The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Dear Patriots,

False Flag?: Another tragic shooting at a school, this time in Texas, where 19 were killed by a lone gunman, 18-year-old Salvador Ramos, who was killed by police. How many of these horrendous mass shootings will we allow the Left to get away with? Yes, the Left. Is this another one of their “false flags,” to reflect media attention away (like Ukraine) from what’s really going on at the border, to garner support for tougher gun control and to shine a light on transgenderism? Early reports show that Ramos suffered from disillusioned sexual identities and was a seriously depressed transgender. This must stop. The Left continues to indoctrinate, confuse and manipulate our young children into a world of nonsense and loneliness.

America is at a Turning Point in History: Biden and the World Economic Forum (WEF) Interests Align. The very fabric of our nation and global relations is at stake. There are powers that be who are aiming to strip individuals of their rights in order to achieve universal power. From the WEF to the WHO the message is clear, they want to own every aspect of your life. Joe Biden secretly submitted a list of amendments to the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO), which would give that globalist body control over America’s borders, travel, commerce, food and medical supply lines, environment, animal rights, and yes, even whether Americans can be forced to take vaccines.

Biden did not consult Congress, nor did he alert the members when he submitted the changes to WHO on January 18. Biden’s plan was only revealed in late April after being discovered by an independent researcher. WHO’s World Health Assembly is meeting THIS WEEK in Geneva, Switzerland, and the member nations will vote on Biden’s sovereignty-killing demands … unless we can compel Congress to stop him.

Primaries: What the heck happened in Georgia? Mike Pence-endorsed Georgia Gov Kemp wins his primary, beating out President Trump-backed Perdue and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger defeated Trump-endorsed Rep. Jody Hice in the GOP primary… Two of the sleaziest candidates in the country WIN??? Did the people in Georgia forget how these two RINOS were paid by China during the COVID lockdown to facilitate cheating in their state, especially in Fulton County? This is not a conspiracy theory, but the truth. Did they find a way to cheat again? Possibly….they are THE people who are in charge.

Then we have Dem Soros-made Stacy Abrams who wins her primary for Governor, claiming that her state “is the worst in the country,” and that voter suppression has nothing to do with the dramatic increase in voter turnout in her state. Really? On what planet? The Dems cried about voter suppression but had a huge turnout for the primary elections. You can’t have it both ways.

In Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders won the GOP primary for governor, an office once held by father Mike Huckabee, ushering in a new Republican family dynasty, as another appears to come to a close: Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush lost his primary bid to unseat Trump-backed Attorney General Ken Paxton, likely marking the end of the Bush family’s four-generation political dynasty. Good.

Also in Arkansas, Trump-backed Sen. John Boozman advanced to the general election after winning the state’s GOP primary.

New York City’s Crime and Masks As crime in the Big Apple was up over 30% in April and a subway shooter this week had been arrested 19 times, parents are pushing back against the ridiculous mask mandates for their toddlers. Even though children are at very low risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, The Biden Administration and NYC Mayor Eric Adams continue to push this mandate. Focus on keeping the criminals off the streets instead of masking innocent children!!

State Farm No More: Even though State Farm has backpedaled on a plan to distribute LGBT-themed books to children through community centers, libraries, and school teachers after a whistleblower revealed the insurance company was working with a transgender advocacy group, you should still BOYCOTT.

GenderCool, a self-described “youth-led movement” committed to telling the stories of “transgender and non-binary youth who are thriving,” wanted to enlist hundreds of State Farm agents and volunteers to “help diversify classroom, community center, and library bookshelves with a collection of books … to increase the representation of LGBTQ+ books and support our communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children Age 5+. ” What is wrong with these people?

Monkeypox: Dr Robert Malone on Substack, “In my opinion, based on currently available information, Monkeypox is a virus and disease which is endemic in Africa, emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts, and is typically spread by close human contact. It is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, it is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past. So stop the fear mongering, misinformation and disinformation.”

