

Dear Trump Club Members, Guests and Trump Supporters,

Locally, the fight continues for our county to stay conservative in the Primary; Ironically, our Republican Primary in August has turned into a battle between true conservative candidates and closet Democrats who have infiltrated our local Republican clubs but failed to do so in the Trump Club. If you are a Republican new to St Johns County, beware of all the false propaganda spewed by the fake Republican candidates, many of which are anti-military and pro-taxation.

The Trump Club of St Johns County has carefully vetted Republican Primary candidates since 2017, putting out the only trusted GOP voter guide in every election. Our endorsed candidates are not always incumbents as we hold our elected officials accountable. We choose those who fit the America First mantra.

According to the REC Vice Chair, the current candidates touting an REC endorsement is a lie due to several rules broken during the voting process. So not only are these fake candidates recruiting Democrats to switch parties to vote for them in the Primary, but their own Vice Chair said the endorsement is a ruse. The infiltration of the Republican party by Democrats has led to massive confusion in our county. The Left consistently tries to win at all costs. Please don’t be fooled.

Joe goes down; I wrote about the Obama deep state coup in an earlier email last week after the debate. Many of us have suspected this would happen and it did. Ironically, Joe was supposed to abide by the plan but has since taken his wife’s directive to stay the course for the election. Biden has called on high-profile people such as Elton John to save the day. But is this all part of the plan?

The Daily Mail writes, “As pressure mounts on Joe Biden to quit and Elton John turns up to back him… Democrat insiders reveal the President was set up to fail in a ‘soft coup.’ Biden’s inner circle demanded this early debate. There is a growing belief this was a ‘soft coup’ because they know he isn’t fit to govern and have known for some time.” Read More

As previously mentioned, Joe’s replacement might be Michelle Obama. But who knows? Newsweek claims, “Michelle Obama’s Chances of Becoming President Surge With Bookmakers. The odds on Michelle Obama winning the 2024 election surged following President Joe Biden’s widely criticized performance during his first presidential debate against Donald Trump, despite the former first lady having previously ruled out running and endorsed the incumbent.” Read More

As Burning Bright notes, following the fallout of the historic debate, the deep state establishment continues to push contradictions; Joe Biden WAS sharper than ever … right up until he wasn’t. Michelle Obama is NOT going to seek candidacy … unless she does. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama firmly support the Biden Regime … but their aides, consultants and lead narrative-setters say it’s a ruse to maintain plausible deniability until they can make a move later this summer.

Rudy Giuliani Disbarred; Having been recently disbarred,Rudy Giuliani joins John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, and countless others in the club of MAGA collateral damage. The process is the punishment, but the regime’s wins will be short-lived. The precedent set through these actions, the lopsided application of law and rules based on political motivations, will be the ultimate boomerang.

Leftist Call for Less Freedom; Former Biden White House antitrust guru, Tim Wu, who coined the term “net neutrality,” takes to the New York Times with a headline that so fully and worrisomely captures the mentality of the new left in America..“The First Amendment is Out of Control.” Wu explains:

“The judiciary needs to realize that the First Amendment is spinning out of control. It is beginning to threaten many of the essential jobs of the state, such as protecting national security and the safety and privacy of its citizens.”

Freedom of speech is our constitutional right and falls under the First Amendment, along with freedom of religion, the right to peacefully assemble, and petition the government. Once again, the Left fears our faith and our freedom to speak against our government propaganda. Now Louisiana and Oklahoma have come forward to allow the Bible and Ten Commandments back into schools, and the Left is going nuts.

The Left’s fear of failure in November and in the August primaries has prompted an increase in fake news, lies and propaganda from little towns up to DC.

We seek the truth and will not be silenced.


Thank you,
Diane Scherff



The Supreme Court overturned a 40-year-old case, the Chevron doctrine, set in 1984 involving the oil giant, which gave federal agencies wide powers to interpret laws and decide the best ways to apply them holding that it was inconsistent with the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and gave unelected government officials too much authority. 

In, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, a family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, had been driven out of business due to being charged $700/day since 2013 by the NMFS, National Marine Fisheries Service, to monitor their company. SCOTUS overturned the Chevron deference’s ridiculous abuse of power.

In the original Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field who would interpret the law, and the courts should just defer to the agencies. This is how OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired. 

So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been in control. NO MORE!

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J6 No MORE; In, Fischer v. United States, the Supreme Court has ruled that the key charge used to prosecute and sentence hundreds of Americans for walking through the US Capitol building on January 6th, obstruction of an official proceeding, does not apply. Which likely means freedom for many American political prisoners.

In an era of bad news, the US Supreme Court has brought us some good tools that we the people can wield to work on restoring America.

Happy Independence Day.



