White House Plan to Implement Community Vax Program and Set up Police “Squads” in FL and CA

Dear Patriots!

I’ve been writing about the serious overreach of power by the Biden White House Administration and Pelosi government for months. Out of all the draconian measures they have taken, two programs initiated this week have catapulted them into tyranny. Although Governor DeSantis should put measures in place to stop these movements in Florida, we must be prepared:

1) A Door-to-door community outreach program to get the “unvaccinated” to vaccinate.
2) Setting up Capitol police squads in Florida and California to help stop the “threats on Congress from Trump supporters.”

For #1, you need to know your rights. Currently, 10 million people in Florida have been “vaccinated” (46.6%). Just as many teenagers and young adults are having complications of severely inflamed heart muscles and even death just days after the mRNA jabs, the government is trying to meet their quota to have 80% of the US population vaxed (49% are currently). Of the people that have died in the 12-29 age group, 90% are males. Myocarditis is a serious condition. I have had myocarditis and pericarditis as a result of my Pulmonary emboli, but perfectly healthy young people should NOT! NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED TO TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL DRUG.

Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend tweeted valuable information on how to protect ourselves against Biden’s door-to-door jab enforcers! PREPARE FOR THE HOME INVADERS AND KNOW WHAT TO DO! You have rights!

Senator Townsend stated, “I have spoken to local law enforcement and if you don’t want the Federal government on your property asking about vaccines, they advise you to post a no trespassing sign in a visible location. This is a prerequisite to be able to charge someone for being there against your will.”

So please read about your rights when and if government officials or Dems knock on your door.

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: Your Power to Trespass- By KrisAnne Hall, JD

If a government agent or assignee comes to your property, it will be important to those who wish to protect their privacy and property to KNOW THEIR RIGHTS.

You do not have to answer ANY QUESTIONS or make ANY STATEMENTS to ANY GOVERNMENT AGENT or assignee. (5th Amendment of the US Constitution and the corresponding section of your State Constitution)

– Simply asking an agent to identify themselves does not waive your rights.

– You have the right to be free from any government agent or assignee entering your property, your home, or your business without a properly obtained warrant. (4th and 5th Amendments of the US Constitution and corresponding sections of your State Constitution.)

– Simply demanding a copy of that warrant does not waive your rights.

– You have the right to tell any government agent or assignee to leave your property if they cannot produce a properly obtained warrant. (4th and 5th Amendments of the US Constitution and corresponding sections of your State Constitution.)

– Simply demanding an agent or assignee of the government to leave your property does not waive your rights.

– If a government agent or assignee refuses to leave your property or returns to your property after being warned against entering or returning, that agent or assignee has committed the crime of Trespass and is subject to arrest. (State Law, 4th & 5th Amendments to the US Constitution and corresponding sections of State Constitution as confirmed by Supreme Court Opinions).

– You have the Right to record through audio, video, or photographic recording of any government agent or assignee on your property, either with or without consent of that agent or assignee. (Multiple Federal Court Opinions recognize that the First Amendment plainly protects the filming of officers and public agents.)

Please click here for a TRESPASS WARNING FORM that you may print and issue to any government agent or assignee that fails to satisfy the requirements of the US and State Constitutions. HAND THE COMPLETED FORM DIRECTLY TO THE AGENT OR ASSIGNEE WHILE TELLING THEM THEY MUST NOW LEAVE THE PROPERTY AND YOU WILL NOT BE ANSWERING ANY QUESTIONS.

You should have your address pre-written on the form and as the need arises, fill in the date and time. It is highly recommended that you take a picture of the agent you are serving the warning so you may then prove that this person has been issued a formal Trespass Warning.

Liberty First Legal, INC. 7/7/2021 https://libertyfirst.legal/

** See what EVERYONE is Raving About! Watch: NonCompliantMovie.com

I know it sounds crazy that these two draconian steps would be taken by the government to obtain control over its citizens, but it is real. Please just don’t answer your door or be prepared to follow the steps above.

Diane Scherff, President
Trump Club of St Johns County


On Key

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