Monday, May 10th at 6:30pm

FOP (Fraternal Order of Police)

5050 Inman Road/St Augustine


will speak on EDUCATION in AMERICA



REMINDER: Please remember to sign up for your membership. Guests are welcome for two meetings, then should become members. Thank you.

Dear Trump Patriots,

Welcome to all of our new members and the ones who renewed: 12 NEW and 9 Renewals! Thank you to all of our members!

Wow…what a week it has been so far!

Maricopa County, AZ will begin a full 2020 election audit Friday (tomorrow) which is supposed to run 40 days; Maxine Waters incited violence in the streets prior to a verdict for the Derek Chauvin (George Floyd) case, and even though the House voted down Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s resolution to censure her, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a resolution to have Waters expelled from Congress; even though the evidence was to the contrary, Derek Chauvin was found guilty of second and third-degree murder sentenced to 40+ years in prison, but the judge in the case may grant the officer an appeal because of comments made by Waters, Joe Biden and Al Sharpton which may have intimidated the jury (you think?); Democrats in Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, are pushing new laws to stamp out “domestic terrorism” targeting only right-wing organizations (Leftist BLM rioters setting fires for a leftist cause are ok); Mike Lindell’s new social media platform, Frankspeech.com was hacked which delayed its debut; and Capitol Hill officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes NOT at the hands of Trump supporters!

After the unfortunate verdict in the Floyd case, the BLM idiots are ALLOWED to continue their rampage burning and looting our cities and yet officers who are trying to do their jobs are being chastised. Why? To prepare us for a lawless, police-less society ruled by a few Liberal tyrants. Of course, Maxine Waters and her liberal colleagues defame, incite and partake in violent extremes yet Marjorie Taylor Greene has been censored and almost kicked out of her seat for standing up for our rights. And now Chuckie AND Biden’s new Attorney General Merrick Garland, have labeled the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol invasion as “domestic terror,” but refuses to call the left-wing rioters who attacked the Portland federal courthouse last summer the same name.

So what’s the good news? Maricopa could be the good news. The Deep State is in panic mode over this audit…why? We all know there was significant fraud and maybe this will be the first state to provide the evidence to the world. After that, Georgia better take the lead, since Gov. George Kemp now has a leading potential opponent in Vernon Jones, regardless of how much China has paid him. And GA AG Raffensberger? He should be going to jail soon.

And in Wisconsin, some residents in Racine, backed by the Amistad Project, a national voter integrity watchdog, are suing the state election commission claiming that the city of Racine sought hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding for communication efforts targeting “voters with criminal records” and the purchase of a recreational vehicle to serve as a “mobile voting precinct,” among other questionable election initiatives. https://wisconsinspotlight.com/election-scandal-roots-in-racine/

It’s happening folks…hang on. Michael Flynn, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are on the prowl and seem optimistic that President Trump IS our president and that justice will be served sooner than 2024!

“One day many will hang their heads in shame when they realize the evil they defended and the heroes they ridiculed. It’s All About Our Children, You Are Not Forgotten. WWG1WGA (where we one, we go all).” Michael Flynn

Have faith…




Diane Scherff

President, Trump Club of St Johns County

Find me on Telegram: https://telegram.org/

Diane Scherff and Patriot party of North Florida

Also, if you’re thinking about getting the shot, please go to dontgetthejab.com

Please Do Some Research Before You Make a Decision You Can’t Take Back.

Also, watch the interview with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny RE: COVID and the gene therapy shots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9So_4c7C4Y

Watch Lindell TV: https://lindelltv.com/

Join Frankspeech.com: https://frankspeech.com/


“Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light. -George Washington

BREAKING – U.S. House passes bill to make DC the 51st state.
1) Derek Chauvin Found Guilty on All Charges in Death of George Floyd

Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on April 20 was convicted of all three charges in the death of George Floyd. Jurors convicted Chauvin of second-degree murder, second-degree manslaughter, and third-degree murder. The most serious charge, second-degree murder, has a maximum sentence of 40 years in prison.

