

1. Individual Freedom
The birth of our great nation was inspired by the bold declaration that our individual, God-given liberties should be preserved against government intrusion. We proclaim that all are created equal and granted by God the same inherent freedoms, such as the natural and unalienable rights to life, liberty, conscience, free speech and the free exercise of religion, and the ability to pursue happiness, own property, own guns, build wealth and defend ourselves and our families. The purpose of government is to secure these rights on behalf of the American people.

2. Sovereignty
If a country loses control of its borders and will not stop foreign entities from interfering in its domestic affairs, then it has diminished sovereignty. We believe in closed borders that are controlled to allow for our sovereignty.

3. Limited Government
To make individual liberty sustainable, we believe in a legitimate and limited government which operates by the consent of the governed and is limited in its size and scope. Our Constitution provides important safeguards against government encroachment, a vital separation of powers, and a system of checks and balances. Federalism, decentralized authority, and the elimination of unnecessary regulations and bureaucracy help ensure that government serves the people.

4. The Rule of Law
We are “a government of laws and not of men.” The rule of law is our foundation. We believe in maintaining a civilized society through public and private virtue and justice administered equally and impartially to all. Each branch of government must adhere to the Constitution, and the judicial branch must not be allowed to assume or exercise legislative or executive powers. Transparency and accountability are keys to good government.

5. Peace through Strength
We believe in the government’s obligation to provide for the defense of the United States by protecting our homeland and our strategic interests abroad through our great military strength. The United States must maintain adequate investments in our air, land, sea, nuclear, and cyber capabilities to deter foreign aggression, yet not become military interventionists.

6. Fiscal Responsibility
We believe in fiscal responsibility; the ability to balance government spending and tax. Congress has a moral and constitutional duty to bring spending under control, balance the federal budget, reform and modernize entitlement programs, eliminate fraud, waste and abuse, pursue continued pro-growth tax reforms and permanent tax reductions, and restore regular order and accountability in the budget and appropriations processes.

7. Free Markets
We believe in free markets and free trade agreements which allow for innovation, improvement and economic expansion as Americans are given the liberty to pursue the American dream. We believe competition should be encouraged, and government intervention and regulation should be limited. The free enterprise system rewards hard work and self-sacrifice and is the basis and genius of the American economy.

8. Human Dignity
All men are created equal and in the image of God and every human life has dignity and value and should only be measured by their character. We believe a just government protects all life, even unborn babies, honors marriage and family as the primary institutions of a healthy society and embraces religious freedom and morality to maintain the goodness of America.

It’s Time to renew your 2024 MEMBERSHIP DUES

Renewal emails were recently sent out from our treasurer’s Trump Club email – [email protected]

Please check your spam/junk folder if you did not see it in your inbox.

The email link is through our secure website and uses STRIPE for credit card processing. We are trying to move away from using PayPal.

If you have not received the renew email, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. Another email will be forwarded.
Thank you!!!


Trump Club of SJC
2800 N. 6th St., Unit 1, PMB 248
St. Augustine, FL 32084

Our Pages

Being a part of the process is important. Whether you have a question, care to volunteer some time, or want to donate for overhead expenses, your participation is welcome and appreciated.

Once your application is reviewed, you will receive an email welcoming you to The Trump Club of SJC and how to pay your Membership Dues.


As we gear up for the 2024 Election, the Trump Club of St Johns County needs YOU to join one of our outstanding committees!
Thank you to all who signed up and have made a difference.
We are still in need of committee members for:
Membership, Events, Community Outreach and Social Media.
Please email [email protected] if you can volunteer!

Decisions are Made By Those Who Show Up.
Help Others Get Registered to VOTE in 2024. Write Your Legislators!


If you have recently moved into the are within the last year.

Select ALL that apply by holding the SHIFT key down
List two (2) references - Current 2024 Trump Club Members. If your references are not current members, your application will be returned.
By signing below, I/we accept and agree to the terms of attendance as stated and request to receive email correspondence. Trump Club of SJC reserves the right to refuse or cancel any membership, if deemed necessary, for the good of the organization. No Recording Devices are to be used at Trump Club Meetings without the express written permission from the Trump Club SJC Board of Directors. If you posed for our staff photographers and provided your name, you may email us for a copy. Use of the Trump Club of SJC name and logo are expressly prohibited except as approved in writing by its Board of Directors.
Once your application is reviewed, you will be notified by email how to pay your dues.
Current Members and their Guests (4).
Enter the Name and Email (Required) for each guest.
You can invite up to four (4) non-member guests.
Thank you. We Look forward to see you there.