Dear Patriots,

Some good news, not so good news and some weird news this week;

RINOS: First, I must address the unsubstantiated rumors going around about bills being passed in Tallahassee and their purpose; Democrats infiltrating our conservative clubs and the “we the people” group primarying RINOS in SJC to a fault.

Since I decided not to run in 2022 against Rep Stevenson, I have been black-listed from the group of people trying to oust ALL conservative candidates in our area. Not only has this group continued to push false narratives about Sen. Hutson to prop up their candidate, but they have also now crossed the line attacking me, claiming that myself and the Trump Club are not true patriots, but are “supporting non-America First agenda people.” This is wrong on so many levels as we are the fastest-growing, strongest and most unified leading conservative group in NE FL based on President Trump’s America First Agenda. We also don’t spread false information but do our homework and vet candidates to the best of our ability.

Getting true RINOs out of office is absolutely a wonderful mission, but not ALL conservative elected officials are RINOS and we must be careful in this reckless labeling. This group’s passion to take down RINOs by choosing and propping up anyone and spreading false information has now gotten out of control. Unfortunately, it is hurting our entire county. We need to do what’s best for SJC, FL and America.

My mission (as well as the Trump Club’s) is to educate and inform our community about the continuance of President Trump’s America First Agenda and Governor DeSantis’ mission to “Make Florida Great.” Anyone who is not aligned with these two, will not be supported. Ironically, Gov. Desantis relies on senior conservative Senators such as Hutson to further his agenda through the creation and passing of his bills. This is what he has done during the most current session and I have followed it every step of the way. Why would this group be going against our great Governor????? Are they really working with Democrats??? It does make you wonder… Look at the REC!

Most notably, it appears that this group is actually working with Democrats using the same talking points as Pelosi and AOC did against President Trump! One in this group, a life-long Dem, yet in the REC currently, actually sent his talking points against a Hutson Bill to the Sierra Club! The Sierra Club???? Also, calling Senator Hutson out for hiring illegals just because he is a developer is just what Hillary Clinton said to Trump in a debate!!!

Finally, for the person who emailed me requesting a refund since “she heard” that I am not a Trump supporter or Patriot, and believes it to be true, then please feel free to move along. We only want real conservatives, TRUE President Trump supporters and Governor DeSantis backers, not progressive liberals pretending to be such. Thank you.

Joes’ Address: To summarize: All of a sudden the Biden Administration wants to get rid of masks, get kids back in school, fund the police, close the border and forget about everything they pushed on us through the fake news media for the last 2 years. Newsflash: Too late.

An article in The Economist titled, ‘Joe Biden’s State-of-the-Union Address Fails to Impress,’ states, “After a Little More Than One Year in Office, the President Is in a Slump. His Answers to America’s Domestic Ailments Were Unsatisfying.” Oops… And what about this; “Never regarded as a gifted orator, Mr Biden was in especially poor form, stumbling through both his scripted lines and ad-libs. He spoke of the ‘Iranian people’ when he meant Ukrainians and confused the word ‘vaccine’ for ‘virus’.”

Biden’s closing remarks were, well, a bit odd; “After the perfunctory closing line ‘May God protect our troops’, the president felt compelled to add a mystifying postscript: ‘Go get him!’ (or perhaps, as some transcribed it, ‘Go get ’em!’), he shouted into the microphone.” Whom was he referring to?

Regarding his proposals, the Economist saw the speech the same way I did: “There were signs of cooling relations between the Democratic Party’s progressive and moderate factions.” The magazine said Biden was “pointedly distancing himself” from “progressive phraseology like ‘equity’ and ‘environmental justice.”

Oh boy…

UKRAINE: As I sat in Mass for Ash Wednesday last night, prayers were said, “for the people in Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion.” It’s true the people of Ukraine need our prayers, but maybe not for “Russia’s invasion” but for their own corrupt government and US/NATO partners that have been taking from the Ukrainians for years. Just maybe Putin is doing the right thing by bombing the bio labs and liberating the people.

