by Diane Scherff

In just one month, US states who ended Joe Biden’s calamitous unemployment incentive plan have made a dramatic economic reverse by curtailing the labor shortage.  At least 23 Republican (Red) states declared an early departure from the government-imposed ‘pay-to-not-work’ program in order to save their economies and get people back to work. This push back against governmental policies also occurred with lockdowns and masks in some Red states early in the COVID pandemic which saved businesses and people’s livelihoods.  

While the Red states realized the dangers to their vulnerable economy and stopped government overreach, the Democrat Blue states continue to offer financial motivation to keep potential workers at home.  This economic experiment is proving positive for Red states.  According to data in Zero Hedge, Morgan Stanley reveals, “some states chose to end these benefits early – (expired on June 19).  The initial jobless claims and continuing jobless claims are declining faster in these 10 states, relative to the rest of the US suggesting that an end of these benefits over the coming weeks in all other states could prove to be an important tailwind for labor supply, and ultimately higher payrolls.”

Even the Wall Street Journal reported that “the number of unemployment-benefit recipients is falling at a faster rate in Missouri and 21 other states canceling enhanced and extended payments this month, suggesting that ending the aid could push more people to take jobs.”

Although this verdict is not surprising, it does show that Red states are fighting back just as they did in the early days of the COVID lockdowns. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis kept our state mostly open, lifting lockdowns early while protecting the vulnerable and keeping businesses and schools open. Businesses came back and people lived their lives. Whereas, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo imposed unrealistic lockdowns and strict policies, forced elderly COVID patients into nursing homes leading to many deaths and businesses failed permanently.

The Deep State-Progressives seem high on doling out printed dollars heavily tied to the Federal Reserve’s high interest rates building insurmountable debt and increased government dependence. Yet, the Republican leaders in Red states are showing Americans the value of empowerment and work and less dependence on the federal government.  

Red states were correct in ending the unnecessary payments in order to fill the available jobs and help grow the economy post COVID and the blame lies squarely on Biden’s communist policy of matching and competing with private employers pay. This move was unprecedented and almost destroyed our Nation’s economy.  

What’s next, Biden?


On July 2nd, 1776, in a meeting in Philadelphia, members of the Second Continental Congress decided they would become a nation and separate themselves from the British Empire. Two days later on July 4th, the United States adopted the Declaration of Independence, marking the birth of a new and independent nation. To this day, the Fourth of July is one of the most patriotic holidays celebrated in the United States.

While we take time to recognize our country’s rich history, it is also important to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. As we celebrate with friends and family this Fourth of July, let’s remember that our freedom is not free. We are the land of the free because of the brave who fought for our rights; to private property, to bear arms and to vote, our freedoms; of speech, religion and the press, which are not afforded to all countries. Currently, those freedoms are diminishing.

Everyone should take a moment to reflect on how blessed we are to call ourselves Americans as this may just be the most important Independence Day in our history.

God Bless America
Diane Scherff

Dear Trump Patriots,

Even though once again, the Deep State’s White House puppet continues to push us closer to communism with the recent deployment of “Delta variant” response teams across the United States, a Grand Jury has indicted the Trump organization and its CFO over allegations of unpaid taxes and Pelosi has just named RINO Liz Cheney as a member of a Select Committee to investigate the Jan. 6 false flag…the world is awakening and many finally see what is happening.

Good things are happening….the Arizona audit results are coming out this week with potential information about massive voter fraud, de-populationist Bill Gates and his depopulation agenda to kill off one billion people has been exposed; the number of new unemployment claims declines, the lowest since March 14, 2020, due to states pulling or reducing their unemployment benefits; a new Twitter-type social platform called GETTR ( launched today by Jason Miller, President Trump’s former spokesperson, Biden is in trouble for not getting at least 70% of Americans “vaccinated” by July 4th (only 47.5% have been vaccinated), and FOX News Host Tucker Carlson is finally holding the government accountable as the NSA has been caught spying on him. Tucker and some of his cohorts at Fox were slow to report on voter fraud, deep state thuggery and the take down of America, but now some are seeing the light…maybe?

Read between the lines and stay focused. Why is President Trump holding rallies? Why would he say he is coming back? Even though the nasty cabal is full of evil, we must have hope that good will eventually win out.

Prayers go out to all the people who died in the horrific condo building collapse in Surfside, FL. Gov. DeSantis has said he will not attend Trump’s rally due to the timing of this tragedy. It might be canceled but I’ll let you know if I hear anything.

President Trump is holding a Save America rally in Sarasota Saturday, July 3rd at 8 pm (see details below). Please be aware that the deep state is planning another false flag according to Gen. Michael Flynn. Don’t fall for their tricks at the rally.

We will not be meeting in July due to summer vacation schedules. Our next meeting is Monday, August 9th with guest speaker Vicki Oakes, Supervisor of Elections for SJC who will discuss the voter process here and redistricting!

ACTION NEEDED: People from the “inside” have asked me to spread the word to more people so please share these eletters and send me at least three new Trump supporters’ email addresses to add to our list! Thank you!


Diane Scherff, President
Trump Club of St Johns County


Global Elites Quest to Eradicate a Billion People from Earth

by Diane Scherff

The New World Order consists of a group of narcissistic global elitists, who have the power and financial means to achieve their goal of world domination.  But how will they succeed as Hitler tried, creating the ‘perfect’ enslaved inhabitants to control in a unified empire?  Through Depopulation.

