by Diane Scherff

Our conniving and manipulating government and medical agencies continue to force an experimental gene therapy shot disguised as a vaccine on our doe-eyed population in public, and now, they plan to come into your home. This week, White House officials announced an intrusive and draconian procedure by the federal government to target ‘unvaccinated’ Americans in a community door-to-door outreach program to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates. Biden said that people will be “knocking on doors” to get “help to the remaining people” who aren’t vaccinated. This nazi-style exercise is in direct violation of the Fourth Amendment…our right to privacy.

As of July 1st, approximately 180 million people (or 54.6% of the U.S. population) have received at least one dose of the COVID “vaccine” and over 7,000 deaths have been reported (1% of the real number) due to the mRNA injections.  Not only will they be going into your home for you, but also your children. To reach their “vaccination goal,” the government began their push for children to get the mRNA jabs. In three months, a noticeable percentage of these “vaccinated” teens are now suffering from or dying of, Myocarditis (a severe inflammation of the heart muscle) within seven days post injection.  Yet, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), armed with this data, has overlooked these complications and continues to push teens to get vaccinated, and so does Joe.  Biden has to make his quota claiming, “this new Delta variant is particularly dangerous to young people…get vaccinated now!”  

Due to the increase in serious myocarditis events in vaccinated teens reported on VAERS since April, an ‘emergency’ meeting was scheduled, then postponed until June 23rd, of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). The results? Even after the data of myocarditis prevalence in young men and women (200x the background rate) was exposed, the members voted to continue with vaccines for children, teens and young adults.  Yet, the COVID death risk to this age group is 0.0000041! How can these medical professionals recommend a product more dangerous than the actual virus? How many children have to unnecessarily have serious complications or die?

The CDC is starting to feel the pressure as stories circulate of numerous teenage deaths due to the “vaccine” including Jacob Clynick, a 13-year-old Michigan boy who died days after getting his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Clynick, who died on June 15th, had no known underlying medical conditions, according to his family.

America used to be about freedom…about choice. Adults can make their own decision whether to take a “vaccine” or not, and parents can decide if their children need to be vaccinated. Period. Knocking on doors, invading privacy and forcing an experimental drug on us is unconstitutional.

If the death rate for children and young adults is nil, why do they need a vaccine? Our government is playing with lives…For every single child that dies, they should be held accountable. I pray they will one day.

Dear Trump Patriots,

Even though the Biden clowns and Pelosi shysters have introduced national draconian gestures towards communism this week, with door-to-door government “vaccine checks” and newly formed Capitol Police squads in Florida and California to watch Trump supporters, we are winning! The election audit in just three states could prove the win for President Trump once and for all by the end of Summer! Yes, this could happen!

President Trump is also attempting a large financial spanking on the social media giants; Twitter, Facebook and Google, who have all three become too big for their britches; the co-founder of Wikipedia has exposed his own online information source as completely one-sided now…the left side; and the Chinese government’s purchase for their own propaganda in America has now been exposed! So many good things are happening…

