What is taking so long for John Durham’s report?

By Diane Scherff

Should Biden be terrified when the Durham report comes out? Will there finally be justice? According to a new article in Conservative Brief even though many of us were afraid Durham’s investigation would die under the O’Biden administration, apparently, it remains in full force. John Solomon of Just the News also claims ‘Durham has been plugging away diligently behind the scenes.’

What if Durham releases the Kraken and the rest falls into place? It could happen. Read this article for further information and stay positive…


Dear Trump Patriots,

As we reflect on Holy Week, let’s take a moment to realize that God is in control. We wonder when He will help save us from the dirty evil globalist cabal who want to take control of all Nations under God and decimate our freedoms for the sake of power and greed. We ask how this could be happening to the once “home of the free and the brave” United States of America…

Since we don’t have simple answers to these questions, we must remain vigilant in our prayers and let Him guide our actions to bring back our country from the evil Left.

As the O’Biden Administration continues to enact wounding legislation to Americans who are trying to survive their lecherous control, many out-spoken pro-Trump conservatives are being blackmailed, harassed and silenced. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has just joined the ranks of the targeted when his family’s wealth was used for extortion by most probably the deep state hunters. Fortunately, the NYT’s article claiming Gaetz was improperly linked to a 17-year-old girl has come full circle with newly published documents revealing that he and his family were victims of an extortion scheme.

According to the Epoch Times, through an email obtained and published by the Washington Examiner, a lawyer for Gaetz’s father Don, a former Florida state senator, received confirmation that both the DOJ and the FBI were seeking Don’s assistance. The Epoch Times also reported that other documents made public allegedly outlined the supposed extortion scheme. The bizarre connection with Florida lawyer Don McGee and his proposed plan to make Gaetz’s “future legal and political problems go away,” also involved a secret release of Robert Levinson, a former FBI agent who vanished in Iran in 2007. This feels more like a Tom Clancy novel!

The corrupt FBI/CIA/DOJ officials are using the same playbook against Gaetz as they did for George Papadopoulos, Carter Page and others, yet Hunter Biden and Eric Swalwell, who have actually committed crimes, get off scot-free. Since Gaetz didn’t appear to take the bait, the NYT had to smear him with lies. This is the new Left…use the power of the media to control the narrative, censor the truth and destroy lives. But those willing to fight back are advancing, as with Governor DeSantis. He has refused to demand vaccine passports in FL and will take emergency executive action against the demand for Americans needing a vaccine passport to be able to travel domestically and internationally. Go Ron!

So as President Trump and Mike Lindell start social media platforms and Governors like Ron DeSantis stand up to the O’Biden Administration, big tech, media etc, we must realize that America will be saved eventually…we must never give up the fight…or our hope.




Diane Scherff

President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Find me on Telegram: https://telegram.org/

Diane Scherff and Patriot Party of North Florida

Look for President Trump’s new social media platform coming soon! It will be a game-changer…goodbye FB, Instagram, Twitter…..

“I have no idea how the media can live with themselves knowing they’re just the propaganda arm of a corrupt, illegitimate administration. I get that the money is good and crime pays, but EVERYONE hates you. Even most people that identify as “liberal” distrust the media to some extent. What a shitty life to live. At the end of the day, you can write all the articles you want about us complete with lie after lie, but we can rest our heads on our pillows at night knowing we aren’t corrupt pieces of shit taking orders from the puppetmasters. On behalf of We the People to everyone in the dumpster fire called the mainstream media…” Anonymous 

News Update:

If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.

