Dear Trump Club!

Crazy week so far; Gustavo Arnal, the CFO and executive VP, of the retailer Bed Bath & Beyond committed suicide by jumping out of his TriBeCa apartment known as the “Jenga Building” in NYC. The highly-paid executive was named in a recent $1.2 billion “pump-and-dump” class-action lawsuit against him and others in the District of Columbia for stock fraud, after allegedly inflating the company’s price, reported The Daily Mail.

A former top FBI official said the warrant used to search President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence may be thrown out due to its scope. This week a federal judge sided with Trump’s lawyers and issued an order approving a special master, or a neutral third party, to review and take control of materials that were seized from Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8. Let’s see if the FBI/DOJ will comply.

Deep State Bill Barr goes nuts…after Barr, who was appointed by Trump and left office in late 2020, criticized U.S. Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, for granting the former president’s request to have a special master review documents that were taken by FBI agents during the Aug. 8 raid targeting Mar-a-Lago, he claims the Department of Justice (DOJ) appears to be “getting very close” to having enough evidence to indict former President Donald Trump. I wonder how much he’s getting paid and/or what the DOJ has on him…

A New Poll has Gov DeSantis at 50% against Charlie Crist; Gov. DeSantis holds the support of a slight majority of voters, according to a new poll commissioned by AARP.

Two of the nation’s top pollsters conducted the survey, which found the incumbent with 50% support from likely voters, while Democrat Charlie Crist holds 47%. That puts the race firmly within the poll’s 4.4% margin of error. Notably, the Republican Governor holds a stronger position with voters over 50, who prefer DeSantis by a 52% to 47% margin. Which means, we have our work cut out for us. We saw recently here in SJC how these liberal groups can infiltrate and get their terrible candidates elected, so we must come together to get Gov DeSantis ELECTED!

And as “woke’ companies continue their discriminatory practices of excluding white people from hire, Project Veritas released another school official admitting to discrimination. Todd Soper, a grade K-4 Assistant Principal at Neighborhood Charter Schools for the NYC Department of Education, was caught on undercover video admitting to discriminating against hiring conservatives. Soper said conservatives applying for jobs are just an automatic non-hire.

Two Conservative-led movies out: ‘My Son Hunter’ and ‘LIFEMARK’ are two new movies out this week. ‘My Son Hunter’ tells the bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” that the deep state, establishment, media and Big Tech tried to hide from us during the 2020 election. Interestingly, the Left is blowing a gasket at its release because they still don’t want this information out there for all to see. So you know it must be good.

The far-left Daily Beast denounced the film as being popular with “Kremlin-controlled propagandists; the left-wing Daily Kos howled that the film is “a soft-porn conspiracy flick for weird conservative incels,” and the Guardian called it a “fiction-laced retelling of the Hunter Biden laptop nothing burger” for “fringe lunatics.” Hmmmmm.

LIFEMARK is inspired by a true story of a woman who shares her experience about the decision she made while in an abortion clinic and how finding her son 18 years later affects many people. The film, from executive producers Kirk Cameron and the Kendrick Brothers and distributed by Breitbart, is a story that celebrates the gift of life.

Mis-guided “Historians” are jumping on the “attack MAGA” bandwagon and don’t even know their history; Several high-profile historians have engaged in partisan politics while advising Biden, blasting President Trump, his supporters (over half the country) and the Make America Great movement as a threat to our country. Really? They are running scared. And they don’t even know their history. “There is an ultra-right MAGA contingent in this country that wants to overthrow the U.S. government,” said historian Douglas Brinkley. Another academia nut NBC News presidential historian, and author Michael Beschloss, insinuated that Trump should be executed and compared combating the MAGA movement to “combating fascists and Confederates on the eve of World War II and the Civil War, respectively.” He then went on to incorrectly quote President Lincoln and the year it was said. What’s up with these nuts? (see article below)

Finally, the St Johns County REC has been taken over; Many of us from the Trump Club attended the REC (Republican Executive Committee) meeting last Thursday night and were appalled at the sick behavior from the We the People, 1st Coast Conservative, North FL Patriots sanctions. These groups have not only infiltrated the Republican Party, and attempted a coup, but are now desperate for control using ANTIFA like-behavior. They insulted and in some cases screamed at Roy, the Chair and completely tried to create disarray during the entire meeting. They also stupidly demanded that Blake Paterson, the new secretary, take control of filming the meetings (and keep possession of the tapes) which ironically is not allowed, furthermore, why would Blake need the tapes of the meetings? This is the man who held the unauthorized meeting of the REC last month. Sadly, this divide-and-conquer tactic to destroy our Republican Party must be addressed before they do more harm.

As we press forward, know that with God, all things are possible and the journey to the kingdom is an inward one. Each must travel their own course and use their own God-given talents and skills to the best of their ability to serve the Lord in their earthly purpose.

Remain vigilant and let’s work together for our America First agenda and Gov. DeSantis!
We will work together to bring unity back to our Republican Party by working with the REC!

God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County

Follow me on Telegram: Trump Patriots #DScherff
Truth Social: @NFLconservativeleader

‘My Son Hunter’ Movie:

This is the bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” that the establishment media and its Big Tech censors did not want the American public to see during the 2020 election–and the left’s reception to My Son Hunter shows that they still don’t want this story seen. It’s not hard to see why.

My Son Hunter puts the lens squarely on Hunter Biden, his corrupt business dealings, his relationship with his father, and a lifestyle that would make rock stars jealous. But through the haze of a crack pipe and above the din of the parties and the outbursts, somewhere lies the truth. WATCH TRAILER


1) Judge Orders Fauci, Other Top Officials to Produce Records for Big Tech–Government Censorship Lawsuit
Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and other top Biden administration officials who were resisting efforts to obtain their communications with Big Tech companies must hand over the records, a federal judge ruled on Sept. 6.

