Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic

“The greatest perpetrator of misinformation during the pandemic has been the United States government” -Dr. MartyMakary

Dear Trump Supporters,

Vindication is not always good. For the last two years, I have written about; COVID’s origin using my US/Wuhan lab “theory” early on, the importance of utilizing a regimen of Vitamin D, Zinc, Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to prevent and help cure COVID, and blew the whistle on government kickbacks to hospital administrations to increase COVID deaths. I’ve spoken out against COVID lockdowns, mask and jab mandates and controversial COVID hospital protocol. In doing so, I received countless negative emails from Trump supporters who instead believed the media propaganda calling me a killer for denouncing the jab.

Well, I was right. Unfortunately, almost 240 million Americans got jabbed and new studies prove the COVID “vaccines” were not only ineffective but dangerous with a severe increase in deaths and illnesses due to the jab. Not to be outdone, the government is now admitting that COVID was “leaked” from a Wuhan lab with US ties. Let’s see just how much truth eventually unfolds…stay tuned.

The J6 Committee continued to lie about what really happened at the Capitol on that day, even though they knew the truth; Since the Jan 6th event, many Americans believed the lying media and government propaganda, even some Republicans, that President Trump caused an insurrection at the Capitol. Fortunately, two years later, most Americans have figured out that the actual J6 “insurrection” was a planned set up by the Deep State Democrats to stop Republican lawmakers from presenting evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election on national television. Framing President Trump for an “insurrection” of the Capitol would potentially negate his 2024 Presidential run. But those misfortunate patriots who were let into the Capitol only to be later incarcerated, still remain behind bars.

A bombshell video that was obtained by the DOJ and shared by Joe Dan Gorman, the creator, and host of the popular “Intellectual Froglegs” videos, reveals how police officers not only allowed protesters inside the Capitol but actually held the doors open for them to enter into the interior of the Capitol. The rest is history. But at least now the truth is coming out. WATCH VIDEO

Florida Senator Proposes Bill to Eliminate Democrat Party due to their past support of Slavery; The Ultimate Cancel Act” (SB 1248), sponsored by state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill), would cancel the filings of any political party that supported slavery during the Civil War.

“The Democrat party adopted pro-slavery stances in their party platforms and this bill says that if you have done that in the past, then the Secretary of State shall de-certify and get rid of the party,” Ingoglia said. Regardless of its progression, it is brilliant…Ingoglia is bringing attention to the failures of the Democrat Party, especially those that were blamed on Republicans.

House Republicans introduce a Parents Bill of Rights; Giving rights back to parents in our country has made it to the floor of Congress. In the past would seem silly but due to today’s globalist agenda to control everyone, even our children, parents have to take back their rights. According to Speaker McCarthy, Bill H.R. 5 is based on five pillars; the right to know what is being taught in your school, the right to see school budgets and how they spend their money, the right for you to protect your child’s privacy, the right to know about any violent activity in the school, and the right to keep your child safe.

One of the Worst Mayors in American History, Chicago’s Loris Lightfoot LOSES!

As violent crime surged 61% in Chicago, their Mayor, Lori Lightfoot spent more time turning out dancing TiK Tok videos and telling President Trump off. Her huge election loss, she believes, is due to racism and sexism. Good luck with that, Lori. The wicked witch of the midwest is gone!

Disney and DeSantis; Every day, the Trump-DeSantis saga takes a new turn…

Trying to keep up has been exhausting. There is negative DeSantis talk and some Republicans are upset with President Trump’s insults towards DeSantis. So what’s really going on? Are they truly fighting each other for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination or is it all a game? Is DeSantis now controlled by his big donors like the Koch brothers and Fox News RINO Paul Ryan? We just don’t know…Both are great men, so we must ride out this storm until the sun reveals the truth.

We do know that one of DeSantis’s newly chosen Disney Board appointees is possibly a good conservative choice. Bridget Ziegler, wife of RPOF Chairman Christian Ziegler and co-founder of Moms for Liberty, an activist group that holds schools accountable to parents, is one of the members of the board. Hopefully she, and others like her can chisel away at the “woke” Disney policies.

Keep doing what’s right for Florida, Gov. DeSantis!!!

And locally, our very own Senator Hutson has filed Legislation to Promote Career and Technical Education; Senator Travis Hutson today filed SB 240, comprehensive legislation furthering ongoing legislative initiatives that promote career and technical education (CTE), with a focus on work-based learning linked to local employment opportunities for Florida students in Grades 6-12. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo said, “The legislation Senator Hutson is filing today builds on this tremendous progress by creating additional partnerships between local schools and businesses, expanding opportunities for students to gain on-the-job experience in meaningful, high-paying fields needed in our growing communities.” Way to go Senator Hutson!!!!! MORE INFORMATION

Finally, for those of you flying the Ukrainian flag (yes my neighbor still has one on her mailbox), please stop. Most of you astute conservatives have realized that the Ukraine conflict and the millions of American dollars and weapons Biden has sent to President Zelensky are NOT going to fight against Russia, but to line their own pockets. But if you weren’t completely convinced, Zelensky just announced his demand for AMERICAN parents to send their daughters and sons to fight on behalf of his country.  

