Dear Trump Patriots,

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, Patriots….especially to all of our men and women who’ve served and sacrificed their lives in the U.S. Armed Forces. Please honor them on Memorial Day on May 31st.

Memorial Day doesn’t just signify the beginning of Summer, hamburgers and hotdogs, pool parties, or the wearing of white. Memorial Day, the last Monday in May, serves, most importantly, as a time to honor those who died while fighting in the U.S. Armed Forces. It’s a holiday steeped in somber American history and tradition. The day actually began as “Decoration Day,” following the Civil War, when mourners placed flowers on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers.

During these most uncertain times, we must keep these fallen soldiers in our thoughts and prayers…for they have truly given us a Home of the Free…for now.

God Bless you all!

Please play the special arrangement of Taps by clicking HERE

Cheers and MAGA>
“You Are Not Forgotten. WWG1WGA (where we go one, we go all)” Michael Flynn

Have faith….

Diane Scherff
President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Find me on Telegram:
Diane Scherff and Patriot Party of North Florida


1) Florida Becomes 23rd State to End $300 Unemployment Benefit Boost to Ease Business Hiring Woes

Florida officials announced an end to the $300 weekly federal pandemic unemployment compensation supplement on May 24, making the Sunshine State the 23rd state to opt out of the jobless boost in a bid to encourage people to get back to work amid a labor shortage and a booming economy.

2) Cheers break out in Senate after Paul amendment passes banning gain-of-function research in China

Cheers and applause rang out in the Senate chamber on Tuesday evening after passage of an amendment offered by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), which bans the use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to fund gain-of-function research in China.

“We may never know whether the pandemic arose from the lab in Wuhan, but we do know that so far no intermediate animal host has been discovered,” Paul said in his speech ahead of the vote.

3) BREAKING: Huge Blow Delivered In NH Election Audit

The conflicted audit in Windham, New Hampshire just incurred a major blow. One of three auditors selected to perform the audit has exited from the team.

4) Senate Passes Hawley, Braun Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab

The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a bill that seeks to require President Joe Biden’s administration declassify all intelligence relating to the origin of COVID-19, including information about what happened at the Wuhan laboratory at the start of the pandemic.

5) Memorial Day Weekend 2021: What to Expect on Gas Prices, Availability

Tens of millions of Americans are expected to travel over Memorial Day weekend, the unofficial kick-off to summer. They’ll encounter high gasoline prices but, for the most part, not experience difficulty finding fuel.

The average price per gallon on May 26 remained several cents above $3, ranging from as low as $2.71 in the South and upper Midwest to as much as $4.17 in some western states, according to data from the American Automobile Association (AAA). While the average is 17 cents higher than last month and up $1.12 from a year ago, the organization sees the price stabilizes.

Check out these sites for more conservative news:

Real America’s Voice:

Washington Examiner:

Judicial Watch:

Just the News:

The Epoch Times:

Gateway Pundit:

National Review:

The American Conservative:

The Federalist:

X-22 Report:


by Diane Scherff

Karl Marx, the Father of Communism, writes in his Manifesto of the Communist Party, “In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”  Although written in February 1848, today many believe Marx meant to take away ‘individual’s’ private property, but in this 68-page document he refers to private property as commercial property. Marx’s ‘abolition of private property’ meant to strip billionaire investors of the ability to get rich from the use of laborers and to take away their political power.

Ironically, the deep state globalist agenda is much more sinister as we see the Biden Administration (run by Obama et al), aggressively moving towards the largest federal land grab we have ever seen. Their progressive government, not Marx’s proletariat (working class), is poised to take over up to 50% of the land in our country over the next several decades, including property owned by American citizens. Under the guise of climate change and saving “America the beautiful”, Biden’s ‘30 by 30’ plan requires government land ownership to be increased to 30% by 2030 and 50% thereafter. Currently, the government owns approximately 12% of all land.

The George Soros deep state’s cover agency, Center for American Progress (CAP), put out a faux report claiming that US land was in dire need of saving due to global warming. CAP’s leadership (John Podesta and Stacey Abrams) began working with the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF, initiated by Congress in 1964) to acquire private land and place it under the federal government. In 2019, the Democrats mandated a permanent $900 million/year funding for LWCF, yet Trump administration Secretary of Interior David Bernhardt gave an order for states to have veto authority over LWCF, giving states the power to stop the land grab.

