The MAGA Movement

The American Way of Life is under attack while career politicians destroy our economy and sabotage our nation’s incredible potential. We will take our country back from the corrupt Washington establishment and return power to the American people, where it belongs. We will achieve a future of prosperity, security, and peace — creating once again the greatest economy in the history of the world, defending our borders, restoring energy independence, and leading with strength and pride on the world stage. It is time to put America First once more and usher in a glorious new era of faith, family, and freedom. Together, we will save lives, save jobs, and save America. Join me in our unstoppable mission to Make America Great Again.

Statement by Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States
July 11, 2023

Joe Biden should not be dragging us further toward World War III by sending cluster munitions to Ukraine—he should be trying to END the war and stop the horrific death and destruction being caused by an incompetent administration. These unexploded cluster munitions will be killing and maiming innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children for decades to come, long after the war—we pray—has ended. If, as Biden inadvertently admitted, the reason for sending cluster bombs now is that the United States is “running out of ammunition” (a great breach of classified information), that only further emphasizes the urgency of immediately de-escalating this bloody, dangerous, and out of control conflict. It certainly means we should not be sending Ukraine our last stockpiles at a time when our own arsenals, according to Crooked Joe Biden, are so perilously diminished. 

The Florida GOP is using last-minute rule changes to tilt the scale for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ahead of the 2024 Florida Republican Presidential Primary.

WATCH this video to learn more about how state GOPs are using procedural gimmicks and last-minute rule changes to undermine your vote ahead of the 2024 election.

Dear Trump Supporters,

Hunter and the Bidens continue to pass through the halls of our unbalanced DOJ unscathed; The American Justice system is corrupt. Each day provides new evidence that the Justice Department under Biden has been enforcing the law by tilting the scales to favor friends and family while unleashing the FBI and prosecutors on Biden’s political opponent. What happened to our constitutional guarantee of equal protection under the law?

After a five-year investigation, Hunter Biden received a sweetheart deal from his father’s DOJ, allowing him to plea down to misdemeanor tax charges, eliminating charges for money laundering or working as an unregistered lobbyist. This is something you would see in a Sean Penn movie.

Attorney General Merrick Garland falsely claimed that the DOJ has not interfered with David Weiss, the Delaware U.S. Attorney in charge of the Hunter Biden probe and told Congress under oath that Weiss “has full authority to … bring cases in other districts if he needs to do that.” But compelling evidence from whistleblowers refutes Garland’s version of events.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is calling this a cover-up. After slow-walking this investigation for five years, the DOJ turned what the whistleblower described as a “slam dunk” felony case against Hunter Biden into a sweetheart plea deal and possibly buried evidence of crimes that have sent other Americans to prison.

Recently, Weiss sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee disputing that his charging authority was limited even though he told a room full of IRS and FBI officials, “I am not the deciding person on whether charges are filed.”

Clearly, someone is not telling the truth, and Congress has a duty to get answers.

Speaker McCarthy also said, “If warranted by the facts, the entire House could decide whether a formal impeachment inquiry concerning Attorney General Garland is necessary. Given the gravity of this constitutional remedy, House Republicans will ensure that any inquiry would be conducted in a transparent and public manner, without the partisan missteps of prior impeachments.”

Bolton calls President Trump a fool, yet it’s the Biden-Obama-Harris team that deserves that nomenclature; John Bolton announced this week (as if anyone cares) that World Leaders think President Trump is a “laughing fool.” Yet, we know that is farther from the truth as Trump was respected around the globe while in office and yes, even feared. Biden on the other hand is not only a laughing stock on the world stage but has a penchant for hurling profanities at aides. This week, stories coming from inside the White House reveal that aides fear the crazy man who yells at his staff and will only address the faux president in groups due to his derogatory outbursts. No one wants to be alone with this creature.

And then we have “Kackle Kamala” who continues to meander and oftentimes babble incomprehensible public statements as we are left wondering, “What the heck are you talking about?” A National Review article said this about ole Kamala;

“When speaking extemporaneously, Harris follows a pattern. She is asked a straightforward question, to which she responds lucidly for a sentence or two. But it is never long before she departs from the first few bullet points she can recall from the briefing materials and subsequently begins filling in the gaps in her knowledge with broad, philosophical digressions. At this point, she rockets off into a psychedelic orbit.”

