Donate to President Trump’s Campaign

I am raising money on behalf of President Trump’s Finance Committee once again personally since the TC can’t donate directly to the Trump Campaign. Let’s continue the fight through financial support for President Trump.

Please click on my personal donation link to donate directly to his campaign. Any little amount will go a long way to help!

Share my link to everyone you know so we can support President Trump!

Thank you!
Diane Scherff


  • Individual max out to JFC is $11,600
  • Couple max out to JFC is $23,200 
  • Checks should be made payable to Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee. Online donations are encouraged and may be processed via secure links provided. 
  • All donors must provide Trump Save America Joint Fundraising Committee with their name, address, occupation, and employer. This information must be provided on a donor’s information form (on the donation page) if the contribution is made by check. This same information will be gathered via the contribution webpage when making a contribution online. This information is required by the FEC for filing purposes. 

President Trump Spoke at Club 47 in West Palm Beach:

West Palm Beach, located in Florida’s 21st District, is one of the most Jewish districts in the United States…a perfect setting for the President’s speech following the deadly terrorist attack on Israel.

1,500 Israelis have been killed in the recent HAMAS attacks on Israel, and 3,000 have been wounded. Hundreds more have been taken hostage, including several Americans. Upon his arrival in Israel on Thursday morning, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed the news that at least 25 Americans have been killed in the attacks carried out by the Iranian-funded terror group Hamas. “Tragically, the number of innocent lives claimed by Hamas’s heinous attacks continues to rise,” Blinken said during a press conference in Israel, standing alongside Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “Among those, we now know that at least 25 American citizens were killed.”

During his speech last night, President Trump addressed these savage attacks against Israel, calling on the Biden Administration to re-freeze the $6 Billion in aid that they recently handed to Iran just one month ago, despite Iran’s daily chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”. President Trump also said that when he is elected President again, he will immediately cut off all funding to Palestinian groups and create a new U.S. missile defense system. President Trump also asserted that these attacks against Israel, and against Ukraine, would not have happened if he were President, and promised that he would prevent World War 3 from breaking out once he’s back in the White House.

President Trump mentioned concerns about HAMAS, Hezbollah, and IRGC terrorists that have come into the United States via Biden’s open Southern Border and that he will keep “jihadist terrorists the hell out of our country,” just as he did during his first term in office.

HAMAS has called for a “day of rage” and JIHAD Friday, October 13 with plans for mass killing all over the world in the name of Islamic warfare against non-Muslims, otherwise known as jihad. Hamas and Hezbollah are already here in America with active terror cells in places like Atlanta, Tampa, NYC, Houston, Arlington, and Minneapolis. Reports indicate Hezbollah has been training in Venezuela preparing to storm the wide-open US-Mexico border guided by Iran, which has just received $6 BILLION from the Biden administration.

President Trump was tougher on Iran than any other President. He ordered the execution of Iranian terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani, imposed crippling sanctions on Iran, and decimated the horrible John Kerry/Obama ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ which handed billions of dollars to Iran.

So how did we get here? Without a true leader in the White House, the world is descending into chaos and this unleashed terror ideology may be coming to the streets of America. Will President Trump be back before then? I think so…

Dear Trump Supporters,

Rep Scalise may not have enough votes to be the next speaker; Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) won the speaker nomination during a closed-door, secret ballot election on Wednesday with 113 votes compared to 99 for House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan, (R-Oh). There were 10 other GOP votes that went to other candidates in the secret ballot election.

It appears that Scalise may have a tough time gaining the support of all 99 lawmakers who backed Jordan. Even if he is able to do so, he still needs 5 more GOP lawmakers to side with him after they voted for a different candidate in the secret ballot election.

Reports indicate that RINO Scalise would still give e money to Ukraine and refrain from funding the wall. So where does that leave us?

Travelers at the Atlanta Airport were frightened by a deranged woman who stabbed three people, Including her taxi driver, another woman at the South terminal and an elderly officer; The Atlanta Police Department (APD) later identified the suspect as 44-year-old Damaris Milton and placed her in custody following the incident. Another officer was able to tackle Milton and take the knife away from her before she could do more damage.

