International Journalist & Author Alex Newman to Speak at Trump Club Meeting

Trump Club of SJC Meeting

Monday, April 12th @ 6:30 pm

International Journalist and Author Alex Newman

RE: COVID, the Deep State Agenda and The Great Reset

FOP (Fraternal Order of Police)

5050 Inman Rd – St Augustine


April 12th Meeting Registration

REMINDER: Please remember to sign up for your membership. Guests are welcome for two times, then should become members Thanks so much!

Dear Trump Patriots,

We have an excellent speaker on Monday, Alex Newman! He will be speaking about the origin of the deep state, who is actually involved and why, as well as how the COVID “plandemic” occurred and the Great Reset! Please plan to attend!!!

President Trump has been busy sending out notices from his office this week, promoting Mo Brooks, scolding Governor Kemp for his half-hearted attempt to correct the illegal voting system in Georgia and persecuting the far-left companies who condemn him and his supporters.

“It is finally time for Republicans and Conservatives to fight back—we have more people than they do—by far! Boycott Major League Baseball (MLB), Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, JPMorgan Chase, ViacomCBS, Citigroup, Cisco, UPS, and Merck,” the statement read.

He is 100% correct. We must start boycotting these companies. I’ll add Amazon to that one as well as several others that are listed in a segment later in the eletter.

Also, a group of patriots headed by Luis Miguel, who is running against Marco Rubio for US Senate, has organized a huge Patriot Rally in St Augustine for this Sunday, April 11 at 3pm! Yours truly will be one of the speakers. Please come and show your support for President Trump!

This week’s article is about sex trafficking and it will also be the topic of our May meeting. I am working on ways the Trump Club can get involved to help stop sex trafficking on the local level since Florida ranks #3 in the country!

Thanks you for the memories Dan & Robyn Villella!

Finally, on a sad note, we lost one of our dear Trump supporters, Dan Villella, husband to Robyn Villella, one of our top volunteers over the years. Our thoughts and prayers are with Robyn and her family. Dan will be sorely missed by all.




Diane Scherff

President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Find me on Telegram:

Diane Scherff and Patriot Party of North Florida

News Update:

If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.  -George Washington

1) Bill Gates and George Soros Team Up to Form Organization Tasked with Policing with “Disinformation”

The American ruling class never sleeps and now they’re propping up a new organization to fight so-called “misinformation” and “disinformation.” It’s clear that the ruling class wants to prevent the rise of another Donald Trump. One way they will do so is by policing speech and preventing the rise of individuals and institutions who challenge the regime’s established narrative.

2) Quality of life plummets, taxes rocket — and New York City faces doom

Washington is sending trainloads of money to blue states to bail out their high-tax, high-spend habits. As longtime government guru Dick Ravitch writes in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “Congress has been generous, allocating more than $12 billion to New York state, $6 billion to the city, $6 billion to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and $9 billion to the state’s schools.” The state’s take raises the total budget about to be adopted to $212 billion, some $18 billion higher than the fiscal year that just ended. Florida, which has 2 million more people, will make do with spending $97 billion this year.

I guess they are all going to come here now since Governor DeSantis knows how to run a state successfully!

3) Biden Administration Announces Plans to Curb ‘Ghost Guns,’ Push ‘Red Flag’ Legislation

The Biden administration is taking action to stop so-called ghost guns and push states to adopt “red flag” legislation. Biden is directing the Department of Justice to, within 30 days, issue a proposed rule aimed at curbing the spread of so-called ghost guns, or guns that are made from built-it-yourself kits. He is also demanding red flag laws, which let family members or law enforcement ask a court to bar people from owning guns if the people allegedly present a danger to themselves or others.

This is just the beginning…

4) Sen. Kennedy: Democrats’ Infrastructure Bill Is the Green New Deal, Plus Welfare

Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) says that the Biden infrastructure bill proposed by Democrats is actually a welfare and reparations bill that follows the agenda of the progressive Green New Deal, rather than infrastructure. The Green New Deal Kennedy referred to was introduced by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) with the main objective being to achieve economic and racial justice in the United States.