What if…..Russia has succeeded in bombing bio labs from US, Germany and Israel in Ukraine… The Russian military has obliterated: 11 U.S. State Department/Department of Defense-funded bioweapon facilities; 4 German toxic chemical research centers; 3 Swiss nanotechnology centers; 1 French bio-tech consortium; and 3 Israeli labs that were feverishly working to weaponize airborne rabies.? Additionally, what if Putin carried out precision strikes on mobile (18-wheelers unsafely retrofitted into makeshift labs) biolabs attempting to transport lethal pathogens across the Ukrainian border into Poland using laser-guided munitions to eliminate the roving labs? And what if Putin’s fighter planes had destroyed a Biden-owned, 200-acre villa 35km west of Kyiv and that Putin had proof to show the world that Biden was deeply enmeshed in Ukraine’s criminal enterprises?

‘Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday told President Trump that Russia’s military destroyed a multitude of foreign bioweapon facilities that had been running carte blanche in Ukraine until his military took decisive and strategic action to rid the corrupt nation of what he called satanic influence,’ a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

Since we don’t know for sure yet, it does make sense. If Putin wanted to take down all of Ukraine he would have sent in thousands of planes…but he didn’t. This has been a pinpoint strategic operation. Just another conspiracy theory that is really true???

COVID: Even though Biden and blue states began lifting COVID mandates and restrictions just prior to the SOTU (State of the Union) speech, new research reveals the Pfizer jab DOES convert to DNA. According to Swedish researchers, the messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 “vaccine” is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA within only six hours post stick. This is the exact opposite of what the CDC has been telling us. The CDC says that the “COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way,” claiming that all of the ingredients in both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (administered in the United States) are discarded from the body once antibodies are produced’.

According to a study out of England, top health officials around the world, including in the U.S., have acknowledged that the COVID-19 vaccines have not stopped infection or transmission amid the omicron wave – the premise for vaccine mandates – but have insisted the shots prevent hospitalization and death.

However, between Jan 24 and Feb. 20, there were 9,230 COVID-19 hospitalizations in England. The fully vaccinated accounted for 6,689 of them, the triple vaccinated 4,936 and the unvaccinated 2,341. During that period, there were 4,861 COVID-19 deaths, with the triple vaccinated population accounting for 3,120 of them. The unvaccinated population accounted for only 559.

Overall, the vaccinated population accounted for 89% of all COVID-19 deaths during the four-week period. So why was everyone being forced to “vaccinate?”

TRUCKERS: The truckers and people of Canada are getting their health freedom back! They won! As of Monday, March 14th, all of Canada’s mandates will be removed!! Unfortunately, the courageous truckers driving across the country from CA to DC just may be heading right into a trap as the Biden administration has called out the National Guard once again. Pray for these truckers as their message is warranted but the evil cabal is dirty. Read more

Vernon Jones Runs for Congress in Georgia: As many of you have heard, Vernon Jones dropped out of the Governor’s race possibly due to some unsatisfactory references to his past and is now front and center running for Congress. Vernon called me to ask that I attend his special fundraiser hosted by President Trump at Mar-a-Lago in March 17th. I was critical of Jones in the past and am now trying to figure out why Pres. Tump would endorse him and throw a fundraiser for him…Jones is also claiming that he will nominate Trump as Speaker of the House in 2022. We’ve heard these rumors before but maybe there is some truth to this. It’s hard to know what is Trump’s next play, but we will keep watching.

Just a thought: If Trump had told everybody back in 2017 “Oh hey guys, an evil cabal of billionaires is privately funding the governments of about a dozen Western countries, including ours, and they’re getting ready for a great reset where they’re going to release a biological pathogen and use the pandemic to change civilization. I’m gonna try to stop them!” everybody would have said…what? Just wait…conspiracies theories are coming true daily now…

Hang tight and hold the line.God Bless,

Diane Scherff
Trump Club of St Johns County


1) Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Goes Into Liver Cells and Is Converted to DNA: Study
The messenger RNA (mRNA) from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is able to enter human liver cells and is converted into DNA, according to Swedish researchers at Lund University.