  • Just one week after the Nov 2020 Election, President Trump was leading Joe Biden with 232 electoral votes to Biden’s 226, pending the states of Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), Arizona (11), and Nevada (6), who were still under review or counting. With President Trump’s 232 electoral college votes, if you add Pennsylvania (20), Georgia (16), and Arizona (11), three states currently performing or requesting audits on a portion of their state’s results, President Trump wins with 279 votes (270 are needed to win).
  • As most of you know, President Trump on Wednesday announced a class action suit against social media sites including Google, Facebook and Twitter over censorship concerns. “While social media companies are officially private entities, in recent years they have ceased to be private,” Trump said from his summer retreat in Bedminster, New Jersey. “Social media is the default censorship arm of the U.S. government.” The suit specifically names Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Google and CEO Sundar Pichai, and Twitter and CEO Jack Dorsey for allegedly violating First Amendment rights.
  • Pelosi announced Tuesday she was opening regional satellite offices for the DC Capitol Police in Florida and California to deal with Trump supporters’ threats against Congress. Governor DeSantis needs to refuse them entry here.
  • White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has revealed a terrifying prospect to handle all the unvaccinated Americans through door-to-door visits pressuring people to get vaccinated. Of course, this is in violation of the fourth amendment and our right to privacy…
  • Co-Founder Calls Out Wikipedia As Hopelessly Biased Larry Sanger, a philosopher who co-founded Wikipedia in 2001, has sadly concluded that the free online encyclopedia is “more one-sided than ever” and so dominated by liberal sources that it is now “an opponent of vigorous democracy.” And freedom for that matter. https://larrysanger.org/2021/06/wikipedia-is-more-one-sided-than-ever/
  • We’ve said from the start of Covid that almost every policy response to Covid has benefited the politically powerful and big business while crushing millions of small businesses and the poorest Americans. A new book by Carol Roth, an investment banker and entrepreneur, entitled “The War On Small Business” exposes how lockdowns advantaged firms like Walmart and Target while destroying many small business owners. What is really dispiriting is that by the close of May 2021, there were 39 percent fewer small businesses open ­nationwide than at the beginning of 2020. https://www.amazon.com/War-Small-Business-Government-Pandemic/dp/0063081415/
  • The Chinese government’s attempts to push propaganda through American news companies have been exposed as China Daily, the top Beijing-controlled outlet has been giving millions to prominent American news outlets: Time Magazine, NYT, LA Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal (I noticed when they transitioned), the Seattle Times, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle and Boston Globe to name a few!

https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/china/ccp-buys-media-influence-by-paying-millions-to- us- dailies-magazines-report/articleshow/84109897.cms?__twitter_impression=true


Diane Scherff, President
Trump Club of St Johns County

Visit our Home Page to Donate to the Same America PAC



1) Trump Announces ‘Major’ Class-Action Lawsuits Against Twitter, Facebook, and Google

Former President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he is filing lawsuits against Twitter, Facebook, and Google after the firms suspended his social media accounts six months ago over his comments after the Jan. 6 Capitol incident.

Trump and his team said the lawsuits are about protecting the First Amendment right to free speech. They argued that his rights were denied when the three big tech companies banned him. Read More

2) Pelosi Goes Full Dictator — Makes Police State Mandatory

In a remarkable display of how committed the Democrat party is to utilizing the narrative of domestic extremism for their own benefit, Nancy Pelosi is placing satellite field offices for the DC Capitol Police in key regions around the country. When we consider the FBI has field offices all over the country, you might ask: why does the Capitol Hill police need to expand beyond Washington DC? Read More

3) Biden Admin Announces Door-to-Door ‘Outreach’ Teams to ‘Get Americans Vaccinated’

President Joe Biden and other White House officials on Tuesday said the federal government will start targeted community door-to-door outreach in an effort to boost COVID-19 vaccination rates.

Because millions of Americans are unvaccinated and due to the so-called “Delta” COVID-19 variant that’s spreading, Biden said that his administration will attempt to ramp up vaccination efforts. Read More

4) Attorney Matt DePerno: A Security Breach of Election Registration Servers in Arizona Occurred on Nov. 3

Attorney Matt DePerno reported this morning on the Bannon War Room that there was a security breach of the registration servers in Arizona on November 3, 2020. The corrupt Secretary of State Katie Hobbs knew about this as well as the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors but they kept it hidden. Read More

5) MORE Images of Police Officer Firing Flash Bombs at Peaceful Trump Supporters Including Seniors, Women and Children on Jan. 6 (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON: China’s propaganda outlet China Daily paid millions to prominent US newspapers and magazines in the last six months to buy media influence, and independent analyst reported citing documents filed with the US Justice Dept. China Daily paid several hundred thousand dollars to prominent American publications like Time Magazine and Foreign Policy magazine… Read More

7) The War on Small Business

We’ve said from the start of the plandemic that the policy responses to Covid have benefited the politically powerful and big business while crushing small businesses and the poorest Americans. A new book by Carol Roth, entitled “The War On Small Business” exposes how lockdowns advantaged firms like Walmart and Target while destroying many small business owners. What is really dispiriting is that by the close of May 2021, there were 39 percent fewer small businesses open ­nationwide than at the beginning of 2020. https://www.amazon.com/War-Small-Business-Government-Pandemic/dp/0063081415/

Check out these sites for more conservative news:

The Highwire.com https://thehighwire.com/
Real America’s Voice: https://americasvoice.news/
Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/
Judicial Watch: https://www.judicialwatch.org/
oathkeepers.org: https://oathkeepers.org/2021/04/where-should-we-look-to-find-the-truth/
Just the News: JustTheNews.com
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/
National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/
The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/
X-22 Report: https://x22report.com/

Letter from TC Member Ann Doyle:

At the bagel shop today, I approached a customer whom I overheard had mentioned that he was from Italy. I wanted to know a little about whether Italy was really open to travelers now since my son wants to go there in September to see a specialist for some back problems.