Enter Bill Gates, the biggest de-populationist alive. Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and the leader of the depopulation and eugenics movements, was just a computer geek indoctrinated by his parents’ disgust of “overpopulation.” Bill Gates, Sr, head of Eugenics and Planned Parenthood, believed that the world was full of “useless eaters,” and therefore must be depopulated. Little Bill has carried on this sick manifesto, creating a massive empire under the guise of philanthropy, dedicated to destroying humanity through experimental vaccines, genetically modified organisms (GMO), sterilization programs and death panels.

During a Ted Talk, Gates introduced a ‘depopulation formula’ explaining, “The world today has 6.8 billion people… now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that [number] by perhaps 10 or 15%.” Vaccines are something I love.”

Vaccinations should help save lives not destroy them yet Gates claims vaccines will cause “the population growth in this country to go down.” Since the Gates Foundation is in bed with several of the largest media companies,  medical journals and sectors of the government, the efficacy of the vaccines have been spread to the detriment of the population. Gates personally is responsible for the widespread vaccination programs which have been linked to outbreaks of disease in South America and the Ebola epidemic in West Africa, as well as countless deaths and paralysis.

Poisoning food on a global level has helped his depopulation plot through the utilization of GMOs provided by Monsanto, an agrochemical biotechnology corp that invented Agent Orange (Gates owns 500,000 shares).  Monsanto’s genetically modified organism (GMO) seeds have been linked to negative effects on reproductive health. A Monsanto employee claimed, “If this sh-t causes infertility…awesome!! The world is overpopulated. This is why GMO is actually saving the planet…” Ironically, Monsanto doesn’t serve their own genetically enhanced food…only organics.

This maniacal narcissist has also funded secretive sterilization programs, and wants to form death panels to differentiate between those who are worthy of life and those who “have no benefit whatsoever” to society.  Gates’ “build a better condom” program and $100,000 grant to ‘blast men’s’ scrotums with ultrasound to stop semen production for six months,’ may cause future reproductive issues unbeknownst to the subject. He even brags about getting rid of a grandma to hire more teachers… “Is spending a million on that last three months of life for that patient…would it be better not to lay off those ten teachers and make that trade off in medical costs?”

The second-richest man on the planet is a committed globalist and eugenicist working towards the New World Order goal of depopulation to eliminate a billion humans from the earth and is succeeding. Sadly, Gates believes he is God, playing with the human race and has convinced many that being eradicated is in our own interests.



1) New York’s Mayoral Primary Vote Count Voided After 135,000 Ballot Discrepancy

The New York City Board of Elections said on June 29 that 135,000 test ballots were accidentally included in a preliminary tally of votes cast in the city’s mayoral primary election, leading to the count being voided and drawing the ire of candidates. Read More

2) Trump Visits US–Mexico Border, Claims Democrats Are Running a ‘Disinformation Campaign’

Former President Donald Trump on June 30 visited the U.S.–Mexico border for the first time since leaving office and accused Democrats of running a “disinformation campaign” around their border policies.

Since leaving office in January, Trump has repeatedly criticized the Biden administration’s policies and messaging, saying they have led to a surge in illegal crossings. But while visiting with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, the former commander-in-chief appeared to deploy a new narrative. Read More

3) Supreme Court leaves Arizona voting restrictions in place

The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that a pair of Republican-backed Arizona voting restrictions do not run afoul of federal law.

The high court rejected a challenge by Democrats on the measure, dealing a blow to voting rights advocates, according to The Hill. Read More

4) Gas prices hit seven-year high ahead of July 4 weekend

As Americans prepare to hit the road for Independence Day weekend, gas prices hit a seven-year high.

An expected 43.6 million Americans are set to hit the road this holiday weekend, and they’ll pay the most they have to fill up their tank since 2014, the American Automobile Association (AAA) says. Read More

5) Clinton Judge Stops Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ Big Tech Law from Taking Effect

A federal judge appointed by Bill Clinton has prevented Florida’s Big Tech law from taking effect saying Big Tech is being censored.

Ron DeSantis signed a law protecting Americans from Big Tech censorship and a federal judge has decided to protect poor little Big Tech. Read More

6) Pelosi names GOP Rep. Cheney as Member of Select Committee to Investigate Jan. 6 Riot

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday named Republican Rep. Liz Cheney as a member of the newly formed select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 riot. Cheney, of Wyoming, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger, of Illinois, were the only Republican members to vote in favor of the legislation setting up the committee, which passed the Democratic-led House in a 222-190 vote. Read More

Check out these sites for more conservative news:

Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:

Statements by Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States of America

July 1, 2021

Who shot Ashli Babbitt?

June 29, 2021

So sad to see certain RINO Republican Senators go back and forth to the White House and continually get nothing for infrastructure or anything else. When will they learn that they are being played with, and used by, the Radical Left—and only bad things can happen. Should have never lost the Senate in the first place, thanks Mitch! New leadership is needed, and fast!


For those of you who continue to donate to the Republican National Committee (RNC), please watch this video if you don’t believe what I’ve been saying…STOP GIVING THEM $! The RNC solicited all of us after the election was stolen promising to expose the fraud. Instead, according to Steve Bannon of the War Room and Mike Lindell, they raised $50 million from donors and did nothing.


On Key

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