Dear Trump Supporters,

The Republican Iowa Caucus; At our last meeting there were some questions as to what is a caucus. A caucus is a meeting or grouping of supporters or members of a specific political party or movement. The Iowa caucuses are electoral events for members of the Democratic and Republican parties in the state of Iowa. Unlike primary elections in most other U.S. states where registered voters go to polling places to cast ballots, Iowans instead gather at designated local caucus meetings in 1,670 precincts to discuss and vote on the candidates. Historically, the Iowa caucus can be an early indicator of primary winners on the national stage.

A designated person speaks on behalf of each of the presidential candidates in a final attempt to earn support from caucus-goers at each precinct. Sometimes, the candidates themselves will attend a caucus to make their closing pitch. Once everyone has spoken, ballots are handed out, returned and tallied, sending the totals to the state.

Iowa’s Republican caucuses will begin at 7 p.m. CST on Monday, Jan. 15, 2024.

Ironically, presidential candidate Chris Christie was caught on a hot mic talking to Wayne MacDonald, a former chair of the New Hampshire Republican Party, discussing the futility of Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. “She’s gonna get smoked,” the former New Jersey governor said of Nikki Haley. “And you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” Christie continued. Chris Christie also claimed Ron DeSantis called him about Iowa while “petrified” at the prospect of coming in third.

Chris Christie on hot mic…

If the rumor is true that Ron DeSantis will drop out after the Iowa caucus (if he places third behind Haley), could that have been part of the plan? Or what if DeSantis places second? Is DeSantis secretly working with President Trump to expose the DS RINOS? Or did Ron go to the proverbial deep state dark side? It remains to be seen.

Some thoughts for 2024:

  • Who is running our country? Have you wondered how someone like Joe Biden, a dementia-ridden, life-long politician and connected criminal is in charge? For three years we have watched this man in horror as he has literally fallen asleep at the wheel yet nothing happens. From opening the border to foreign militia and gang members to draining our economy and gifting Ukraine millions, Biden doesn’t communicate with his cabinet. Secretary of Defense Austin, the highest-ranking civilian defense official, was out of commission for five days without notice while our Deputy Secretary of Defense was playing on a beach somewhere. As most believe,
  • The Deep State is preparing to get rid of Biden (changed the State of the Union to after Super Tuesday). Obama and Biden spoke meet then Obama declared Biden is unfit, possibly making way for Michelle Obama to step in…and the banks are in on it too.
  • The largest bank in the United States and the world’s largest bank by market cap predicts in their public report that Biden will step down between March and August 2024 – for health reasons – and be replaced. How do they know unless they are directing this? A footnote in JP Morgan’s 2024 financial outlook states that Biden could be stepping down in 2024 for health reasons and be replaced by a candidate named by the DNC. Not kidding…”Biden withdraws somewhere between Super Tuesday and Nov election…” 
  • JP Morgan is also predicting power grid failures, blackouts and natural gas shortages in major US cities as well as the roll-out of a new “inhaled COVID vaccine,” this year.
  • House Oversight Committee Chair Comer is investigating John Kerry and his involvement with secrets to foreign governments. Finally. Is Comer part of the uniparty? There are so many actors it’s hard to tell but so far, he seems to be exposing the deep state players.
  • The Deep State has created massive homelessness among American citizens yet fills hotels and shelters with illegals who have been welcomed into our country. New York City has been overrun with migrants and now parents are taking children out of the schools due to the severe overcrowding and dangerous atmosphere.
  • The Deep State agenda is to break down our economy to grow the central bank (Federal Reserve) using Cyber attacks to control the entire financial system and erase President Trump’s election fraud evidence leading us into war. Does President Trump know their plan? I think so. President Trump continues to say, “We will see a crash but I’ve got your back, not the central bank.”
  • Good news? Far-right’ conservatives are winning elections all over the planet, from Argentina to New Zealand, the green new deal scam is dwindling, German farmers had their government back down, the Ukraine money spigot is being shut off for at least a few months, maybe permanently. The Biden Bribery case expanded.
  • Biden is calling MAGA supporters extremists in a new ad…and it’s scary…




