– August 15, 2023 –

President Trump: “I Believe We Have a Compromised President… He’s a Manchurian Candidate”

Bedminster, NJ — In a new statement, President Donald J. Trump slammed Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family’s corruption for destroying our great nation.

“I believe we have a compromised president,” President Trump said. “He was bribed, and now he’s being blackmailed. He’s a Manchurian Candidate. That’s why Crooked Joe is letting other countries walk all over the United States.”

Watch President Trump

President Trump Faces a Minimum of Nine Legal Battles Going Into the 2024 Presidential Primary

President Trump is facing numerous legal battles before the 2024 presidential election and argues he’s being charged with offenses during campaign season.

Two criminal trials are in federal courts, while the remaining ones are both civil and criminal in state courts.

The latest came Monday when President Trump was indicted along with 18 others for allegedly trying to interfere with the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Here’s a list of all the legal battles Trump faces ahead of and through the 2024 elections:

1. Federal criminal charges over classified documents
Trial Information: May 20, 2024, in Fort Pierce, Fla.

Trump’s plea: Not guilty to all 40 felony charges.
After Trump’s home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, was raided last August, he and two of his employees were hit with charges related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents in special counsel Jack Smith’s probe. Of the two employees, valet Walt Nauta has pleaded not guilty, and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos De Oliveira has not entered a plea because he does not yet have a Florida-based attorney.

Trump’s charges, in this case, include 32 violations of the Espionage Act as well as other counts of obstruction and making false statements.

2. Federal criminal charges over 2020 election
Trial information: A date has not been scheduled, but the trial is expected to be held in Washington, D.C. Federal prosecutors have proposed Jan. 2, 2024, as the trial date.

Trump’s plea: Not guilty to all 4 felony charges.
President Trump was charged in early August following another probe led by Smith after the Democrat-led House Jan. 6 committee voted to refer him to the Justice Department for prosecution for his alleged involvement in attempts to overturn President Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 election and his role in the subsequent Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot.
He faces two counts of obstructing an official proceeding, one count of conspiracy to defraud the U.S. and one count of conspiracy against rights.

3. Georgia state charges in Fulton County over 2020 election
Trial information: A date has not been scheduled, but the trial is expected to be held in Georgia. District Attorney Fani Willis said she wants the trial to be held within the next six months.

Trump’s plea: A date for him to enter a plea has not been scheduled, but he has said he is innocent.

The indictment was issued Monday out of Fulton County after Willis led a multi-year investigation into alleged efforts to overturn the election in Georgia.
Trump and 18 of his allies face 41 felony counts in total. All defendants were charged with racketeering, which is typically used to target members of criminal organizations, according to Reuters. Trump has asserted his innocence in the case. READ MORE

Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows has asked to move charges against him to federal court, after he was charged this week in Georgia alongside the former president and 17 other individuals.
Will Meadows, who was also charged by a grand jury on Monday with violating the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, be successful in moving his Georgia indictment to a Federal Court? Maybe. Interestingly, the fact that Meadows has even made this request might be a hint as to where this RICO case will lead.

According to Zerohedge, Trump was also charged with “unlawfully soliciting, requesting, and importuning” Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by asking him to ‘find’ votes for him – a comment construed by the left to suggest Trump was asking him to break the law, however Trump’s attorneys will likely argue that the former president, in context, was referring to the general ballot-counting malarkey and other oddities surrounding the 2020 US election (covering up windows, kicking out observers, overnight ballot drops, major cities stopping their counts at 9pm for the first time in anyone’s lifetime, broken water pipe, suitcases under desk, that chart showing the overnight jump, etc.).

Fear not. Trump may be using these legal campaigns not only as a means of exposure and disclosure, introducing evidence legally but also as the core of his 2024 campaign itself. If you believe there was fraud in the 2020 election, then just wait, as the truth will prevail.

The Devastation on the Island of Maui


Fire in the Hole…

Why would the World Economic Forum literally be burning us down? For our land.

It appears to be clear that the US government, guided by the World Economic Forum, is waging warfare against its own citizens, and the torching of Lahaina, Hawaii, which burned hundreds of children alive, may have been deliberate.

Hawaiians have good reason to be suspicious of the recent fires.

Survivors of the Maui fire say that they noticed bright flashes of light prior to the fire spreading, received no warning (even though Hawaii has one of the most sophisticated siren technology), and the flames appeared so quickly that escape was difficult. Everything was suddenly in flames and many found refuge in the ocean for hours while their homes burned to the ground. At least 1000 people are still reported missing with hundreds dead (many of them children, who were home due to school being canceled that day). Here’s more;

  • Locals have said that the government is doing little to help and are blocking local donations and life-saving medicine because it isn’t federally approved.
  • On the day before the Maui fires broke out, locals were reporting a heavy overcast from chem-trailing that they’d never seen before.
  • Reports reveal that current Maui Police Chief John Pelletier was the incident commander during the Las Vegas massacre in 2017, the worst mass shooting in American history. An incident commander is the top decision-maker during a major incident. Their job is to delegate tasks and listen to input from subject matter experts to ultimately bring the incident to resolution.
  • Is Governor Josh Green putting the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset agenda ahead of Hawaiian interests? Just weeks before the fire he unveiled an emergency proclamation on housing that eliminates the Land Use Commission. Allowing the government more leeway to build as they see fit. Smart cities???