COMMENT: “With all the “virtue signaling” by the President, Rep. Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton et al. It is not surprising what the final verdict became. It was an outright travesty of justice. It will be overturned on appeal; eventually. Officer Chauvin might get 4 years for involuntary manslaughter and credit for time served. Imagine if OJ was tried in this manner.” Well-said!


2) Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine May Trigger Shingles in Certain Patients: Study

The mRNA Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine may trigger herpes zoster—or shingles—in certain patients after just one dose, a new study suggests. Scientists in Israel found that six women with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases developed herpes zoster infections within three to 14 days of receiving either the first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19.


3) Mike Lindell says his free speech platform will be a combo of YouTube and Twitter, and no one will be able to take it down.

https://www.theblaze.com/news/mypillow-lindell-platform-frank-speech https://frankspeech.com/

4) House Rejects GOP Resolution to Censure Waters

The House on Tuesday rejected a Republican resolution to censure Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) for saying that “we’ve got to get more confrontational” about police brutality against African Americans.

Lawmakers voted along party lines 216-210, with no defections on either side, to table the resolution from Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) that would have issued the chamber’s harshest disapproval short of expulsion.


5) Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene is forming an “America First Caucus.”

The America First Caucus (AFC) exists to promote Congressional policies that are for the long-term benefit of the American nation. Here are the main political issues the caucus will focus on: Election Fraud, Sovereignty, Big Tech, Immigration, Infrastructure, Foreign Aid, National Security, Trade, Environment, Energy, Protecting the Value of American Savings, America First Education, The Chinese Communist… Party.


6) After Son Takes His Own Life, Father Warns Against Extended Pandemic Lockdowns

On Jan. 7, the 18-year-old took his own life due to depression exacerbated by the state’s pandemic lockdown measures. Dylan booked a hotel room not far from his home and jumped to his death.

His dad told The Epoch Times there is “no doubt in his mind” that the school closures and the state’s extended stay-at-home order aggravated and worsened Dylan’s mental health to the point of no return.


7) Biden-Harris Administration to Ramp Up Experiments Using Aborted Baby Body Parts

The Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it is reversing the Trump administration’s decision to end taxpayer funding for experimental research that uses fetal tissue derived from aborted babies. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency under the authority of HHS, announced Friday an “Update on Changes to NIH Requirements Regarding Proposed Human Fetal Tissue Research”


8) Arizona’s Soros-Backed Sec. of State, Katie Hobbs, Has Blaring Conflicts of Interest With Senate’s Maricopa Audit, She Must Immediately Recuse Herself

At a crisis moment in not only Maricopa County and Arizona, but for our country as a whole, the elected official who has the absolute power to defend our Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic and who could champion election integrity, honesty, and transparency has instead chosen to viciously attack those she should support.

This individual is Arizona Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs.


Judicial Watch: https://www.judicialwatch.org/

oathkeepers.org: https://oathkeepers.org/2021/04/where-should-we-look-to-find-the-truth/

Just the News: Justthenews.com

The Epoch Times: https://www.theepochtimes.com/

Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/

National Review: https://www.nationalreview.com/

The American Conservative: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/

The Federalist: https://thefederalist.com/

X-22 Report: https://x22report.com/

Hollywood and Mainstream Media are Nothing more than Liberal Communist Propaganda Machine

By Diane Scherff

From its very inception Liberal Communism set out to gain total control and ownership of the print and electronic media and entertainment industries in order to constantly saturate our minds and those of our families with a steady and uninterrupted flow of Liberal propaganda. News and entertainment has become persuasive liberal indoctrination for all ages reducing any thought of conservative values or beliefs.

As far back as 1944, Actor Robert Taylor, a strong conservative, helped form the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals when he noticed certain liberal communist activities of some actors in the Screen Actor’s Guild and warned that there were some very “un-American” films being made in Hollywood. Today, our available cinema platform is almost completely progressive, leaving conservatives little room to escape through relatable entertainment venues.

