Trump’s Final Punch

By Diane Scherff

In the ‘Rocky’ movies, Sylvester Stalone’s character fights against all odds to beat his competitors in the ring with one final punch after enduring countless rounds of beatings. The audience cringes waiting nervously for the bloodied Rocky to take that devastating shot to silence his opponent’s wrath. Just as in Rocky, our country breathlessly waits for President Trump’s next move to take down his opponent…the deep state…and save our country.

We know the 2020 election was rigged and that the faux regime sitting behind the barbed wire fence has secretly colluded to overthrow our government placing themselves at the mercy of international communist powers yet why haven’t they been stopped? Why hasn’t President Trump taken that final blow and released the “kraken?”

The public is starting to see the reality of an America under the Joe Biden/Obama shadow government with their numerous rash executive orders laced with leftist ideologies directed to hurt the economy, sell us out to China and undermine our sovereignty. Democrats are actually beginning to wonder about Joe’s cognitive ability and why the heck an administration so concerned about the spread of COVID would  open the border to thousands of untested illegals. So who’s really in charge?

President Trump is in control…it’s all part of the plan.

What if the Wuhan virus, created by globalists to cripple worldwide economies and control the population, was a trap in reverse? The Trump Administration used the Wuhan restrictions as a cover for the eventual take down of the deep state traitors by giving the military top-secret contingency plans if all the ‘Constitutional successors are incapacitated.’ According to an article dated 3/18/20 in Newsweek ‘Inside The Military’s Top Secret Plans If Coronavirus Cripples the Government,’ standby orders were issued in March to ready plans, not just to protect Washington but also to prepare for the possibility of some form of martial law.

“According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – code named Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.”

“We’re in new territory,” says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window.  America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy is.”

Gen. O’Shaughnessy is the “combatant commander” for the United States which gives him control if government leaders fall at least until a new civilian leader could be installed. This could include the pandemic OR indictments for a rigged election, treason, sedition, etc…maybe this was the plan all along.

One of the top secret plans gives the military unique power over ‘surveillance and intelligence collection,’ furthering the military’s legal powers.  

“The seventh plan – code named Granite Shadow – lays out the playbook for extraordinary domestic missions that involve weapons of mass destruction.”

“Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmentalized operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control. Further, Granite Shadow posits domestic military operations, including intelligence collection and surveillance, unique rules of engagement and federal and military control of incident locations that are highly controversial and might border on the illegal.”

An emergency authority given to the military might be needed in various situations including a nuclear war, civil unrest, etc. According to the Newsweek article, “Under Defense department regulations, military commanders are authorized to take action on their own – in extraordinary circumstances – where “duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation.” The Joint Chiefs of Staff codified these rules in October 2018, ‘reminding commanders that they could decide, on their own authority, to “engage temporarily” in military control in circumstances “where prior authorization by the President is impossible” or where local authorities “are unable to control the situation.’

Trump authorized the military to ensure ‘continuity of government if all the constitutional successors are incapacitated,’ and he claimed that these plans were put in place to prepare for the pandemic taking out the whole government. What if these contingency plans were put into place because he knew the deep state was going to cheat and get away with their seditious acts? We waited for the arrests on January 6th and January 20th and have been cautiously optimistic that justice will be served and the presidency will be held by the rightful owner. Patience.

Don’t think for a minute that President Trump left his opponent in the ring…he’s preparing for the final punch. Never give up. Rocky never did.

Dear Trump Patriots,

It is with great sadness that we said goodbye to Conservative Legend Rush Limbaugh yesterday at age 70. As President Trump noted, “His honor, courage, strength, and loyalty will never be replaced.” Edmund Wright wrote, “Even though it’s been inevitable for a year, it is still shocking. Rush was a true original and had a supersonic career by any measure you can think of. In addition to the obvious, he launched the careers of Sean Hannity and Mark Levin and inspired dozens of others. He impacted elections, notably the midterm thrashing Democrats received in 1994. He first saved AM radio, then saved FM radio. That is not an overstatement. He almost saved Donald Trump’s second term, which would have been a spectacular swan song.”

I can remember listening to Rush in the late ’80s in NYC and in the ’90s while traveling the country for work. He had a knack for expressing his conservative views with emotion and intellect. He guided so many of us during the ups and downs of American life over the last 50 years and will be sorely missed. His voice of reason will forever remain in our hearts.

Articles about Rush:

Today Begins the Lawsuits: February 19th, 2021

According to the Epoch Times, the U.S. Supreme Court scheduled several high-profile contest-of-election lawsuits, including ones brought by attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and the Trump campaign, for consideration at its February 19th conference.

According to a case listing, the lawsuits include Powell’s Michigan case (20–815), the Trump campaign’s Pennsylvania lawsuit (20–845) and Wisconsin lawsuit (20–882), the Pennsylvania lawsuit brought by Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) (20–810), and Wood’s Georgia case (20–799).

