Dear Trump Club Members, Guests and Trump Supporters,

President Trump continues to dominate the polls, even in blue states, the Libertarian Party picked a far-left lunatic candidate handing President Trump another 1-2% of the popular vote and mainstream media are trying to normalize the idea that he might be put behind bars.

District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment of President Trump on 34 felony counts in the Stormy Daniels ‘hush money’ trial began deliberations Wednesday with jury instructions to choose one of the three predicate crimes Trump supposedly committed and that they do not have to vote unanimously.

Of course, this will make it easier to convict President Trump. Yet, President Trump has already won the court of public opinion. Even if they convict him, it will have an inverse effect and increase his support. Meanwhile, the public is being normalized to accept imprisoning high-profile politicians.

And for those of you still watching Fox, please stop.


ROBERT DE NIRO HAS ANOTHER MELTDOWN – It’s obvious that the Biden regime is behind the hush money prosecution. On Tuesday, the Biden campaign decided to hold a press conference right outside the courtroom with disgraced, deranged Trump-hating actor Robert De Niro, wearing a face mask. Unsurprisingly, the presser backfired as De Niro, who was about to speak, flipped out when Trump supporters said, “f**k you!” in the background, and he called them “crazy” and “clowns.” De Niro’s speech was so unhinged that he even claimed the government would “perish from the earth” if Trump got re-elected. Watch Video

Is De Niro afraid that Trump has discovered his involvement in a pedophile ring?

In 1998, French authorities arrested Robert De Niro at the Bristol Hotel in Paris and held him for questioning in connection with an international prostitution ring that involved minors. DeNiro was detained on a warrant by a judge who had been investigating the prostitution ring since October 1996, according to reports.  The case uncovered the brutal methods used by this high-profile agency to snare young women, some as young as 15 years old, tricking the starstruck teenage girls into selling their bodies in exchange for careers as models or actresses. Six people were charged with running the international prostitution ring. 

De Niro was also very close with Roman Polansky (who was convicted of raping a 13-year-old), and Harvey Weinstein who was also convicted of several counts of rape. Get the picture? 

VETERANS FOR TRUMP – Over the weekend, The Trump campaign announced the launch of “Veterans and Military Families for Trump,” a Coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families, and heroes who love our country.

GASLIGHTING ON GAS PRICES – Joe Biden is taking a bizarre victory lap on gas prices while undermining our energy security instead of increasing domestic energy production. Gas prices have been above $3 a gallon for over 1,100 days. They were never that high under President Trump. The sky-high gas prices under Biden are not a surprise. He promised to wage war on American energy: In July 2019, Biden said he would oust fossil fuels, in July 2019, he guaranteed he would eliminate fossil fuel and in March 2020 he promised that the oil industry would not be able to drill. Read More

STEALING SOCIAL SECURITY – Crooked Joe Biden’s failed “Bidenomics” policies are stealing the purchasing power of seniors on Social Security. That’s the impact of Biden’s inflation tax. Only President Trump can fix it and protect our seniors. Watch the video here.







ARRESTED, RELEASED, REPEAT – An illegal alien has been arrested TEN TIMES since arriving in Chicago in July. He was routinely arrested and released, all while he was living at a taxpayer-funded shelter.


1) Judge gives jury instructions in Trump hush money trial, deliberations to begin
The judge in the Trump hush money trial on Wednesday gave the jury instruction, allowing them to begin deliberations and reach a verdict.

The former president is charged with 34 felony counts of falsification of business records, in an attempt to conceal from the public during his 2016 presidential bid a sexual encounter years earlier with porn star Stormy Daniels.

2) Alan Dershowitz says a conviction in the Trump ‘hush money’ trial will change justice system forever
Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Tuesday that a conviction in former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial would weaponize the justice system.

“If there’s a conviction here, it will change the justice system forevermore,” Dershowitz said on the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “It will weaponize the system. It will mean that both sides will try to use the legal system as a way of winning elections.”

3) Biden’s DOJ planned to use deadly force during the Mar-a-Lago raid;
The left downplays the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid claiming it was just standard procedure and that President Trump wasn’t even supposed to be there. Breaking news confirms that this is not true. We learned last week that the FBI was authorized to use deadly force at Mar-a-Lago when agents raided the President’s home in an uncalled-for and unprecedented raid.

  • The FBI authorized the use of deadly force
  • Agents were prepared to engage with President Trump and his Secret Service team
  • The FBI had an onsite medical team available in case it got deadly

The FBI risked the lives of Donald Trump, his family, his staff, and guests for a publicity stunt to make it look like Trump stole national security files.

People need to be arrested for this.





The federal budget has ballooned to an obese $7 trillion and the government is expected to borrow another $1.5 trillion this year

The just-released House Budget Committee report finds that under President Biden, spending on interest on the debt has grown by an astonishing 152%. That’s about five times faster than any other major program. That means we are borrowing to pay for our borrowing. This doesn’t sound wise. 

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Medical Authoritarianism: Mayo Clinic Denies Life-Saving Lung Transplant to Mother for Refusing COVID Vaccine

In what many are calling a flagrant violation of personal freedoms and medical ethics, the Mayo Clinic has denied a life-saving lung transplant to a mother based solely on her decision to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine.

The patient, mother of renowned YouTuber Toby Turner, was deemed ineligible for the procedure due to her lack of full vaccination against the virus, according to The Publica.

Turner, widely known as Tobuscus, took to his X account last week to expose this blatant disregard for medical freedom.

“The Mayo Clinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination,’” he wrote. “Mayo with a side of…. Murder?!?!!”

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Dems Admitting the Economy Was Better Under Trump

Politico made some waves on Tuesday with this headline, “Dems in full-blown freakout over Biden. A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.

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Libertarians, virus skeptics, no go for WHO Agreement, Oetzi the Iceman, King County cardiac arrest data

We have been hearing a lot about H5N1 avian influenza in recent months. Should you be afraid? And how does this relate to recent testimonies surrounding gain-of-function research? The World Health Organization’s (WHO) vote for a world pandemic treaty failed but they will not stop there.

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Trump weighs possible advisory role for Elon Musk, WSJ reports

Former President Trump and Elon Musk have begun speaking on the phone several times a month, including about a potential advisory role for the Tesla CEO in a second Trump administration, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Why it matters: Musk has become one of President Biden’s most prominent online critics, leveraging his massive X platform to attack Democrats and promote Trump’s messaging on the 2024 election’s top issues.

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The Left’s fear of failure in November and in the August primaries has prompted an increase in fake news, lies and propaganda from little towns up to DC.

We seek the truth and will not be silenced.

Thank you,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County


On Key

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