Dear Trump Club Members, Guests and Trump Supporters,

Special Local Primary Update; The fight continues leading up to the Primary to keep our county conservative.

Florida Senate Race; Florida Senate President-Designate Ben Albritton called for former St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar, who is backed by Never-Trumpers and the Trial Lawyers Association, to drop out of the state Senate District 7 Republican primary against Rep. Tom Leek, R-Ormond Beach, while at the Republican National Convention Tuesday. Watch Video

Trump camp says no endorsements in SD 7 primary as Shoar campaign uses former president’s image; Whereas the Trump campaign has said they have not endorsed Shoar, pro-Shoar ads have described him as a “Trump conservative” with him standing next to Trump, and how he “stands with Trump,” according to Florida’s Voice. Watch Video

State House Race; Kim Kendall, candidate for State Rep has signs everywhere, but not endorsements. An article in Florida Politics calls Kendall a “bridge-burner” as she continues to lose endorsements to her opponent Nick Primrose, and then shamelessly retaliates against the same organizations she previously courted. The article also depicts Kendall’s harassing nature… “Kendall borderline harassed the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, lobbying hard and calling constantly in a quest for the group’s endorsement. Ultimately, they too endorsed Primrose. So what did she do? She attacked them.”

Kendall also touts the “overdevelopment” card yet her main donor is a SJC developer. Sadly her Democrat backers continue to hide her incompetence and lie about how great she is to voters. Wake up SJC!

Kim Kendall seems like she’s running for head bridge burner, not HD 18

SJC Sheriff Race; Video emerges of Sheriff Hardwick’s overspending and higher crime. Why has our Sheriff spent so much money on renovating his office, twice, and buying a third helicopter wasting our tax dollars as crime is up 51%?

Watch Video

Candidates running for SJ County Commission continue to use county commssion meetings to politic for themselves causing real issues to be ignored. The July 16, 2024, Board of County Commissioners’ meeting was a perfect example of how to waste time. Read More

Clay Murphy, candidate for County Commissioner, compares negative ads directed at him to the bullet that graced President Trump. Excuse me?

“Similar to the bullets meant to assassinate Donald Trump missed their mark, the figurative bullets fired at the attempt to assassinate my character also missed its mark.” Murphy refers to ads that expose his background which apparently aren’t good. Many agree that negative ads are dissapointing, but the truth DOES matter.

Watch Video

Ann Taylor and Anne Marie Evans, candidates for county commission, have also complained about the negative ads about them. Interestingly, Taylor and Evans, backed by a democrat activist, have spewed countless lies about the incumbent commissioners in their race for months on social media without any facts to prove their points. They complain about over-development but never provide a solution. Their entire campaign is based on lies.

Sadly, uninformed SJC residents are buying their liberal rhetoric.

When will President Trump speak at the 2024 RNC?

President Trump is scheduled to address delegates on Thursday evening (tonight).

“President Trump looks forward to joining you all in Milwaukee as we proceed with our convention to nominate him to serve as the 47th President of the United States. As our party’s nominee, President Trump will continue to share his vision to Make America Great Again,” the RNC and the Trump campaign said in a joint statement issued Saturday.

President Trump’s Vice President Pick; JD Vance spoke at the RNC on Day 3:

JD Vance underscores a more populist, protectionist, isolationist GOP;

Vance used his national introduction to blend his working-class Appalachian roots with Trump’s economic populism and nationalism. The young senator is a natural fit with the former and potentially future president. – AP News

I’m not so sure. Why is AP gloating over Vance? Many of us digital soldiers disagree. Why would President Trump choose a once never-Trumper who in a private message leaked on Twitter, said he “couldn’t decide whether Trump was more like former President Richard Nixon or America’s Hitler.” Sources: Politico.

His quick and calculated rise to fame is reminiscent of Obama’s path. Vance’s speech at the RNC was also lacking sincerity and never denounced illegals.

Read Article

Maybe Vance has changed his tune. I trust President Trump but am cautious about Vance, especially with the recent colluded efforts to take out our greatest president. We will see….

Fight, Fight, Fight!

Thank you,
Diane Scherff



Pastor James Roemke Cracks Trump Up Doing an Impression of Him Delivering Prayer at the RNC…Biggest smile we’ve seen in a while!



