by Diane Scherff

The clown in our White House continues to flagrantly implement the deep state globalist agenda in dismantling state’s powers by centralizing control in the swamp. Yet their devious plan for total domination and future election fraud has been squashed as Senate Republicans used the power of the filibuster to block debate on the progressive-leaning, unconstitutional “We the People” act this week.  This proposed voter bill stood to solidify the Left’s widespread election fraud techniques into law…a major defeat for the Biden team.

According to the National Review, “the measure failed in a 50-50 vote along party lines. However, even without Republicans’ use of the filibuster, the bill would have failed to pass as Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia voted to advance to debate but said he would vote against the measure unless a number of changes were made.”

Their proposed voting rights bill, disguised as a “right to vote” anthem, gives the federal government control over the state’s rights to facilitate elections.  Even RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “The American people can be relieved that the federal government — at least in this area — is not going to expand and supplant the states, which have been involved in conducting elections throughout the history of our country.”

H.R. 1/We the People Act also sets forth numerous laws that relax voter ID laws, extend early voting, require states to automatically register all individuals not just “citizens,” and provide no-fault absentee balloting. Seizing the authority of states to regulate voter registration and the voting process by forcing early voting, automatic voter registration, same-day registration, online voter registration, and no-fault absentee balloting offers ample opportunity for fraud just as we saw in our 2020 election.

Democrat Stacey Abrams, who lost the 2018 Georgia Gubernatorial race and has been caught as the one in charge of staffing the election workers in Fulton County, GA (Atlanta metro) in the 2020 election, claims that voter access is key. “I think this will ensure that every American has improved access to the right to vote despite the onslaught of state legislation seeking to restrict the access to vote.” Abrams is referring to the right to cheat, not vote.

Abrams and other Progressives don’t understand the concept of voter identification either, claiming that the United States makes voting more difficult than its peer countries. Yet,  Norway, Ireland, Switzerland, Germany, France, Israel, Iceland and Mexico all require strict voter identification. Abrams claims, “I reject restrictive voter ID designed to keep people out of the process.”  How can voter ID laws keep citizens, LEGAL voters, from voting? If you are a legal resident, somehow, somewhere, you must have proof.

Unfortunately, for the progressives, proof and the truth don’t live in their vocabulary. Biden said Democrats “unanimously came together to protect the sacred right to vote.” Actually they came close to legitimizing their 2020 election fraud…the steal of the century.

Dear Trump Patriots,

President Trump is holding a Save America rally in Sarasota Saturday, July 3rd at 8 pm (see details below).

Interesting thing’s happening…Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee supposedly hangs himself in a jail in Barcelona? Was he Epsteined? He exposed the deep state several times…Here’s his Twitter post in 2019:

Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: “We’re coming for you McAfee! We’re going to kill yourself”. I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn’t. I was whackd. Check my right arm.

And General Flynn discusses Trump being reinstated: 

“…what should happen if we find out that there are a sufficient number of electoral votes that are reversed because proper audits are done, and Trump now has over 270, right? Then you reinstate the guy and you get rid of the guy that’s there. 

And everybody’s gonna go ‘ohh this is unconstitutional!’ BULLSHIT…

So, that is unprecedented at the Presidential level but it doesn’t mean that it’s not gonna happen or cannot happen.”



Many of you are tired of hearing about COVID and the “jabs,” but I must pass on this information. The CDC came out last week admitting that 94% of the originally reported COVID deaths were NOT caused by the Wuhan virus but from other terminal illnesses. Hospitals are now admitting that they were secretly incentivized to boost COVID numbers. This means they lied about the severity of COVID, folks, as I first reported last year. We also know that the virus was created in a lab in Wuhan FUNDED by Fauci and the Obama Administration as I also reported last Summer. Now for the jabs…

  • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Wednesday that it will add a warning of heart inflammation to the fact sheet for the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines that are given to patients prior to vaccination. Israeli researchers on Monday said that they discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and a rare blood disease called thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).
  • The CDC said Wednesday there is a “likely association” between heart inflammation conditions, myocarditis and pericarditis, and the COVID vaccines in adolescents up to age 30. There have been over 1200 cases reported of those who received either Pfizer or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.
  • A 13-year-old Saginaw County, MI boy died last week, three days after he received his second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 shots has reported 15,472 deaths and 1.5 Million injured (50% serious), due to the COVID “vaccines.” 

Read More


For those of you who continue to donate to the Republican National Committee (RNC), please watch this video if you don’t believe what I’ve been saying…STOP GIVING THEM $! The RNC solicited all of us after the election was stolen promising to expose the fraud. Instead, according to Steve Bannon of the War Room and Mike Lindell, they raised $50 million from donors and did nothing.

Finally, please give a round of applause for our great Governor Ron DeSantis!!!!!! He is bringing back a minute of silence in schools and teaching the evils of communism in our schools!!! He rocks!

Please read and share these eletters as we all need to stay vigilant in our fight to save our country…things are heating up!

