Primary is Upon Us, the Harris-Walz Debaucle, Illegals Taking Over the UK

Please pray for the safety of President Trump and his family…

Dear Trump Club Members, Guests and Conservatives,

Even with the recent negative information about presumptive Democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her presumptive VP pick, Tim Walz, there are never-Trump Republicans in our county who have publicly admitted they will vote for the Harris-Walz ticket over President Trump. Voting is a Constitutional right for American citizens, we just hope that Republicans will see the light sooner rather than later.

Walz is a known communist who replaced the Minnesota state flag with the Somalian flag for an interview, a demoted National Guardsman who stoked the George Floyd Riots in 2020 and under his tutelage as Governor during COVID, his MN Health Department moved whites to the end of the line in allocating lifesaving treatment because of their race, (as did the Biden/Harris/Obama Administration).

The Leftist progressives scream against racism, but their primary agenda is to increase illegal immigration to dilute the white population.

Hopefully, by November, Americans will be more awake to the communist agenda of this potential administration. And then again, maybe President Trump is correct and Joe Biden may try to take back the nomination…stranger things have happened.

Locally, as many have read, the Leftists infiltrating our county hide under the Republican cloak, controlled by one liberal activist, keeping their true intentions behind closed doors. Their brilliant, yet deceitful coup attempt in St Johns County has the potential to ruin our county for years to come. Conservatives in SJC are fighting a Democrat-infested Republican Party portraying illegal endorsements, the Jacksonville liberal news media, and the brainwashing capabilities of one liberal NYC copywriter who wants control of our county by campaigning for puppet candidates. Her creative slogans, “overdevelopment” and “stop the growth” have convinced many SJC residents that her ill-equipped, controllable candidates are ready to run one of the most expensive counties in the state. Not me.

The Trump Club of St Johns County is not beholden to anyone and we proudly stand by every one of our endorsed pro-Trump conservative candidates. To get the real story about what is happening in SJC, please click on the following articles, written by people who are digging deep to expose the truth:

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Fight, Fight, Fight!

Thank you,
Diane Scherff

This week’s Highlights:

Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Government Cracks Down On Native Brits; Wherever conservative, nationalist or “right wing” protests arise in the west the full force of government power is applied to frighten the public into compliance. It might be to enforce covid mandates or it might be to prevent the populace from questioning open border policies. In the UK The mask has truly come off. The message? You will accept mass immigration from the third world, or else…

“UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s recent announcement on the government response to British protests are highly revealing. To summarize, Indigenous and “right wing” Brits are not allowed to take to the streets (or online) because their ideology is “wrong.” Armed Muslim migrant gangs and leftists are apparently free to do whatever they please.” Read More

As the British government continues to embolden the illegals to dominate the streets and arrest British citizens for speaking out, they are furious that the X-Platform has allowed pro-British sentiment to be communicated in the open and have threatened to file criminal charges against Elon Musk. Musk then posted pictures of ‘grooming gangs’ from the front page of the Daily Mirror with claims that pedophiles were left free to pray on young victims because social workers feared they would be called racist if they reported it.

Remember Keir Starmer blocked a lot of Rochdale child rapists from prosecution. Most of the Rochdale/Asian grooming gangs were just swept under the carpet when Starmer was head of the CPS. Keir Starmer told police when he was working for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) not to pursue cases against Muslim men accused of rape due to fears it would stir up anti-Islamic sentiment. READ MORE

Elon Musk Scheduled to Interview President Donald Trump Monday Night;

On Tuesday, President Trump said he would be interviewed next week by Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of the social media platform X with 193 million followers and a former skeptic who has come to embrace his candidacy. Well, this should be a real hootenanny!



The Fake VP Picks the Fake VP…Harris Taps Walz; Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate for the 2024 presidential election. The media is reporting the choice is a strategic move to boost Harris’ connection with rural voters in the Midwest, yet we know better. Walz is the governor who changed the Minnessotta flag in an interview to resemble the Somalian flag to make sure the Muslim migrants feel at home and welcome! He also ignited violent riots and stoked the 2020 George Floyd protests in Minnesota while Kamala helped bail out the dangerous criminals who were arrested. This is a taste of what America will look like under a Harris-Walz administration: Watch Video.