All cases show evidence of unlawful election-related conduct affecting the results of the election, including the expansion of mail-in balloting by elections officials, changing rules in contravention of state election laws, lack of adequate security measures around mail ballots, issues with machine vote tabulation, and denial of meaningful access to poll watchers.

If you remember, the Supreme Court declined to grant relief or fast-track the cases as requested in respective petitions filed ahead of the Jan. 20 inauguration of President Biden, so let’s see if they proceed today.




Diane Scherff

President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Find me on Telegram:

Diane Scherff


1) Facebook is in trouble: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, said in July 2020: “But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA…basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So, there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.”

Then during a public live stream with Dr. Fauci in November 2020, Zuckerberg had a different take: “Just to clear up one point, my understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA. So that’s just an important point to clarify.”

Facebook announced last week that they are “expanding [their] efforts to remove false claims on Facebook and Instagram about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines and vaccines in general during the pandemic.”

Facebook said it would remove claims that vaccines change people’s DNA. Now, Facebook claims it wants people to “discuss, debate and share their personal experiences, opinions and views” as it pertains to the pandemic but will remove vaccine concerns from its platform that had once been expressed by their own CEO. What a hypocrite!

2) Georgia’s Fulton County (Atlanta) Director of Elections Richard Barron has been removed from office due to problems with balloting in the 2020 election in a 3-2 board decision. Let’s see if the new director will call for a fair audit.

3) The Jan. 6th Capitol “Siege”: We know that the Capitol event was pre-planned (most likely by Nancy Pelosi and the Deep State traitors) as bombs were supposedly planted the day BEFORE President Trump even spoke and ANTIFA thugs dressed as Trump supporters started their attack well before President Trump had finished his speech but even the media is starting to wonder. Catherine Herridge of CBS tweeted out that new evidence officially confirms that the event was preplanned so how could Trump’s speech have incited the violence?

4) Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol event where he was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th. Sullivan also organized an Antifa-Insurgence rally on January 6th at the Washington Monument at 11 AM before they stormed the US Capitol but the mainstream media refuses to report these facts.

This week, Politico reporter Kyle Cheney reported that John Sullivan was paid $35,000 from both CNN and NBC for his footage inside the US Capitol on January 6th.

 “This raises serious red flags,” Tayler said claiming the average beat reporter and videographer make $300 to $1,000 for coverage from an event like the US Capitol riots. The truth is coming out….

5) During a CNN town hall on Feb. 16, Joe Biden told the host, “It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator—how do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm? Biden received a full course of a two-dose vaccine before he took office on Jan. 20. The United States had administered 1 million doses by Dec. 24 last year. Come on man! Even President Trump, who has been relatively quiet, chimed in saying, “He was either not telling the truth or he was mentally gone, one or the other,” Trump told Newsmax TV on Wednesday.

Another Biden faux pas: China has detained more than a million Uighurs (mostly Muslim) over the past few years in what the state defines as “re-education camps,” where they are being used for forced labor and women are being forcibly sterilized. Biden claimed, “the Uyghur genocide is just a Chinese cultural norm and that China had been victimized by the West in the past being called out for the things they do…” Joe continues to take his talking points from the Chinese Communist Party AND Obama in the basement but people are seeing…

6) The Lincoln Project’s George Conway said Tuesday he supported shuttering his own organization and said his colleagues need to “come clean” about their knowledge of impropriety by one of the group’s co-founders. Reed Galen and Steve Schmidt (other co-founders) were aware as early as March of allegations that John Weaver had solicited young men online. The men co-founded the Lincoln Project in 2019 to work toward former President Donald Trump’s defeat. So this nasty group of Never Trumpers big faux organization was just a coverup for pedophilia and money laundering? The hits just keep on coming…

7) Liberal cities are beginning to open up and the economy has ticked up 5% in retail sales, even though economists said it wouldn’t rebound. Of course, with Biden in office, the WHO (the World Health Organization, not the rock band) has reversed their testing cycles claiming they had been giving false positives so now the number of cases has dropped significantly. Although, Biden is still demanding masks to be worn. If President Trump was still in office, these cities would continue to fight him and the economy would have slowed down. So maybe President Trump is letting them do the job for him. This could be part of the plan.

Look at the Central Bank’s precious dollar…it’s losing value due to crypto currency’s growth through Bitcoin and others which is putting pressure on Wall Street and the Central Bank (Federal Reserve). Big companies such as Morgan Stanley, VISA, Mastercard, Tesla and Twitter have started accepting Bitcoin. This is the parallel financial system I have been telling you about. Why would we need the Central Bank if we could use cryptocurrencies?

8) Nine Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are calling on the panel’s chairman, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to convene public hearings on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s “potentially criminal” placing of CCP virus patients in nursing homes. This comes after one of Cuomo’s top aides, Melissa DeRosa, admitted to New York state legislators that the governor and his staff purposely withheld information about CCP virus patients sent to nursing homes, where the disease rapidly spread to the aging residents of the facilities. Deep State traitors are getting caught…

9) Ahhhh Nikki…you blew it, girl. According to Politico’s Playbook, “Nikki Haley reached out to former President Donald Trump on Wednesday to request a sit-down at Mar-a-Lago, but a source familiar tells Playbook that he turned her down. The two haven’t spoken since the insurrection on Jan. 6, when Haley blasted Trump for inciting his supporters to storm the Capitol.”

