Dear Trump Supporters,

Thoughts; Suddenly, with the realization that President Trump just may be back in the White House, the Left is whining that he is going to weaponize the government. You know, just as exactly as they did to him, waging war on President Trump and his supporters for years.

-The media has been a propaganda arm of the Deep State/DNC/globalist/Khazarian Zionist pack for decades, yet it has come to light since President Trump announced his presidential run in 2015. The media’s agenda has become abundantly clear with their creation and promotion of the false Russiagate story despite zero evidence, Covid, faux vaccines and Ukraine, just to name a few. They purposefully told lies and pushed fake news stories to brainwash the American people and hurt President Trump and his America First agenda.

-Social media is a propaganda arm as well. Twitter, Facebook, and other social media platforms took orders from the US government to suppress free speech from conservatives, President Trump and his supporters, interfering in our election. They also censored factual evidence about the Biden Laptop, Covid jab, Ukraine, and more, to direct the narrative…to control the story.

-Academia is also a propaganda arm being used to control the minds of our youth, deviously embedding leftist ideology and hatred for white America, while instilling the “virtues” of a woke society filled with nonsense.

-The Executive Branch (the president, vice president, cabinet and federal agencies who enforce the law) have been weaponized to destroy any entity or person who threatens the Deep State cabal and their control of the US. We have witnessed their misguided power against President Trump since he came down the escalators. They staged the Jan. 6th event to entice Trump supporters into the Capitol only to be caught like rats in a trap. Americans watched helplessly as these unsuspecting Trump supporters were later dragged from their homes to the disgusting DC jail where many are still awaiting rescue.

The weaponized DOJ also raided Trump’s house, indicted him, arrested him multiple times, and is trying to send him to prison by any means necessary before November 2024. Why? Because he is a threat.

Well, the propaganda has been exposed for most of the country and the world. We can clearly see the deception that has occurred and the irony of the Left-wing media’s tears over the thought of Trump weaponizing the government…do as I say, not as I do.

The American People have had enough and expect many to pay the consequences for their part in the most diabolical coverup in history.

Univision, the top-rated Spanish-speaking television network currently under new management, has changed its tune toward President Trump with a more favorable view than it did in 2020; The Mexican media company Grupo Televisa merged with Univision in 2022 to create TelevisaUnivision and President Trump is eager to work with the new company. He sat down with Televisa journalist Enrique Acevedo, who conducted a Nov. 7th interview for Univision.

Acevedo started the interview by pointing out the 45th president’s rising poll numbers among Latinos in a recent New York Times/Siena College poll published last week, finding Trump at 42% with Hispanics. In 2020 CNN exit polling showed Biden beating President Trump 65 to 32 percent among Latinos. Which is ironically laughable.

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President Trump has accomplished more for Hispanics than Biden/Obama ever did.

In response to the question about his apparent rising support among Latinos, Trump said, “The Latino vote is so incredible because they’re unbelievable people. They have incredible skills, incredible energy, and they’re very entrepreneurial.”

“All you have to do is look at the owners of Univision. They’re unbelievable entrepreneurial people, and they like me,” he added.

Another “insurrection?”; Last night, hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters gathered outside the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, D.C. as they attempted to enter the DNC building, leading to clashes with the Washington DC Metro Police. Multiple arrests have been reported. Their beef? Ceasefire by Israel.

Amidst the unrest, pressing questions about the ramifications of this act of violent protest and the justice system’s response have been raised. There is an evident concern regarding whether the protestors involved, mostly Democrats as one speaker proclaimed, will face similar consequences to those encountered by the January 6 defendants.

Officials have not yet provided specific details on how the justice system will proceed with those involved in the protest at the DNC headquarters.

Another “insurrection?”; Last night, hundreds of pro-Palestine protesters gathered outside the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, D.C. as they attempted to enter the DNC building, leading to clashes with the Washington DC Metro Police. Multiple arrests have been reported. Their beef? Ceasefire by Israel.

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Amidst the unrest, pressing questions about the ramifications of this act of violent protest and the justice system’s response have been raised. There is an evident concern regarding whether the protestors involved, mostly Democrats as one speaker proclaimed, will face similar consequences to those encountered by the January 6 defendants.

Officials have not yet provided specific details on how the justice system will proceed with those involved in the protest at the DNC headquarters.

