Dear Trump Club!

US inflation surges to 9.1%, the highest in 40 years;
The U.S. Labor Department on Wednesday said that the Consumer Price Index has risen 1.3% in a month to the current 9.1%. This surpasses the 8.8% headline figure and the 1% monthly increase that was expected by economists, which marks the highest inflation rate since December of 1981. President Trump had a few choice words for the Biden Administration`:

“Inflation just hit ANOTHER 40-year high of 9.1%, which is terrible for our Country.
Fuel prices up 60%, Airfare up 34%, Eggs up 33%—how can people survive this? How can businesses survive this?”

“Our Country is so weak right now because the Radical Left Democrats have no clue what they are doing. All they want to do is ‘get Trump,’ and they are willing to destroy our Nation to do it.”

Sri Lanka is Taken Over;
Last weekend, the Sri Lanka president and prime minister resigned in wake of protesters storming their residences, and the president has since fled the country. An editorial from National Review on Tuesday highlighted the “Collapse of Sri Lanka Is a Failure of Leftism,” pointing out, that what happened “are the real-world consequences of government central planning.”

“Sri Lanka, under the leadership of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, decided in April 2021 to become the world’s first all-organic country,” the editors wrote. “The government banned the use of chemical fertilizers and banned their importation. The move was pitched as creating a self-reliant economy on the island nation and hailed as a great experiment in green policy-making.”

So basically, the World Economic Forum who is trying to get rich off of controllable climate change rhetoric, failed and the world is seeing them for who they really are…global leftist elitists attempting world domination.

Biden adds a Black Lives Matter extremist to the State Department;
The Biden State Department this month named its first-ever special representative for racial equity and justice. The newly minted envoy, Desirée Cormier Smith, once slammed white diplomats for being overly “protective” of the United States and lacking the “empathy” of their minority counterparts. Smith, a self-described “Black activist,” made the comments in an October 2020 interview. At the time, Smith served as senior policy adviser for Open Society Foundations, the think tank funded by Democratic billionaire donor George Soros.

Biden’s Secret Service is in trouble again;
A member of Biden’s Secret Service was sent back to the United States after being held by Israeli police in Jerusalem this week for allegedly assaulting a woman outside of a bar. It is the second international incident in the past few months involving a member of the protective agency. Two employees were sent home from South Korea during that presidential trip. What’s wrong with these men?

DeSantis Making a run for President in 2024?
This is one of the hottest topics around currently. CA Governor Newsom, a self-proclaimed 2024 Presidential candidate, spent over $100,000 on the July 4th weekend trying to destroy Gov. DeSantis in his own state. the ads backfired with a great response from Gov. DeSantis (see the DeSantis in review section below). Gov DeSantis has repeatedly answered the question of a 2024 run many times with, “I’m focusing on my job as governor and not actively planning a run for the White House in 2024.” Even though recent straw polls have him either neck in neck or even ahead of President Trump, and he has a fundraising event scheduled in Colorado, we don’t for sure what the future holds. I do know that he has been working towards this goal to run for President and he WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST PRESIDENTS in our history, the question remains, does he leave his governorship two years early? We need him in Florida as I do not see a good replacement as of yet. But then again, Governor DeSantis will do whatever he wants. And we as citizens of Florida or our great Nation are better off having him at the helm. God Bles our Governor.

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) Consumer price index surges 9.1% in June, hottest rate in over 40 years
June Consumer Price Index: +1.3% vs.+1.1% consensus and +1.0% prior. The energy index rose 7.5% M/M, contributing almost half of the all-items increase; the gasoline index jumped 11.2%. The food index increased 1.0% in June.

Y/Y, CPI +9.1% vs. 8.8% consensus and +8.6% prior. The numbers reflect broad-based increase in inflation, with gasoline, shelter, and food being the largest contributors. READ MORE

2) Virginia Gov. Declares State of Emergency After 40 Missing and 100 Homes Destroyed From Flash Floods
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has declared a state of emergency in Virginia after a devastating flood in Buchanan County that destroyed over 100 homes and left 40 people missing and unaccounted for.

“We are deeply saddened to learn that another flood has impacted a community still recovering from last year’s flood,” Youngkin said. “While rescue and recovery continue, please join me in prayer as we lift up our fellow Virginians impacted by this tragedy.”

3) Small Businesses Bore the Brunt of Pandemic Policies…Why 200,000 additional small businesses closed in 2020
Many small businesses struggled to survive during the pandemic. Quite a few didn’t make it. According to information from the Federal Reserve, 200,000 small businesses closed in 2020 and about 130,000 of them were individual companies. Small businesses like restaurants, salons, retail stores and more were all forced to close their doors to the public in March 2020 to adhere to strict stay-at-home orders. READ MORE

4) Starbucks, 7-Eleven announce closure of stores in high-crime liberal cities
7-Eleven’s corporate headquarters have suggested all Los Angeles-based franchisee stores should close. Hoping closures will only be temporary, the move comes after a string of convenience stores were robbed and two people – one customer and one clerk – were killed.