Immunity ruling means Freedom; On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled for the first time that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution, extending the delay in the Washington criminal case against President Trump on charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss and all but ending prospects that he could be tried before the November election. Read More

In, Trump v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled that the president and former presidents “may not be prosecuted for exercising core constitutional powers,” and are entitled, “to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all official acts.” The justices ordered the lower courts to apply this decision to the Donald Trump case being led by Jack Smith.

Monday’s immunity decision was explosive, and it notably led to the fascists showing their true colors in resisting the rule of law, the Constitution, and our country. The Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary are all in focus at their intersections, checking and balancing the execution of power against the Constitution’s guardrails. This is exactly how it’s supposed to work.

Even the Biden campaign admitted it was a major blow to the Democrats’ lawfare being waged against President Trump. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley noted, “Today’s ruling is a victory for the rule of law and a reminder that the constitution outweighs the left’s weaponization of the judicial system against President Trump and his allies.”

Democrats have weaponized our institutions to target their political opponents and to interfere in our elections. Censorship, politically motivated prosecutions and witch hunts have continued until now. Joe Biden and his allies are a threat to democracy.

Judge Merchan postpones Trump’s hush money sentencing to September 18;

Judge Merchan, who is overseeing President Trump’s hush money case in New York, has rescheduled sentencing to September 18, as stated in a letter sent to both parties. This decision followed the Manhattan district attorney’s office announcement earlier on Tuesday that it would not contest Trump’s request to file a motion seeking to overturn his conviction, citing the Supreme Court’s recent ruling on presidential immunity.

Trump’s defense argued that the conviction should be nullified because the prosecution relied on evidence and testimony that should have been protected by presidential immunity, including several of Trump’s tweets, a government ethics form, and testimony from former Trump aide Hope Hicks.
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We are winning!!!

Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging; Politico writes, “Donald Trump has threatened to leave NATO so many times — or has appeared to, anyway — that for many of his critics, it’s a question of when not whether he’d ditch the 75-year-old alliance if he’s reelected president in November.” Read More

NATO was a sequence of progressive steps pursued for purportedly noble purposes, to halt authoritarianism, yet the exact opposite is true. Dating back to its birth in 1900, NATO’s goal has always been…propaganda.


Biden’s Migrants are Murdering Americans;


Biden migrant crime has taken over America. Joe Biden, via Obama, has purposefully aided and abetted an invasion on our border to “diversify our country and reduce our population. Here are two more examples:

An illegal alien from Guatemala, back in the country after he was deported once before, has been charged in the sexual assault of a 14-year-old Florida girl. He re-entered through Biden’s open border.

An illegal alien from Haiti, charged in the rape of a 15-year-old Boston girl, is out of jail after a leftist judge granted him bail. He was released into the country last year under Biden’s “parole” program, which was just extended. 

Border Bloodbath


Proof of Citizenship Requirements;

The Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Arizona Legislature have filed a motion to stay a federal district court decision which strikes down Arizona’s documentary proof of citizenship requirements as the Ninth Circuit hears the appeal. If this motion is successful, Arizona can enforce its law requiring documentary proof of citizenship to vote in this November’s presidential election or cast a ballot by mail in any election.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley claims,

“Our elections, and the future of our country, should be decided by Americans. Non-citizen voting compromises our elections and we are committed to stopping it. This filing is another critical legal step in our fight to secure the 2024 election.”

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Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani disbarred following criminal indictments

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, mob prosecutor and Donald Trump ally, lost his license to practice law in his home state Tuesday.

The state appeals court’s decision immediately disbarring Giuliani and ordering “his name stricken from the roll of attorneys and counselors-at-law” furthers the fall from grace for the 80-year-old once hailed as “America’s Mayor” in the aftermath of the 9/11 terror attacks.

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Jill Biden Turns Cover Girl Yet Again

Vogue magazine has just released its THIRD cover story on Jill Biden in just the last three years. This time in a $4,990 Ralph Lauren dress. Melania Trump never appeared on this or virtually ANY woman’s magazine cover. Maybe it’s because Melania speaks with a foreign accent.

In the article, she likens herself to something of an American Eva Perón: “We will decide our future.”

The article notes: “She’s fighting so hard for him to get a second term because there are things they’ve got left on the agenda.”

Obama has been running the show but now Jill may be taking the reigns in the White House. She’s the one clinging to power and most responsible for the elder abuse. 

This shall be interesting…


Missouri AG sues New York arguing ‘lawfare’ against Trump harmed Missourians’ constitutional rights

Missouri GOP Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing the New York government on the argument the state’s “lawfare” during Donald Trump’s hush money trial violated Missourians’ First Amendment rights.

His lawsuit argues that the prosecution of Trump, along with the gag orders imposed on him, muzzled the former president while he campaigned for 2024 reelection and damaged Missourians’ right to hear him speak freely ahead of Election Day. 

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On Key

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