What started the ‘fires’?

Several reports maintain that Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) were used. We know that most major governments already have them. Direct Energy Weapons can engage targets at great distances and damages its target with highly focused energy such as lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. This technology could have been used perfectly coinciding with the 80 mph winds hitting the island that day.

Lahaina, which has a population of approximately 12,000, is a historic and sacred place, important to Native Hawaiians. Over 1,700 buildings were burnt to a crisp in what is already being described as the deadliest natural disaster to strike Hawaii since a deadly tsunami in 1960 that killed 61 people.

The mayor of Maui County summarized the situation with this comment: “I’m telling you, none of it’s there. It’s all burned to the ground.”

During his vacay, Biden had come under fire for his refusal to comment on the “Lahaina disaster,” even grinning when reporters ask him what he is doing about the rising death toll from the devastating wildfire on the Hawaiian island of Maui. Finally, Biden has vowed federal support for the relief efforts and pledged to provide families with a one-time $700 payment. Just $700? Biden is giving AMERICAN CITIZENS, who lost loved ones and personal property from a devastating firestorm that many believe was started by the deep state themselves, less than $1000 but has announced another $24 billion in assistance for Ukraine, which is really to the deep state.

Under the corrupt Biden regime, terrorism, psychological warfare and depopulation agendas are being accelerated against the American people.

Which city will be the next target?

Oliver Anthony – ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’

Oliver Anthony splashed onto the scene late last week with the super-viral recording of his song “Rich Men North of Richmond.” Undoubtedly, it is quite a remarkable song and performance. He’s a songwriter from the Piedmont town of Farmville, Virginia who lives with his 3 dogs on a plot of land where he plans to raise livestock. Oliver Anthony channels all the rage of the American working man articulating our total frustration with Washington.

Turn it up…you will hit replay:)

Dear Trump Supporters,

With President Trump’s fourth insane ‘indictment’ cast, Maui’s beautiful town of Lahaina destroyed by an ‘unnatural cause’ with residents about to lose their land, the Biden’s getting away with their crimes, our legislators (on both sides) giving American dollars away to anyone other than our own citizens and the rising and justified fear of our government, all may seem lost. But we must hold on and pray that the truth will prevail.

If the World Economic Forum and the Biden Administration did deliberately destroy Lahaina, the truth will come out. If President Trump can use this fake indictment persecuting his freedom of speech to expose election fraud, the truth will come out. If Putin can end the nonsensical war in Ukraine, the truth will come out. If the increasing destruction of our American cities hits a precipice, the truth will come out.

And when most Americans (Republican, Democrat and Independents) realize the extent our government will go to take over our land, our bodies and our mind, we will fight back because they will never take our souls. We must not be afraid to stand up, unite and save our country. The truth will be our unspoken weapon.

When the whole world goes with the crowd – Do not be afraid of standing alone.

“Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that others won’t feel insecure around you. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear – our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marianne Williamson

So hang on, have faith and ignore the haters. We are saving them too.

The House Oversight Committee investigators on Thursday demanded full access at the National Archives to Joe Biden’s communications as vice president with his son Hunter and his business partners; Chairman James Comer is requesting all unredacted documents and communications from the National Archives which:

· Then-VP Joe Biden used a pseudonym

· Hunter Biden, Eric Schwerin, or Devon Archer is copied

· And all drafts of then-Vice President Biden’s speech delivered to the Ukrainian Rada in December 2015

If there was any overlap between Joe Biden’s official VP duties and his son’s activities in Ukraine, Americans deserve to know. stay tuned.

‘We Want Trump!’ Watch Crowd Go Wild as DeSantis Literally Overshadowed By Trump at Iowa State Fair – With Planes; Donald Trump literally overshadowed Ron DeSantis — with planes – at the Iowa State Fair on Saturday, flying over the event and prompting the throngs of GOP voters to chant “we want Trump!” while the Florida governor was flipping burgers and trying to woo support.

DeSantis is currently trailing Trump in the Hawkeye State by double digits, and the rest of the field is even further behind. As DeSantis was flipping burgers and making his own appeal to Iowa Republicans, the literal shadow of Trump passed over as President Trump’s private jet did a fly-by of the fairgrounds. A little while later just as DeSantis was about to speak at the fair, another plane flew overhead pulling a sign that read, “Be likable, Ron!”

Special Counsel Jack Smith Objects to Trump’s Request for Secure Facility to Discuss Classified Documents; Jack Smith’s prosecutors objected to a request by President Trump’s lawyers to set up a sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) for him and his legal team to discuss the classified documents in the case against him, arguing the move would amount to “special treatment.”

Prosecutors further claimed that the protective order filed in this case stated that President Trump and his legal team were not allowed to disclose “sensitive materials,” including recordings, transcripts, and interview reports, to anyone who is not part of his legal defense in the case.

