A Criminal Wins GOP Primary from Jail in Indiana!

The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Dear Patriots,

House steals more tax dollars to cover their own secrets in Ukraine;
The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed a $39.8 billion package for Ukraine on Tuesday night, that will supposedly provide Ukraine ‘military and economic assistance,’ and was passed by a 368–57 vote, supported by every Democrat and nearly three out of four Republicans. What the heck???? This “aid” is around 1 percent of the entire federal budget, and about $6 billion more than what the United States has spent on all its foreign and military aid in 2019, according to a report in January by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. How could our GOP Representatives fall for this? We continue to give to Ukraine, a country wrought with corruption, more and more of OUR money just as our own food banks are drying up.

And why is Rep Chip Roy the ONLY Representative yelling about this disgraceful steal of American taxpayers’ dollars???

Conflict of Interest = NIH Bribe; A nonprofit Watchdog uncovers $350 Million in secret payments to Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins as well as others at the National Institute of Health!!!! So wait, the NIH, which is owned by big Pharma and gives out billions in grant money has been receiving “royalties” or bribes from those grantees given funds? So not only did they create, manipulate and orchestrate COVID, they got paid handsomely to do so!!!!

“We believe there is an unholy conflict of interest inherent at NIH,” he said. “Consider the fact that each year, NIH doles out $32 billion in grants to approximately 56,000 grantees. Now we know that over an 11-year period, there is going to be approximately $350 million flowing the other way from third-party payers, many of which receive NIH grants, and those payments are flowing back to NIH scientists and leadership.”

Allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed El-Erian claims that the inflation problem in the United States will inevitably turn into a cost-of-living crisis as price pressures become broader, further erode the wage gains of many American households, and dent demand, and that it’s no longer an issue of “just the Ukraine war.” Excuse me, Mohamed, it has never been about the “Ukraine war,” but about the deliberate agenda to suck all life and resources out of America. And now Congress is giving MORE money to Ukraine when the Russians are pulling out….. Why do we continue to give the Ukrainian government and actually, the Biden/Obama team themselves MORE money to hide? Because it is NOT going to help the Ukrainian citizens who have been persecuted by their own Nazi regime for over ten years!

“Look at the composition of inflation. This suggests there are many drivers now. This is no longer an issue about just the Ukraine war, this is a broad-based inflation process that the Fed has fallen behind in a major way,” El-Erian said.

FBI and the “good media”; A source within the Federal Bureau of Investigation has come forward to expose the FBI’s targeting of members of the “news media” including information about what the FBI calls a Special Investigative Matter (“SIM”) regarding their investigation into Project Veritas over Ashley Biden’s abandoned diary. According to a document obtained and published by Project Veritas, the FBI opened an investigation into Project Veritas knowing full well they were journalists as the document is labeled under a “news media” classification.

The whistleblower, who has several years of experience as an FBI Special Agent, came to Project Veritas because “The direction that the agency has headed troubles a vast majority of the agents.” Well, well, well, the FBI plays by their own rules…what a surprise.

DeSantis and the FL Legislature are going after FL’s WOKE high education finally!!!!
Gov DeSantis signed the “Stop WOKE Act,” House Bill 7 part of the DeSantis administration’s effort to promote “viewpoint diversity” in classrooms and workplaces across the state, and outlaws instructions or training programs that advance or compel students or employees to accept CRT concepts such as that one is inherently racist or oppressive because of one’s race.

At its core, the bill’s message is: ‘No one likes to be told what to think. And that includes students.” Well, isn’t that special..

2000 Mules is censored; YouTube deletes Dinesh D’Souza’s new movie 2000 Mules, Fox News and Newsmax would not allow any mention of the movie. Dinesh reiterates what Tucker Carlson and his producer told Catherine Engelbrecht prior to her interview: “Do not mention 2000 Mules. Don’t mention it. We forbid you to mention it at all.”

Would you expect anything less from the network that early-called Arizona for Biden? As I have said before, STOP WATCHING THESE FAUX CONSERVATIVE CHANNELS!!!!

AND FINALLY, it appears that this faux conservative group to get rid of ALL Republicans in office, is now getting their criminal candidates elected. A faux GOP candidate charged with killing his wife wins primary election from Jail! Three Republicans received votes in a primary to fill three seats up for election on a small Indiana town board. Since no Democrat registered to oppose the three Republicans, they are shoo-ins to win their race. One of the three will also be racing against the clock to see if he gets to occupy his office before he is convicted on the murder charge he faces.

The town board candidate told police he hit his wife on the head with a flower pot during an argument and then drove her to a Boone County bridge where he dumped her body, court documents show. Despite being in prison since late March, Wilhoite reportedly received 60 votes in the Republican primary for the Clinton Township Board in Boone County. THIS IS NOT OK!!! Article

Once again, our wonderful Governor continues to right the wrongs in our great state…(see below)!!! thank you Gov. DeSantis!

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) Making Twitter Great Again: Elon Musk Will Reinstate Donald Trump’s Account
Incoming Twitter CEO Elon Musk will reverse the social media platform’s permanent ban on former president Donald Trump, Musk announced Tuesday. “I do think it was not correct to ban Donald Trump. I think that was a mistake because it alienated a large part of the country,” Musk said at a Financial Times conference. “I would reverse the permaban.”

Musk, the richest man on Earth, is finalizing a $44 billion takeover bid of Twitter. The social media platform announced last month that it will take him up on his offer, though the deal will take months to complete. READ MORE

2) Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH
An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.