That’s right, let’s send our children to Ukraine…no way in hel_!

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) House GOP Introduces Parents’ Bill of Rights, Speaker McCarthy Promises Action on ‘Historic Milestone’
A parents’ bill of rights legislative proposal co-sponsored by 76 House Republicans has been described by Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as a historic “milestone” that he promises will get prompt action in the House of Representatives.

“We’re making history here today,” McCarthy told an enthusiastic group of parents and their children on March 1 during a reception in the U.S. Capitol’s Rayburn Room. READ MORE

2) Despite Previously Being Banned as Too Dangerous, John Kirby Confirms Biden White House Support for “Gain of Function” Virus Manipulation
“Gain of function” is the innocuous sounding term for the manipulation of a toxic virus to make it more toxic. Gain of function is essentially the weaponization of a virus to make it more lethal and explore the consequences of the biological outcome. Because there are risks this type of research could produce a dangerous pandemic virus that would escape the biolab environment, “gain of function” research was previously banned. READ MORE

3) Probe confirms Capitol Police, feds had intel on Jan. 6 threat but failed to adapt security
The Capitol Police, FBI and eight other federal agencies gathered intelligence that extremists were planning to commit violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 but failed to adequately adapt security or get threat assessments to key decision-makers and frontline officers, the non-partisan investigative arm of Congress concludes in a stinging report that confirmed months of reporting by Just the News. READ MORE

4) Florida lawmaker’s bill would get rid of the Democratic Party
Florida Democrats took on tremendous losses last election cycle, and now a Republican state lawmaker wants to eliminate the party entirely with a bill filed Tuesday. “The Ultimate Cancel Act” (SB 1248), sponsored by state Sen. Blaise Ingoglia (R-Spring Hill), would cancel the filings of any political party that supported slavery during the Civil War. READ MORE

5) Washington Post walk-back on COVID origins epitomizes media fails of Trump, pandemic eras
It took The Washington Post fewer than 50 words to retract its 2020 attack on Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton’s credibility for speculating that the COVID-19 virus emanated from a Chinese lab leak — a theory now deemed credible by the U.S. government. The words spoke volumes more, however, about the traditional media’s record of failings during the era of former President Donald Trump and the coronavirus pandemic. READ MORE

6) FBI Director Chris Wray says COVID-19 virus likely came from a lab leak in China
FBI Director Chris Wray joined Fox News’ “Special Report” with Bret Baier where he stated that the COVID-19 virus likely came from a lab leak in China. “The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan,” Wray said during the interview. “Here you are talking about a potential leak from a Chinese government-controlled lab.” READ MORE

7) Pennsylvania Republicans demand Fetterman either appear on camera or else resign
A group of Pennsylvania Republicans are demanding that Democratic Sen. John Fetterman either appear on camera and demonstrate he is still capable of doing his job or, failing that, that he resign from his federal office. READ MORE

8) No, Trump’s deregulation didn’t cause the East Palestine train disaster
Facts are stubborn things. So, the best way for Democrats to push a good partisan narrative is to ignore them entirely.

That’s what many on the Left are doing right now in the aftermath of a disastrous train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio. They’re attempting to pin the blame for the ensuing chemical disaster on former President Donald Trump and “deregulation” more broadly, arguing that the Trump administration repealed an Obama-era safety rule that could’ve prevented this tragic accident. READ MORE

9) Nasty, Tyrannical, Foul-Mouthed Lori Lightfoot Concedes in Mayoral Race After a Third Place Finish in First Round of Voting
Chicago’s worst mayor conceded last night after placing third to Paul Vallas and Brandon Johnson in the first round of voting in the Chicago mayoral race. This woman was such a disaster.

Poor Lori, couldn’t blame this on any Republican or legal gun owner like she usually does. Instead, she wished Vallas and Johnson good luck in the next round. READ MORE

10) 3 Points of Focus for Supreme Court in Student Loan Forgiveness Arguments
On Tuesday, Feb. 28, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments for and against the Biden administration’s contested student loan forgiveness program.

As previously reported by The Epoch Times, the Biden administration announced its three-pronged Student Debt Relief program in a Fact Sheet on Aug. 24, 2022, just a little over two months before the Nov. 8, 2022, midterm elections. READ MORE

President Donald J. Trump to Speak at CPAC 2023

The Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) President Donald J. Trump will be a featured speaker at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) 2023 in Washington, DC this week, March 1-4, 2023, and will convene the top conservative national and international political and thought leaders who will address the critical issues facing our nation and the world.


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