The Trump Club’s goals are to inform, educate and decipher conservative issues on the local, state and national levels, continue to promote President Trump’s agenda, support our AMERICA FIRST elected officials and help get true qualified conservative candidates elected.

Thank You to our amazing true conservative speakers for our June 13th Meeting;

Senator Travis Hutson
SJC County Commissioner Henry Dean

A special thanks to our Vice President Earliene Shipper, Treasurer Carroll Witman; our new board members Barbara Tuttle, Mindy Nichols, Debbie Brewer and Charlotte Rowland as well as our volunteers for running an outstanding meeting!!!


A Big shout out to TC member Barbara Bendick, who organized our Veterans Food Drive!!!!!

Thank you for all of your generous donations!

Dear Patriots,

Disney’s blatant jump into transgenderism will cost them at the box office; Disney will be unable to show “Lightyear,” the latest Pixar movie in the “Toy Story” franchise, in at least 14 Middle Eastern and Asian countries due to homosexual content in the film, Reuters reported. The Disney movie’s future is still uncertain in China, the largest global movie market.

It’s odd to say this but, “way to go China and the Middle East!” In this newest film from the Toy Story franchise, the animated children’s film features a female friend of space range Buzz Lightyear who marries another woman, and a kiss is seen on camera. These countries asked Disney to make cuts in the film and the producer refused. Why are WE showing this film? Come on Disney…ENOUGH WITH THE FORCING KIDS TO BE THE OPPOSITE SEX THEY WERE BORN TO BE JUST SO THEY CAN BECOME SEXUALLY CONFUSED GOVERNMENT CAN CONTROL THEM! Read More

Another Trump-endorsed candidate wins; South Carolina incumbent GOP Rep. Tom Rice, who supported the impeachment of President Trump, lost his reelection bid Tuesday night to Trump-backed state Rep. Russell Fry in their Republican primary race.

The race was called for Fry, who had 51.1% of the vote, compared to 24.6% for Rice, with 98.4% of the vote counted in the state’s 7th Congressional District race. This would have been Rice’s sixth term.

Permitless Concealed Carry; Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed a bill allowing residents of the state to carry concealed handguns without obtaining a permit in March which goes into effect this week. Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R), and Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (R) signed a constitutional carry law for the state also in March which goes into effect in June. In late March, Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb (R) signed that state’s permitless carry bill, which is set to take effect in late June.

Georgia was the most recent state to approve a constitutional carry law. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R) signed the bill into law on April 13, taking effect in July. In total, 25 states have signed on to the constitutional carry law and in April, Governor DeSantis (R) also vowed to sign a constitutional carry law before he was to leave that office.

Mitch McConnell signals support for bipartisan Senate gun bill; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Tuesday said he supports the bipartisan gun framework and plans on voting for the legislation, likely ensuring that the bill will overcome a filibuster. The negotiated deal would provide mental health funding, increase school safety, expand background checks, and prohibit dating partners convicted of domestic violence from owning firearms.

What we don’t know is if they kept in limiting magazine rounds to five and taking away semi-automatic rifles. Read More

In a special election, GOP flips heavily Hispanic South Texas House seat that has been Dem for over 150 years.
In a special primary election to fill out the term of former Rep. Filemon Vela, who resigned his House seat in March, GOP candidate Mayra Flores received 50.98% of the vote, making a runoff election unnecessary. Re-elect Flores will represent the Texas 34 Congressional District that runs along the Gulf Coast to the Mexican border, and which is 84.54% Hispanic.

China Locks Down Banks; Three banks in China have frozen at least $178 million of deposits with no additional information, leaving firms unable to pay workers and individuals locked out of savings. People are protesting at the doors of these smaller banks as well as small to mid-size companies that need access to their money to operate. Tony Qian, an investment consultant from Zhejiang province, cannot access the 20 million yuan he put in Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank that he had been saving to buy property. What is happening?

Governor DeSantis Speaks at Jewish Conference in NYC; Governor DeSantis spoke during Pride Month in Manhattan this last Sunday on “The Florida Model and Why It’s Good for Religious Americans.” Many NY Democrat leaders opposed his presence in lieu of his strong stance against LGBQ indoctrination in our schools. He was not deterred saying, ” I am not going to let them cancel me, and so we spoke and we were happy to do that,” DeSantis said. “After all, as the Governor of Florida, me of anyone should be able to speak in front of all these future Florida voters that are moving down to my state, so we weren’t going to let that deter us.” He will make a great president one day!!

Our wonderful Governor continues to right the wrongs in our great state…(see below)!!! Thank You, Gov. DeSantis!

And Happy 76th Birthday to President Trump!

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader


Breaking: Rep. Jordan Says House Jan. 6 Committee Altered Evidence, Showing Nothing New
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said members of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach altered a text message exchange between him and former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

“We also know that this committee has altered evidence and lied to the American people about it, so much so that they had to issue a statement which says, ‘We regret the error,’ which is government-speak for, ‘We got caught lying,’” Jordan told Fox News on Monday. “So, that’s what this committee is about. I think the country sees it for what it is—a partisan, political activity.” READ MORE

1) Prosecutors unveil harrowing details in plot to kill Justice Kavanaugh, ties to leaked ruling
Nicholas Roske, charged with attempting to murder Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, told detectives after he was arrested last week that he was upset about a leaked Supreme Court draft decision concerning abortion, according to court documents.

