by Diane Scherff

This Spring, the Department of Education under the Biden Administration proposed a new rule which would prioritize education funding that incorporates the fake New York Times’ 1619 Project and propagandist Ibram X. Kendi’s ‘Critical Race Theory’ into U.S history and civics classes. Both of which stand to rewrite history for a progressive ideology of reparations and dismantling “white privilege.”

The 1619 Project, a disastrous attempt by Progressives to rewrite American History, claims that the colonists fought the Revolutionary War in order to preserve slavery, portraying slavery as a uniquely “American phenomenon,” used as a capitalist venture. Of course this is nonsense but now the Left has gained ground using New York Times “writers” to create a faux explanation of slavery in our country’s history which is now going to be taught in our schools.

Kendi’s Critical Race Theory pushes the narrative that America is fundamentally racist and in order to undo past discrimination, we need to actively discriminate in favor of marginalized groups today. Basically, he’s indoctrinating children to hate one another but more importantly, he wants to create a department of ‘anti-racism’ in the federal government…an unelected department staffed by ‘trained academics’ who have veto power over every municipal state and federal law in the country. These academia nuts will decide what causes racism or disparity between groups.

Numerous public schools across the country have adopted similar “equity” efforts that focus on dismantling “white privilege” taken from CRT.  A Virginia public school board has recently asked parents how they could fight racism and dismantle white superiority in the classroom and  Seattle Public Schools have trained white teachers to “bankrupt their privilege” by focusing on social justice in the classroom.

Yet several states have moved to ban the teaching of CRT in public schools. Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis opposes teaching this non sense and has called on the state’s Board of Education to address CRT. Why should taxpayers be forced to fund a program that teaches children to hate each other and their country?

“Teaching kids to hate their country and to hate each other … It’s also based on false history,” said Governor DeSantis in reference to CRT.

So the Biden Administration is throwing money to school districts to teach completely historically inaccurate content via the 1619 project propaganda and redefine human history as a struggle between white people (the “oppressors”) and everybody else (the” oppressed.”)

So America, built basically by majority white societies in which these progressives now reside, has been labeled racist due to our founders being white? The Progressives goal to divide,  conquer and marginalize universally continues…when will we Americans stand up and say NO?

Dear Trump Patriots,

Monday, June 14th is shaping up to be a great day. Not only do we celebrate the symbol of our country…the commemoration of the adoption of the US Flag by the second continental Congress in 1777, but the significant Arizona election audit may be concluded on this day. If the results are conclusive as to massive fraud (which they should be), the other states will follow.

This week, Vernon Jones of GA and Doug Mastriano of PA visited the AZ audit site and plan to push for their states’ audit soon, as well as, Alaska, Nevada, WI, VA and CO. the truth is…election fraud occurred and even though the Left thought they could get away with it, they are being exposed.

Critical Race Theory is in the news and thank goodness we have Governor DeSantis who is fighting it even though the Biden Administration has proposed a new rule to give grant dollars to schools that institute this fake philosophy as well as the 1619 Project’s rewrite of American history (see my article below). The Progressives are pushing their fake narrative to further their Marxist ideology in our schools,

and we must stop the election of any pro-CRT school board candidates. I will be researching this across the state. We must get involved to save our children.

Have faith….


Diane Scherff, President
Trump Club of St Johns County



1) Arizona Audit: Hand Recount Expected to End This Week

Auditors in Arizona expect to soon finish their hand recount of the nearly 2.1 million ballots cast in Maricopa County in the 2020 presidential election.

“I think the counting will be done by the end of this week,” former Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett, a Republican, told reporters on June 8 at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix, where the audit is taking place.

2) Lawmakers From Other States Descend on Arizona To See Election Audit

Lawmakers from multiple states have visited the 2020 election audit in Arizona’s largest county in recent days, with more visits planned.

Delegations from Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Alaska were given tours of Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where the audit is taking place in Phoenix. Michael McDonald, the Nevada Republican Party chairman, went to the venue to see what was happening, as did others from Colorado. Virginia Sen. Amanda Chase, a Republican, is expected to visit on Thursday.

3) Kennedy Gives Cover to Whitehouse’s Latest Attack on Supreme Court’s Conservatives

Sen. John Kennedy (R., La.) signed on to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s (D., R.I.) request for Supreme Court justices’ travel records, giving bipartisan credentials to Whitehouse’s latest attempt to attack the Court’s conservatives. Whitehouse and Kennedy sent the letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and the director of the U.S. Marshals Service, which requests all agency documents related to trips on which Marshals Service personnel accompanied the justices over a 10-year period. The justices are supposed to disclose reimbursed travel, but their reporting has been spotty at times.

4) Soros-Backed Group Plans ‘Third Reconstruction’ Push

A left-wing advocacy group funded by George Soros and backed by 30 House Democrats is planning a yearlong campaign for a “Third Reconstruction” that includes abolishing ICE, expanding welfare for illegal immigrants, and removing criminal penalties for violent protesters.

The Poor People’s Campaign, which received a grant from the Soros-backed Open Society Foundations following the death of George Floyd as part of the organization’s $220 million “anti-racist” initiative, held a Day of Action on Monday to kick off its crusade. The group counts Democratic Reps. Cori Bush (D., Mo.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), and Jamie Raskin (D., Md.) as top supporters, with the “Third Reconstruction” described to the Washington Free Beacon by a senior GOP Senate aide as the “next Green New Deal.”

5) As Unfilled Jobs Reach High, Economists Point Toward Unemployment Benefits

A new report from three economists at the Committee to Unleash Prosperity says the generous unemployment benefits contained in President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan are to blame for the country’s record-setting labor shortage.

The report estimates that the total value of unemployment benefits for a family of four is more than $72,000 per year, which is higher than the $68,000 median household income. “The maximum benefit package when including the $300 a week supplemental UI benefit exceeds $100,000 at an annual rate,” According to analysis from the report.

Check out these sites for more conservative news:

Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:

DeSantis Vows to Oppose Republican School Board Members Who Support Critical Race Theory

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the weekend vowed to turn the Republican political apparatus of his state against school board candidates who support teaching Critical Race Theory.

“We’re not going to support any Republican candidate for school board who supports Critical Race Theory in all 67 counties or who supports mandatory masking of schoolchildren,” DeSantis told Fox News host Dan Bongino.

Critical Race Theory is an ideology rooted in Marxist theory of class struggle, but with a focus on race. It sees American society through the lens of racial struggle and seeks to dismantle all aspects of society that are deemed inherently racist.

“Local elections matter. We are going to get the Florida political apparatus involved so we can make sure there’s not a single school board member who supports Critical Race Theory,” DeSantis added.

The governor’s comments come as the State Board of Education is scheduled to meet on June 10 and weigh a proposal that would ban teaching the founding of the United States as anything “other than the creation of a new nation based largely on universal principles stated in the Declaration of Independence.” It would also require teachers to not “share their personal views or attempt to indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view.” Read More

45th President of the United States of America

Our recently secured Southern Border is now worse than ever before. At no time in our Country’s history has anything so outrageous taken place. The Biden Administration stopped construction of the small remaining openings in areas of the almost 500 mile long wall, have taken away all authority from our great Border Patrol, and have ended such long fought for policies including Remain in Mexico, Safe Third Agreements, and our hugely-successful program that completely stopped Catch-and-Release.

Millions of people are pouring through our Border, including many criminals being released from jails, for such crimes as murder, drug smuggling, and human trafficking. In the history of our Country, it has never been more dangerous or worse. They do not have long to act as our Country is being destroyed!


On Key

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