of Ukraine and the USA, diplomats, officials and many others involved in stealing billions of money of Ukrainian and American citizens. Read More

1) Deleted emails on Hunter’s laptop expose Biden family’s ‘criminal’ ties to Ukraine biolabs, Jack Maxey says
Jack Maxey, the former co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room show and a member of LifeSite’s Faith&Reason team, has found a large number of emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop that have been deleted but were retrievable. Among the emails, Maxey and his team discovered “numerous national security violations that we found today, which are horrifying,”

In addition, the Maxey team found numerous e-mails that show the Biden family’s connection with Metabiota, the bioresearch company that is involved in the Ukrainian bio laboratories. Read More

2) Experts warn against move to drop Iran’s Revolutionary Guards from terror list to seal nuclear deal
With the Biden administration considering lifting the terrorist designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in order to close a new nuclear deal with Iran, experts are warning such a move would empower the Iranian regime and have devastating effects on the U.S. and its allies.

The administration is considering removing the IRGC, an Iranian military force, from the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list, according to reports. In return, Iran would commit to de-escalate its aggression across the Middle East and not target Americans. Read More

3) ‘Predetermined’: Mainstream scientists blame media, Big Tech for squelching COVID debate
Challenging COVID-19 conventional wisdom has given some scientists their first meaningful interactions with journalists — and left them wary of the fourth estate, they told Hillsdale College’s Academy for Science and Freedom conference in D.C. last week.

Catherine Stein, an infectious disease epidemiologist at Ohio’s Case Western Reserve University, anonymously criticized the state’s COVID policy and personally contacted state lawmakers to share her skepticism, particularly on mask efficacy. “What blew my mind was the fear-mongering in the media,” she said. Read More

4) CDC lowers COVID-19 death count by tens of thousands
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently lowered the total COVID-19 death count by more than 72,000. According to the agency, the government’s algorithm over-counted COVID-related deaths by 72,277 across 26 states, specifically including 24% of pediatric deaths (416).

On March 15, the data on the CDC’s website was altered due to what, in a footnote, was explained as a “coding logic error.” Read More

5) Volunteers Start National Legal Network to Help COVID Patients, Families in ‘Dire Circumstances
Lawyers around the country are volunteering their time to help connect people who are experiencing “dire circumstances” involving COVID-19 to attorneys with experience who are ready to help.

Patients and families of patients told The Epoch Times that they’ve struggled to find any lawyer willing to even talk about their legal needs. Tapping into the network that was officially introduced on March 22 will give clients access to information that participating attorneys have learned and shared about fighting COVID-19-related legal battles since the pandemic began. Read More

6) Newly Released Pfizer Documents Reveal COVID Jab Dangers
In September 2021, a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to obtain the documentation used to approve Comirnaty, including safety and effectiveness data, adverse reaction reports and lists of active and inactive ingredients. Read More

7) Navy Veteran, 66, Lives an ‘American Horror Story’ Since His Arrest on Jan. 6 Seditious-Conspiracy Charge
After more than two decades in the U.S. Navy and assignments around the world, Thomas E. Caldwell thought he knew the meaning of horror. That all changed in the predawn hours of Jan. 19, 2021.

Minutes after being jostled awake, Caldwell found himself outside in the freezing cold in his undershorts and a T-shirt. In handcuffs attached to a belly chain, he was dragged across the lawn by FBI agents and thrown onto the hood of a government sedan. Read More

8) PAIN AT THE PUMP: Tracking the Biden Oil Crisis
Gas prices are surging to record levels on President Joe Biden’s watch, wreaking havoc on American pocketbooks. According to the AAA national average, one gallon of regular unleaded gasoline cost $4.32 as of March 15. When Biden took office, the average price per gallon was just $2.39.