Starbucks announced on Monday it would be closing 16 of its urban centers locations around the country where liberal leadership and policies have contributed to crime spikes. Among those cities are Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia. READ MORE

5) Maryland Elementary Schoolers To Learn About Privilege and Systemic Racism
Maryland’s largest school district next school year will teach elementary schoolers how to combat “privilege” and “systemic racism,” even as about half of its students lack proficiency in math and language arts. The Montgomery County Board of Education amended its fourth and fifth-grade social studies curriculum to include “Social Justice Standards” for “antiracist” education, according to a July 5 announcement. The revised standards, which were developed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, lay out scenarios for students to exercise “antibias,” such as responding to a classmate with two mothers or a boy playing with dolls. Students also learn about their “identity” in the context of the “dominant culture” and “recognize unfairness on the individual level (e.g., biased speech) and injustice at the institutional or systemic level (e.g., discrimination).” READ MORE

6) Justice Department Announces Task Force to Ensure Access to Abortion
The Department of Justice announced Tuesday it has established a task force to “identify ways to protect access” to abortion. The “Reproductive Rights Task Force” formalizes similar efforts that were already underway by the department and an existing working group leading up to the Supreme Court’s overturning of the 1973 Roe v. Wade and 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decisions on June 24. READ MORE

7) Dr. Malone Warns of Immune Imprinting After Fauci Floats Second Booster Shots
Dr. Robert Malone, who helped develop the Messenger RNA technology that the COVID vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were built on, has warned of immune imprinting after Dr. Anthony Fauci recommended a second booster for individuals five years and older.

“I couldn’t design a vaccine if I wanted to, to be more likely to drive immune imprinting,” Malone told The Epoch Times. Immune imprinting is a phenomenon where exposure to a viral strain can make individuals more susceptible to later strains by making their bodies incapable of producing enough antibodies to fight later strains. READ MORE

8) Fury Sparks Over New World Health Organization Gender Guidance
Sex is ‘not limited’ to being male or female, the World Health Organization (WHO) will say in new guidance. The WHO, an international authority on all things health, said it was ‘going beyond’ the use of binary terms to ‘recognise gender and sexual diversity’. But experts called the move a ‘dismissal of basic biology’ and could lead to medical advice being de-sexed and over-complicated. READ MORE

9) Biden State Department Racial Equity Rep Says White Diplomats Like America Too Much
The Biden State Department this month named its first ever special representative for racial equity and justice. The newly minted envoy, Desirée Cormier Smith, once slammed white diplomats for being overly “protective” of the United States and lacking the “empathy” of their minority counterparts.

Smith, a self-described “Black activist,” made the comments in an October 2020 interview. At the time, Smith served as senior policy adviser for Open Society Foundations, the think tank funded by Democratic billionaire donor George Soros. The State Department on Friday announced Smith’s appointment to the post, which was created to “confront systemic racism and injustice around the world.” The State Department described Smith as a “racial justice expert with a deep and steadfast commitment to equity and justice for all.” READ MORE

10) NYC Releases PSA for a Nuclear Attack After Russian State Media Boasted Putin Could Wipe Out the US East Coast
New York City has released a public service announcement for a nuclear attack weeks after Russian state media claimed Putin could wipe out the US East Coast. In the new clip released Monday, the city’s Emergency Management Department tells New Yorkers: ‘So there’s been a nuclear attack. Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit. OK. So what do we do?’ READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

This week’s Quote from Kamala Harris:

“You need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and get home.”

Florida Governor DeSantis Review

DeSantis goes after California on populations shifts, COVID-19 policies, crime

Liberal California Governor Newsom, whom many speculate to be working towards a presidential run in 2024, brought $105,000 worth of ad buys in Florida which ran on the July 4th weekend. The ad revealed Newsom criticizing numerous recent Floridian political decisions, saying that freedom was under attack in the state and that those in the state should either fight back or move to California.

“It’s Independence Day, so let’s talk about what’s going on in America,” says Newsom in the ad. “Freedom is under attack in your state. Republican leaders are banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in the classroom, even criminalizing women and doctors. I urge all of you living in Florida to join the fight, or join us in California. We still believe in freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to choose, freedom from hate, and the freedom to love. Don’t let them take your freedom.”

Governor DeSantis Responds During a Speech in Cape Coral;
In his speech, DeSantis noted recent population shifts favoring Florida while many Californians left the state, went after Newsom on his COVID-19 policies and not following the same guidelines as other Californians during the pandemic, criticized high-crime rates in many parts of the state, and reversed what Newsom said in his ad and called Florida a ‘citadel of freedom’ compared to the Golden State.

“Everyone wants to talk about me in Florida,” said Governor DeSantis on Friday. “I mean, like I’m just sitting here like little old me doing my job. I can just tell you this. I was born and raised in this state. And until the last few years, I rarely, if ever, saw a California license plate in the state of Florida. You now see a lot of them. I can tell you. If you go to California, you ain’t seeing very many Florida license plates.

We would never allow what’s happened in places like San Francisco and L.A., where these areas have been destroyed with drugs and crime and the homeless to happen. We take those that seriously, and we believe when people commit crimes, they belong behind bars, not released back onto the street.

When families are uprooting from the Pacific coast to go almost 3,000 miles in search of a better life, that’s telling you something. Yes, we’ve created a citadel of freedom here that has attracted people, and we’re proud of it. But let’s just be clear, California is driving people away with its terrible governance.

Governor DeSantis took the higher road and came out on top, once again!

– July 13, 2022 –

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

Inflation just hit ANOTHER 40-year high of 9.1%, which is terrible for our Country. Fuel prices up 60%, Airfare up 34%, Eggs up 33%—how can people survive this? How can businesses survive this? Our Country is so weak right now because the Radical Left Democrats have no clue what they are doing. All they want to do is “get Trump,” and they are willing to destroy our Nation to do it. America will not allow this to go on for much longer. Don’t vote for the Radical Left Democrats, vote for America First Republicans—Save America!

hegemony noun

1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : domination

“This is the beginning of the transition from liberal-globalist American egocentrism to a truly multipolar world. A world not based on selfish rules for no other reason than the pursuit of hegemony. Nor on hypocritical double standards, but on the basis of international law and the genuine sovereignty of peoples and civilizations.”

Vladimir Putin, July 13, 2022


On Key

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