DeSantis is a Winner!


Florida Got it Right With Governor DeSantis

By Diane Scherff

Our very own Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is a rock star! He made tremendous strides and ruffled the establishment’s feathers when he arrived in DC as our Congressman and as our Governor, he continues to work diligently and effectively behind the scenes to ‘make Florida great again.’ DeSantis knows how to battle the faux conservatives, big tech and the deep state dictatorial rules. He defies the odds at every turn and refuses to back down.

As the featured speaker Friday (today) at CPAC in Orlando, DeSantis spoke of the lack of statewide coronavirus restrictions since last summer in Florida during his “Open for Business” speech and how he resisted public health phobias surrounding the virus.  

“We are in an oasis of freedom in a nation that’s suffering from the yoke of oppressive lock-downs,’’ he said. “We look around in other parts of our country, and in far too many places, we see schools closed, businesses shuttered and lives destroyed. And while so many governors over the last year kept locking people down, Florida lifted people up.”

When the pandemic hit, DeSantis ordered a statewide shutdown last April reopening the state less than a month later even though many other Governors were calling for long term shutdowns in their states.  By September, DeSantis lifted all statewide COVID restrictions in Florida allowing businesses to flourish and schools to open. DeSantis has placed a priority on education making Florida one of only four states that has kept schools open.

Although DeSantis has received much criticism of his lack of “COVID lock-down,” Florida’s ‘pandemic’ numbers are better than over half the states despite having a large senior population which tends to be more affected by the virus.  According to an article in Just the News, Florida “is 28 out of 50 for population-adjusted deaths, holding the same spot for population-adjusted positive tests and its number of hospitalized residents, (adjusted for population), is currently much lower than hard-lockdown states such as New Jersey and New York, as well as the District of Columbia.”

Following social media’s ban of many conservatives, most notably President Trump, and Facebook’s funding of election fraud, DeSantis also cited his push to put restrictions on big tech companies.

“I will sign the most ambitious reforms yet proposed for combating political censorship and de-platforming [to prevent] big tech from interfering in our elections,” he said.

At a press conference earlier this month, DeSantis announced that Florida would not “allow Floridians’ privacy to be violated, their voices and even their livelihoods diminished and their elections interfered with.”

Finally, DeSantis is an independent thinker with a brilliant mind who stresses the importance of courage and urges conservatives” to fight progressives.”

“When the left comes after you, will you stay strong? Or will you fall? he said. “[When] you engage in the battles, hold the line. Stand your ground and don’t ever, ever back down.”

DeSantis is not only a Trump supporter but also a rising star in the new GOP. If President Trump comes back soon, as we think he will, our Governor just may be our next President.

Hang in there, Governor DeSantis!

The Wuhan virus ‘pandemic’ revealed DeSantis as “a capable and independent-minded executive whose state is doing better than most by key pandemic metrics” while defying his critics who claimed Florida would become a death trap.

Please share this…We Need to Get all Trump Supporters Back on Track…IT’S NOT OVER!

Our 1st Meeting Back Together – February 22, 2021

Dear Trump Patriots,

Thank you to all the amazing patriots who attended our First Trump Club meeting in 2021! We had over 120 people and signed up 56 new members!

You believe in our country’s heritage, values, history and sovereignty. You believe in President Trump. Having worked for and written about President Trump for five years now, I believe he was/is the greatest president of our time. Others before him as in Washington, Lincoln and Reagan also served us well, but none came so far outside the swamp and had to survive the constant and evil barrage from the elitist new world order globally and the Obama deep state/shadow government down the road. Not only did he survive but he literally turned our country around after Obama almost succeeded in destroying our country.

Through President Trump’s many accomplishments, we gained a historic roaring economy, home-grown manufacturing once again, massive job growth and an increase in small businesses, deregulations, tax reductions for all Americans, an increase in household incomes, fair trade agreements and peace treaties in the middle east just to name a few. We were finally being put first, not last. 

Even though the Wuhan Virus intercepted his success, President Trump couldn’t just walk away from a stolen election in a country he loves so much. Yes, the deep state globalists think they have won but they are scared. Why else would they leave a barbed wire fence around the Capitol and White House, as well as thousands of National Guard? Why would they continue to censor conservatives? What are they afraid of? The truth?

I have received hundreds of calls, texts and emails over the last 3 months, mostly from people feeling completely doomed…I get it. I was scared too, then I started connecting the dots after reading my eletters over the years about all the Executive Orders and policies President Trump created and wondered why?

There is a deep state trying to take over the world, Bill Gates is trying to control the world’s population and George Soros/Federal Reserve are creating one global new world order financial system to further steal from our pockets and control our assets. President Trump has been successful in slowing their plan and there is more to come. Don’t think for one minute that losing the election was a surprise to President Trump. I think it was part of the plan to eventually take down the deep state. He had to flush out the bad apples: McConnell, Graham, Pence? He needed the public to SEE what they are doing…and after 50+ rash executive orders deleting policies that were good for all Americans, people are seeing that the Biden/Obama administration doesn’t care about us…only themselves, money and total domination.

Our day is coming….




Diane Scherff

President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Governor Ron’s Corner:

Keep Schools Open: Ron DeSantis Says Teacher Unions are to Blame for Classroom Shutdowns

Governor Ron DeSantis blasts teacher unions for classroom shutdowns amid a worldwide pandemic.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confirmed that her agency’s newly-released guidance states that it is possible for schools “even in areas of the highest community spread” to reopen safely–at least in a hybrid fashion–without teachers getting vaccinated first.

The CDC released new guidance last week, highlighting “layered mitigation strategies” to reduce COVID transmission. Regardless, many states have kept their schools shut down for almost a year! While this is not only crazy, it’s harmful to the children not to let their education continue and build up immunity to viruses.

Governor DeSantis received flack for his open schools and responded PERFECTLY!

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? Election Fraud Video


Do Your Research Before You Take the Experimental Vaccine for COVID19…

Many of you are still wearing masks and are scared of the Wuhan Virus…but realize that you are being lied to…

Please watch this video with Dr. Simone Gold who discusses what she found out about the COVID vaccine…the disinformation about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.




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