Democrats have responded by urging ordinary Americans to become Tesla owners like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), whose Model 3 Long Range has a retail price of between $46,000 and $59,000. Former comedian Stephen Colbert (estimated net worth: $75 million) said it was “important” for Americans to pay more for gas. “I’m willing to pay $4 a gallon,” he said. “Hell, I’ll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla.” Read More

9) Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Dies at 84
Madeleine Albright, who fled the Nazis as a child in her native Czechoslovakia during World War Two but rose to become the first female U.S. secretary of state and, in her later years, a pop-culture feminist icon, died on Wednesday at the age of 84, her family said.

Albright, a tough-talking diplomat in an administration that hesitated to involve itself in the two biggest foreign policy crises of the 1990s – the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Read More

10) Cruz To Force Recorded Vote on Biden Nominee Accused of Lying to Congress About Iran Deal
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) will force a recorded vote Wednesday morning on a Biden administration nominee who Cruz says lied to Congress about details surrounding the new Iran nuclear agreement, according to a notification sent by Cruz’s office to members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC).

The vote to advance Barbara Leaf, a veteran Democratic Middle East hand who is nominated to serve as the State Department’s assistant secretary for Near Eastern affairs, will serve as the first recorded congressional vote tied to a new Iran deal as it starts to roll out, which the Biden administration is expected to announce soon. Read More

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

– March 21, 2022 –
Trump Wins Stormy Daniels Case

The 9th Circuit just issued a final ruling in the Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels) frivolous lawsuit case against me brought by her disgraced lawyer, Michael Avenatti, upholding the lower court ruling that she owes me nearly $300,000 in attorney fees, costs, and sanctions (not including appeal costs). As I have stated many times throughout the years, I never had an affair with Stormy Daniels, nor would I ever have wanted to. The ruling was a total and complete victory and vindication for, and of me.

The lawsuit was a purely political stunt that never should have been started, or allowed to happen, and I am pleased that my lawyers were able to bring it to a successful conclusion after the court fully rejected her appeal. Now all I have to do is wait for all of the money she owes me.

P.S. The Fake News probably won’t report this story!

Governor DeSantis Review:

Gov. DeSantis signs bill to require financial literacy class for high school graduation
Another brilliant move for Gov. DeSantis! Making it mandatory for our students to learn about how to take care of themselves following high school instead of making themselves the victim in life!!! Thank you to

News4Jax Article:
Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Tuesday morning that will require all Florida high school students to pass a financial literacy class before graduating.

The bill, put forward by local state senator Travis Hutson, requires students to take a half-credit course in personal financial literacy and money management.

“This will provide a foundation for students to learn about the basics of money management, understanding debt, understanding how to balance a checkbook, understanding the fundamentals of investing. Any financial literacy has really been intertwined with economics courses, which you know, economics is a little bit different than financial literacy. And so we want a strong focus on economics, both micro and macro, but you want to also have standalone financial literacy,” DeSantis said.

Casey DeSantis Launches Digital Media Campaign to Educate Students on the Impacts of Substance Abuse
Way to go Casey!!! “The Facts. Your Future.” is a partnership with the Florida Department of Health and the Florida Department of Education, spearheaded by First Lady DeSantis.

Florida Daily Article
This week, Florida First Lady Casey DeSantis announced digital components of her campaign designed to educate young Floridians about the impacts of substance abuse. is a new website that contains “The Facts. Your Future.” content that schools, teachers, parents, and other stakeholders can download and use to educate children.

Let’s Help Get a President Trump-endorsed Candidate for South Carolina Congress,
Katie Arrington Elected!
Go to her website:
Katie Arrington for Congress (SC-01) Announcement Video


President Donald Trump is preparing for his return to social media — posting his first message on a beta version of his eagerly awaited new platform, TRUTH Social.

“Get ready! Your favorite president will see you soon,” Trump wrote in a message that was shared by his son Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter, the site that TRUTH Social aims to displace.

The site is expected to officially launch as early as Monday, February 21 — Presidents’ Day — according to its listing on Apple’s App Store.

To sign-up early, go to Truth Social


On Key

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