Today, the Minnesota National Guard confirmed that Walz was demoted for failing to fulfill obligations for a promotion and that he lied about his rank. Walz also bailed out on his unit before deployment in Iraq. Read More

Walz adds to the radical left extremism of the Harris team which President Trump has so eloquently branded. This blatant deep-state move is an attempt to accelerate the deterioration of traditional America. Watch Video

Walz has Ties with China? CCP connections abound…As facts emerge, deception is ramping up. New information on Walz shows his connections to an influence apparatus with the same structure and organizations as the Bidens. The hits just keep on coming..




Kamala Donates to Radical Defund the Police Movement in 2023;
The Washington Examiner reported Wednesday that Kamala Harris donated last year to Legal Aid DC, a group that “pushed to defund the police,” supported a since-approved law making DC a “permanent” sanctuary city, and supports Black Lives Matter.

She told a radio host that “we have to redirect resources” from police and applauded Los Angeles for slashing police funding by $150 million. Harris, the deep-state puppet of the week, is playing right out of the deep-state playbook in calling for less law enforcement, especially in areas such as LA where the police force has dropped significantly during the Biden administration. These extreme leftist groups who create violence, protect illegals over American citizens and want control over law enforcement are not only dangerous but should not exist in America.

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Prosecutors say Hunter Biden was compensated by a Romanian businessman hoping to influence US policy; Hunter Biden is accused of failing to pay taxes, failing to file taxes, evading an assessment, and filing a fraudulent tax form. He is expected to stand trial in the case on Sept. 5. Prosecutors in special counsel David Weiss’ office are accusing Hunter Biden of accepting payments from a Romanian businessman who was attempting to “influence U.S. government agencies,” while his father Joe Biden was vice president.

If true, the allegation would mark the closest prosecutors have come to tying President Joe Biden to his son’s overseas business endeavors — a matter congressional Republicans have spent years scrutinizing. Read More

New Documents Prove the FBI Worked with Prison Officials to Wrongly Punish J6 Prisoner John Strand. He Speaks Out! (VIDEO); Thanks to the Supreme Court, January 6th Political Prisoner John Strand became a free man.

He provided documents that prove the FBI and the Assistant U.S. Attorney played a role in determining his fate relating to bogus disciplinary actions being taken by the prison against Strand. The document is a Discipline Hearing Officer Report. In it, it blames a “Delay in Process,” on “Referral to FBI/AUSA.” AUSA stands for Assistant U.S. Attorney. Read More

Georgia election board seeks new investigation into Fulton County’s handling of 2020 election; The election board approved the new resolution in a 3-2 vote. The resolution states that if Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr does not conduct an investigation, the board will try to find an outside lawyer to conduct the inquiry.

The request comes after the board closed the matter in May, but voted to install an independent election monitor for the 2024 election after an independent investigation found that the county likely scanned thousands of ballots twice in a recount of the 2020 election. Read More

Biden-Harris wasted $8.5 billion in taxpayer money to lose 15,000 jobs at Intel

Two years ago, Biden and Harris touted their “Chips Act” to bring the semiconductor industry back home from Taiwan, China and Singapore. The price tag on the bill: a cool $280 billion of corporate handouts. It was arguably the largest corporate welfare bill in American history.

Intel, Micron, Global Foundries, Polar Semiconductor, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Samsung, BAE Systems, and Microchip Technology have been the direct beneficiaries of the law.

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TikTok Has Tool to Collect Information on Users’ Views on Social Issues, DOJ Says

TikTok and its China-based parent company, ByteDance, have a tool to collect information on users based on their views on topics such as gun control, abortion, and religion, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

In a brief filed with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on July 26, the DOJ said TikTok employees were able to communicate directly with ByteDance engineers in China via an internal web-suite system called “Lark,” which also went by the name “Feishu.”

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‘Squad’ member Rep. Cori Bush defeated in Missouri Democratic primary

St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell has defeated Representative Cori Bush in a Democratic primary, marking another incumbent loss for the party this year amidst divisive views on the Gaza conflict. Bell, who is expected to win in the overwhelmingly Democratic district in November, stated, “I am committed to serving the St. Louis region in Congress with integrity, transparency, and dedication.”

Read More


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