The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA. Read More

2) The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths
Early on in the COVID pandemic, people suspected that the deaths attributed to the infection were exaggerated. There was plenty of evidence for this. For starters, hospitals were instructed and incentivized to mark any patient who had a positive COVID test and subsequently died within a certain time period as a COVID death.

At the same time, we knew that the PCR test was unreliable, producing inordinate amounts of false positives. Now, the truth is finally starting to come out and, as suspected, the actual death toll is vastly lower than we were led to believe. Read More

3) FDA Warns of Possible False Results From Some COVID-19 Tests
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Tuesday said that three rapid COVID-19 tests should not be used because of the potential for producing false results.

The FDA told people to stop using the Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test, the SD Biosensor Inc. STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag Home Test, and the Flowflex SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Self-Testing). Read More

4) Biden Touts Police Funding, Border Security in Rebuke to Democrats
President Joe Biden, 79, stayed up well past his bedtime on Tuesday to deliver the first State of the Union address of his faltering presidency.

Leading off his speech with the topic on everyone’s minds, Biden praised the “pure courage” of Ukrainian citizens in resisting the Russian invasion. Members of Congress from both parties applauded the president’s words, careful to make sure that their oversized blue-and-yellow tchotchkes were still visible to the cameras. Read More

5) As a Teacher, Florida Dem Senate Hopeful ‘Slammed’ Student to Ground
As a public school teacher, a Florida Democrat received a suspension after he “slammed” a student to the ground, employment records obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show.

Joshua Weil launched his Senate campaign against Republican Marco Rubio in December 2020, touting his status as “a proud father, a high school math teacher, and Florida’s progressive choice for U.S. Senate in 2022.” Employment records from Weil’s time at Orlando’s Orange Youth Academy, however, show that the Democrat’s teaching background may impair his quest for federal office, not strengthen it. Read More

5) Biden’s Supreme Court Pick Shielded Top Clinton Aide Amid Email Scandal
President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee shielded one of Hillary Clinton’s top State Department aides from scrutiny about his use of a personal email account to conduct official business.

Then-U.S. district judge Ketanji Brown Jackson in 2015 denied Gawker’s request for details about press aide Philippe Reines’s stewardship of the account in the context of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, which sought emails Reines traded with 34 different media outlets. Jackson blocked Gawker’s request, calling it “extraordinary” and claiming there was no proof that Reines had acted in “bad faith” by using a personal email address. Read More

6) Official data: Fully vaccinated people account for 9 of 10 COVID deaths
The fully vaccinated account for 9 of every 10 deaths from COVID-19 in England and 4 of 5 deaths among the triple-vaccinated, according to the latest data published by the U.K. Health Security Agency.

The independent British news site The Exposé reported the government report, published Feb. 22, includes a table on page 41 confirming the vast majority of deaths were among the vaccinated.

About 73.5% of the population of England has been fully vaccinated, and 56.9% have received a booster shot, as of Feb. 28. Read More

7) Jan. 6 panel accuses Trump of engaging in ‘criminal conspiracy,’ tries to pierce legal privilege
The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot alleged in a court filing Wednesday that former President Donald Trump participated in a “criminal conspiracy” related to the 2020 election as it sought to pierce his attorney-client privilege.

The committee alleged that the former president and his campaign attempted to illegally obstruct Congress’ certification of electoral votes. Read More

8) Wisconsin lawmakers, lawyer promise more investigations after election integrity report
The questions, and very likely the lawsuits, prompted by Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election are not over simply because the Gableman Report has been released.