Denver judge hears closing arguments in the lawsuit aimed at blocking President Trump from Colorado’s 2024 GOP primary ballot; A Denver District Court judge on Wednesday heard closing arguments in a trial that will determine whether Donald Trump should be allowed to appear on Colorado’s Republican presidential primary ballot next year.

The case, stemming from a lawsuit filed by a liberal political nonprofit based in Washington, D.C., is likely to advance to the U.S. Supreme Court. Similar lawsuits have been brought in other states across the country. None has been successful so far. 

The lawsuits allege that Trump’s role in the deadly Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol disqualifies him from running for president under the 14th Amendment, which bars people who took an “oath … to support the Constitution of the United States” and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof” from holding federal or state office, according to The Colorado Sun.

Assembly, association, and speech are all on trial, and the petitioners argued that President Trump’s thoughts, as if they could know such a thing, are akin to his participation in ‘insurrection.’ It would appear that President Trump might lose this one due to the liberal judge’s reactions. Regardless, he will appeal.

GOP-led House passes short-term spending bill in bipartisan vote; The GOP-led House on Tuesday passed House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Continuing Resolution (CR) to avoid a government shutdown in a 336 – 95 bipartisan vote. The CR continues the current level of federal spending and includes a one-year extension of the farm bill, which contains funding for food stamps or SNAP benefits.

Conservative House members had vowed to vote against the CR and released a formal statement in opposition to the measure ahead of the floor vote.

The bill “provides further continuing FY24 appropriations to federal agencies that fall under the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, and Energy and Water appropriations bills through January 19, 2024, and remaining agencies through February 2, 2024,” according to House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s office.

Biden unlocks fresh funds to Iran totaling billions; The Biden administration on Tuesday reapproved a sanctions waiver that will allow Iran to access upward of $10 billion in frozen assets, the State Department confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon. The sanctions waiver, which was set to expire this week after first being authorized for a period of 120 days in July, allows Iraq to transfer payments for multibillion-dollar electricity imports from Iran into accounts outside of the country that can be used by Tehran. Renewal of the waiver “allows Iraq to use its own funds to render payment for Iranian electricity imports into restricted Iranian accounts in Iraq.

Although Iran is supposed to use the funds for “humanitarian goods,” by freeing up this cash, Iran can allocate other financial resources to its global terrorism operation. The Trump administration (while in office) granted a sanctions waiver to Iraq for these electricity payments on the condition that the payments were kept in an escrow account in Baghdad. The Biden administration’s version allows the money to move outside the country, making it easier for Tehran to access the funds.


The WHO, not the band, continues its quest for world domination; The World Health Organization is still pushing the proposed “pandemic treaty” as well as the highly controversial amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Analysts have cautioned that the ratification of either, let alone both, would completely strip away sovereignty from nation-states and place public health decision-making power in the hands of the WHO and its director-general.

The COVID plandemic exposed the medical dictatorship of the WHO. With the potential passage of this treaty and amendments, the WHO/cabal is trying in theory to create a world-governing body in the event of another pandemic. We must not let this happen again…the states must uphold our Constitution.

A college male student is allowed to join a sorority in Wyoming even living with other women; Working three jobs to pay for college and completing even more professional internships left me zero time for sorority life but I had a glimpse of the “sisterhood” watching my daughter’s involvement in Kappa Kappa Gamma at Florida State years later. Unfortunately, that safe place for sisters is gone as a Wyoming-based Kappa chapter allowed a 6’2″ male student to join and live in the house.

Six of the sorority sisters filed a lawsuit claiming the transgender pervert was watching them undress and asked the court to force the sorority to define the word “woman” as written in their Bylaws. A U.S. District Court Judge dismissed the case in August, ruling that the sorority had a right to define “woman” and did not breach the housing contract by allowing this biological male to move in. That’s right…now a male can be a female sorority SISTER and live with other girls, sharing the same bathroom.

Additionally, Kappa Kappa Gamma revoked the memberships of two sorority alumni who stood up for the girls in denouncing men as members in any capacity.

The once-coveted sorority house for only women will no longer exist. A sick man may now creep into the private lives of women on college campuses under the guise of transgenderism. Sick.


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Is the Rock being prepared for the presidency?; It would appear that the Rock is being groomed by someone to become the next Pedowood Presidential candidate. As he makes the rounds on late-night fake shows, the dialogue appears scripted as they present the Rock as a “nice family guy.”

Maybe this is a joke, but something is up. I like the Rock, but come on…..

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern what is truth and what is being fed to us as sleazy propaganda. Stay informed…

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God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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