Until then, research, read and believe…

Have faith….


Diane Scherff, President
Trump Club of St Johns County



1) Largest Healthcare Union in US Will Fight Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccines

The president of the largest healthcare union in the United States announced the organization would fight against companies requiring mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for employees.

Earlier in June, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City mandated that its employees get vaccinated against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, coming as other hospital systems across the United States have done the same. Read More

2) CDC Finds More Cases of Heart Inflammation Than Expected in Vaccinated Young Males

Over 1,200 cases of post-vaccination heart inflammation have been reported to health authorities in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Wednesday.

The bulk of the reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a passive reporting system run by two top health agencies, dealt with myocarditis or pericarditis experienced after a second dose of a messenger RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine. Read More

3) Project Veritas sat down with Meteorologist and Journalist, April Moss, of CBS 62 in Detroit

Project Veritas sat down with Meteorologist and Journalist, April Moss in Detroit this week to discuss the local affiliate’s ongoing efforts to “discriminate” against employees who question COVID-19 policies handed down by the corporate office in New York.

April Moss: “I’m watching my country disintegrate and if I don’t stand up and do something when I’m able to, I just don’t know that I could live with myself… No longer is true journalism being executed anymore..” Watch Video

4) Democrats face hard choices after election overhaul bill fails in Senate

Democrats in Congress face hard choices about how to proceed with enacting President Biden’s agenda after Republicans successfully blocked the Democrats’ election overhaul bill, the For the People Act, from advancing in the chamber on Tuesday.

Senate Democrats now turn to the budget reconciliation process to circumvent the legislative filibuster and pass key parts of Biden’s agenda. Read More

5) Hillary Clinton Campaign Official and Founder of Org to End Sexual Violence Against Children Is Arrested on Child Rape Charges – Sentenced to 13 Yrs in Prison

Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.

Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work. He was sentenced to 13 years this week. Read More

Check out these sites for more conservative news:

Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:


New Law Requires Florida Students to Be Taught About ‘The Evils of Communism’
The Epoch Times

DeSantis signs trio of bills on civics education in K-12 schools, and freedom of speech in pos-secondary education…

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis departs after signing into law Senate Bill 7072 at Florida International University in Miami on May 24, 2021. (Samira Bouaou/The Epoch Times)

High school students in Florida will be required to learn about “the evils of communism” under one of three bills Gov. Ron DeSantis signed on Tuesday.

DeSantis signed the bills at a news conference at Three Oaks Middle School in Fort Myers. Two of the bills—HB 5 and SB 1108—focus on civics education, and the third—HB 233—requires freedom of expression at state colleges and universities.

Specifically, HB 5 requires the Florida Department of Education to develop an integrated K-12 civic education curriculum that includes teaching students about citizens’ shared rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The measure also adds a requirement for public high schools to “include a comparative discussion of political ideologies, such as communism and totalitarianism, that conflict with the principles of freedom and democracy essential to the founding principles of the United States.”

Read More

Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Minute of Silence in All Public Schools

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill requiring teachers in K-12 first-period classes to provide between one and two minutes of silence, which will allow students to pray if they want.

The Republican governor explained that many of the Founding Fathers who helped create the country’s system of government wouldn’t agree with the notion that “you can just push God out of every institution and be successful.”

“I’m sorry, our Founding Fathers did not believe that,” DeSantis added, speaking at a signing event in Bal Harbour.

The bill, H.B. 529 (pdf), requires the principals at public schools to require certain teachers to take a moment of silence at the start of each school day in public schools. The bill also bans “teachers from making suggestions as to the nature of any reflection that a student may engage in during the moment of silence.” Read More

Celebrity Cruises Drops COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement, Handing Win to Florida Governor

Celebrity Cruises announced it will drop a requirement for passengers to show proof they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19 for trips departing Florida, essentially handing a political victory for Gov. Ron DeSantis after he mandated that firms cannot implement “vaccine passport”-type systems in his state.

Cruise operators had grappled with DeSantis, a Republican, over his order banning businesses from requiring proof of vaccination. The firms pointed to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s restrictions on cruises that were published in October when asking DeSantis to rescind his order. Read More

45th President of the United States of America

June 23, 2021
Good news! RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has restated the fact that he is not running for the United States Senate. It would not matter, however, because he could not get the nomination after failing to perform on the Voter Fraud in Arizona. Also, there is no way he would get my endorsement, which means, his aspirations would be permanently put to rest anyway. Again, thank you to our brave Republicans in the Arizona State Senate for their bravery in putting forward the Forensic Audit. Everybody is anxiously awaiting the result!

June 23, 2021
After months of ignoring the crisis at the Southern Border, it is great that we got Kamala Harris to finally go and see the tremendous destruction and death that they’ve created—a direct result of Biden ending my very tough but fair Border policies.

Harris and Biden were given the strongest Border in American history. And now, it is by far the worst in American history.

If Governor Abbott and I weren’t going there next week, she would have never gone!


On Key

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