Dear Trump Club Members, Guests and Trump Supporters,

Locally, the fight continues leading up to the Primary to keep our county conservative;

Two recent articles appeared this week highlighting;

1) The troubles surrounding St Johns County Commissioner Krista Keating Joseph

According to Action News Jax, on July 1st, Eighth Judicial Circuit State Attorney Brian Kramer filed a declaration recommending a St. Johns County grand jury decide if Krista Keating-Joseph should face charges for violating state election law. Keating Joesph endorsed other candidates and openly discussed voting her colleagues out of office during a November Board of County Commissioners meeting and was censured the following month. Read More

2) The great disparity of candidate endorsements between the Trump Club of St Johns County and the local REC. In a recent article ( These St. Johns County elections will likely be decided in August) by Noah Hertz in Jax Today, Hertz claims, “Single-party domination in local politics means key St. Johns County elections are likely to be decided in the August primaries…But Republican groups in the county are far from being in lock step about who should be elected in any of the races.”

Hertz writes about the political “discourse” between the conservative clubs in the county and how the Trump Club and REC Primary endorsed candidates differ greatly. The truth is, the Trump Club put their support behind true Trump conservative candidates who are the most qualified for the positions.

Ironically, Hertz states, “County Commission candidate Ann Taylor is urging Democrats to participate in her race in August by changing their voter registration.

“It is so, so important that people realize that if you want to vote and have a voice in our local elections, you need to get the Republican ballot,” Taylor said.

Speaking of voting, the Republican-led House passed a bill banning non-citizens from voting in federal elections. However, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, or SAVE as it’s known, will likely need saving when it hits the floor of the Democrat-led U.S. Senate. The measure seeks to expand proof of citizenship requirements to vote in federal elections, purging voter rolls across the country. The bill also pushes back against the Biden administration’s immigration policies, which many Republicans believe are rooted in the idea that people who cross the border illegally can cast ballots in this year’s presidential and congressional elections. Watch Video

Obama pulls out washed-up entertainers like George Clooney to help oust Biden; MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed on Thursday that Barack Obama was behind George Clooney’s New York Times op-ed demanding that President Biden not seek re-election. In the piece, Clooney said that “he loves Biden, but the party would lose the presidential race as well as any control in Congress with him as the nominee.”

“This wasn’t George Clooney,” Brzezinski said of the op-ed during Thursday morning’s broadcast of the show that Biden is said to watch frequently.

Isn’t it ironic that these over-paid MSM nuts who professed their love for Obama and Biden now can’t believe Clooney is in their pocket? How dumb are these liberals?

The Republican National Convention commences on Monday, July 15th in Milwaukee with 2,429 Republican delegates from across the country.

The theme for the first night, Monday, is “Make America Wealthy Once Again,” which will highlight President Trump’s America First economic policies: slash cumbersome regulations, cut tax rates, and rework trade deals to create a fairer playing field for American industry and workers.

On Tuesday, the RNC’s theme is “Make America Safe Once Again.” “President Donald J. Trump will stand up for our law enforcement and put an end to the senseless crime spree and drug flow that plague America,” the campaign said.

The convention’s third day will focus on foreign affairs, including the ongoing war in the Middle East, under the banner “Make America Strong Once Again.”

Thursday, July 18, the convention’s final day, the theme will be “Make America Great Once Again.” The release said, “President Donald J. Trump will usher in a new golden age for America.”

Florida governor and former GOP presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis is slated to address the convention, despite earlier reports he was not included.

According to the RNC, FOX will also have coverage across all of its platforms and you can stream the convention on the following channels: YouTube, X, Facebook Live, Rumble, Amazon Prime, Twitch and Direct TV. For More Information

So now the big question is, who will be President Trump’s VP pick?

Email me if you have a pick!


Thank you,
Diane Scherff



1) DORAL RALLY! – President Trump’s rally in Doral, Florida this week was electric!

Three things were made perfectly clear:

  • President Trump has the policies to Make America Great Again and the Democrats don’t.
  • President Trump will win in a landslide no matter who the Democrats put up.
  • While Democrats are in disarray, the Republican Party is stronger and more united than ever before!

President Trump also called Biden’s bluff, challenging him to a debate this week and accepting Biden’s challenge to an 18-hole golf match. Biden rescinded his challenge, accepting neither a debate nor a game of golf. That’s because Biden knows he will lose both!

2) President Trump Will Speak at the Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, on July 27. Conference organizers said, “Trump announced his support for the American Bitcoin industry in May 2024, advocating for financial freedom and the growth of the U.S. Bitcoin industry on the global stage.”

President Trump is fully aligned with “financial freedom” and recently indicated he would like to see more bitcoin mining by U.S. firms. “We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA,” Trump said on his Truth Social platform in June.

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3) The RNC and President Trump come together on the 2024 Republican Party Platform; When President Trump emerged on the political scene in the 2016 Republican primary, he often feuded with the Republican National Committee (RNC) and accused them of being biased against his candidacy. Because they were.

Now that RINO Ronna McDaniel is gone, President Trump, as the presumptive 2024 nominee, has won control of a party apparatus willing to embrace his policy platform and earnestly support his efforts.

On Monday, the RNC formally adopted Trump’s 2024 party platform, which focused heavily on the economy, border security issues and much more. 2023 Republican Party Platform

4) Trump First Presidential Candidate in History to Endorse “Universal School Choice” One of the platform’s key components is universal school choice. Finally, the Republican Party is putting kids over unions!

The platform states explicitly in big bold letters:

5) Kyiv wants to convene a second meeting to achieve a fair peace settlement in Ukraine before the US elections in November — this time with Russia attending, according to sources.

“Wow Donald Trump is already ending the war in Ukraine more than 100 days BEFORE the election. They all know what’s coming and the grift is going to stop along with all of the unnecessary death! 👇🏻

The push to organize the meeting before the US elections points to a sense of urgency on the part of Ukraine as it faces the prospect of Trump returning to the White House.”
– Don Jr


House fails to pass attempt to fine AG Garland $10,000 a day

The House on Thursday failed to pass a measure to fine Attorney General Merrick Garland for being in contempt of Congress.

Four Republicans in the GOP-controlled House helped stop the effort, according to Politico. The measure failed in a 204-210 vote. Twelve Republicans were absent.

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Top federal prisons official set to testify on alleged retribution against Biden impeachment witness

Impeachment witness Jason Galanis testified that he believes he was retaliated against to prevent cooperation with the probe.

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Haley Releases Delegates, Urges Them to Back Trump Ahead of RNC Convention

Former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley announced on July 9 that she is releasing her 97 delegates and urging them to support former President Donald Trump, even though she was NOT invited to the convention (ha!).

The move comes days before the Republican National Convention when the 45th president is set to be nominated as the party’s 2024 presidential candidate.

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Biden’s backwards immigration policies are undermining economic growth 

The top two issues concerning voters this year are inflation and illegal immigration — both of which remain stubbornly high under President Joe Biden. One overlooked factor in both of these crises has been the administration’s throttling of legal immigration.

For example, last year Biden enacted regulations that made it far more difficult for farmers to legally hire agricultural workers through the H-2A temporary agricultural visa program. 

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