The Daily Mail captured a video showing Milton screaming at cops while waving around her knife around. Before the video turns to Milton, an airport security officer attempts to assure travelers they are in no imminent danger.

This is happening too often in Bidens America…Enough. Are they getting paid to do this or have they just gone mad? WATCH VIDEO

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis has again rejected a request from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan for documents related to her prosecution of former President Donald Trump; Well, that’s a surprise…not.

Willis indicted Trump and 18 co-defendants in August under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act and then added more frivolous charges against President Trump relating to the 2020 election. Jordan subsequently launched a probe of the case and asked Willis to hand over documents, which she refused to do.

Jordan continues to suggest that Willis’s case against Trump is a political prosecution and that her refusal to cooperate with his committee served to confirm his suspicions. NOw what? We all know these indictments are false, the DOJ is weaponized by the Democrat Deep State so how does Trump get out from under all of this?

Just wait….Ms Willis may get a taste of her own medicine.

Federal prosecutors indicted New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, his wife Nadine and three businessmen in a corruption scheme whereby Menendez allegedly took bribes in exchange for policy favors; The three-count indictment

accuses Menendez of using his official position in a wide range of corrupt schemes at home and abroad. In one, he sought to benefit the government of Egypt, including secretly providing it with sensitive U.S. government information, while in two others, he aimed to influence criminal investigations of two New Jersey businessmen, one of whom was a longtime fund-raiser for Menendez.

The indictment also alleges that Menendez passed on sensitive information about the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to Egyptian officials and even though it was not classified material it could have put lives at risk. Acting as an agent to Egypt, along with the usual bribes for cash, Mercedez Benz and gold make the Menendez story rich in American politics. Hopefully, they will stop them this time.


White House misled Congress and the American people about Biden’s classified documents, Comer alleges; Comer said classified information contradicts statements made by the White House and Biden’s personal attorneys. The White House misled Congress about the discovery and handling of classified documents that were in President Joe Biden’s possession at an insecure office at his old university think tank job, the chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee alleged Wednesday,

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., made the allegations and demanded interviews with five White House officials just days after Biden was interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Hur in a criminal investigation of the same documents discovered last year at the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center in Washington D.C.

“President Biden’s timeline was incomplete and misleading,” Comer declared in a statement issued Wednesday afternoon. “It omitted months of communications, planning, and coordinating among multiple White House officials, Ms. [Kathy] Chung, Penn Biden Center employees, and President Biden’s personal attorneys to retrieve the boxes containing classified materials. The timeline also omitted multiple visits from at least five White House employees.”

The Bottom line; The Bidens, Clintons, Obamas, etc continue to commit crimes and get away with murder right under our noses but never get punished, yet President Trump gets indicted for made-up allegations on a weekly basis. This, too will change…


The European Union is fearful of truth bombs and has since put social media on notice; The European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, sent letters to Mark Zuckerberg of Meta and Elon Musk at X, demanding they comply with the EU’s sweeping new Internet regulation, the Digital Services Act.

Both Breton letters contained passages complaining of their platform’s failure to remove “illegal content,” and disinformation, with the intent to shut them down but do not have the power to do so. From the letter to Elon Musk:

When you receive notices of illegal content in the EU, you must be timely, diligent, and effective in taking action and removing the relevant content when warranted. We have, from qualified services, reports of potentially illegal content circulating on your service.

The regime in Brussels is furious that once forbidden information is being leaked onto X (Twitter) and is threatening Musk with ‘penalties’.

“The billionaire must comply with the bloc’s “disinformation” regulations or face punishment, a senior EU official said.


President Trump handed a victory in the NY fraud trial; Several days ago, President Trump received a major victory from the court of appeals in his ongoing financial fraud case in New York. President Trump’s legal team had filed an emergency appeal to a decision in his case, where allegations of financial fraud were brought forth against him, his family, and his organization by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

His team urged the appeals court to reconsider the judge’s ruling. Furthermore, in the appeal, President Trump’s lawyers also argued that during the trial, the judge capriciously changed the statute of limitations.

And, on Friday, the appeals court accepted this argument and issued a stay on the judge’s order.


List of SJC Local Races in 2024

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


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