“The Trump Club of St Johns County debuted in 2017 as the FIRST pro-Trump, non-chartered organization to educate and inform Americans about President Trump’s agenda. Since the stolen 2020 election, we continue to inform citizens about the Trump Movement (President Trump’s fight to take down the evil deep state), help get pro-Trump-agenda candidates elected, GOTV (get out the vote) and hold elected officials accountable.

The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Dear Trump Club!

Flying Objects; Liberals are now questioning the government. Uber liberal Stephen King said he’s “not sure he believes that,” when the military said they don’t know what they shot down.

After a classified briefing this week on the “unidentified objects” being shot down by the Biden Administration, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy said no explanation was given and the government has not found the three mysterious flying objects shot down in Alaska, Canada’s Yukon territory and above Lake Huron.

Attorney Jeff Childers writes that former CIA Director Leon Panetta is now suggesting that “NORAD is shooting down some harmless commercial drones while the Biden administration let the public think they were Chinese spy blimps or aliens.” Commercial drones?

And we learn that US pilots were “discouraged” for years from reporting suspicious flying objects, according to Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Sen. Mark Warner. “Pilots were frankly discouraged from reporting things because it might then hurt your career,” the Virginia Democrat told Just the News. Hmmm, what?

And now China is threatening retaliation for the US takedown of their “spy balloon.” You can’t make this stuff up…

Germany’s Election Overturned; It Looks like the election deniers won HUGE in Germany’s capital city. Berlin’s 2021 election was marred by irregularities which included long queues and voters receiving incorrect ballot cards. The highest court then ordered in November 2022 that the election be rerun, which yesterday resulted in a win for conservatives and booted the Social Democrats who have governed for 22 years.

This sounds almost identical to what is happening in Arizona.

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab; spoke this week about the ‘fourth industrial revolution technologies’ at the World Government Summit in Dubai. Schwab talked about the rapidly changing technology of chatbots, digital identities and more.

The masters of the universe will control the digital world and in turn control people, according to Klaus Schwab. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is garnering increasing popularity throughout mainstream circles.

Oh, and GOP establishment queen Nikki Haley announced her run for president. Just the News reported, “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene excoriated former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley after she announced her bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.”

“Nikki Haley is just another George (or Jeb!) Bush,” Greene tweeted. “If we wanted a ‘Bush in heels,’ Republicans would vote for Liz Cheney. She is weak on the border, doesn’t want a wall, claimed ‘Legal Immigrants are more patriotic than most Americans these days,’ and defended Obama when Pres. Trump criticized his terrible open-borders policy,” Greene stated. “And Nikki Haley refused to support a transgender bathroom bill to protect children.”

She is 100% correct. Nikki was FIRED from the Trump Administration and is riding the Mitt Romney coattails of the GOP establishment.

President Trump was Right again; President Trump called out James Biden’s business dealings in the Middle East way back in 2020 during this interview with 60 Minutes. Lesley Stahl, of course, pushed back. Now we find out via affidavits that James Biden was hired to broker a secret $140M Saudi deal when Joe was VP, and James even says in the affidavit that he attended a meeting “because of his position and relationship” with his older brother Joe.

Long story short: Trump was right again. (click on the picture below)

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

THE NEXT MEETING/SOCIAL: Monday, March 13th 6:30pm – 8:00pm

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

George Soros and the Koch Brothers Control our Government Not the People….