U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty, a Trump appointee, ordered the government to quickly produce documents after it was sued by the attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri over alleged collusion with Big Tech firms such as Facebook. READ MORE

2) OPENING DAY: Highly Anticipated ‘My Son Hunter’ Movie Launch Rattles the Left
The highly anticipated theatrical film My Son Hunter has opened to rave reviews and leftist panic, as the movie’s trailer has crested to over 4.5 million cross-platform views and climbing. My Son Hunter—Breitbart’s first foray into film distribution—is NOW available to stream and download at READ MORE

3) The Radical Mob Is Rewarded, While Innocent Americans Will Be Crushed by Biden’s Student Loan Stunt
Last Wednesday, President Biden made his big announcement about how he plans to handle America’s $1.8 trillion (and growing) student loan bubble.

Biden’s plan grants $10,000 in relief for everyone with outstanding undergraduate student loans making less than $125,000, plus an additional $10,000 in relief for anyone who used a Pell Grant to attend college. The announcement cancels all remaining student loans for about 20 million people, and more than 20 million others will have at least part of their debt removed. READ MORE

4) Donald Trump: FBI ‘Improperly’ Took Medical File, Tax Records in Mar-a-Lago Raid
Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday slammed the FBI for taking his medical file and tax records during its raid on Mar-a-Lago in search of “classified” documents.

The revelation the FBI took his medical records came out on Monday in a court order from Judge Aileen M. Cannon of the Southern District of Florida, after she granted Trump’s request for a Special Master to review the documents the FBI seized. READ MORE

5) Biden Admin Is Placing Vending Machines Filled With Drug Supplies in Rural KentuckyThe Biden administration is set to spend $3.6 million to deploy vending machines filled with drug supplies in rural Kentucky—an effort the Biden administration claims will reduce stigma for drug users.

The project from the National Institutes of Health was launched in August and will study the effectiveness of “harm reduction kiosks” in rural Appalachia that contain “injection equipment, naloxone, fentanyl test strips, hygiene kits, condoms, and other supplies.” The vending machines allow drug users to obtain items such as syringes without interacting with a health professional, in hopes of eliminating the “stigma” that comes with visiting an in-person harm reduction facility, according to the health agency. READ MORE

6) A Microsoft Fellowship Caps the Number of White and Asian Applicants. Lawyers Say That’s Illegal.
It’s not just Google. Microsoft is capping the number of white and Asian students that universities can nominate for a prestigious research fellowship that includes a generous $42,000 stipend, part of a pattern of discriminatory policies sweeping corporate America.

The Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship allows participating universities to nominate up to four students annually. “At least two” of those four nominees, per Microsoft’s provisions, should “self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQI+, active or veteran service member, and/or person with a disability.” READ MORE

7) Democrat Launches Law Practice to Fight Investigations Ahead of Possible Republican Victory
Barry Berke, the Democrat donor-turned-impeachment counsel who roiled House Judiciary Committee hearings in 2019, has launched a new law practice to help targets of congressional investigations ahead of an anticipated Republican midterm victory.

The practice, housed within the Kramer Levin law firm, will seek to protect clients from the investigations that Republicans have promised to undertake, such an inquiry into Hunter Biden, if (or when) they re-take at least one house of Congress in November. READ MORE

8) Prominent historians jump into political arena, advising Biden, attacking MAGA movement
Some of the nation’s most high-profile historians have gone beyond the role of student of history to engage in partisan politics, advising President Biden on his agenda and potential legacy while attacking Donald Trump and supporters of the Make America Great Again movement aligned with him as threats to the country. Most recently, CNN’s presidential historian, Douglas Brinkley, lambasted the MAGA movement as treasonous insurrectionists during a TV appearance on Monday. READ MORE

9) Feds reeling from new vax study, lawsuits on social media censorship and COVID stat manipulation
Public health agencies are facing perhaps the most serious threats to their control over information since the COVID-19 pandemic started, playing defense in lawsuits that have already exposed substantial federal involvement in censorship and could next uncloak alleged manipulation of data that has driven COVID policy from the start.

A federal judge ordered White House COVID adviser Anthony Fauci and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to respond to document requests in a First Amendment lawsuit alleging the feds coerced social media companies to stamp out dissenting COVID claims, some of which the feds now acknowledge have merit. READ MORE

10) Catholic League Decries Joe Biden’s Anti-Catholic Regime
Catholic League president Bill Donohue denounced Joe Biden’s appointment of known anti-Catholic John Podesta as senior advisor to the president. “Never before in American history has there been a president of the United States who has worked harder to oppose Catholic teachings on marriage, the family, abortion, school choice, conscience rights, and the wellbeing of children (e.g., transgenderism) than President Joe Biden,” Dr. Donohue stated Wednesday. READ MORE

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

Florida Governor DeSantis Review

· Gov. DeSantis Announces 2023 Legislative Proposal for Toll Relief at All Florida Toll Facilities
MIAMI — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced his legislative proposal to provide discounts on tolls for frequent commuters using any toll roads across the state. Under this proposal, Floridians who use toll transponders like SunPass and E-PASS and have 40 or more transactions a month would receive a 50 percent credit on their monthly bill. This proposal would benefit approximately 750,000 Floridians who frequently commute and would save the average commuter around $550 a year. A map of included toll facilities in the proposal can be found here:


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