Some have pointed out the general absurdity of the fact that Trump COULD be allowed to discuss sensitive matters relating to his legal defense in a SCIF, when the entirety of Smith’s case seems to rely on the accusation that ‘classified’ documents the ‘former’ president had in his possession at Mar-a-Lago were accessed and contained in a SCIF that was certified for use during his public run as president.

In other words, President Trump and ole’ Jack seem to be bating each other. My guess is the President will win once again.

Doctors are finally ‘free’ to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID-19; Remember when I wrote about Ivermectin being a proven treatment for COVID and even though doctors weren’t allowed to prescribe the medication, patients could order it online (as many of us did several times)? And some of you even purchased the Ivermectin paste from feed stores. Well howdy, it took a lawsuit brought by three doctors who say the FDA unlawfully interfered with their practice of medicine by declaring Ivernmectin unsafe and not to be prescribed for COVID.

The suit brought back in 2022, was dismissed and now it is being appealed in the courts as the FDA changes its tune.

“FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID,” Ashley Cheung Honold, a Department of Justice lawyer representing the FDA, said during oral arguments on Aug. 8 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit.

The government is having to defend the FDA’s repeated calls for people ‘not to take ivermectin for COVID-19, including a post that said “Stop it,” in a lawsuit brought by three doctors who say the FDA interfered with their right to treat their patients.

“The fundamental issue in this case is straightforward. After the FDA approves the human drug for sale, does it then have the authority to interfere with how that drug is used within the doctor-patient relationship? The answer is no,” Jared Kelson, representing the doctors, told the appeals court.

Now they are admitting that Ivermectin is ok to prescribe after so many died?

DC dealt more harshly with pro-life protesters than Black Lives Matter, federal court rules; Washington, D.C., unfairly enforced its “defacement” ordinances by dealing more harshly with pro-life protesters than with Black Lives Matter activists, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.

“In the summer of 2020, thousands of protesters flooded the streets of the District to proclaim ‘Black Lives Matter,'” the court wrote in its decision, obtained by Fox News. “Over several weeks, the protesters covered streets, sidewalks, and storefronts with paint and chalk. The markings were ubiquitous and in open violation of the District’s defacement ordinance, yet none of the protesters was arrested.”

However, during the same summer in August, D.C. police arrested two pro-life protesters “for chalking ‘Black Pre-Born Lives Matter’ on a public sidewalk,” the court also wrote.

Native American group demands Commanders reinstate ‘Redskins’ name; Growing up just outside of DC, my family loved the Washington Redskins and when their name was shamefully changed due to liberal pressure, many of us were pissed…and so were many Native Americans.

The Native American Guardian’s Association (NAGA), run by Native Americans, has demanded that the Washington Commanders change their name back to the Redskins, having organized a 90,000-signature petition in support of the name reversal.

“We invite all Americans to stand up for the dignity of EVERY AMERICAN under assault in today’s increasingly nonsensical culture wars,” the petition says.

NAGA says that Native American principles were used by the Founding Fathers in the US Constitution which gives EVERY American the right to the 1st and 14th Amendments. Thus, no American should not be a target of cancel culture or ESG.

“As the NFL franchise representing the nation’s capital, you have a distinct opportunity to recognize the history and value of the American Indian,” writes NAGA.

Oh, the irony…

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


1) Secret Search Warrant: Special Counsel Accesses Trump’s Twitter Account in Unprecedented Move
In a surprising twist, a newly unsealed court document has unveiled that Special Counsel Jack Smith managed to gain access to former President Donald J Trump’s Twitter account, including its private messages and draft tweets. This revelation comes amidst his ongoing investigations into alleged wrongdoings by the ex-president. READ MORE

2) Fulton County DA wants March 4 trial date for Trump case, one week before state primary
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has requested a March 4, 2024, trial start date for former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants, which would place the proceedings roughly one week prior to the Republican primary in the Peach State.

Willis indicted Trump, along with a litany of his political allies, over his efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential election results in the Peach State. Trump has contended the case is part of a broader political witch hunt designed to derail his 2024 presidential campaign. READ MORE

3) 2 More Insurers Fleeing California, More Than 50,000 Homeowners to Lose Coverage
With the wildfire season ramping up—as hot, dry weather combines with high winds—many California residents are reporting their nerves are on edge due to recent fires in Maui and a series of blazes currently impacting Oregon, and now more than 50,000 families will be looking for new insurance after another two companies recently announced they will be dropping policies. READ MORE

4) Congress probing whether Democrats improperly using nonprofits, foreign money to win elections
The powerful House Ways and Means Committee is opening a probe into whether liberal activists are misusing tax-exempt nonprofits to mobilize Democrat voters in battleground states, injecting foreign money into elections, or evading campaign finance laws. READ MORE

5) Manchin Vows to Push Back Against ‘Radical Climate Agenda’ Implemented Through Inflation Reduction Act
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) marked the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act with a promise to “push back” against the Biden administration’s efforts to “implement … a radical climate change agenda” through the legislation, which Mr. Manchin helped author. READ MORE


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