American Domestic Bioterrorism Program

Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and Department of Defense secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381. Katherine Watt, Pennsylvania paralegal and Law researcher writes,

“A whole lot of things that once were federal and state crimes and civil rights violations have been legalized by Congress through legislative, statutory revisions to the United States Code, signed by US Presidents, and implemented at the administrative, regulatory level by the Department of Health and Human Services and Department of Defense through the Code of Federal Regulations.”

Watts outlines the timeline of the “legal” takeover of our country, which positions the health department as a DOD front to accomplish their military mission. READ ARTICLE

In the video below, Watt discusses the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons. For those of you not convinced that COVID and the faux vaccines were not planned bioweapons, please watch: WATCH VIDEO

Dear Trump Supporters,

Tucker Carlson says they will do anything to stop Trump from being President again; Obviously, that is true. We have seen it over and over again. But Tucker’s recent revelation about a possible assassination attempt on Trump has alarmed many conservatives I spoke with last weekend.

Tucker quote; “If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work…What’s next? Graph it out. We are speeding towards assassination obviously…They have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

Tucker has mentioned the “assassination of President Trump” at least three times…twice in the recent interview with Trump and once in the clip below.

Does he really believe they will kill Trump or does he mention this repeatedly to stave off the deep dark state from an assassination attempt?

What if Tucker, the most watched man in media, intentionally repeated this mantra to spotlight their intention thus reducing the chance of occurrence under the radar? This is a brilliant move.

Tucker Carlson on His Interview with Trump, FOX Firing & America’s Future

President Trump addresses vaccine adverse events for the first time – calls on big Pharma to disclose safety data immediately; In an interview with conservative commentator and former Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon, President Trump weighed in on the rising concerns over adverse events linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

President Trump made it clear that his administration would not be implementing shutdowns when asked by Dixon his stance regarding potential future COVID-19-related shutdowns if he returns to the White House.

“Well, we don’t do shutdowns, for one thing, and it sounds to me like if something’s coming back, they blame everything,” Trump said, expressing skepticism toward the notion that the ongoing health crisis was solely due to COVID-19.

Numerous pharmaceutical companies have refused to release their data on vaccine side effects when there has been a huge increase in cases of myocarditis, blood clots, and heart attacks. In response, President Trump advocated for complete transparency from big pharma and hinted at their lapse in liability protection from the PREP (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness) Act on December 24th.

“But the pharmaceutical companies have been protected by the PREP Act and that protects them until, I think, it’s December ’24 when that sun sets,” said Trump.

Now we have a date…Christmas Eve will open the floodgates to destroy big pharma!

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Scientist Whistleblower on How the Climate Debate Is Skewed; Patrick Brown recently left his academic post at Johns Hopkins University for a private think tank. He has just written an eye-opening piece for Bari Weiss’s Free Press website: “I Left Out the Full Truth to Get My Climate Change Paper Published” is the headline. The subtitle is: “I just got published in Nature because I stuck to a narrative I knew the editors would like. That’s not the way science should work.”

Brown’s piece is a blistering attack on the veracity of scientists, the media, and academic journals. He says the journals “want climate papers that support certain pre-approved narratives—even when those narratives come at the expense of broader knowledge for society.”

“It is standard practice to calculate impacts for scary hypothetical future warming scenarios that strain credibility while ignoring potential changes in technology and resilience that would lessen the impact. Those scenarios always make for good headlines.”

Masculinity has to be defended and now taught; Just as Australians are quickly moving towards extracting the manhood out of boys, Prager University is educating young men on how to embrace their masculinity. An Australian paper put a white boy on the cover associating him with domestic violence and toxic masculinity. Disgusting…

Here in the States, Dennis Prager’s conservative education platform YouTube-based videos explain civics, economics, politics, and topical issues like climate change and masculinity from a traditional, commonsense point of view. Oklahoma announced yesterday that it is adding materials from the conservative education platform PragerU to its public school curriculum, following a similar decision by Florida earlier this summer, which added it as “supplemental curriculum.”

How To Embrace Your Masculinity
PragerU (University) has produced a new video on how to embrace your masculinity. Is masculinity toxic?” No! Teens will learn the value of independence, courage, strength, and respect in this helpful episode all about embracing their masculinity.

