Dear Trump Supporters,


Americans might have their first Presidential rematch since 1956; President Trump and Joe Biden have advanced to secure their nominations for the Presidential election creating a sequel to the 2020 election.

The last presidential rematch came in 1956 when Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated his Democrat opponent Adlai Stevenson twice. Grover Cleveland, meanwhile, was the nation’s 22nd and 24th president, winning elections in 1884 and 1892.

Interestingly, many believe that Sleepy Joe may not make it to the DNC for the nomination and that Michelle Obama will step in. Regardless, for now, the rematch is in favor of a Trump win:

  • Americans love rematches, and this one should be no different.
  • Americans love a comeback, and this one should be no different.
  • Americans who somehow did NOT vote for Donald Trump have now seen life under Biden for over three years realizing their only choice is Trump.
  • Americans are in the rare position of having an ‘alternative candidate’ in Trump who has already been there publicly, and done that MUCH better.



Fulton County Fani Colludes with the Democrat-led J6 Committee; Republican congressional investigators have opened an inquiry into the extent of “collusion” between the Democrat-run House Jan. 6 committee and the Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis during her prosecution of President Trump, according to Just the News.

In a status report released Monday, the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Barry. Loudermilk, R-Ga., said that it located a letter in which Willis in 2021 asked for the House Democrats to send her any evidence that would further her prosecution of Trump.

The committee said it was concerned that the Democrat-run investigation led by Reps. Benny Thompson and Liz Cheney may have shared evidence such as video depositions with Willis’s office while not providing them to the Republicans that took over the House chamber in 2023.

The congressional inquiry comes as a Georgia state judge considers whether to disqualify Willis because of evidence she had an affair with her chief prosecutor while they were prosecuting Trump on charges related to the Jan. 6 riot at the US Capitol.

Breaking: Fulton County: Six Charges Dismissed Against Trump!!!
Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee, presiding over Fani Willis’s case against Donald Trump, et al., has just quashed six charges of the indictment.


President Trump claimed vindication Monday after new evidence released by Congress undercut two sensational claims Democrats made about him during the Jan. 6 investigation; John Solomon, Editor and chief of Just the News broke the story speaking about his exclusive interview with President Trump at our meeting Monday night.

The Democrats claimed President Trump tried to commandeer his Secret Service vehicle that day to go to the Capitol and never offered National Guard troops for extra protection ahead of the J6 event. Yet, the House Administration Oversight Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., released transcripts and other evidence in an interim report that concluded the Democrat-run House Select Committee on Jan, 6 withheld from the public evidence that contradicted its final conclusions, according to Just the News.

“These were made-up, fabricated stories,” Trump told Just the News in an exclusive interview.

President Trump has always denied the accusations, and Loudermilk’s report released parts of testimony from multiple Secret Service and White House officials that directly undercut the conclusions of the Democrat-led investigation released in December 2022.

“Well, the story was false and so ridiculous that I would grab these young, strong guys,” Trump said during an interview Monday on the John Solomon Reports podcast.

Thank you, John for your excellent reporting!


President Trump vows to release all Jan 6 hostages as first act back in the White House; On the same day that the House Administration Oversight Committee released a report on its investigation into work done by a Democrat-dominated select committee that probed Jan. 6, President Trump vowed to release individuals imprisoned over the Jan. 6, 2021, ‘breach of the U.S. Capitol’ if he wins the 2024 election in November. Posting on Truth Social on Monday, President Trump said it would be one of the first things he does in office.

He also said shutting down the U.S.-Mexico border and increasing oil drilling to make America more energy independent would be among his first actions as president, according to the Epoch Times.

At a rally in 2022, President Trump said he would consider pardoning those convicted of their involvement in the Jan. 6 breach, noting that his administration would treat them “fairly.” His latest comments mark the first time he has suggested that releasing those imprisoned over the Jan. 6 breach would be a top priority and that he will take immediate action if he wins the November election.

Jan 6 hostages: According to the most recent statement from the Department of Justice (DOJ), more than 1,358 individuals from nearly all 50 states have been charged with crimes linked to the “breach of the U.S. Capitol,” including more than 486 individuals who were handed felony charges for assaulting or impeding law enforcement.


Haiti has Fallen. America is Next

March 13th, 2024

By Diane Scherff

As we watch the country of Haiti spiral into armageddon, Americans should take heed. We just might be next. 

Fox News reports Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign amid low-scale civil war, bowing to international pressure after Haiti’s spiraling crisis has worsened by violent gangs burning police stations, attacking the main airport and raiding two of the country’s biggest prisons. This low-intensity conflict has descended into chaos as acting President Henry escaped the country, the peace-keeping Europeans have fled and all US Embassay non-essential personnel are being air-lifted out. 

All thanks to the globalist elites and our very own government.  

US citizens are struggling to leave, scores of people have been killed amid the violence, and more than 15,000 residents are homeless after fleeing neighborhoods raided by gangs. More than 4,000 inmates were released, food and water are scarce as stores have run out of supplies. According to Fox News, the main port in Port-au-Prince remains closed, preventing containers with critical supplies from reaching those in need. 





Bloodbath at the RNC; According to Politico, the Trump team slashes staff at RNC, to the tune of over 60 people. Well guess what? They needed to after establishment Republican Ronna McDaniel destroyed the entire organization. In a letter to some political and data staff, Sean Cairncross, the RNC’s new chief operating officer, said that the new committee leadership was “in the process of evaluating the organization and staff to ensure the building is aligned” with its vision. “During this process, certain staff are being asked to resign and reapply for a position on the team.”

