The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Dear Trump Club!

Governor DeSantis;
Another win for our great Governor, who is sending out $450 checks this week to Florida’s foster and adoptive families and has pressured the Special Olympics to drop their vaccine mandate, which violated state law during their Orlando event. Governor DeSantis slammed Newsom for lockdown policies, vaccine mandates, and attacking Florida’s protections for Special Olympics athletes.

“This is a guy that locked people down, that kept kids out of school, denied people the right to earn a living, wanted to force COVID vaxes on people – what did I do? I stood in the way of all that,” he said. “We made sure that people had the choice about whether they wanted to take this vax or not. They should not have ever been in a position to lose their job.”

“These athletes – they have down syndrome, disabilities, and they wanted to compete in the Special Olympics in Orlando. Well, there’s an international bureaucracy affiliated with the group that imposed vax discrimination on these athletes,” he said. “The athletes I met, their doctors told them not to do it based on their condition.”

“He would discriminate against athletes with down syndrome! Give me a break.”

George Soros;
Georgie Porgie has been quite busy lately spending his stolen dollars to promote extreme liberal candidates all over the country. The Nazi billionaire outsider just threw $1 Million dollars toward Democrat Beta O’Rourke’s campaign in an attempt to buy the Governors seat in Texas. This underlines the scariest problem we face as Americans in regards to who’s elected to make decisions on behalf of the American people. As it stands now, a foreign enemy can buy politicians that will move forward with their globalist agenda. Our enemies understand that money buys airtime, FaceTime, marketing, & a name that people will recognize.

Biden’s approval continues a downward spiral;
Biden’s approval hits another new low, at 36%, as more Democrats sour on him. President Biden is facing his lowest approval rating since taking office, and it’s largely due to Democrats, the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll finds. While 75% of Democrats approve of the job Biden is doing, that’s considered low for a president’s own party. Last month, 84% of Democrats said they approved of the job Biden was doing, according to the survey.

Republicans and independents are far lower — just 5% of Republicans and only 28% of independents approve of the job Biden is doing and overall approval amongst Latinos is only 18% with 69% disapproving and 49% strongly disapproving.

And now that Biden is rumored to have cancer, what is next?

AOC’s phony arrest;
Wasting precious white space in order to give Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) any press is not my usual style, but desperate times call for desperate measures. In her case, when you want the world to see you’re willing to get arrested for standing up for what you believe in, but you don’t actually get arrested, just pretend you did! Cortez did so in front of the United States Supreme Court this week. The famed useless DC liberal joined her squad in protesting against the recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

AOC smiled for the cameras as she pretended to be handcuffed, and escorted by police. This action by AOC and the liberals is not surprising but why did the “police” play a part in this made-for-TV play?

Netflix saw its most significant loss in customers since its founding 25 years ago to the tune of almost 1 million subscribers. The company has laid off more than 450 employees and lost roughly 70% of its stock value so far this year. Good!

Los Angeles School District adopts radical “trans-affirming” programming
Los Angeles Unified School District has adopted a radical gender-theory curriculum instructing teachers to work toward the “breakdown of the gender binary,” to experiment with gender pronouns such as “they,” “ze,” and “tree,” and to adopt “trans-affirming” programming to make their classrooms “queer all school year.” Be careful folks, this is part of their depopulation agenda spreading across the country. Praise God we have Governor DeSantis and great legislators to stop this in Florida.

Our Government is linking youth to a questionable gender site;
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is promoting to youth an online chat space that discusses sex, polyamorous relationships, the occult, sex change operations, and activism, and is specifically designed to be quickly hidden while being used. It also mixes LGBT adults and children and is run in part by Planned Parenthood.