Her 2019 resolution states, “clean air and water, healthy food, access to nature, a sustainable environment, and the promotion of justice and equity by stopping oppression of ‘indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth” are the priorities of the bill. Huh???? What does this have to do with buildings, roads and power supply?

5) 246 Fully Vaccinated People in Michigan Test Positive for COVID-19; 3 Dead

Michigan data show that 246 residents have tested positive for COVID-19 more than two weeks after being fully vaccinated against the virus that causes it between Jan. 1 and March 31. Eleven of the residents were hospitalized and three died, a spokesperson with the state Department of Health and Human Services (MDDHS) told The Epoch Times via email. Hmmmmm.

6) 60 Minutes Pushes Garbage Lies Again – Even Democrat Mayor Says Its Hit Piece on Florida Governor DeSantis Was “Intentionally False”

60 Minutes is a bad liberal joke. This weekend 60 Minutes presented another garbage attack, this time against Florida Governor DeSantis. It was so bad that even the Democrat Mayor of Palm Beach County was obliged to take issue with it.

Just the News:

The Epoch Times:

Gateway Pundit:

National Review:

The American Conservative:

Biden’s Exploitation of Children

By Diane Scherff

As Biden’s hideous open door policy has allowed millions of illegal aliens to enter our country (including known murderers, rapists and gang members), illegal children are being raped and abused at government-led facilities and some are being smuggled into cars in plain sight by organization staff and would-be sex traffickers. Sex Trafficking is a $100 billion industry that is now growing at warp speed under Biden, and the Democrats just may be cashing in.

Is this part of their plan?

President Trump actually hit immigration head on by building the wall to prevent illegal criminals and unregistered aliens from breezing into our country, and strengthened efforts against human trafficking and the drug cartel. In January, 2020, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at combating human trafficking and online exploitation establishing a new position on the White House Domestic Policy Council focused on combating human trafficking. The order also directs the Justice and Homeland Security departments to improve coordination on finding sexual images of children online, in an effort to help the administration to move more quickly to eliminate them.

“We will not rest until we’ve stopped every last human trafficker and liberated every last survivor,” President Trump said.

Yet Biden exploits children…keeps them in cages without adult supervision or in facilities, which is worse, and stands by as they are abused, kidnapped and alone. His open invitation to illegals worldwide was also a notice to traffickers that the US is open for business. He created this mess and has done nothing to stop the border crisis. Why? Because he needs the illegals for votes, the criminals for gun control and the children for sex trafficking. Disgusting.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, roughly 24.9 million people are trafficked around the world. Of those, about 2.5 million are within the United States.  While most victims are female, men and boys are also trafficked regardless of geography, age, sexual orientation, race and socioeconomic status. One in five victims is a child, and the average age that exploitation begins is 12 to 14.

Florida has the third-highest rate of human trafficking reports to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, and has been reported in every county in the state. Yet, according to an article in Herald Tribune, Florida is recognized as a national leader in the fight to end human trafficking. Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, who chairs Florida’s Statewide Council on Human Trafficking, also serves as co-chair of the National Association of Attorneys General Human Trafficking Committee, which promotes best practices for combating trafficking at state levels.

This is good news for Florida.

Florida has some of the strongest laws against human trafficking in the country and was also the first state in the nation to require schools to teach K-12 child trafficking prevention. Survivors of trafficking now have their voices heard and have a seat at the table in policymaking, advocacy, awareness and direct services.

Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis and Ashley Moody are pushing for stricter laws against human trafficking yet Biden has allowed it to escalate nationally. Ironically, when you google anything about the deep state and its connection to sex trafficking, you get negative articles about President Trump or conspiracy theories. Well, a $100 billion industry that sells children for sexual pleasures is not a conspiracy theory…it is real…and it is growing under the Democrat rule.

These evil greedy globalists who partake in this are the same ones who stole the election, usurped our government and created this COVID ‘plandemic.’  They are the ones who desire to rule the world and depopulate humanity. This is an evil force…the cabal. This is the enemy we are fighting.