On the heels of her recent bemused statement, “This issue of transportation is fundamentally about just making sure that people have the ability to get where they need to go! It’s that basic,” Harris continues to appear unbelievably inadequate, to say the least.

So you tell me who the world leaders believe to be “laughing fools?”

FBI Director Christopher Wray committed perjury this week; Wray appeared before the House Judiciary Committee Wednesday facing questions over the weaponization of the FBI against President Trump, in comparison, the FBI and DOJ’s soft handling of Hunter Biden’s case and how the FBI influenced Twitter to censor conservatives. Over the course of five hours, legislators grilled Wray about the weaponization of government, the asymmetrical standards of justice based on political ideology, and the utter failings of the bureau to operate within the confines of the law.

Of course, House Dems congratulated Wray on the success of the FBI, while Republicans hit harder focusing on internal corruption, FBI employees’ access to intelligence resources for personal use, the persecution of parents, and the ignoring the Biden Crime Family’s 459 documented crimes.

Wray lied…He staunchly claimed that the FBI did not reallocate resources investigating sex crimes to surveil parents at school board meetings, which multiple whistleblowers dispute. Wray also lied when he stated that the FBI was not engaged in censorship or ‘content suppression activities,’ which is provably false based on the Twitter files as well as the judge’s preliminary findings in Missouri v Biden.

The worst part? Wray’s smug demeanor and how easily the lies formed on his repugnant lips appeared to suggest he would NEVER get caught.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan takes on the FBI’s targeting of Conservatives, especially Catholics; FBI director Christopher Wray appeared before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning to address allegations from House Republicans that the federal agency has been politicized and is disproportionately targeting conservative Americans.

Representative Jim Jordan (R., Ohio), chairman of the committee, grilled Wray in his opening remarks, focusing particularly on a leaked FBI memo drafted by an unidentified agent targeting so-called “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology” as a hotbed of potentially violent extremism.

Prior to the hearing, CatholicVote, an organization advocating for religious freedoms and protections, revealed that a freedom of information request submitted to the FBI led the agency to insist that “the public is ‘not entitled’ to the records” pertaining to the anti-Catholic memo.

“American speech is censored. Parents are called terrorists. Catholics are called radicals,” Jordan added.

Ukraine’s Zelensky goes nuts after NATO puts a hold on his membership; According to Bloomberg, “NATO leaders were trying to thread a needle on Ukraine’s membership bid when they arrived in Vilnius: They were seeking language that looked like progress and that Ukraine could sell as progress but fundamentally didn’t leave them any closer to getting dragged into a war with nuclear-armed Russia.”

Is NATO taking a step back on its push for nuclear war with Russia? Do they realize they have lost? Are neighboring countries sick and tired of funneling money and ammunition to this weasel? I’d say yes.

A lifelong Democrat Texas Judge has changed her affiliation due to her former party’s insane open border policies that have caused such an increase at the border; Most of us informed Conservatives understand what’s at stake with the border crisis but still nothing changes. Terrell County Judge Dale Carruthers is warning ALL Americans that these illegals are coming to our towns. And she is right.

“They’re coming to your town,” Terrell County Judge Dale Carruthers said of the border crisis in a recent interview, “and your residents will be just as angry as my residents are.”

In July of last year, Carruthers joined a list of judges, sheriffs, and other Texas officials in signing a declaration of invasion and calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to join them in labeling the crisis of illegals as an official invasion under Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution. A multi-racial judge, Carruthers claims there are over 100 countries coming through and most of them look more like an invading army than refugees…and she’s right. She is letting us know that this huge army of thugs is spreading to all parts of our country and plan to fight.

Once they get inside the Texas border they begin trespassing, breaking and entering, stealing, “smuggling people, exploiting people, kidnapping children, selling women and men into slave trade. If that doesn’t frighten you, nothing will,” said Carruthers. WE MUST STOP THIS NOW.

Sound of Freedom brings in the dough; Last week, I reported that the movie Sound of Freedom beat out Indiana Jones last weekend. On Sunday night Angel Studios reported that Sound of Freedom has now hauled in $40 million in sales!

“As with our July 4th numbers, today’s numbers exceed our expectations, and we’re going to continue this momentum. SOUND of FREEDOM has taken on a life of its own. We’re getting messages from all over the country telling us about packed theaters, sold-out theaters, and spontaneous standing ovations for the film in numerous locations. Seeing this film has become a must thanks to incredible word-of-mouth,” said Brandon Purdie, Head of Theatrical Distribution at Angel Studios.