Called Q Chat Space, the platform is advertised on the CDC’s LGBT Health Youth Resources page, archived here. The chat service, which describes itself as “a community for LGBTQ+ teens,” is available for those ages 13-19, can be hidden from parents, and focuses on a number of mature themes. READ MORE

On a happier note:

Former Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant, Fired for Sharing Her Pro-Life Religious Views, Awarded $5.1 Million
Southwest Airlines and Local 556 of the Transport Workers Union may be required to pay over 5 million dollars to one former employee who openly discussed her pro-life beliefs. A federal district court jury in Dallas, Texas, sided with Charlene Carter in a lawsuit she filed against her former employer and union after she was fired for expressing her pro-life views to the former union president. Things they are a changin’… READ MORE

And what’s with all the Prime Minister Resignations;
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigned this month after more than 50 ministers and senior aides stepped down following a series of scandals that left little to no confidence in the British leader. This morning Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Drahgi resigned after his government collapses. Many more to come, I imagine…

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) How Mattis Betrayed His Fellow Marines at the Behest of the Deep State
My new book, A Few Bad Men, details the mendacity and mad dishonesty of retired Marine General James “Mad Dog” Mattis. The fact that it was written by a Marine once under his command, whom he betrayed for the sake of politics and getting to slap on another star, says volumes about this once-lionized figure. It all goes back to an incident in Afghanistan in 2007, and the Court of Inquiry trial of innocent Marines that followed, which Mattis himself instigated. READ MORE

2) Italian PM Mario Draghi resigns after his government collapses
Italian Premier Mario Draghi resigned on Thursday after key coalition allies boycotted a confidence vote, signalling the likelihood of early elections and a renewed period of uncertainty for Italy and Europe at a critical time. Draghi tendered his resignation to President Sergio Mattarella during a morning meeting at the Quirinale Palace. Mattarella’s office said the president had “taken note” of the resignation and asked Draghi’s government to remain on in a caretaker fashion. READ MORE

3) Here’s What We Know About The Heroic 22-Year-Old Man Who Stopped A Mass Shooting In Indiana
A nation’s future is in jeopardy when its citizens can not decide who is a hero and who is a villain. Such is the case for the 22-year-old man who stopped a mass shooting at an Indiana mall over the weekend.

The shooting occurred on Sunday at a mall in Greenwood, a suburb of Indianapolis. Elisjsha Dicken was shopping at the mall with his girlfriend at the time of the incident. When Dicken heard gunfire, he drew his 9mm handgun and approached the shooter. The assailant, Jonathan Sapirman, was armed with an AR-15 rifle, fired 24 rounds, killed three shoppers, and wounded others in seconds. READ MORE

4) U.S. Public Broadcasting Promotes American Diet of Insects to Support Biden Administration Climate Change Initiatives
The goal of gaining public acceptance for eating insects instead of meat is now part of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) effort. The larger climate change objective is to “transition” the global food supply away from cows, pigs and chickens, and toward a more sustainable lifestyle of eating insects and bugs. Farmers in North America and Europe are facing massive regulatory changes as part of the Build Back Better or Green New Deal initiatives. READ MORE

5) Army cuts force size amid unprecedented battle for recruits
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Army is significantly cutting the total number of soldiers it expects to have in the force over the next two years, as the U.S. military faces what a top general called “unprecedented challenges” in bringing in recruits.

Army officials on Tuesday said the service will fall about 10,000 soldiers short of its planned end strength for this fiscal year, and prospects for next year are grimmer. Army Gen. Joseph Martin, vice chief of staff for the Army, said it is projecting it will have a total force of 466,400 this year, down from the expected 476,000. And the service could end 2023 with between 445,000 and 452,000 soldiers, depending on how well recruiting and retention go. READ MORE

6) Paul Pelosi $1M chip company stock purchase latest in long history of ‘timely’ buys
Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, purchased between $1 million and $5 million of stock in a semiconductor company ahead of an upcoming vote on legislation containing $52 billion for chipmakers — the latest in a long history of similar purchases.

A Data for Progress poll found that 70% of respondents support a ban on lawmakers trading individual stocks and 68% agree with extending the ban to their spouses. READ MORE

7) Biden Energy Security Official Says Administration Cannot and Will Not Accept or Approve Long-Term Oil and Gas Development
This guy popped up after the trip to Saudi Arabia and has been spouting hypocrisies ever since. In this first segment, White House senior energy adviser Amos Hochstein, in charge of U.S. energy security, says the administration cannot accept or approve any long-term oil and gas development that undermines the urgency of the crisis they are exploiting.