Unfortunately, Biden rescinded the order in February, so the 30 by 30 plan resumes as the Soros-backed agency, in cahoots with the LWCF, utilizes almost $1 billion a year to steal land across our great Nation.  This overreach in government sets up an unprecedented breach in the Constitution to protect private property.

Owning land is a Constitutional right for Americans as our Founders viewed private property as the foundation of a free society. John Adams said, “ Property must be secured or liberty does not exist.”  We are not living in the days of European elitism with land ownership entitled to the bourgeois over proletariats or communism vs capitalism.  In just four months, the global elitists have positioned themselves to control another fabric of the American life…family property that has been passed on to generations and should not be up for government grabs.

I wonder why deep state player Bill Gates has bought up at least 242,000 acres of American farmland as of April 2021… the largest holdings in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres), and Arizona (25,750 acres). Hmmmmm.  Is this the new ‘deep state communism’ where power, control, greed and land ownership collide to conquer all?

Governor DeSantis on Big Tech Censorship

‘Today, I signed the FIRST BIG TECH BILL that gives everyday Floridians the ability to fight back against Silicon Valley censorship. Speaking to Sean Hannity this hour about how this is just the beginning.

Big Tech bureaucrats are not the arbiters of truth. Unaccountable oligarchs will no longer have the power to silence Floridians for challenging corporate media narratives or dissenting from the Silicon Valley orthodoxy. We the people of Florida will now hold Big Tech accountable.’

Governor DeSantis on Critical Race Theory

‘Offensive’ to Expect Taxpayers to Pay to Teach Kids to ‘Hate Their Country’

  • Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis said Friday that he opposes teaching critical race theory in the state’s public schools, calling the ideas pushed by its advocates as “based on false history” and “teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other.”
  • DeSantis made the remarks at a Friday press conference in Pensacola, where he announced the signing of a bill temporarily establishing several statewide tax-free periods on items like storm supplies and back-to-school products.
  • “It’s offensive to the taxpayer that they would be asked to fund critical race theory, that they would be asked to fund teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other,” DeSantis said.

Sidney Powell Update 5.26.21

Dear Patriots,

Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus?

We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue, we believe strongly that NO ONE should be forced, against their will, to be vaccinated. There should be no repercussions from refusing the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% cure rate.

Here are a few points. We especially wish to point out that the vaccine makers have been totally released from any liability if there is a negative side effect or death from the vaccine. BUT, note that if your employer or your university is forcing this on you, THEY have the potential of being held liable. It might be worth telling them about that!

Here are things to consider before you make a decision: 

  1. There are NO licensed COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S.
  2. Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) only – don’t believe “approval” means “licensed.”
  3. Your Option to Refuse is based on Federal law over EUAs. 
  4. Your Right to Informed Consent based on Federal law over EUAs.
  5. There are NO long-term studies of side effects.
  6. Side effects unknown because there are no PRIOR approved mRNA vaccines in the U.S.
  7. Short-term evidence of severe side effects and death.
  8. If you have had Covid-CCP you have immunity.
  9. All vaccine makers have been totally released from ALL liability for any side effects or death.
  10. There is liability potential on employers who mandate the vaccine if there are side effects or death

Here are links to pdf forms to print out and give to your employer or to a university where your children may be attending. It makes sure that they are on record as providing the answers to questions surrounding the vaccine and potential after-effects.



These forms come from, Catherine Austin Fitts website and were compiled by Corey Lynn

Look for more information about this and the forced wearing of masks. If you are dealing with these issues and would like to talk to a member of Team Kraken, send an email here and we will review it. [email protected]

For more information, please go to the Defending The Republic website:

May 27, 2021

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

With Memorial Day Weekend coming up, tomorrow people start driving in the biggest automobile days of the year. I’m sorry to say the gasoline prices that you will be confronted with are far higher than they were just a short number of months ago where we had gasoline under $2 a gallon. Remember as you’re watching the meter tick, and your dollars pile up, how great of a job Donald Trump did as President. Soon Russia and the Middle East will be making a fortune on oil, and you will be saying how good it was to have me as your President. Wasn’t it great to be energy independent, but we are energy independent no more. Shame, shame, shame. Other than that, have a great Memorial Day Weekend!


On Key

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On Memorial Day Monday, May 27th, all men and women who gave their lives while serving in the United States Armed Forces are commemorated. Memorial

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