– George Washington

1) More Than a Million Illegal Immigrants Expected to Cross Border in 2021:


2) Florida’s DeSantis Calls on Biden to Resume Trump Immigration Policies


3) “We Have a Very Narrow Window to Tie Reopening Policy to Vaccination Status”- Doctor On CNN


4) “Worst Voter Suppression Since Jim Crow” – Democrats Furious After Texas Senate Passes Election Integrity Bill Limiting Mail-In Voting


Just the News: Justthenews.com

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/

Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/

National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/

The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/

REFLECTIONS…by Diane Scherff

Trevor Loudon is making the rounds on the internet as an outspoken critic of the globalist control on America…and he’s a Kiwi. Although his statements are not new, they are worth contemplating as we move forward in our fight against the deep state globalists. Loudon claims…

“Though I’m a New Zealander, I know America and its people well. I’ve traveled to every state in the Lower 48 and have addressed more than 500 audiences across this amazing nation. My message has always been the same: The United States is heading toward a brutally tyrannical socialist revolution—and if America goes down, every free country follows.

Well, now it’s here, people, unfolding before our very eyes. So, what can be done? Can the Republic be saved? Honestly, I don’t know.”

In his most recent paper, Loudon speaks about the reality that Trump is gone, states must stand up, must have closed primaries, fight big tech and boycott deep state companies. Here are some highlights:

  • Trump was outplayed and not coming back so we have to move on (possibly true but the Trump movement lives on)
  • Military generals owned by Obama are in control (not necessarily)
  • 30 RED states should form a coalition with state legislatures securing the election process before 2022 and creating a tighter union against the federal government
  • Close GOP primaries in every state (currently GOP has five states with closed primaries)
  • AZ, TX, FL, NM, CA must CLOSE THE BORDERS to illegal aliens and protect their 10th amendment rights for sovereignty
  • Support President Trump’s SAVE AMERICA PAC to get Trump-minded candidates elected
  • Other states must join our wonderful Governor DeSantis in his fight against big tech and communist China in our states
  • Boycott deep state companies…hurt their sales significantly: “Imagine if 80 million MAGA patriots resolved to begin a nationwide boycott of one such company, starting now. The boycott would go on indefinitely until the target company was broke, or it apologized for “canceling” patriots. If applicable, every MAGA family could simultaneously commit to buying at least one of the canceled person’s products this year.”

Trevor Loudon Letter

Governor Ron’s Corner:

While New York and the federal government are working to roll out ‘vaccine passports,’ on March 29, Governor DeSantis announced he would take emergency executive action against vaccine passports, explaining it this way:

“It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society.”

As our Governor is defending our freedoms, our government is taking it away. According to an opinion piece in the Gateway Pundit, “From election integrity to education to infrastructure, the current federal administration is working in diametric opposition to the wishes of the citizens of a majority of the states.

Benjamin Franklin famously said upon leaving the Constitutional Convention, “A republic, if you can keep it,” which is why we need a renewed republic: “a renewed and stronger federalism.”


DeSantis for Prez2024

New research shows the increased danger of the COVID gene therapy shots and no one should be forced to take these MRNA shots. Just two months after the Left called Trump supporters domestic terrorists after the faux Capitol event, the Washington Post is now calling all anti-vaxxers domestic terrorists; “Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism.”


Do Your Research Before you Take the Experimental Vaccine for COVID19…

Watch this video with Dr. Simone Gold who discusses what she found out about the COVID vaccine…the disinformation about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine.




The Facts About H.R. 1: The “For the People Act of 2021”

From The Heritage Foundation:

H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process administered by the states, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states and reversing the decentralization of the American election process—which is essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom. It would (among other things) implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred during the 2020 election; go even further in eroding and eliminating basic security protocols that states have in place; and interfere with the ability of states and their citizens to determine the qualifications and eligibility of voters, ensure the accuracy of voter registration rolls, secure the fairness and integrity of elections, and participate and speak freely in the political process.

Key Points:

  • H.R. 1 would federalize and micromanage the election process, imposing unnecessary, unwise, and unconstitutional mandates on the states.
  • It would reverse the decentralization of the American election process—essential to the protection of our liberty and freedom.
  • It would implement nationwide the worst changes in election rules that occurred in 2020 and further damage or eliminate basic security protocols.


Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? Election Fraud Video


Absolute Proof: Mike Lindell



On Key

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