Instead, Hochstein says U.S. energy producers should invest in oil and gas development that turns an immediate profit. [Pro-tip, that doesn’t exist.] Keeping the oil and gas industry in a perpetual state of shortage, overcapacity and expense, allows the “transition” to windmills and solar to remain urgent. READ MORE

8) Mystery solved: DOJ secretly thwarted release of Russia documents declassified by Trump
In the final hours of the Trump presidency, the U.S. Justice Department raised privacy concerns to thwart the release of hundreds of pages of documents that Donald Trump had declassified to expose FBI abuses during the Russia collusion probe, and the agency then defied a subsequent order to release the materials after redactions were made, according to interviews and documents.

The documents that Trump declassified never saw the light of day, even though they were lawfully declassified by Trump and the DOJ was instructed by the president though Meadows to expeditiously release them after redacting private information as necessary. READ MORE

9) Democrats Alleged Votes Changed by Secret Code in Machines
The double-standard in play here has reached a whole new level.

As you know, the 2021 Democrat-controlled Congress has interviewed more than 1000 people, spent months, taken hundreds of depositions, held professionally produced-for-television “hearings,” and spent untold millions of tax dollars—impugning or harassing anyone who had the audacity to allege the 2020 election was stolen by fraud—some even blaming lawyers who filed lawsuits—for fomenting the violence that occurred in the Capitol on January 6, 2021. READ MORE

10) AOC pretends to be handcuffed during arrest at Supreme Court abortion protest
Several congressional Democrats, including Reps. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, were arrested Tuesday outside of the U.S. Supreme Court during an abortion-rights protest for allegedly blocking traffic. In total, U.S. Capitol Police arrested 34 people, including 16 members of Congress.

U.S. Capitol Police posted a warning Tuesday on Twitter to demonstrators, stating: “It is against the law to block traffic, so officers are going to give our standard three warnings before they start making arrests.” READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show: http://Redvoicemedia.com
Andweknow.com https://www.andweknow.com/
The Highwire.com https://thehighwire.com/
Real America’s Voice: https://americasvoice.news/
Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/
Judicial Watch: https://www.judicialwatch.org/
oathkeepers.org: https://oathkeepers.org/2021/04/where-should-we-look-to-find-the-truth/
Just the News: http://Justthenews.com
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/
National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/
The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/
X-22 Report: https://x22report.com/
Conservative Brief https://conservativebrief.com/
Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/
Steve Bannon’s War Room: Warroom.org

Florida Governor DeSantis Review

· Stimulus Check Update as Florida Gov. DeSantis Sends out $450 Child Payments

If you have received a check for $450 from Governor DeSantis, it’s REAL!
Over $35.5 million in Governor DeSantis’ budget will go to support nearly 59,000 Florida families with a one-time payment of $450 per child, which includes foster families. The money is from a budget that supports those served by child welfare.

As soaring inflation keeps pushing prices higher, leaving many struggling to make ends meet, Florida is turning again to stimulus checks as a solution to alleviate the difficult situation—at least for foster and adoptive families.

Florida’s foster and adoptive families are receiving a one-time payment of $450 per child in their care through an initiative called “Hope Florida—A Pathway to Prosperity.” READ MORE

· Ron DeSantis Is Right about the Special Olympics and Gavin Newsom

California Governor Gavin Newsom told the Sacramento Bee that he showed up on television screens in Florida because his equivalent in the Sunshine State, Ron DeSantis, had done “something that tipped me very directly, and that was going after the Special Olympics.”

DeSantis did threaten to fine the Special Olympics International for mandating that participating athletes be vaccinated against Covid-19 at its 2022 USA Games in Orlando, but that wasn’t out of malice toward the spirit of the event, but affinity for it. According to local media, DeSantis’s threat resulted not just in the Special Olympics relaxing their requirement, but in the participation of a hundred more athletes in the Games from Florida alone. READ MORE


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