“I think he’s going to find himself further and further isolated,” Haley said after January 6. “I think his business is suffering at this point. I think he’s lost any sort of political viability he was going to have. I think he’s lost his social media, which meant the world to him. I mean, I think he’s lost the things that really could have kept him moving.” Hmmmmm. Does he appear to be gone?

10) Joe Biden’s Dark Winter: Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott gave an update Wednesday on the plan to restore power to the many residents still without electricity or safe drinking water after a brutal cold snap wreaked havoc on the Lone Star state’s power grid and caught utility providers flat-footed. Power outages in Texas dropped below a half-million on Thursday morning for the first time in four days, down from about 3 million the day before. Around 7 million Texans are still under an advisory to boil drinking water for safety following days of record-low temperatures that damaged infrastructure and froze pipes.

Texas is experiencing horrific conditions and the Biden Administration is silent. According to Mike Adams, Natural News in Texas, “most people do not have internet access, cell towers are down because they rely on the power grid. Rolling blackouts give us as little as four minutes of power every 30 minutes.  Sadly, many communities in Texas have zero water pressure as water towers have run out. Most grocery stores are closed and people are rationing food supplies. So far, at least 47 people have died in the frigid cold weather, which is likely to rise as freezing temperatures continue. Prayers for all Texans.

11) Of the seven Republican senators who voted to convict former President Trump, five have been censured by various state and county Republican Parties or by voters. Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) have all been censured after they voted to convict despite previously saying it was unconstitutional to impeach a former president. Say goodbye to your cushy DC jobs.

Do Your Research Before you Take the Experimental Vaccine for COVID19…

Please watch this video with Dr. Simone Gold who discusses what she found out about the COVID vaccine…the disinformation about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.

February 17, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The great Rush Limbaugh has passed away to a better place, free from physical pain and hostility. His honor, courage, strength, and loyalty will never be replaced. Rush was a patriot, a defender of Liberty, and someone who believed in all of the greatness our Country stands for. Rush was a friend to myself and millions of Americans—a guiding light with the ability to see the truth and paint vivid pictures over the airwaves. Melania and I express our deepest condolences to his wonderful wife, Kathryn, his family, and all of his dedicated fans. He will be missed greatly.

FILE PHOTO: Employees of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections process ballots in Atlanta, Georgia U.S., November 4, 2020. REUTERS/Brandon Bell

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election?

Election Fraud Video

Washington Free Beacon Editors – FEBRUARY 17, 2021

The Post-Trump GOP

Florida’s DeSantis offers one possibility for the party’s future

Republicans in search of a promising politician capable of assembling a post-Trump coalition need look no further than Florida governor Ron DeSantis.

A pugnacious populist by disposition, DeSantis has demonstrated that he has real governing chops. His handling of the coronavirus pandemic under the glare of a relentlessly hostile media is a case study in the benefits of competent conservative governance—and one that is likely to serve as the basis for his reelection bid next year.

Florida’s large elderly population should have made it disproportionately susceptible to the virus, but its infection rate per 100,000 residents is in the middle of the pack, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control. DeSantis trained his attention on nursing homes early, avoiding a Cuomo-style disaster; he resisted sweeping lockdowns, deferring instead to local authorities; and he has kept the state’s schools open.

“Florida schools are open, and every parent has the right to send their kids to school for in-person instruction,” he said in a Monday tweet. “Those who insist on keeping the schoolhouse doors closed are ignoring evidence and placing special interests ahead of the best interests of children and families.”

The governor is right to think that good policy is good politics, and the mainstream media is already sounding the alarm about how Republicans like him are planning to “weaponize” distraught parents against the Democrats. We hope so.

While DeSantis beat the disgraced Andrew Gillum in their 2018 matchup, notching a win by less than half a percentage point, recent GOP polling has his approval rating at a whopping 88 percent, according to Politico’s Marc Caputo. That’s higher than former president Donald Trump’s approval in the state.

Conservatives outside of the Sunshine State are taking notice. Managing the pandemic, DeSantis has emphasized the importance of keeping the economy going.

The result has been a Florida boom—restaurants, retail, and financial services are all flocking to the Sunshine State. And those new Florida voters will be getting the representation they deserve as redistricting is expected to add two seats to Florida’s congressional delegation with lines to be drawn by the state’s Republican legislature.

The governor has also become a regular on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program and made a cameo earlier this month as a cohost of Fox & Friends, where rank-and-file GOP voters are getting to know him.

The future of the Republican Party will be the subject of heated debate in the coming years. The Florida governor is showing us one attractive possibility.


President Trump responds to Deep State Traitor Mitch McConnell’s call for criminal charges against him. 2.16.21


On Key

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