WATCH President Trump’s Townhall with Sean Hannity on December 5th!!

Commissioner Keating Joseph Violates Election Law

During a November commission meeting, Ms. Keating Joseph campaigned for her ‘We the People-Nicole Crosby‘ candidates running to take out all of our current CONSERVATIVE St Johns County Commissioners. Subsequently, she was censured for campaigning for her candidates during the 11/21 BCC meeting which appears to be a clear violation of Ch. 104.31 F S. Of course Ms Keating Joseph objected, taking ZERO responsibility for her wrongful actions.

We have rules, Ms Keating Joseph and you as a commissioner must follow them. You are not above the law. Video

December 5, 2023 – St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners Approves Motion to Address Possible Violations by Commissioner Krista Joseph of Board Rules and a Florida Statue – On December 5, 2023, during the St. Johns Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Regular Meeting, Commissioner Henry Dean commented that Commissioner Krista Joseph made a “campaign speech” during her commissioner report at the November 21, BOCC meeting. The BOCC voted 4 to 1 on a motion to censure Commissioner Krista Joseph for those statements for violating the Rules and Policies of the BOCC (“Board Rules”) that address Decorum and Civility. The motion also directed the County Attorney to hire outside counsel to determine if those statements violated Florida law, which could include Florida Statue 104.31 which addresses Political activities of state, county, and municipal officers and employees. BCC Approves Motion to Address Possible Violations

Dear Trump Supporters,

Pearl Harbor Attack; On December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Territory, killing more than 2,300 Americans. The U.S.S. Arizona was destroyed and the U.S.S. Oklahoma capsized. Twelve ships sank or were beached in the attack, nine additional vessels were damaged, 160 aircraft were destroyed and over 150 others were broken.

A hurried dispatch from the ranking United States naval officer in Pearl Harbor, Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel, Commander in Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet, to all major navy commands and fleet units provided the first official word of the attack at the ill-prepared Pearl Harbor base. It said simply: AIR RAID ON PEARL HARBOR X THIS IS NOT DRILL.

“My first thought was what a great pity that… another nation should be added to those aggressors who strove to limit our freedom. I find myself at the age of eighty, an old woman, hanging on to the tail of the world, trying to keep up… one thing that I am very sure of is that hatred is death, but love is light. I want to contribute to the civilization of the world but…when I look at the holocaust that is going on in the world today, I’m almost ready to let go…”

Lena Jameson, American citizen, December 9th, 1941

As we reflect on and commemorate the bravery of those who fought, we recognize the value of the peace and common prosperity that our nations share today.




Republicans block Ukraine funding over the US-Mexico border despite Biden’s pleas; Republican senators in the United States have blocked $106 billion in new funding for Ukraine and Israel, rejecting appeals from Biden amid anger over the exclusion of immigration reforms they had demanded as part of the package.

Biden warned of “dire consequences for Kyiv” and that a victory for Russia over Ukraine would leave Moscow in a position to attack NATO allies and draw US troops into a war if Congress failed to pass the measure (which includes about $61 billion ‘for Ukraine’).

Really? How many Americans are still buying the Ukraine aid farce? None of this money is going for actual “aid” but as “a gift” to Zelensky and money laundering for our “leaders.”


The weaponized FBI raids a Catholic family’s home over a meme; Social media censorship against conservatives and Catholics has escalated over the last few months. Last week, a man was sentenced to seven months in prison for sharing a Hillary Clinton meme asking people to “text their vote.” This week, a 15-year-old traditional Catholic was targeted for allegedly posting an ‘offensive’ meme.

The Rufini family was “dragged out of their home at gunpoint, handcuffed and locked in a van” by FBI agents earlier this year after the 15-year-old Altar boy had been posting in conservative chat groups. Jeremiah Ruffini, the boy’s father, said that undercover FBI agents infiltrated “right-wing” social media chat groups, befriended his son there and convinced or “goaded” him to generate content that they could then target.

FBI agents and the Biden Justice Department have aggressively targeted conservative Catholics for harassment or investigation over the past two years. In September of 2022, around two dozen heavily armed FBI agents raided the home of Catholic pro-life advocate and father of seven Mark Houck, for a disturbance with a planned parenthood employee.

In February 2023, a memo was leaked from the FBI’s field office in Richmond, Virginia, detailing plans for infiltrating and spying on Catholic parishes that celebrate the Tridentine Mass, sometimes called the Traditional Latin Mass. The memo labeled Tridentine Mass-goers potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.”

On Monday, a House report shows the FBI continues to consider issuing a warning about ‘radical traditionalist Catholics’ to convey that some Catholic Americans with traditional beliefs pose a domestic terror threat to our country,’ the House Committee noted.