COVID World Just when one country takes a positive step forward with mandates, another one steps back. A UK daily newspaper ran a story headlined, “Mask Requirement for Healthcare Workers to Be Dropped From Monday.” The story reports that the UK’s National Health Service will lift the mask mandate starting next week. YAY! ZeroHedge ran a story right after headlined,“CDC Now Recommends COVID Testing For All Domestic Air Travel, Including The Vaccinated.” Oh boy, many of the “vaxed” won’t be too happy!

Crazy Dem Requests: This Florida Dem Wants Taxpayers To Cover His $10K in Student Debt.
Eric Lynn, who holds student debt from law school, says loan forgiveness ‘is the right thing to do.’ Former Obama campaign adviser Lynn wants taxpayers to cover his student loan debt but could backfire in his race to succeed Democratic congressman Charlie Crist in Florida’s 13th Congressional District. According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, canceling up to $10,000 in student loan debt per borrower would cost the government $245 billion, a bill the American public would eventually foot. Top Florida Republicans are already running against the proposal— Governor Ron DeSantis in April called it “wrong” to “make a truck driver or a waitress or a construction worker” help pay off postgraduate student debt such as Lynn’s. These liberals want EVERYONE ELSE to pay for their lives!

Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: the Definitive List. Finally, take a look at Sharyl Attkinsson’s Report on Media Lies.

Once again, our wonderful Governor continues to right the wrongs in our great state…(see below)!!! thank you Gov. DeSantis!

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

Thank you for all of your prayers and support! I’m trying to recover as fast as possible in order to make the June 13th meeting! God is so GOOD!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

  • Trump-endorsed former NFL star Herschel Walker is the projected winner of the GOP nomination for a U.S. Senate seat in Georgia. The race was called Tuesday by the Associated Press at about 8:15 pm. Walker will face incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock in the general election.
  • Trump-endorsed Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene won the GOP primary in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District. The first-term congresswoman defeated five GOP challengers.
  • Mike Pence-backed Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp won the state’s GOP primary for the governor’s seat, sending him to the general election to seek a second term against Soros-Democrat nominee Stacy Abrams. President Trump backed Perdue.
  • Incumbent Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has been declared the winner in the GOP primary. Raffensperger defeated Trump-endorsed Rep. Jody Hice in the GOP primary, the Associated Press reported early Wednesday morning.
  • Sen. John Boozman won the Arkansas Senate Republican primary on Tuesday, according to The Associated Press which called the race. With the endorsement of President Trump, Boozman won more than 57% of the vote against three primary challengers, with 40% of ballots counted.
  • In Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders won the GOP primary for governor, an office once held by father Mike Huckabee. The win is poised to usher in a new Republican family dynasty.

For More Information Click Here


1) EXCLUSIVE: Bill Gates Poured Millions into Dark Money Fund Attacking Elon Musk
Research exclusively shared with Breitbart News identifies hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from Bill Gates’ foundation to 11 of the 26 organizations that signed an open letter last month urging Twitter advertisers to boycott the company if Elon Musk restores free speech on the platform.

Breitbart News’ report, based on research and analysis from the newly-formed Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO), analyzed public filings to trace hundreds of millions of dollars in contributions from the letter signatories back to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. READ MORE

2) Tuesday’s primaries good night for preferred GOP candidates, Trump candidates win in several states
The Tuesday primaries in four states went well for favored GOP candidates, including two big wins for Trump-backed candidates in Georgia, despite the former president’s preferred candidate in the state’s Republican gubernatorial primary losing. In Georgia, Herschel Walker blew away the field of challengers in the GOP Senate primary and will now face incumbent Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock. READ MORE

3) In aftermath of gunman killing 19 Texas elementary students officials, lawmakers look for answers
Law enforcement and elected officials worked through the night to learn more about the shooter in the killing Tuesday of 19 Texas elementary school students – the most recent mass shooting in a years-long series at churches, schools, concerts and other public events.