The man–we’ll call him Paolo–was in his 40s, I’d say, a strapping fellow with a winning smile and an eagerness to talk about his home country. He shared with us how dire the situation is there. He himself has just moved his business (he is a biologist) from Italy to the St. Augustine area, with some connection also to the Bahamas mixed in. He declared that the whole virus panic was “bulls—” and was done to advance the agenda of socialism. He agreed that it had nothing to do with science and pointed to the deliberate suppression of known medicines that could have treated coronavirus patients.

Paolo said the situation in Italy is much worse than we know. People, especially journalists and lawyers whom he knows, are scared. They are afraid that what they write, or whom they choose to defend in court, will land them in jail. They are afraid that if they wait much longer their passports may be taken from them and they will not be able to leave Italy. So, many are making the move to the U.S., especially to Florida, now. (This description immediately reminded us of the terrible decisions good people in Germany had to make in the 1930s.)

He said that he believes the government is heading toward declaring another lockdown this summer on any pretext and believes it is all engineered to bring about socialism across Europe. I said we had similar problems here in the U.S. with the current Administration, but he replied, looking at me solemnly, “In Italy it is much worse. All of Europe is almost lost.” He mentioned Spain in particular, and how there is still a strong fascist vein that runs through the country. He said that policemen there struck women, even older ones, whom they found not wearing masks, and bystanders applauded. Chilling.

We thanked him for the conversation, welcomed him to America, and after a handshake, left him on the bench outside the shop to continue studying his Florida driver’s manual.

Since I had not heard this level of detail even in alternative news sources, I was very grateful for the conversation. It left me more shaken than ever, and I felt I should pass it on.


Introducing: Emily Nunez:
Considering a run for FL House of Representative Dist 11 – Jacksonville Beach, Neptune and Atlantic Beach

Jacksonville native Emily Nunez, who was introduced at our Trump Club party last month, has made her run for District 11 official and she needs our help to get her elected. Even though most of us are out of her district, we can still help her run against the RINOs.

Nunez is a Jacksonville native and graduate of Nathan Bedford Forrest High School. She enlisted into the Navy upon graduation and served her first tour of duty in Atsugi, Japan with Fighter Attack Squadron VFA-192, deploying on the USS Kitty Hawk. She was then selected to join the prestigious Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron- Blue Angels in Pensacola, Florida. After serving for 6 years as an enlisted sailor, she was selected for the Seaman to Admiral (STA-21) officer commissioning program.

She became a communications officer with the United States Marine Corps achieving the rank of Lieutenant before returning back home to Jacksonville. She has an undergraduate degree from Auburn University in Business Administration and a Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida.

She is currently a Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor assisting small businesses with designing, implementing, and managing qualified retirement plans throughout Florida. She is also a contributing author for OpsLens Media Group and senior researcher for FloridaDaily.com

Her political involvement includes the Jacksonville Young Republicans and being a board member of the Florida Federation of Young Republicans. She is currently serving as Secretary for the Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated.

Statement by Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United State of America

July 7, 2021

The Fake News and Big Tech (and Dems!) coordinated attack on the millions of people in our Country, who call the 2020 Presidential Election disgraceful and corrupt, is failing. More and more people are calling it RIGGED and STOLEN.


For those of you who continue to donate to the Republican National C

ommittee (RNC), please watch this video if you don’t believe what I’ve been saying…STOP GIVING THEM $! The RNC solicited all of us after the election was stolen promising to expose the fraud. Instead, according to Steve Bannon of the War Room and Mike Lindell, they raised $50 million from donors and did nothing.



On Key

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