  • The Jeffrey Epstein disclosures continue to pour out and President Trump was nowhere in the documents despite some liberal gossip claiming he was. President Trump actually turned against Epstein after he was charged in Palm Beach in 2008 for soliciting sex from a minor (even though it was in the hundreds). Some have questioned whether Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were Israeli spies working to blackmail billionaires and politicians, which they succeeded in doing; Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Hedgefund owners, actors, etc. Of course, Whoopi Goldberg is calling the documents fake since she appears on”the list.”
  • Per the newly released documents, Hillary Clinton was one of those named in a group of people whose names were searched in Ghislaine Maxwell’s phone and emails. Specifically, lawyers for Virginia Giuffre (an Epstein victim) were seeking Maxwell’s communications with both Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Now the story of the Clinton’s trafficking children in Haiti will come to light.
  • Hollywood is going down as well; Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Oprah, etc. whereas President Trump made ending human trafficking his number one priority and exposed many of them.
  • Academia is losing its credibility as ideology corruption at Harvard has been revealed and their president had to resign. Besides the blatant push for DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), Harvard President Claudine Gay stepped down due to her controversial countless use of plagiarism. Plagiarism? So obviously she was an academia nut…a fake…who was hired for her “diversity?” Let the gates open on all the elite Ivy League institutions in our country that have penalized white students and conservatives.
  • January 6th; President Trump called for Joe Biden to “release the J6 hostages” during his speech in Iowa on the third anniversary of the protest. Even though the truth has surfaced of the FBI and Democrat involvement in the Jan. 6th event at the Capitol, our weaponized DOJ continues to arrest innocent MAGA supporters who were in attendance. Three were arranged in Ocala earlier this week. Enough!


  1. President Trump said on January 6 to ‘remain peaceful’ and ‘go home’ within hours of the escalation
  2. President Trump said within hours of the 2020 election certification that he would step down and he did
  3. The Commander-in-Chief did not use the military in any way on J6
  4. The president did not send in unarmed extremists to “overturn the election” results since there is no mechanism for a “riot” to overturn election results
  5. The overwhelming majority of the J6 defendants were charged with non-violent crimes and misdemeanors
  6. The J6 protesters did not kill a single person
  7. President Trump requested 10,000 National Guard troops at the Capitol, but D.C. Mayor Bowser, Pentagon and Speaker Pelosi refused to call them up
  8. The FBI tracked extremists intending to go to the Capitol on J6 for months before the Jan. 6 unconstitutionally using NSA technology
  9. Court documents show there were dozens of undercover officers at the Capitol, despite there being light security
  10. Capitol Police officers were caught on video opening doors, removing barriers, and acting cordially with protesters inside the Capitol building
  11. There were undercover officers caught on video encouraging Trump supporters to ‘go to the capitol’
  12. The narrative that President Trump would “incite” a riot had been set as early as May 2020, according to the infamous Time ‘shadow cabal’ article
  13. The Transition Integrity Project claimed the prior Summer tin 3 out of 4 scenarios that the 2020 election ended in an “insurrection”
  14. The Congress was evacuated originally over the RNC and DNC pipe bomb threats, not the “riots”
  15. The pipe bomber has not been apprehended despite the FBI knowing the license plate and cell phone data of the suspect
  16. Nancy Pelosi’s own daughter documented her saying as the Capitol ‘riot’ started “I’ve been waiting for this”
  17. Nancy Pelosi’s staff was in communication with Secret Service on Jan 6
  18. The Secret Service texts from January 6 have gone “missing”
  19. The J6 partisan committee has buried tens of thousands of hours of public surveillance videos, including footage exonerating January 6 defendants
  • Border crisis; reporter talks to immigrant who admits that he is an Iranian military here not loyal to our country. China, Iran, etc. Trump knows this the question is how will he handle this? Congress?



On a local note, the St Johns County fake-conservative natives are restless and continue to call liberal democrats begging them to change their political party to Republican to run against our conservative candidates this Fall.

So once again we will have to fight to keep the Democrats off the Republican ticket.

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern between truth and deep-state propaganda.

And stop watching Fox!!!!

List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


Watch this SNL video For a smile…

Make Phone Calls for the Trump Campaign:

Phone banking for President Trump and the Iowa Caucus on Saturday, January 13th; Sunday, January 14th and Monday, January 15th from 9:00am – 7:00pm central time (an hour earlier)

Contact: 239-440-4353


On Key

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