Why Conservatives? Because we can think for ourselves and decipher the truth. Why Catholics (especially traditional Catholics?) Because the Deep State can not compete with a greater power for their brainwashing to be effective. They must rid the world of religious beliefs and our faith in God.

Vivek takes on the once-Trump fans at the fourth GOP debate; The RNC/Uniparty/deep state held another “nail-biting” debate for the GOP challengers to thwart President Trump’s 50 – 60 point lead. It didn’t work.

What did move the needle was Vivek Ramaswamy’s takedown of all three candidates (DeSantis, Haley and the Donut King from NJ) by humiliating them:  

“All three of them have been licking Donald Trump’s boots for years. Why am I the only person on this stage at least who can say that January 6th was an inside job? That government lied to us for twenty years about Saudi Arabia’s involvement in 9/11….Trump won the election. Trump Russia collusion hoax…”

And then Ramaswamy stuns Nikki Haley who purported a blank stare on the subject of basic Ukraine geography;

“Look at that … She has no idea what the hell the names of those [Ukraine] provinces are, but she wants to send our sons and daughters and our troops and our military equipment to go fight it.”

Of course, I didn’t watch the debate but this one clip tells all:


How the CIA works with Hollywood to sell its propaganda; and it’s working…

The Weinstein story was suppressed by Hollywood and the government using its legal and financial muscle to keep a lid on it for decades. Several US government agencies, the CIA and the Pentagon control the entertainment industry in an attempt to shape their on-screen image. Basically, so they can sell their propaganda.

Lies, lies and more lies…



Taylor Swift is the new propaganda weapon for the Left; Have you noticed how all of a sudden Taylor Swift is everywhere? Yes, she’s a popular artist, but recently I’ve noticed her face on the cover of magazines, periodicals, websites, and the media. She’s suddenly the “it girl,” and for reasons that have nothing to do with her songs.

Prior to the December 3rd Kansas City Chiefs vs Green Bay Packers game, The Hill ran an article titled “Miss Americana: How Taylor Swift Could Save Joe Biden.” The article highlighted that Swift and her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, who plays for the Kansas City Chiefs, could play a significant role in “ending the political career of President Donald Trump” in the 2024 election.

The Uniparty has a history of releasing its plans through mainstream media outlets like The Hill which gives this deep-state election plot featuring Swift some credence.

X users claim, “Taylor Swift and Alex Soros are essentially running a super PAC that is opposing Donald Trump. This is a major FEC violation and crime.”

Alex Soros owns Taylor Swift’s 1st 6 albums. Wisconsin is a swing state. So, like clockwork Taylor Swift shows up in Green Bay, Wisconsin, to watch her “boyfriend” Travis Kelce play the Packers. Soon, Swift & Kelce will arrive at games in anti-MAGA gear.”

According to journalist Laura Loomer, Swift has been politically active since 2018 and has registered millions of people to vote while encouraging them to vote against Trump and for anti-Trump candidates. Swift’s upcoming October 2024 Eras Tour will stop in the Republican-leaning state of Florida, and Indianapolis, Indiana., which is within driving distance from the swing states of Michigan and Wisconsin and the Republican-leaning state of Ohio.

Although liberal celebrities pushing the Democrat vote is nothing new, a quid pro quo exchanging votes for music licensing may be the deal struck here. Regardless of who is chosen as the 2024 Democrat candidate, rest assured that Swift will be there.

Kissinger: “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer;” After the passing of Henry Kissinger, a just-released transcript of a meeting between Henry Kissinger and a Turkish Foreign Minister 35 years ago provides a bombshell quote that will go a long way toward solidifying the former Secretary of State’s reputation as one of the most Machiavellian insiders of American politics and diplomacy in the 20th century.

During a secret meeting on March 10, 1975, in the Turkish Capital of Ankara with Mehli Esenbel, Turkey’s Foreign Minister, Kissinger, then Secretary of State and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, told Esenbel: 

Before the Freedom of Information Act, I used to say at meetings, “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.” [laughter] But since the Freedom of Information Act, I’m afraid to say things like that. 

Ironically, it was a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that finally pried loose the meeting transcripts, albeit three and a half decades later. The transcripts were posted on November 5 on the website of the National Security Archive, a research institute and library located at George Washington University.

And add another win to President Trump’s tally. In a significant legal triumph for President Trump, a federal court in Arizona has dismissed the case challenging his eligibility to run for president!!!!

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern what is truth and what is being fed to us as sleazy propaganda. Stay informed…


God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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