1) The Sniper had help (an analysis from a veteran sniper);A retired sniper from a team that once held the world record for longest confirmed kill said he has “no doubts” that Trump rally gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks had help from “an agency, an organization, or the government” during Saturday’s assassination attempt on former President Donald Read More

2) The Attempted assassination of President Trump;Although the attempt to take out one of the greatest, if not, the greatest presidents in US history and his heroic response has been engraved in our hearts and minds, we still do not know who was involved. Some believe gunman Thomas Crooks acted alone driven to murderous anger by the media’s false character assassination of President Trump since 2016. I doubt this theory to be true. More than likely we will find a much larger consortium was involved; the deep state, shadow government, globalist elites, and most namely the CIA. Lew Rockwell writes about the similarities of the CIA-directed assassination of President Kennedy, and his fight to expose them. Regardless of who was responsible, the fact remains that people want to hurt our President and they must be exposed or we will lose our country forever. Read More

3) Secret Service ‘totally responsible’ for design and execution of security at Trump rally:Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle says the agency was “totally responsible” for security at President Trump’s campaign rally this past weekend where President Trump was shot in the ear and another man died. The gunman, Thomas Crooks, 20, shot from a rooftop about 150 yards from President Trump before being killed by a Secret Service sniper. Cheatle was settling the debate about who was at fault, law enforcement or the Secret Service.

Despite the security debacle, Cheatle has refused to step down and has come under scrutiny from Republicans, who argue that she has created vulnerabilities in security by diversifying the agency dedicated to protecting our highest officials. Read More

4) President Trump’s call to RFKJr after the assignation attempt…
When President Trump called Robert Kennedy Jr recently, he talked about:

  • how vaccines were injuring children and how he and RFKJr spoke about this a long time ago;
  • when Biden called him Joe asked how he knew to turn his head🤔as the bullet hit him and how he felt;

Claims have been made that this video was taken by RFK Jr’s son and is up on his page. He states this is a real video and he believes in transparency. He also has posts on his page expressing his sympathy and is praying for President Trump and his family.

5) Trump 2.0; Before the failed assassination attempt, before the catastrophic (for Biden) first presidential debate, President Trump gave Bloomberg an extensive interview in which he laid out the core tenets of Trumponomics 2.0 that will define his next presidency. Here are the key highlights:

President Trump will;

  • enforce huge bilateral sanctions (even though he doesn’t “love sanctions”) and refers to William McKinley, who raised enough revenue through tariffs during his presidency to avoid a federal income tax 
  • allow Jerome Powell to serve out his term as chair of the Federal Reserve, which runs through May 2026
  • will lower the corporate tax rate to as low as 15%
  • no longer plans to ban TikTok
  • considers Jamie Dimon to serve as secretary of the Dept of the Treasury
  • ambivalent to protecting Taiwan from Chinese aggression and to US efforts to punish Putin for invading Ukraine

President Trump believes he understands the levers of power much more deeply now, including the importance of selecting the right people for the right jobs. “We had great people, but I had some people that I would not have chosen for a second time,” he says. But is he? Read MoreTrumponomics 2.0: Mercantilism, Corporatism, and Higher Gold



CNN Admits Trump On Course For Landslide Win

CNN’s John King highlighted Tuesday how Donald Trump is on course for a historic landslide victory in November, and could get as many as 330 electoral votes (only 270 are needed to win).

“Look what is different. We have Wisconsin as a toss-up. We have Pennsylvania as a toss-up. Two critical states for Joe Biden. Michigan right now, another critical state for Biden, leaning Republican. Georgia, a state Biden flipped, leaning Republican. Arizona, a toss-up state. That was a state Biden flipped. Nevada, a state he won, leaning Republican,” — King said.

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Fed’s Powell says officials won’t wait until inflation reaches 2% to cut rates

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Monday that policymakers will not wait until inflation falls to 2% in order to cut interest rates. 

“The implication of that is that if you wait until inflation gets all the way down to 2%, you’ve probably waited too long, because the tightening that you’re doing, or the level of tightness that you have, is still having effects which will probably drive inflation below 2%,” Powell said at the Economic Club of Washington D.C.

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Elon Musk Pledges $45 Million Monthly To Pro-Trump Super PAC To Counter Dems In Swing States

A source familiar with the situation has revealed Elon Musk’s latest power move: a $45 million a month commitment to a new super political-action committee to support former President Donald Trump. This new super PAC will deploy large sums of money and other resources in critical swing states to counter ‘get out the vote’ campaigns by Democrats. 

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Adam Schiff wants Biden out of the race: ‘Pass the torch’

California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff called for President Joe Biden to abandon his reelection effort, becoming the latest, and one of the most high-ranking Democrats, to do so.

The “choice to withdraw from the campaign is President Biden’s alone,” Schiff said, in a statement reviewed by the Los Angeles Times. “A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

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