Sidebar: There has been some negative press from an underground conservative source claiming that the movie may be a psyop to sell child tracking devices to parents. At this point, it seems unfounded as this movie has exposed child trafficking to those ill-informed people who now recognize that this is a serious global issue. Parents should use caution in purchasing any tracking device though.

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor is using tax dollars to push her books; With a media campaign going on against conservative Supreme Court justices in the wake of Dobbs v. Jackson, the Associated Press decided to do a little digging on the others…and came up with a doozy on Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

For two months, mainstream media outlets have excoriated conservative Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito for accompanying friends on vacations. There has never been any hint that the outcome of a case was affected or of an ethics violation. But Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee, has been using her taxpayer-funded office staff to help sell her books. Sotomayor’s staff has often prodded public institutions that have hosted the justice to buy her memoir or children’s books, works that have earned her at least $3.7 million since she joined the court in 2009.

When will these people with so much political power in this country stop using it for personal gain? Stupid question, sorry.


St. Johns GOP chair criticized after chaotic meeting leads to 911 call, charges pursued; Political leaders and activists criticized St. John’s County GOP Chairman Blake Paterson after a chaotic June 1 meeting included a 911 call and the party’s vice chair later pressing charges. Following the meeting, the REC lost its venue at the First Coast Technical College as a “direct result of the events” during the June meeting, according to an email sent from Paterson to members.

During the June 1 REC meeting, Paterson made a 911 call for an alleged “ruckus,” asking police to remove some people. READ MORE

Netherlands MAN wins Beauty Pageant!

Biological Man Wins “Miss Netherlands 2023,” Set to Compete in Miss Universe;
As a previous Miss America Pageant system participant, I’m appalled, yet sadly not surprised, that a MALE could enter ANY beauty pageant program let alone WIN. The Miss Universe pageant is only based on looks and physique, unlike Miss America which includes talent, scholastics and a stringent interview process. The fact that this GUY was born with completely different body parts than a biological woman (regardless of how many surgeries he’s had), can win a competition of said body parts is ludicrous.

It’s not just the lack of biological comparison of the actual evening gown and swimsuit competitions but the creep factor present in the dressing room. He still thinks like a male. It’s pure insanity. Either this guy is truly mental or he is a sick pedophile. Regardless, the fact that the deep state liberals are pushing this degradation of women is societal madness.

List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) ‘Woke or KKK’: NYU Hosts Whites-Only ‘Antiracism’ Workshop for Public School Parents
New York University hosted a whites-only “anti-racism” workshop for public school parents in New York City, barring minorities from a five-month-long seminar that legal experts say was a brazen violation of civil rights law.

The all-white seminar, “From Integration to Anti-Racism,” cost $360 to attend and met six times between February and June, according to a description of the program that has since been scrubbed from the university’s website without explanation. READ MORE

2) Hunter Biden mystery: Why did Delaware prosecutor not bring charges his office approved?
An IRS document from early 2022 states Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ office signed off on bringing a felony tax evasion case against Hunter Biden that stretched back to 2014 and money from Ukraine, creating fresh intrigue as to how the president’s son ultimately escaped more serious charges and got a plea deal on tax misdemeanors involving conduct years later.

3) Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify
Democrats were struck with a political boomerang Wednesday after alleging some FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 in exchange for testimony to a House committee.

While two of the whistleblowers, Garrett O’Boyle and Steve Friend, did get charitable checks to help support their families because their FBI paychecks had ended, there is no evidence in the public record that the checks came in exchange for testimony. In fact, the charities have said there is no connection between the financial aid and the testimonies. READ MORE

4) Biden Pledges Security Guarantees to Ukraine During Meeting With Zelenskyy, G7 Leaders
President Joe Biden met with Group of Seven (G7) leaders on July 12 at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit to offer security assistance for Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also joined the meeting, during which the G7 leaders issued a “Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.” READ MORE

5) Judicial Watch: Records Show Air Force Academy Instructional Materials Include Presentations on Critical Race Theory, White Privilege, and Black Lives Matter – Attacks American ‘Creation Myth’ of the Declaration of Independence
Judicial Watch announced today that it received 478 pages of records from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), a component of the United States Department of Defense, which includes instructional materials and emails that address topics such as Critical Race Theory, “white privilege,” and Black Lives Matter. READ MORE


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