1) With 100th Judicial Nomination, Biden Moving Fast to Reshape Courts
The Senate has confirmed President Joe Biden’s 100th federal judicial nominee—a major milestone in the Democrats’ mission to overhaul the judiciary in their efforts to bring “balance and excellence to the federal bench.” READ MORE

2) Republicans Call for US Military to Target Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Groups
A 25-year United States Border Patrol agent and a Texas Sheriff told Congressional lawmakers that Mexican cartels are pushing illegal immigrants across the border in orchestrated surges to distract law enforcement from drug-smuggling operations targeting other sections of the border, contributing to the corresponding wave of deaths related to fentanyl poisoning. READ MORE

3) Wrongly censored scientist seeks COVID-19 truth commission to expose ‘propaganda,’ censorship
A respected medical scientist whose accurate analysis on COVID-19 was improperly censored during the early days of the pandemic says the federal government and Big Tech played a “malign role” and placed public health at risk by colluding to create a false picture that all Americans faced the same risk from the virus and needed to follow identical mitigation strategies. READ MORE

4) China threatens retaliation against US for shooting down spy balloon
China warned Wednesday that it will retaliate against the US for allegedly undermining its sovereignty after the Air Force downed a spy balloon earlier this month.

Speaking at a daily press briefing, Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin reiterated Beijing’s official position that the balloon was an unmanned weather airship that was accidentally blown off course — and accused the Biden administration of overreacting in shooting it down with a missile fired from an F-22 fighter jet off the coast of South Carolina Feb. 4. READ MORE

5) ‘Dystopian’ homeless encampments overtake Chicago’s O’Hare Airport
Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport has turned into a sprawling, “dystopian” encampment for the Windy City’s rising homeless population — sparking serious safety concerns among staff and passengers, who say they’ve been followed and harassed. Shocking photos show filthy makeshift shelters set up inside the major travel hub’s terminals. One photo even shows a vagrant collapsed and asleep inside a terminal vestibule. READ MORE

6) MSU shooter previously charged with gun-related felony, charge eventually dropped: Report
The gunman who shot up the Michigan State University campus this week, killing three people before turning the gun on himself, was several years ago hit with a felony gun charge that was later dropped by prosecutors, according to media READ MORE

7) EPA’s $27 Billion ‘Clean Energy’ Plan Triggers Fraud Concerns, Creating ‘Taxpayer-Funded Slush Fund’
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released initial guidance on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) program that commits $27 billion for “clean energy and clean air” projects, but concerns are being raised as to whether the funds are at high risk of fraud. READ MORE

8) Officials say Biden manipulating border stats, blinding agents to fleeing aliens
Current and former U.S. officials are warning that the Biden administration has begun manipulating border statistics, incentivizing illegal aliens to shift from illegally crossing the southern border to seeking parole and asylum at ports of entry while blinding border agents by restricting their use of surveillance balloons. READ MORE

9) Chicago Dad Placed on Watchlist After Opposing Pornography in Schools
A Chicago father has learned that he has been placed on a flight watchlist after opposing pornographic materials in his kids’ schools. Over the summer of 2021, Terry Newsome—who described himself in comments to the Epoch Times as a “lifelong Democrat” until recently—was one of several parents in the 99th school district of Downer’s Grove, Chicago, who expressed opposition to books in his children’s library that had sexually explicit and pornographic content. READ MORE

10) ‘Keep Texas red’: Ted Cruz rules out presidential bid, says he’ll run for Senate again in 2024
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz this week confirmed to supporters that he will not seek a presidential bid in 2024, recommitting himself to run again for the seat he has held since 2013. Cruz made the announcement on a call on Monday night, his office said the next day. “I’m on the ballot in 2024,” he said on the call, according to the Houston Chronicle. “I’m running for re-election.” READ MORE

The fog of war is immensely thick right now. Chaos and confusion is [their] goal. As General Flynn said, we can’t allow ourselves to get caught up with “shiny objects” and distractions.

Utilize discernment, and keep your head on a swivel. Pay attention to as much as you can while also not getting tunnel vision over any one incident and/or topic.

And remember: the ONLY reason the deep state is currently launching so many PsyOps at the moment is that their back is up against the wall with little options left.

Keep the faith, Patriots. The waters will get choppy as hell but we were all built for this storm. Be. Not. Afraid.


Finally, I am preparing a list of Trump Club members’ businesses. If you would like to participate, please submit your business name, contact information, a brief paragraph about your business and a jpeg or pdf of your logo! Please respond to this email!!!!


On Key

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