Matt Gaetz is feeling the fire; Florida Congressman and Freedom Caucus leader Matt Gaetz tweeted an apology for not “working harder” to force House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to push an impeachment vote for Biden.

McCarthy made clear to Breitbart News on Friday that if House Republicans move forward with an impeachment inquiry into Biden, the move would come not as an announcement from him or anyone else, but from a formal vote on the floor of the House. “To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes,” McCarthy told Breitbart News.

In 2019, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi simply announced by proclamation that the House was conducting an impeachment inquiry into Trump and within weeks the House formally voted.

Let’s see what McCarthy will do… READ MORE

FDA, CDC Hid Data on Spike in COVID Cases Among the Vaccinated; New FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) documents obtained show the CDC & FDA ignored a U.S. military investigation showing the ‘vaccines’ were failing as early as the beginning of 2021.

COVID-19 cases among vaccinated seniors soared in 2021, according to newly disclosed data that wasn’t presented to the public. Humetrix Cloud Services, contracted by the U.S. military, performed a ‘fresh analysis’ of the data as authorities considered the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccine boosters. Humetrix researchers revealed the high proportion of COVID cases found in vaccinated people yet the government continued to push the boosters. For the week ending on July 31, 2021, post-vaccination COVID-19 cases represented 73 percent of the cases aged 65+ and 80 percent aged 80+.

Although we already knew this, the revelation is still quite frightening. READ MORE

Credit card and car loan defaults hit 10-year high as inflation squeezes families; Inflation-squeezed Americans are defaulting on their credit cards and auto loans at levels not seen since the financial crisis, and the struggle to pay their bills is poised to get worse as interest rates rise and the moratorium on student loans expires.

Low-income and middle-income earners have been especially hit hard by soaring prices on everything from rent, groceries, and new and used cars despite the government’s so-called attempts to tamp down stubbornly high inflation.

This year, credit card delinquencies have hit 3.8%, while 3.6% have defaulted on their car loans, according to credit agency Equifax…the highest in more than 10 years. Even though credit card rates now average 20.6%, there are 70 million more credit card accounts open now than before the pandemic in 2019 and credit card debt surpassed $1 trillion for the first time ever.

With the holidays quickly approaching, credit card debt is likely to increase even further.

With millions of Americans headed for credit disaster, when will they realize that Joe Biden is NOT a president?

Speaking of Biden…he walks out of a Veteran Medal of Honor Ceremony; Military veterans slammed Biden for being disrespectful after he quickly exited the East Room of the White House before the conclusion of a Medal of Honor ceremony honoring a Vietnam War veteran on Tuesday.

Biden abruptly left the ceremony after fastening the nation’s highest military decoration around the neck of retired Army Capt. Larry Taylor, 81, before the closing benediction was read by Chaplain Brig. Gen. William Green Jr.

What a lack of respect.

Michigan town allowed illegal voting; Baldwin Township is a small Michigan jurisdiction with just 1,600 residents and a smaller number of voters. So, according to Nemo News, when a fake registration was filed to vote in 2020 by a Canadian citizen, Clerk Cathy Pittsley knew that it wasn’t a real voter and she had the time to investigate and determine the voter wasn’t real.

“The first danger sign was that I could never get ahold of them, by phone or mail. They didn’t have any ID, they didn’t have any serious proof they lived in the district, and they certainly had nothing to show that they had met the basic legal requirements to be considered a resident or a voter,” Pittsley said. “There were all these red flags, but they were responding over email.”

Yet without any identification or evidence of a real person, the Michigan Secretary of State’s office threatened Clerk Pittsley to register the voter. “I wasn’t able to confirm this was a real human being, but they were allowed to vote and cast an absentee ballot in 2020.” READ MORE

Stay strong…

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God Bless,
Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

What the Left Did to Our Country

Will their upheaval succeed?
By Victor Davis Hanson

September 4, 2023

In the last 20 years, the Left has boasted that it has gained control of most of America institutions of power and influence—the corporate boardroom, media, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the administrative state, academia, foundations, social media, entertainment, professional sports, and Hollywood.

With such support, between 2009-17, Barack Obama was empowered to transform the Democratic Party from its middle-class roots and class concerns into the party of the bi-coastal rich and subsidized poor—obsessions with big money, race, a new intolerant green religion, and dividing the country into a binary of oppressors and oppressed. READ MORE


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