Last week, former North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley was elected the RNC’s new chair, and President Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump was elected as co-chair. Both had Trump’s endorsement. President Trump’s senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita was named the RNC’s new chief of staff. Under the new structure, the Trump campaign will merge its operations with the RNC. Key departments, such as communications, data and fundraising, will effectively be the same.

Under McDaniel’s tutelage, the RNC did little to combat voter integrity, raised one-third of the DNC’s fundraising totals, and piggy-backed on President Trump’s winning donations strategy over the last three years.

On a personal note, I met Ronna McDaniel at a Casey DeSantis coffee event I helped organize last year. After introducing myself and my credentials with the Trump Club, her face turned sour and she quickly pushed me aside. It’s apparent for many years that Ronna Romney McDaniel hates President Trump and his supporters.

Buh bye, Ronna.


Seven biggest takeaways from the Special Counsel’s testimony on Biden’s handling of classified docs

Just the News, March 12, 2024

Robert Hur bolstered the conclusions of his report, principally that Joe Biden “willfully” retained classified documents, though he recommended no charges in part because of the president’s poor memory.



Catholic Family Faces Harassment and False Persecution by FBI and Informant Over Support for Donald Trump; According to the Gateway Pundit, since the election of 2020, Chaldean Americans (also known as Chaldean Catholics) have been targeted, persecuted, and harassed by the FBI due to their support of President Trump.

Zina Toma, a prominent Chaldean Catholic advocate and Trump supporter, has reported three years of harassment that includes threats, illegal recordings, and attempts at entrapment by an FBI informant. According to community representatives, the FBI launched a program through its Detroit office specifically designed to target and intimidate community activists like Ms. Toma due to their political views.

Last year, Chris Wray’s FBI infiltrated Catholic parishes and engaged in outreach to Catholic leaders to spy on Americans practicing their Christian faith. The FBI sent out a memo warning agents of the dangerous ‘radical traditionalist Catholic ideology’ that was gaining popularity in the country. The memo was posted at by former FBI special agent Kyle Seraphin.

Toma states, “The FBI, through the use of informants, has tried to have me maliciously and falsely prosecuted, and when that failed, the FBI and its informant are now coming after me with lawfare. I started this fundraiser to help raise funds for my legal costs and other expenses as I fight back against the injustice and persecution I am facing by the FBI and its informants.

God willing President Trump will be back in office in less than a year and all who have been persecuted will have relief. God bless you and your families!!”


Missouri Teen Brutally Beaten Has Severe Brain Damage – Frontal Lobe Damage – and Skull Fracture; This story is so unsettling. Every day we have a story about a teenager of color literally beating up either a teacher or another student…in this case a white student. The Gateway Pundit reported last week that a mob of black teens beat a white 15-year-old girl unconscious as a large group of bystanders stood by watching. The white Missouri teen who was beaten unconscious identified as “Kaylee” is fighting for her life with severe brain damage.

Kaylee convulsed after the teen repeatedly beat her head on the cement.

“She has major brain bleeding and swelling and is in critical condition,” the victim’s family said. “Kaylee is fighting hard to stay alive and heal but this is only the beginning of a very uphill battle for Kaylee and her family. We will not know the extent of the brain damage that has occurred until she wakes up but the path to recovery will be extremely hard on the family, not only mentally but financially.”

According to the family, Kaylee was “left alone on the ground to convulse before EMTs arrived on the scene. She was admitted to one of the local hospitals in Saint Louis with a skull fracture and frontal lobe damage,” the family said in a GoFundMe post.

We MUST stop this before more innocent children die at the hands of these crazed entitled thugs. She should be tried as an ADULT.

This video is extremely disturbing! This could have been one of our children!


St Johns County News:

Once again the Nicole Crosby candidates, Ann Taylor and Anne Marie Evans tried to tear apart one of our REPUBLICAN County Commissioners with lies by saying that the commissioners had allowed hazardous smoke to consume neighborhoods. When actually, Commissioner Henry Dean led the charge to deal with the reported smoke inhalation and environmental risks posed to Palencia residents by a privately owned wood processing and recycling business at the Commission meeting last Tuesday. Ms Taylor, who lives in Palencia, was seen at the meeting and witnessed the situation already being handled by our effective Commissioner Dean.

The Fight for St Johns County Facebook page is closed to anyone who wants to share the truth…to rebut their lies. When can we as Republicans work together against Democrats not each other…oh wait a minute….




Keep St Johns County RED;

Just as the liberal deep state is trying to take down President Trump, to get to us, the local deep state is doing the same here. The SJC deep state groups who successfully infiltrated some Republican groups in our area continue to make false statements about REPUBLICAN incumbents and our own Trump Club. They are lying to voters to establish a new liberal regime. They want you.

Although we appreciate those who decide to run for county offices, we do not condone those who are being controlled by liberal alliances who continue to lie and spread false propaganda against conservative leaders. We have endorsed our current CONSERVATIVE incumbent county commissioners Henry Dean, Roy Alaimo and Christian Whitehurst as well as Nick Primrose, Republican candidate for House Representative.

Please stand up to these faux-conservative groups who are pushing their puppet candidates and asking SJC Democrats to change party affiliation before the deadline in July so they can vote in the Republican primary.

Ask yourself, why would Democrats want to vote for Republican candidates for the county commission? Because their ring leader is not conservative. Stand up for St Johns County before it’s too late.

Hold on to your faith. The world is changing faster than technology and to be prepared we have to discern between truth and deep-state propaganda.

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff


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