Donate to President Trump’s Campaign

Once again, I am raising money for President Trump on behalf of his fundraising team for 2024. In the last two elections, we’ve raised millions to help the Trump Campaign!

Please click on my personal donation link to donate directly to his campaign. Any little amount will go a long way to help!

Share my link to everyone you know so we can support President Trump!

Thank you!
Diane Scherff


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See President Trump in Mar-a-Lago
Thursday, October 26th

For Contribution Form and More Information

Rest Assured, President Trump will Prevail
By Diane Scherff

During these difficult times, it may be hard to decipher who is telling the truth. During this time of information/disinformation warfare, many are left to assume, and that’s never a good thing. The indictment of President Trump and his fellow colleagues has upended the MAGA zeal, yet has certainly not put out the blaze. Even though it may appear that one of these many arrows may take down President Trump, his armor is paramount.

As I have stated before, these baseless indictments against Trump for ‘lying about the 2020 election,’ may prove to be the answer we have been looking for…to present evidence of election theft past and present.

Jack Smith and Fani Willis have based their indictments against Trump on the allegation that Trump has been lying about the 2020 election. But what if he hasn’t been lying? Many believe there was massive election fraud way before 2020 and if President Trump has the evidence, he will be allowed to introduce this to the court.


Look into the eyes below…do they reveal fear or resoluteness?

Dear Trump Supporters,

President Trump stands up against the RINO debate; President Trump planned to skip the next Republican Primary Debate on Sept. 27 and now, just days after the United Auto Workers went on strike, we know where he will be instead…speaking in Detroit to help ease the labor dispute between striking autoworkers and the nation’s leading auto manufacturers.

Burning Bright’s analysis is spot on;
“Donald Trump never does anything by accident, especially from a Narrative perspective.
Not only is he continuing to demonstrate that the very prospect of GOP Debates are beneath him (thus, rendering the entirety of the 2024 ‘run’ beneath him, and by extension, us,) but he is eschewing legacy political posturing in favor of addressing current national issues weighing on the Collective Mind, and that Mind is watching him do so.”

I say, Way to go President Trump. You’re acting as if you ARE president (which he may well still be) addressing national issues near and dear to all Americans, while the Biden Administration continues to rack up billions in the Ukraine money laundering scheme with the Clintons. More information on the Ukraine Scheme

Speaking of Ukraine; Some Republican House members are fighting back against the insane additional millions being sent to Ukraine proposed in the new spending bill. On Tuesday, House Republicans were forced to cancel a procedural vote for a 30-day stopgap funding measure (Continuing Resolution) to keep the government’s lights on beyond Sept. 30.

A Continuing Resolution (CR) is a temporary spending bill that allows federal government operations to continue when final appropriations have not been approved by Congress and the President Without final appropriations or a CR, there could be a lapse in funding that results in a government shutdown.

As Punchbowl News puts it: “Tuesday was a bad day for House Speaker McCarthy and House Republicans.” McCarthy needs votes from members of the Freedom Caucus, who are demanding that the CR be spliced up so that it doesn’t fund ‘the election interference of Jack Smith,’ according to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), or additional wasted billions to Ukraine. If McCarthy sides with the Dems’ continuing push to “fund the war in Ukraine,” he further divides the America First clan and the RINO uniparty.

Yet, if President Trump quietly pushed for McCarthy as speaker, then….

Biden admin appoints Clapper, Brennan, Kolbe to new ‘Homeland Intelligence Experts Group;’ Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of the Homeland Intelligence Experts group, which contains 17 members, including three former officials who signed onto the October 2020 letter calling the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation…former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Operations Officer Paul Kolbe, and former CIA Director John Brennan.

The statement claims this group will “provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis and the Office of Counterterrorism Coordinator to support DHS’ effort to protect America. PROTECT AMERICA? The three stooges would do a better job in that endeavor.

Attorney General Garland says he does not remember speaking with FBI about Hunter Biden probe; Just the News is reporting on Wednesday, that Attorney General Merrick Garland said he does not remember whether he spoke with anyone at the FBI headquarters about the investigation into first son Hunter Biden, and he refused to give any information about the ongoing probe.

“Have you had personal contact with anyone at FBI headquarters about the Hunter Biden investigation?” Rep. Mike Johnson, R-LA., asked Garland during a House Judiciary Committee hearing Wednesday on Justice Department oversight.

“Uh, I don’t real– I don’t– I don’t recollect the answer to that question, but the FBI works for the Justice Department,” Garland responded.

Johnson interrupted. “You don’t recollect whether you’ve talked with anybody at FBI headquarters about an investigation into the president’s son?”

“I don’t believe that I did,” Garland said.

What a joke….

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon demands world governments ‘seize private property to save the planet,’ and actor James Woods calls him out; According to the Daily Mail, Jamie Dimon has suggested that the U.S. Government and climate-conscious corporations should seize citizen-owned property to enact climate initiatives. In his annual letter to shareholders, the JP Morgan CEO states governments, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and businesses may need to begin using eminent domain to reach their green energy goals.

Eminent domain is a legal term that “refers to the power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use,” which many believe is what happened in Maui.

