The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

“Because we’re in a revolutionary cycle, or the left has now said, under the pretext that Donald Trump is so extraordinarily threatening to the Republic, that it requires any means necessary to end him.”

Victor Davis Hanson
Classicist and Military Historian

Dear Trump Club!

Again Congratulations to all the candidates who won their races this week. For the County Commission race in District 4, there are 366 outstanding vote by mail ballots pending and these voters have until 5pm today to cure their vote. A canvassing board will review these votes tomorrow (Friday) at 9am. Right now Krista Keating Josephs is leading Jeremiah Blocker by 188 votes. We also have runoffs in school board races in Districts 1 and 3.

FL Flips Five Majority-left School Boards; Governor DeSantis made a concerted effort during this Primary race to get good conservatives elected to the school board. His effort flipped five school districts; Miami-Dade (over 300,000 students), Sarasota, Clay, Martin and Duval. For far too long, Republican majority counties have been dominated by majority-left school boards funded by the Unions. DeSantis hopes to institutionalize this going forward to help get good Republicans on the school boards to help stop the liberal indoctrination in our FL schools.

Charlie Crist Doesn’t Want Us; Charlie Crist won his Primary on Tuesday and will run as the Democratic nominee for the Florida gubernatorial race. The next day, he showed his contempt for DeSantis supporters saying he does not want their votes this November claiming they have “hate in [their] heart.”

“Those who support the governor should stay with him and vote for him, and I don’t want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there,” Crist said. “I want the vote of the people of Florida who care about our state. Good Democrats, good independents, good Republicans. Unify with this ticket. Unify with Val Demings and Charlie Crist. Unify with us. Those who are haters, you’re going to go off in your own world and you better get right.”

Crist insulting voters is eerily similar to when Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters “deplorable.”

“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables,” Clinton infamously said. Definitely a deep state liberal tactic.

Fauci to ‘Stepdown’; Dr. Anthony Fauci announced his plan to “step down” from his duties in the federal government by the end of this year to “pursue the next chapter.” Interestingly, in June of this year, he said he would stay until the end of Biden’s term because he wasn’t worried about any ‘investigations’. In his letter, Fauci just says he plans “to pursue the next chapter of my career.” that doesn’t sound like he is resigning, but is being asked to leave. Granted, he is 81, but what’s the rush? Maybe the impending Republican majority in Congress is why…

White Teachers are Being Discriminated Against in Minnesota; Minneapolis Public Schools is being sued after its teacher’s union contract made national news by prioritizing layoffs by race and not seniority.

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit against the superintendent of the Minneapolis Public Schools, the Minneapolis Public Schools, and the Minneapolis Board of Education. The lawsuit says the new contract protects educators of color but provides no similar protection for educators who aren’t “of color.”

Under the contract, teachers of color are exempt from seniority-based layoffs and reassignments. When firings or reassignments occur, the next senior teacher who is not “of color” or WHITE would be laid off or reassigned. The contract mandates that MPS reinstate teachers of color over more senior teachers who are WHITE. How this racist move has been approved in our country is very unsettling.

Something big is happening; Podcasts are reeling with buzz about big announcements coming in October…What will the October surprise be? Who knows but there’s definitely something coming. Putin just signed a decree to increase the Russian armed forces by 137,000 to 1.15 million and international military tribunals are going to be held in the coming days in Mariupol, Ukraine. The upcoming Trial is aimed at bringing justice to war criminals, among which there are Nazis from the Azov Regiment. Washington is clearly afraid of making public the evidence of the inhumane acts committed by the members of this terrorist organization. So now we wait and watch…

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

We will work together to bring unity back to our Republican Party by working with the REC!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

The Sentinel Report with Alex Newman joined by Diane Scherff – President of Trump Club in St. John’s County, FL


1) FBI whistleblowers say senior officials ordered Bureau not to investigate Hunter Biden laptop
FBI whistleblowers allege that the Bureau’s leaders ordered agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop, according to a letter Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson sent to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz asking that he investigate the matter.

Prior to the 2020 presidential election, some of the content of a laptop belonging to President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, became public and appeared to show damaging information on the then-presidential candidate. Media outlets derided the laptop as misinformation or Russian disinformation at the time. READ MORE

2) Horrific Biden Consequence, 20 Million American Households Behind on Electricity Bills, Pending Shutoff
Long-term CTH readers might remember in 2014 when President Obama claimed U.S. families had been paying too little for electricity for too long. As soon as Joe Biden took office, he began implementing the Green New Deal energy policy that, (a) directly forces higher costs for energy; and (b) is now creating massive problems.

In July I noted my own electricity bill had jumped 28% in a single month. The next month’s bill was increased again. A review of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for July [Data Here] shows that nationally the same thing is happening. The year-over-year electricity price has increased 15.2%. However, worse still, the July increase alone was 1.9%, which figures to an annualized rate of 22.8%. READ MORE

3) Whistleblower Disputes Data Glitch Explanation Behind Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military
A medical Army officer who discovered a sudden increase in disease coinciding with reports of side effects alongside COVID-19 vaccines—which the Army has dismissed as a data glitch—said he faces involuntary separation after being convicted but not punished for disobeying COVID-19 protocol.