“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020.” READ MORE

3) House Passes $39.8 Billion Ukraine Aid Package
The Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed a $39.8 billion package for Ukraine on Tuesday night, a measure that will provide Ukraine military and economic assistance, provide refugee support services, and prevent global food insecurity due to the Russia–Ukraine war. READ MORE

4) New DOJ Notes Reveal FBI Panic After Trump Tweeted He Knew He Was Being Spied On
Newly released notes taken by high-level Department of Justice (DOJ) officials during a March 6, 2017, meeting with FBI leadership expose some of the lengths the FBI went to, to cover up its spying on the 2016 campaign of President Donald Trump. READ MORE

5) Food Banks Fight To Keep Doors Open Amid Record Inflation, Demand
Food pantries are struggling to remain open as inflation drives increased demand for food distribution and raises operating costs, the Associated Press reported. The record inflation seen in recent months has led massive numbers of people across the country to seek out food banks rather than brave sticker shock at the grocery store. Officials at multiple food distribution organizations told the AP they’ve been swamped by the demand for food. READ MORE

6) America’s Inflation Problem Will Turn Into Cost-of-Living Crisis: El-Erian
Allianz chief economic adviser Mohamed El-Erian said in an interview that the inflation problem in the United States will inevitably turn into a cost-of-living crisis as price pressures become broader, further erode the wage gains of many American households, and dent demand. READ MORE

7) Yes, Safe Smoking Kits Include Free Crack Pipes. We Know Because We Got Them
Crack pipes are distributed in safe-smoking kits up and down the East Coast, raising questions about the Biden administration’s assertion that its multimillion-dollar harm reduction grant program wouldn’t funnel taxpayer dollars to drug paraphernalia. The findings are the result of Washington Free Beacon visits to five harm-reduction organizations and calls to over two dozen more. In fact, every organization we visited—facilities in Boston, New York City, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond, Va.—included crack pipes in the kits. READ MORE

8) Senate Dems Fail To Save Roe With Radical Pro-Abortion Bill
Democrats on Wednesday failed to codify Roe v. Wade in a Senate vote on a bill that would have allowed doctors nationwide to abort fetuses nine months into a pregnancy. The Women’s Health Protection Act failed to garner a majority of the vote, with a 49-51 tally and fell well short of the 60-vote filibuster threshold. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.), who voted against the bill, was the only member to break party lines. The bill aimed to overturn all pro-life laws across the country—making it the most pro-abortion piece of legislation in history. READ MORE

9) Precarious Leftist Tells Democrat Caucus Grocery Prices are Hurting Americans, Colleagues Respond “We’re Not Seeing it in the Polls”
As the article notes, Ms. Porter told the House Democrat Caucus of her experience in the ‘real world’ with people who are grocery shopping. The perplexed Democrats sat quietly listening to the stories of how price increases for food and gasoline are seriously hurting something called ‘working-class‘ people.

The ideological Democrat caucus was stunned to hear of these stories from a place called Main Street USA, where people go shopping for food and stuff. READ MORE

10) FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Bureau Targeting ‘News Media’
A document reveals the FBI labeled Project Veritas as “news media,” and categorized the probe as a “Sensitive Investigative Matter” due to Veritas being journalists. This is a direct contradiction of the U.S. government’s in-court position that Project Veritas are not journalists. READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show: http://Redvoicemedia.com
Andweknow.com https://www.andweknow.com/
The Highwire.com https://thehighwire.com/
Real America’s Voice: https://americasvoice.news/
Washington Examiner: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/
Judicial Watch: https://www.judicialwatch.org/
oathkeepers.org: https://oathkeepers.org/2021/04/where-should-we-look-to-find-the-truth/
Just the News: http://Justthenews.com
The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/
Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/
National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/
The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/
The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/
X-22 Report: https://x22report.com/
Conservative Brief https://conservativebrief.com/
Breitbart: https://www.breitbart.com/
Steve Bannon’s War Room: Warroom.org

Florida Governor DeSantis Review:

· DeSantis-appointed judge blocks part of Florida congressional redistricting map
A 2nd Judicial Circuit Court judge struck down Jacksonville’s congressional districts in a ruling against Florida’s redistricting process for violating the state constitution by reducing Black voting power in North Florida. Circuit Judge J. Layne Smith said, “I am finding the enacted map is unconstitutional because it diminishes African Americans’ ability to elect candidates of their choice.”

He ordered the state to adopt an expert-drawn map that maintains an east-to-west version of Jacksonville’s 5th Congressional District, stretching from Duval to Gadsden counties. The map largely adheres to an earlier version preferred by the Legislature.

The governor’s office said it will appeal the ruling.

“As Judge Smith implied, these complex constitutional matters of law were always going to be decided at the appellate level. We will undoubtedly be appealing his ruling and are confident the constitutional map enacted by the Florida legislature and signed into law passes legal muster,” DeSantis spokeswoman Taryn Fenske said in a statement.

· Violating ‘Stop WOKE Act’ Risks Millions in State Funding, University of Florida Warns

My poor Alma Mater, UF, as well as other Florida higher education schools, are finally being hit where it hurts, in fines if they don’t stop teaching CRT and other destructive “personal” views held by the professors! It’s about time!!!

The University of Florida (UF) could lose some $100 million in state funding if professors use lectures to force their personal views onto students, the university’s president warned.

In a 20-slide presentation sent to all faculty members and staff last week, UF President Kent Fuchs said that the state could impose “large financial penalties” on any public college or university that violates House Bill 7, which was signed into law by Gov. Ron DeSantis this April and will come into effect in July.

For UF, a violation of House Bill 7 could mean the loss of $106 million in performance-based funding, which the university received from the state for the 2020–2021 academic year. READ MORE

Biden just called President Trump, the MAGA King!! Let’s watch “the MAGA King” do his thing…

President Trump Is on Truth Social!!!


On Key

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