Liberal Mayors are Enabling the Anarchists

By Diane Scherff  

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler plunged his city into a full blown riot on its 56th night of protests as he tried to befriend the anarchists taking over his city. Unfortunately, his feeble attempt failed as the little libbies booed him, made their demands and called for his resignation all while he shouted their anthem, “black lives matter.” Isn’t it interesting…Wheeler is making the same mistake as the parents of these Soros-babies made; trying to be their friend.

Liberal Parents in general try to appease their kids, are too lenient, can’t say no and teach their kids to challenge authority. They are not mentors of right and wrong and refuse to teach their children the long term consequences of their actions which with the help of the liberal indoctrination in the American school system, these offsprings are simply bought and paid for robots of destruction and hate. Wheeler himself, a self-ascribed Democrat, has denounced the support from the federal agents and has fallen into this trap of self-entitlement, anti-authority and anarchy in his own city regardless of the consequences of his actions on his citizens.

Amid the backlash from officials in Portland and Seattle after federal officers tried to help subdue the rioting, President Trump has had enough of this weak, selfish liberal mindset and has launched ‘Operation Legend,’ sending federal officers into some of America’s most violent cities, despite the protest from the leaders who say they are not welcome.

“This bloodshed must end. This bloodshed will end. Today I’m announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime,” President Trump said.

Besides Portland, agents are already on the ground in Kansas City and will head to Chicago next where the murder rate continues to escalate.

“Our goal is to help save lives. The principal danger to the lives of our inner city communities is violent crime,” U.S. Attorney General William Barr said at the event announcing “Operation Legend.”

Portland’s Wheeler is not interested in saving lives. He had joined protesters downtown earlier in the evening for a listening session where he ‘thanked them for opposing the Trump administration’s “occupation” of the city in the deployment of federal agents.’

“I think what we’re doing tonight is actually the best thing we can do right now,” Wheeler told hundreds in the crowd after a protester asked how to get federal officers out of the city, according to KGW-TV. “Be here, be heard, be unified, and be clear. We didn’t want them, we didn’t ask for them, they’re not trained for what they’re being asked to do. And we want them to leave.”

As agents used tear gas to help disperse the angry rioters, Wheeler continued to angrily oppose their actions calling it a “flat-out urban warfare and it’s being brought on this country by the president and it’s got to stop now.” This week, Portland’s City Council passed newly created guidelines that prevent police from arresting or placing force on “legal” observers and prohibits law enforcement to work with federal agents.

Of course, even the protestors, the ones Wheeler thought he was appeasing, continued to yell at him and tried to rough up his security team when he entered the courthouse and threw projectiles at the door, according to Fox News.  So these baby libbies have succeeded in taking control of Portland and the Mayor refuses to discipline them just like their parents were afraid to reprimand them growing up. Stop being their friend, stop enabling them and start laying down the law.

Anti-Semitism Rears Its Head

By Robert Blau

As if the radical-left mob season hadn’t brought us enough grief we now see that it has spawned some anti-Semitism.  These examples are from recent news:

• Philadelphia Eagles receive DeSean Jackson posted a quote on Instagram from Adolph Hitler about a Jewish plot for world domination and oppression of African Americans.  Under pressure he apologized, although he has previously expressed admiration for Louis Farrakhan, a very outspoken anti-Semite.

• Charlotte Greensit, the newly hired opinion editor for the New York Times has written that US police were trained by Israelis that had committed human rights abuses; and also retweeted anti-Semitic messages byMinnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, of which there is a treasure trove.

• Actor and TV host Nick Cannon was fired from CBS for making anti-Semitic comments, and like DeSean Jackson, later apologized.

• Rapper Ice Cube posted an image on Twitter that has been associated with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

• Women’s March co-chairpersons Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour are both virulently anti-Semitic, to the point that they were forced to step down from their leadership of that goofy pink-hat brigade. Sarsour is now associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, and has endorsed Joe Biden for President.

All of this after the worst year (2019) for hate crimes against Jews, as measured by the Anti-Defamation League.

The good news is that there is considerable push-back in the United States and elsewhere against public figures who make a spectacle of themselves as anti-Semites.  From the basketball world, Hall of Famers Charles Barkley and Kareem Abdul Jabbar have criticized some of the Black celebrities cited above.  Kareem said: “It’s so disheartening to see people from groups that have been violently marginalized do the same thing to others without realizing that perpetuating this kind of bad logic is what perpetuates racism.”  A swish for the 3-point sky hook.

The UK Labour party, under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn from 2015-2020 became very publicly identified with anti-Semitism.  UK voters pushed back decisively (although not only against anti-Semitism), as Labour suffered a historically crushing defeat last December.

Europe, which has been the venue for the most deadly forms of anti-Semitism, from pogroms in Tsarist Russia to the Nazi Holocaust, has never entirely done away with this blight on its history.  In recent years the most common acts of violence against Jews in Europe are perpetrated by Muslim immigrants,who have imported the Arab-Israeli dispute into their adopted countries.  To the extent that political opinion in much of Europe takes a harsh view of Israel’s policies vis-à-vis Palestinians, it is often hard to find the blurry line between political criticism of Israel and outright bigotry against Jews.  The former is frequently a cover for the latter.

With the exception of individual crazed lunatics, such as the man who opened fire at a Pittsburgh synagogue in October 2018, killing 11 worshippers, anti-Semitism in the United States has become a feature of the far left.  As noted above, the Women’s March leaders were both anti-Semites.  Like in Europe, the left in the U.S. tends to demonize Israel, and also big business, where Jews are present out of proportion to their numbers in the overall population.  What is ironic is that Jewish voters remain staunch Democrats, which in 2020, places them side by side with the likes of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and others who take positions that are harmful to Jews.  Similarly for the New York Times, whose founding families (Ochs and Sulzberger) are Jewish, yet publish a newspaper nowadays that is far left and includes anti-Semitic writers and editors.  I could not imagine former New York Times Executive Editor Max Frankel, who grew up on the streets of New York City playing stickball with my father, ever tolerating this kind of nonsense.


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