In January 2022, First Lt. Mark Bashaw, a preventive medicine officer at the Army, started noticing some “alarming signals” within the defense epidemiological database. READ MORE

4) Judicial Watch files FOIA suit against National Archives to obtain Trump raid records
Judicial Watch on Wednesday announced a suit against the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for failing to respond to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records related to the investigation of former President Donald Trump.

“The Biden administration’s raid on President Trump’s home is an outrageous, reckless and unprecedented abuse of power,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said. “And the American people have an urgent right to know how the Biden administration manufactured the records dispute used as a pretext for the raid on Trump’s home.” READ MORE

5) Taxpayer bill for Biden student loan bailout could reach $600 billion, warns budget watchdog
President Joe Biden’s unilateral plan to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for certain borrowers will bust the federal budget, send historically high inflation rocketing still higher, and saddle taxpayers with up to $600 billion dollars in new debt, budget watchdogs and GOP lawmakers are warning.

A Wharton study estimates that Biden’s plan will cost about $300 billion in taxpayer funds. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget put the estimated cost of the cancellation plan between $400 and $600 billion. READ MORE

6) How Barack Obama set the legal path for the FBI’s Trump raid
White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was a busy man, at least when it came to carrying out President Joe Biden’s wish to eliminate former President Donald Trump’s claims that materials and testimony from his presidency were covered by executive privilege.

Su sent letters to former Trump adviser Steve Bannon last October and former advisers Peter Navarro and Gen. Mike Flynn in February informing them that the incumbent president had waived any claims Trump might have that testimony or evidence they might provide the House Jan. 6 committee was covered by executive privilege. READ MORE

7) Crist to DeSantis Supporters: ‘I Don’t Want Your Vote . . . You Have That Hate in Your Heart’
Polls show that a majority of Florida voters approve of the job that Ron DeSantis has done as governor, so it’s quite odd to see Democratic gubernatorial nominee Charlie Crist deploying this message the day after winning his party’s nomination: “Those who support DeSantis should stay with him and vote for him and I don’t want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there,” said Crist. READ MORE

8) Four reasons Biden’s student loans ‘forgiveness’ plan is wrong
The Biden administration has been suggesting for several months that it will soon announce plans to cancel a significant amount of student loan debt for the well-over 40 million Americans with federal college loans.

Beset with multiple crises and abysmal poll numbers, the administration likely will delay the announcement until closer to the fall elections, hoping it will boost turnout among students and recent college grads and help the Democrats avert political Armageddon. Whether this expectation is realistic, given the current level of inflation— which may soon drive many Generation Z members back into their parents’ basements—is debatable, so I’ll leave such speculation to others. READ MORE

9) UK Government Urged to Investigate Non-COVID-19 Excess Deaths
The UK government is facing renewed calls for an investigation as the number of non-COVID-19-related deaths in England and Wales remains higher than usual over the past three months, particularly in younger age groups.

According to the latest data published on Tuesday by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there have been 950 excess deaths in England and Wales in the week ending Aug. 12, while 592 of them had COVID-19 mentioned on their deaths certificate. READ MORE

10) Poll: Majority of Arizona voters want border wall built in the state
majority of Arizonans support building a wall at the Mexican border in the state and say that the surge in illegal immigration constitutes an invasion, according to new polling.

Pollsters Scott Rasmussen and RMG Research also show that a large majority of Arizonans think that illegal immigration is “bad” for the U.S., but legal immigration is “good.” The poll of likely voters in the Grand Canyon State asked: “Do you favor or oppose building a wall on the border between Arizona and Mexico?” READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

2022 Primary Election Results:

President Trump Endorsements Win Again


  • Matt Gaetz wins (Trump endorsed)Dist 1
  • Aaron Bean wins District 4
  • Michael Waltz wins District 6
  • Kat Cammack wins District 3
  • Cory Mills (Trump-appointed Department of Defense (DOD) adviser) wins District 7
  • Laurel Lee (former FL Secretary of State) wins District 15
  • Anna Luna (Trump Endorsed) wins District 13

Florida Governor DeSantis Review

· Governor DeSantis Calls on Supporters to “Put on the Full Armor of God” to Fight for Freedom in November at “Keep Florida Free Tour” Kick-Off Event on Primary Night in Hialeah

HIALEAH, Fla. — Governor Ron DeSantis tonight addressed an energetic crowd of supporters in Hialeah to celebrate successful Republican candidates who are eager to fight for Florida’s Freedom Agenda and continue delivering sweeping policy victories for Floridians. Governor Ron DeSantis appeared alongside First Lady Casey DeSantis, Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, and state and local candidates.

For the first time in state history, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made significant endorsements and investments in school board candidates – ranging from two major wins in Miami-Dade – including the defeat of a 24-year incumbent, a new conservative majority in Sarasota, across the board wins in Duval and ousting anti-parent incumbents in counties across the state. The DeSantis Education Agenda represents the most significant effort by a governor to endorse, train and invest in school board candidates across the nation.

Governor DeSantis made the following statement:

“Freedom is on the line this November — and our bold agenda for parental rights in education, safe communities, a vibrant economy, and a protected environment is vital to keeping the state of Florida free.

Our state is worth fighting for, and I am calling on all Floridians to put on the full armor of God as we will fight tooth and nail to protect Florida from the destructive agenda of Joe Biden and his number one ally in Florida, Charlie Crist.”


On Key

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