As a cinema buff, I have been watching a movie each night since I was a little girl, and have seen the transformation literally before my eyes. Most movies and TV shows today portray the good, hard working, middle class conservative white people who prosper as a result of their efforts, as being heartless and selfish idiots. Whereas, the people of color are portrayed as victims due to their skin color, not because of their character’s ill-advised choices that made their demise. Furthermore, white, family-oriented, morally inept characters are in the minority as lesbians, gays, transgenders, bi-racial couples etc have taken over the scenes. Is this reality? No.

In his book, ‘Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV’  Ben Shapiro saids, “You’ve been targeted by generations of television creators and programmers for political conversion. You’ll find out that the box in your living room has been invading your mind, subtly shaping your opinions, pushing you to certain socio political conclusions for years”.  Shapiro tells of his own demoralizing experience in Hollywood when as a Conservative film script writer he was informed by his agent that, “Your political views will make it impossible for you to get a job in this town”.

Now that the Obamas and Susan Rice are on the Board for Netflix, Liberal Leftie Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos is producing movies and Hulu continues to push its liberal agenda on subscribers, streaming services own the monopoly on leftist brainwashing and it’s working.

But what about those of us conservatives who have had enough and unsubscribed from the liberal propaganda? We have stopped watching main-stream TV and it’s making a difference.

A recent New York Times article reported that in the last seven years, the Academy Awards has gone from an audience of 40 million to less than 24 million last year, and the projections for this year may go as low as 10 million. Even though I never missed the Oscars as a child, it’s hard to believe that there are even 10 million people watching that Leftist promotional variety show today.

“Increasingly, the Oscar ceremonies are less about entertainment honors and more about progressive politics, which inevitably annoys those in the audience who disagree. One recent producer of the Oscars said minute-by- minute ratings metrics indicated that ‘vast swaths” of people turned off their televisions when celebrities started to opine on politics.” Duh…

Just as Shapiro tells his readers that, “You’ve been targeted by generations of television creators and programmers for political conversion. You’ll find out that the box in your living room has been invading your mind, subtly shaping your opinions, pushing you to certain socio-political conclusions for years”.

Sadly, we must STOP this brainwashing and either put our money behind conservative streaming sources and media or go back to reading the classics. We must not allow these liberal devices to absorb our minds or come into our living rooms anymore.

BOYCOTT: Amazon, Hulu, Netflix, HBO, ABC, CBS, NBC, and all the cable news channels!

TC Member Businesses:

312 Pawn: 312pawn.com


We are located in St. Augustine, a sweet and funky little historic beach community in northeast Florida. Our shop is an eclectic mix of vintage, modern, industrial and beachy. Nothing like you imagine. Super cool atmosphere, and a staff that is looking forward to seeing your smiling faces! Come check us out!

Lauren Center’s Patriot Pants: PatriotPants.store

Want to meet like-minded people?

Every Wednesday, I hold a virtual Truth Seeker meeting at 9 o’clock PM Eastern. Click this link and tell me where to send your invite!

We are: Anti-Masks, Anti-Forced Vaccinations, Anti-Biden, & Anti-Communism and we won’t be silenced. Please view our catalog of conservative freedom apparel and accessories!

New research shows the increased danger of the COVID gene therapy shots and no one should be forced to take these MRNA shots. Just two months after the Left called Trump supporters domestic terrorists after the faux Capitol event, the Washington Post is now calling all anti-vaxxers domestic terrorists; “Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism.”


Do Your Research Before you Take the Experimental Vaccine for COVID19..

Watch this video with Dr. Simone Gold who discusses what she found out about the COVID vaccine…the disinformation about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. https://www.bitchute.com/video/cspP45qJChtf/



Unmasked: Have we uncovered the truth about the 2020 election? Election Fraud Video

Click Here to view the video

Absolute Proof: Mike Lindell

Click Here to view the video


On Key

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