The midday attack at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde, Texas, was the deadliest U.S. school shooting since a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012. READ MORE

4) Wuhan Laboratory Found to Have Conducted Novel Monkeypox Research One Year Before Global Outbreak
In a scientific article in Virologica Sinica, the official journal of the Chinese Society of Microbiology, the authors explained the process for artificially engineering a monkeypox virus. The journal article was submitted by researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Center for Biosafety Mega-Science, the State Key Laboratory of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was published by Editor-in-Chief Professor Zheng-Li Shi, who is the Director for the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. READ MORE

5) White House Coordinated With National School Boards Association On ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter, Report Shows
A probe of the National School Boards Association’s call for federal investigations of parents as domestic terrorists found the White House was involved in the drafting process that led to the controversial request.

The association commissioned an internal investigation following outcry from parent groups and association board members who were upset by the inflammatory rhetoric in a Sept. 29 letter to President Joe Biden. The group found that Chip Slaven, then-CEO of the National School Boards association, told a White House senior policy adviser on Sept. 21 that he planned to ask Biden to use the FBI and Justice Department to investigate threats against school board members under counterterrorism statutes and the Patriot Act. READ MORE

6) Terrorists Fail To Assassinate Living President (sorry I had to delete “Greatest)
An Islamic State operative plotted to assassinate former president George W. Bush at his home in Dallas by smuggling assassins across the Mexican border, according to an FBI search warrant application obtained by Forbes. The FBI alleged in the application that Shihab Ahmed Shihab Shihab, an Iraqi national residing in Columbus, Ohio, planned to sneak four terrorists across the border to kill Bush. The suspect, who filmed the former president’s house in November in order to plot his assassination, was charged in federal court on Tuesday with aiding and abetting attempted murder, according to the Department of Justice. READ MORE

Ed Dowd joins Steve Bannon again with some hair-raising financial bombshells about the imminent end of the monetary system as we know it. He says credit markets and equity markets are unhinged and it’s going to accelerate: “We’re going into a recession and we’re going in hard.”

He sees the rise in the commodities market as not wholly a monetary phenomenon and mostly an energy policy phenomenon, with the Biden Regime’s stoppage of US energy independence, the EU’s Green policies and China’s port closures causing much of the current problem. READ/WATCH HERE

8) Stacey Abrams Struggles To Explain Why Black Turnout Is Soaring Under ‘Jim Crow 2.0’
Stacey Abrams, the election truther who self-identifies as the winner of Georgia’s gubernatorial race in 2018, continues to struggle on the campaign trail. Days after denouncing Georgia as “the worst state in the country,” Abrams gave a bumbling response to a reporter’s question about why voter turnout was soaring in the state, especially among black voters, despite what Democrats had repeatedly claimed was a “Jim Crow 2.0” regime of so-called voter suppression.

“We know that increased turnout has nothing to do with suppression,” Abrams said (with a straight face) at a press conference ahead of the state’s primary elections on Tuesday. “Suppression is about whether or not you make it difficult for voters to access the ballot.” READ MORE

9) New York City Parents Rise Up Against Toddler Mask Mandate
Hundreds of New York City parents are fed up with the city’s toddler mask mandate and demanding an audience with Democratic mayor Eric Adams, according to the New York Post.

“We want to know why our young children continue to be masked even as every other resident of this city is given the option to unmask, regardless of vaccination status,” the parents said in a letter to Adams and Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan. They also said their “hundreds of phone calls and emails, and our direct requests for meetings, have gone unanswered.” Only students under the age of five are still masked in city school and childcare facilities. All other students have been maskless indoors since March. READ MORE

10) Most Don’t Know it Was Andrew Weissmann Who Publicly Released the Carter Page FISA Application, Even Fewer Know Why
This has been one of the odd aspects to the special counsel investigation deployed under the nameplate of Robert Mueller. However, with the trial of Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann bringing more curious minds to the backstories, here’s one that few people understand