Left-wing companies are a threat to our country and our freedoms. Many companies have been threatened by radical activists into supporting the Marxist hate group Black Lives Matter and other race-mongering groups such as the ACLU. Out of fear, some companies have surrendered by posting a quick tweet or burying a pandering web page, while others have clearly gone above and beyond a little lip service to appease the angry mob by making huge donations to go along with vitriolic rhetoric. In order to get on this boycott list, a company had to do more than just post a quick statement. You might say, the squeakiest wheel gets the grease!

Our freedoms are under assault by these leftist companies. This is why we MUST take action. Show them what 74 million + consumers can do to their profit margins. It’s your patriotic duty. And be sure to let them know why you cancelled them! The founder of Gab says that we must create our own economy. Our boycotts matter and they have impact. Just ask Super Bowl advertisersGilletteGoodyear or Walmart.

What can you do to resist (where applicable)?

  1. Call and email them to let them know that you do not support their left-wing agendas! Hound them to support good causes, such as the American Center for Law and Justice, Gun Owners of America, the NRA, the Heritage Foundation, the RNC, and to advertise on and support the good media outlets.
  2. Support other companies instead, in particular, smaller, regional or local ones headquartered in Republican dominated cities or states. If a large company is not mentioned on this page, then you can likely assume that they are apolitical and thus can be supported. IMPORTANT: When faced with a choice of companies that are all on this list (for example, major credit card companies), pick the one that you find least offensive that we have not targeted as “worst” in category. Also, keep in mind that there are ways to partially boycott a company. Examples: Do not buy food, drinks or NFL attire if you attend NFL, NBA or MLB games. Sneak your own food and drinks onto flights with airlines on this list. Buy personal care items, vitamins, etc from good online retailers instead of our boycotted grocery stores. Use open source software instead of Microsoft software. Feel free to liberally demand refunds, discounts, and return of products bought from these left-wing companies.
  3. Let us know if we’re missing a large company that fits our criteria to be on this ever-growing list. Provide article links if possible. We depend on your feedback, especially when it comes to regional chain stores that we don’t know about.
  4. Look the other way if you see one of their stores being looted and destroyed by BLM and ANTIFA — Don’t call the police! Many of these hypocritical companies are complicit in furthering the defund-the-police narrative. In most states, mere failure to report a crime isn’t a crime in itself. However, there are some exceptions.
  5. Sell any individual stock that you may own in these left-wing companies, or if you continue to hold shares, at least vote against all leftist board members and spread the word on social media to other shareholders.
  6. Consider the content on this page as public domain. On your own website, blog or social media page, 1) Copy and repost this list, 2) Or post a link to this page, 3) Or post a link to these older archived pages (in case this page is ever down). Just keep in mind that this page is constantly being updated, usually on a daily basis. Sometimes companies flip on us, as was the case with L.L. Bean and Goya Foods. Follow us on Minds or Gab to track the most important updates. Oh, and if you’re a coder then create an app for conservative shoppers!
  7. “Cut the cable” or at least scale back your cable TV package. Stop supporting left-wing propaganda networks like MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, HBO, TBS, Comedy Central, ESPN, etc.
  8. Join the movement away from Big Tech. Support alt-tech news, social media and browser.



Come to the Florida Mass Patriot Rally in St. Augustine, FL.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

President of the Trump Club, Diane Scherff will be speaking.

Location: Athletic Field Right Next to Osceola Elementary School

1605 Osceola Elementary Rd, St Augustine, FL 32084

Doors Open at 1:30pm EST / Event starts at 3:00pm EST

*** Parking: plenty of parking beside the field and across the street in the West Augustine District Park

Facebook event page for sharing:

New research shows the increased danger of the COVID gene therapy shots and no one should be forced to take these MRNA shots. Just two months after the Left called Trump supporters domestic terrorists after the faux Capitol event, the Washington Post is now calling all anti-vaxxers domestic terrorists; “Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism.”

Do Your Research Before you Take the Experimental Vaccine for COVID19…

Watch this video with Dr. Simone Gold who discusses what she found out about the COVID vaccine…the disinformation about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.

Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? Election Fraud Video

Click Here to view the video

Absolute Proof: Mike Lindell

Click Here to view the video above


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