Roske’s alleged plot was the most striking but hardly the only apparent example of backlash — some of which has been violent — to last month’s leak of a draft opinion indicating the nation’s highest court may vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that established the right to an abortion. READ MORE

2) High-profile voter fraud prosecutions pile up as election integrity debate rages on
While the debate over the integrity of the 2020 election rages on, prosecutors across the country have assembled evidence in court against multiple election officials, activists and candidates and even helped overturn the results in one race. Those who have been recently investigated or charged in connection with election fraud – and in some cases have pled guilty – range from the local to the federal ballot box and date back to 2014. READ MORE

3) The Naked Jan. 6 Political Calculation
Democrats spend money to put riot participants on the ballot in November. As the Jan. 6 hearings roll on, we are awash in professions of Democrats’ deep concern for the health of our democracy. Committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D., Miss.) kicked things off on Thursday talking about the “domestic enemies of the Constitution” who “put two and a half centuries of constitutional democracy at risk.”

So it’s puzzling that Democrats are shelling out millions of dollars to help some of those very people secure a spot on the ballot in the upcoming midterm elections. READ MORE

4) Ohio’s Permitless Concealed Carry Gun Law Takes Effect
Ohio residents can now carry concealed firearms without a permit after a so-called Constitutional carry law went in effect on June 13. The controversial bill, Senate Bill 215, was signed by Republican Gov. Mike DeWine on March 14. The law came into effect on June 13, the same day DeWine signed a law which allows school districts decide whether to allow teachers and school employees to be armed after completing mandatory training. READ MORE

5) Bitcoin Bank Sues the Federal Reserve
Leading Bitcoin bank, Custodia, has sued the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, in order to force a decision on Custodia’s application for a master account.

Custodia charges that their application has been “unlawfully” detained for 19 months; in contrast, the Federal Reserve’s own paperwork states that a response is expected to take just five to seven days.

Custodia Bank was founded by Morgan Stanley alum Caitlin Long. Long generated interest quickly, drawing in $37 million in a Series A funding round from investors including Binance.US, Coinbase Ventures, and Morgan Creek Digital. READ MORE

6) NY Gov. Hochul creates abortion ‘sanctuary’ with six extensive laws
New York Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul signed six bills into law on Monday aimed at protecting abortion in her state in anticipation of the Supreme Court’s possible overturn of the landmark abortion precedent set in Roe. v. Wade.

One law, “Freedom from Interference with Reproductive Healthcare Access,” will protect people seeking an abortion or sex change treatment in the state. READ MORE

7) How Stacey Abrams Helped Funnel Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars to an Israel-Hating Terrorist Sympathizer
Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams sits on the board of a foundation that funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to an anti-Israel activist who has praised terrorists and encouraged violence against Jews.

Abrams joined the Marguerite Casey Foundation board in May 2021, business filings show. Roughly six months later, the foundation announced its 2021 cohort of “Freedom Scholars,” a group of “leading thinkers and scholars … in critical fields including abolitionist, Black, feminist, queer, radical, and anti-colonialist studies.” READ MORE

8) Chinese depositors left in dark as three local banks freeze deposits
SHANGHAI, May 18 (Reuters) – Three banks in China’s central Henan province have frozen at least $178 million of deposits, offering scant information on why or for how long, leaving firms unable to pay workers and individuals locked out of savings, depositors told Reuters. Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank froze all deposits on April 18, with all three telling customers they were upgrading internal systems. READ MORE

9) Marjorie Taylor Greene Confronts Lindsey Graham In Person on ‘Red Flag’ Legislation
Bipartisan federal gun control talks that include “red flag” provisions prompted a social media post from a senator opposed to them.

Republican Representative Marjorie Greene, R-Ga., posted a 2019 video exchange between her and Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. Greene informed Graham she was worried about passing laws that take guns from people without sufficient due process restrictions against arbitrary confiscation. READ MORE

10) Say Their Pronouns: Virginia Parents Organize To Stop ‘Misgendering’ Rules at Public Schools
Virginia parents are holding a rally on Thursday to oppose a Fairfax County School Board vote on proposed handbook changes that could suspend students as young as fourth grade for “malicious misgendering.”

Fairfax County Public Schools would reserve the right to suspend for a week students who engage in “malicious deadnaming” or use slurs based on “gender identity,” “gender expression,” and “sexual orientation,” according to a copy of its new Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook. Parents opposed to the measure will speak out against the handbook proposals in front of the elementary school where the school board will meet to vote on Thursday evening. Many say they are motivated by a desire to put their child’s education first, rather than “gender politics.” READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

Florida Governor DeSantis Review:

  • DeSantis spoke during Pride Month and in a Manhattan neighborhood known for its LGBTQ history.

Governor DeSantis spoke at the Jewish Leadership Conference in Manhattan this past Sunday with a speech titled, ““The Florida Model and Why It’s Good for Religious Americans,” much to the LGBQ community’s dismay. Of course New York Democratic lawmakers tried to force a cancellation of DeSantis’ speech but he would not back down:

“I am not going to let them cancel me, and so we spoke and we were happy to do that,” DeSantis said. “After all, as the Governor of Florida, me of anyone should be able to speak in front of all these future Florida voters that are moving down to my state, so we weren’t going to let that deter us.”

Amen, Governor!!

DeSantis spoke during Pride Month and in a Manhattan neighborhood known for its LGBTQ history. Dozens of pro-LGBTQ protesters picketed Gov. Ron DeSantis’ speech in New York City Sunday, but the Governor says he won’t be silenced.

New York Democratic lawmakers and protesters unsuccessfully demanded organizers strip DeSantis’ speech from the agenda of this year’s Jewish Leadership Conference for recent actions and comments critics deem hateful to the LGBTQ community. Remaining in the Big Apple Monday morning after speaking at the event, the Republican Governor appeared on the set of Fox and Friends, where he proclaimed he wouldn’t be canceled. READ MORE


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