You will remember the massive media debate in early 2018 about the FISA application deployed against former short-time Trump campaign aide Carter Page. The DOJ, at the time under the control of the Mueller special counsel for all things Trump-Russia related, wouldn’t let congress see the FISA application. Devin Nunes complained to House Speaker Paul Ryan. READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show: http://Redvoicemedia.com
Andweknow.com https://www.andweknow.com/
The Highwire.com https://thehighwire.com/
Real America’s Voice: https://americasvoice.news/
Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/
Judicial Watch: https://www.judicialwatch.org/
oathkeepers.org: https://oathkeepers.org/2021/04/where-should-we-look-to-find-the-truth/
Just the News: http://Justthenews.com
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/
National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/
The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/
X-22 Report: https://x22report.com/
Conservative Brief https://conservativebrief.com/
Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/
Steve Bannon’s War Room: Warroom.org

Florida Governor DeSantis Review:

· Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Nearly $9 Million for Infrastructure and Economic Development for Gadsden County Communities May 24, 2022

Governor DeSantis held a press conference earlier this week, again touting “Infrastructure Improvements,” which means investments in rural cities and counties. DeSantis has been working to help build up rural communities all over Florida. Using the budget surplus to build up Florida’s smaller towns and rural counties could have enormous long-term benefits to the state.

Normally, the political gravity of the large metro areas would suck in all the extra money. It’s politically courageous for DeSantis to use the money to help rural communities. Go, Governor!!

HAVANA, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced nearly $9 million in funding for Gadsden County communities for infrastructure and economic development projects across the county. This funding is provided by the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) and will help construct, rehabilitate, and expand critical infrastructure within Gadsden County to support community resiliency. At the announcement, Governor DeSantis was joined by Freddie Figgers, a native of Gadsden County who brought high-speed internet to the area. READ MORE

Don’t let Joe Biden cede U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO)!
Say “NO” to his WHO amendments!

On January 18, 2022, the Biden administration proposed a series of amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR), which would give the WHO authority to control global health care policies, including those of the United States.

Biden’s proposed amendments would cede American sovereignty, as well as the sovereignty of all the other 193 member states, to the United Nations’ WHO, impacting 99.94% of the world population.

The WHO has been under a cloud of corruption for years. President Trump withdrew from the U.N. agency because he said it was in the pocket of Communist China. But now, Joe Biden is ready to cede American sovereignty to the WHO by giving it nearly unlimited control of worldwide health care.

Write your Legislators in Washington to put a stop to globalized healthcare and mandates! SIGN THE PETITION

Alibaba president J. Michael Evans boasts at the WEF about "individual carbon footprint tracker"

Canadian Multinational Executive Outlines Tech Initiative to Create Consumer Carbon Footprint Tracker
May 24, 2022

It is important to remember the ultimate goal of the ‘climate change’ promotors (World Economic Forum) is not an energy system that changes the global climate. The goal of the ‘climate change’ group is to create a carbon trading system; a new financial mechanism (a global tax program) to control human activity on a world-wide basis. This system also needs a digital identity in order to work {hint-hint}.

You cannot tax or trade things you cannot track. As a result, there was always going to be a need for an individual tracking and monitoring system that would connect to the global digital identity and determine the carbon footprint. The carbon taxing and trading system will be more financially lucrative than any stock exchange or monetary banking system. It is the ultimate human control mechanism, and the preferred way to redistribute wealth under the guise of global equity. READ MORE

Candace Owens Drops New Trailer for ‘The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM’

The Daily Wire’s Candace Owens released a new trailer on Tuesday, teasing her upcoming documentary, titled “The Greatest Lie Ever Told: George Floyd And The Rise Of BLM.”

The trailer shows a sneak peek of Owens’ look behind the curtain in Minneapolis, Minnesota — where George Floyd’s death at the hands of police officer Derek Chauvin sparked a firestorm of protests and riots across the nation — on the two-year anniversary of his death. WATCH VIDEO


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