James Woods, who continues to speak out against the globalist elite, tweeted, “You better come in heavy, champ,” a reference to the hit show Sopranos. One of Woods’ followers responded, “Leaders should lead by example. Leaders should go first.” Red State Media

Although they are not really ‘leaders,’ I agree they should go first. 🙂

James Woods Tweet

HiTOPS wants five-year-olds to receive their sexual identity training;
Project Veritas today released additional undercover footage of HiTOPS employees revealing their efforts to offer sexual and gender identity training to elementary-aged children. In a recording obtained by Project Veritas, HiTOPS’ Director of Education and Administration, Stacy Robustelli, shared that five students “came out” as LGBTQ as a result of HiTOPS’ training of students in grades three, four, and five.

Following part one, HiTOPS Video #1, HiTOPS deleted its official Twitter account and removed its listing of staff and board members from its website. too bad you sick idiots!!!

None of this is ok!

Former FBI DC Supervisor D’Antuono was lying to House Investigators about the number of FBI operatives embedded in the J6 crowds; No surprise here. On Tuesday, House Judiciary Republicans sent a letter including transcribed testimony from former Assistant Director-in-Charge of the Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono who testified that the FBI had numerous confidential human sources (CHS) in the Trump crowd on January 6.

Apparently, they had so many FBI operatives in the crowd that they had no idea how many were actually there that day. Yet, later in the interview, he told investigators that “only a handful” of FBI informants were in the crowd that day. Hmmm, that’s a lie.

D’Antuono was also the head of the FBI’s Detroit field office during the investigation of the alleged kidnapping attempt against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, which was later revealed as a plot hatched, planned, paid for, and executed by paid FBI informants. Just the News. D’Antuono was in charge of the office where they ran the Detroit operation then later was promoted to the DC office before the Jan. 6 protests and riot. What a coincidence.

DC-Area Police Department has begun recruiting officers in Puerto Rico to alleviate shortages; The Washington Free Beacon reports officer shortages are so dire in the Washington, D.C. area, that law enforcement officials in Maryland’s Prince George’s County, which borders D.C., plan to travel to Puerto Rico in an attempt to hire the roughly 350 officers they need to achieve a full staff. The police department is also targeting Hispanic communities at parades and other events across the country.

Due to the “Defund the Police” movement in 2020, police departments across the country have had to reach outside their demographic and geographic area to combat officer shortages that have plagued America’s law enforcement.

Ironically, Democrat-ridden DC is finally feeling the heat from their once again dangerous and ludicrous actions as the crime increase is directly related to their policies.

US taxpayers could fund striking actors and writers; California’s far-left government has been colluding with the Biden administration to bail out the striking Hollywood actors using the American taxpayer’s dollars. California is basically giving unemployment payments to striking Hollywood actors and writers, yet these whiny strikers aren’t unemployed…they chose to stop working.

Apparently, both houses of the legislature passed a bill to that effect this week just waiting for Gov. Newsom’s signature.

According to the NY Post, California’s unemployment insurance trust fund is broke becoming insolvent during the pandemic, and it’s been taking out low-interest loans from the federal government ever since. The loans are designed to give states time to pass reforms and refill their trust funds. But California refuses to do that.

The Golden State owes Washington, DC, $18 billion, yet California is deliberately deepening the fiscal hole instead of paying it back like every other state has done. We are not surprised.

Even Biden’s Own Green Team Admits EVs Are “Not Sustainable;’ Unleash Prosperity Hotline writes, “When even Biden’s own climate change zealots admit that EVs won’t work to stop global warming, you know you have another green policy flop coming. Here is an unusually forthright statement from Jigar Shah, the Department of Energy bureaucrat working with political boss John Podesta to dole out $300 billion in loan guarantees for green energy projects:

The Biden administration is conceding that we can’t replace all the 250 million internal-combustion vehicles in America with EVs (electric vehicles)…even if Americans wanted to buy them.

So much for the ridiculous claim by the Biden Administration that the $300 billion in green energy loan guarantees will result in no losses for taxpayers. Dear Lord…

Pennsylvania doubles down on voting procedures wrought with possible fraud going into 2024; For the 2020 election, Pennsylvania’s liberal Supreme Court reversed long-standing voter integrity procedures and allowed ballots to be counted if they were received up to three days after Election Day. Rather than clean up the state’s voter rolls, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro made things worse this week by issuing an executive order imposing the scam of “automatic voter registration” (AVR) statewide. Customers at the same DMV offices that added non-citizens to voter rolls in prior years will be automatically added now unless they refuse to be included.

Pennsylvania joins almost two dozen states — almost all of them Blue — that have automatic registration. People are automatically added to the rolls whenever they have contact with certain state agencies, including unemployment offices and welfare agencies. Sign up for food stamps and the government gives you a ballot.

Given the election mishaps in 2020 in Pennsylvania, we would have hoped Governor Shapiro would advance protections to ensure a squeaky-clean election process next year. Instead, PA Dems are doubling down on voting procedures that invite mischief and fraud.

And finally, how do we lose a $100 million airplane? The pilot who ejected from a $100 million F-35 fighter jet claimed to have lost the plane in the weather — and likely bailed out before he could activate its tracking system, sources and experts said.

“He’s unsure of where his plane crashed, said he just lost it in the weather,” a voice can be heard saying of the pilot on a Charleston County Emergency Medical Services call posted Tuesday by a meteorologist.

The unidentified pilot landed in a North Charleston residential neighborhood and was taken to a local hospital for treatment then discharged.

Military officials have not yet released a specific reason for the pilot’s hasty exit, only referring to the incident as stemming from a “malfunction.”

This could only happen in Biden’s America!

Stay strong…

List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,
Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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