Dear Trump Supporters,

The Speaker saga is over; Will the real speaker please stand? The Republican majority House voted Wednesday to elect Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) speaker after he initially lost to House Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn) on Tuesday. Emmer dropped out due to opposition from 26 Republicans, who would have stopped his floor vote, and President Trump’s negative comments about Emmer.

“I have many wonderful friends wanting to be Speaker of the House, and some are truly great Warriors,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social app. “RINO Tom Emmer, who I do not know well, is not one of them.”

Johnson, vice chair of the House GOP Conference, is the fourth candidate to win the speaker nomination after the ousting of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Oct. 3.

Congressman Rutherford comments at 11:30pm Tuesday night; Mike Johnson is Speaker designee. Speakers vote at noon tomorrow. He only had three votes present, 19 absent and he received 199 of those present. He is very well-liked by the entire conference and has a servant’s heart. He will be our Speaker tomorrow. Mike is a man who lives his faith, is intelligent and temperate, and is a great communicator. He knows and loves the Institution and that’s why I think he will be a great Speaker. READ MORE

According to an interview with Steve Bannon, Rep.Matt Gaetz reveals in detail how Kevin McCarthy has been working the GOP conference to undermine any other Speaker candidate so that McCarthy would be renominated as the only possible alternative. Listen to the games that are played behind closed doors. The good news is that McCarthy was stopped and Johnson appears to be a good choice….and on the Trump train!


Crazed NY Judge claims Trump violated his gag order for criticizing his law clerk;

Blogger Sundance writes, ‘Justice Arthur Engoron is truly one of the most ridiculous judges on the bench.’

Sparks flew during the trial in which the New York attorney general sued President Trump and his businesses for fraudulently inflating his net worth as President Trump was called to the stand. Following testimony by Michael Cohen, President Trump told the media, “This judge is a very partisan judge with a person who’s very partisan sitting alongside of him, perhaps even much more partisan than he is.” President Trump was clearly remarking about Michael Cohen who was on the witness stand, yet the Judge cried foul.

Engoron demanded President Trump take the witness stand and asked, “To whom were you referring?”  “You and Cohen,” Trump replied.

However, the judge almighty then said he did not believe President Trump. “As the trier of fact, I find the witness is not credible,” said Engoronfrom his perch, preferring to believe President Trump was talking about Engoron’s clerk. Allison Greenfield. President Trump had made disparaging remarks about Greenfield when the Judge initially imposed the gag order on Oct. 3 barring Trump from making comments about court staff . To President Trump’s character, he posted a picture of Greenfield on his Truth Social platform claiming Greenfield was “running this case” and was “Chuck Schumer’s girlfriend.” 

This display of disrespect and utter ridiculousness in our court beats all. Now we are being told what we are thinking and to whom our references were intended.

What happened? President Trump left the building…in style.

How could the strongest army with the highest military intelligence in the world allow numerous Hamas fighters to waltz into Israel? Many people have been discussing the unusual circumstances around the Hamas attack in Israel and how the most advanced military intelligence in the world could have allowed this dangerous intrusion. How were they caught off guard?

A new documentary focuses on this issue.

This film exposes something so nefarious, so evil, so mind-blowing that many will find it hard to believe. Yet it is true. The shocking secrets unveiled by this incredible documentary will shine a blazing light on the criminal entities who have always been hiding behind both the state of Israel and Hamas. This film has the power to deliver a fatal blow to the satanic elites, who want to establish a one-world government from Jerusalem to enslave all of humanity.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas can rule independently on election fraud cases; Writ of Mandamus Approved for Florida’s 2022 General Election with a 2020 option;
An ‘Application’ to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from the Northern District of Florida was accepted as a Writ of Mandamus through the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

According to reports, this Writ of Mandamus (Application) is something Justice Thomas can rule on independently, or he can forward it to the whole of the Supreme Court. An application is a request for emergency action addressed to an individual Justice. Applications are addressed to a specific Justice, according to a federal judicial circuit. The United States is divided into 13 federal circuits, with each Justice assigned to a specific circuit or circuits.

Case law has established four general criteria that the applicant normally must satisfy in order for the Court to grant a stay. They are:

  1. that there is a “reasonable probability” that four Justices will grant certiorari, or agree to review the merits of the case;
  2. that there is a “fair prospect” that a majority of the Court will conclude upon review that the decision below on the merits was erroneous;
  3. that irreparable harm will result from the denial of the stay;
  4. finally, in a close case, the Circuit Justice may find it appropriate to balance the equities, by 2.

Read the full Reporter’s Guide to Applications Here: reportersguide.pdf (supremecourt.gov)

So this is why the deep-state globalists have been attacking Justice Thomas with false accusations in an attempt to get him impeached. Hold the line…

Georgia government corruption is being exposed; We know how corrupt our government has become in DC and in Georgia’s Fulton County. Now we see the forceful power of corporations being used to write and vote on bills with the Georgia legislature in secret meetings. A reporter posted video footage of such a clandestine meeting taking place with legislators and corporate management at a hotel in Savannah.

“What happens in these back rooms? Their votes are taken. They have the corporate folks at the same table voting with the legislators on what bills to pick, and that at its core just screams out inappropriate.”

“You’re telling me that in these rooms, a corporation has an equal vote with a legislator on a piece of legislation?”

” They absolutely vote and the truth be told, they write the bills. Alec bills come complete with blanks where legislators need only fill in their state name.”
See video/post on X:

Be careful who you believe…many are not who they say they are; Remember Jenna Ellis, Trump advisor and the attorney assisting Rudy Guliani with the 2020 election fraud cases? She came out of nowhere, failed miserably for President Trump and then started attacking Lin Wood and Sydney Powell who were actually doing something.

Ellis posted several anti-Trump comments prior to being brought on board, so why did they hire her? What was her purpose?

Ellis just plea-bargained on unrelated charges in Georgia and blamed everyone else for everything. The reason I’m bringing this up is we all need to discern…everything and everyone. Many things are not what they seem.

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern what is truth and what is being fed to us as sleazy propaganda. Stay informed…

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God Bless,
Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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