Republican lawmakers and a lawyer for the Thomas More Society on Tuesday said they will continue to press for answers about what the Wisconsin Elections Commission, the Mark Zuckerberg-funded Center for Tech and Civic Life, and election managers in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Racine, and Kenosha did during the run-up to the last presidential vote. Read More

9) D.C. braces for trucker convoys expected this weekend, as Pentagon deploys National Guard
Inspired by the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” that protested Prime Minster Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates and restrictions, several trucker convoys are heading across the U.S. to Washington, D.C., as local officials prepare for their arrival.

One of the largest convoys, “The People’s Convoy,” started in Adelanto, Calif., on Feb. 23, and is planning on arriving in the D.C. area on Saturday. Read More

10) Georgia elections chief vows to ‘follow the money’ in harvesting probe, prosecute if warranted
Georgia’s election chief is vowing a full-scale investigation into allegations Democrats may have illegally harvested ballots in the 2020 election, saying his team is preparing subpoenas to “follow the money” and bring prosecutions if warranted.

Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger sought to dispel whispers in conservative circles that he is slow-walking the probe he announced in January, explaining to Just the News that the only delays are related to administrative changes on the State Elections Board. That panel possesses the power to issue subpoenas Raffensperger says his investigators need to solve the case. Read More

Check out these sites for more conservative news:
Red Voice Media/Stew Peters Show:
Real America’s Voice:
Washington Examiner:
Judicial Watch:
Just the News:
The Epoch Times:
Gateway Pundit:
National Review:
The American Conservative:
The Federalist:
X-22 Report:
Conservative Brief
Steve Bannon’s War Room:

– March 1, 2022 – 
Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

The State of Wisconsin just announced massive Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.

See the findings from the Office of the Special Counsel Second Interim Investigative Report On the Apparatus & Procedures of the Wisconsin Elections System here.

Read carefully because, despite the findings, the Fake News will never allow you to see what is happening. The Media is corrupt, and so was our Presidential Election!

Let’s Help Get a President Trump-endorsed Candidate for South Carolina Congress,
Katie Arrington Elected!
Katie Arrington for Congress (ISC-01) Announcement Video

Florida House and Senate Bill Weekly Bill Watch:

by Diane Scherff

SB 144: Identification Cards: Read Bill Summary
Once again, there has been some confusion as to what this Bill does. It references the cost associated with renewing or getting a FL identification card specifically for those who can not drive anymore but want to vote and/or those who can’t afford a license.

RUMORS are being spread that this bill ‘will allow illegals to vote,’ which is not the case at all. SB 144 doesn’t change the legal criteria for obtaining a state-issued identification card at all – it only addresses the cost.

Pursuant to state law (Section 322.051(1), F.S.), everyone who applies for a state-issued ID has to fill out an application, which must include the following information:

· Full name, gender, proof of social security card number satisfactory to the DHSMV, which may include a military identification card, county of residence, mailing address, proof of residential address satisfactory to the DHSMV, country of birth, and a brief description;
· Proof of birth date satisfactory to the DHSMV; and
· Proof of identity satisfactory to the DHSMV.

Again, the bill addresses only the cost of the ID Card. Specifically, SB 144 exempts people from paying a fee to issue, replace, or renew an identification card if they have a financial hardship and need an ID card to vote. Additionally, the bill requires the DHSMV to issue a free ID card at no charge to a person who is 80 years of age or older and whose driving privilege is denied due to failure to pass a vision test.

Bottom Line: illegals can’t get voter ID cards.


President Donald Trump is preparing for his return to social media — posting his first message on a beta version of his eagerly awaited new platform, TRUTH Social.
“Get ready! Your favorite president will see you soon,” Trump wrote in a message that was shared by his son Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter, the site that TRUTH Social aims to displace.

The site is expected to officially launch as early as Monday, February 21 — Presidents’ Day — according to its listing on Apple’s App Store.

To sign-up early, go to Truth Social


On Key

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